View Full Version : Collectively do Spainards fit better as British Islander or Cypriot?

05-17-2019, 05:48 PM
I got this question from an user but based on my opinion slightly more as Cypriot or in between.

05-17-2019, 05:50 PM
I would think UK

05-17-2019, 05:51 PM
I would think UK
OK thanks

05-18-2019, 05:30 AM

05-18-2019, 05:31 AM
Equal measure.

05-18-2019, 08:33 AM

05-18-2019, 06:40 PM
Voted equal measure; leaning slightly more to the British isles, coloring aside, Spaniards have bone structures that are painfully western European.

05-18-2019, 06:56 PM
Wow rude.
Voted equal measure; leaning slightly more to the British isles, coloring aside, Spaniards have bone structures that are painfully western European.

05-18-2019, 07:02 PM
Wow rude.

True though

05-18-2019, 07:07 PM
I came out to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now
True though

Tenma de Pegasus
05-18-2019, 07:08 PM
As said before

For colours they are between both, but the facial traits(bone structure) of iberians tend to be very western european.

05-18-2019, 08:46 PM
I came out to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now

Oh no. Wait...Which side's more cross? The Saxon or the Spaniard?

The Blade
05-18-2019, 08:53 PM
Cyprus, in my opinion.

05-18-2019, 09:07 PM
There's only one side
Oh no. Wait...Which side's more cross? The Saxon or the Spaniard?

05-18-2019, 09:10 PM
There's only one side

The Atlantic facade

05-18-2019, 09:21 PM

05-18-2019, 09:34 PM
Spaniards look like despigmented North Africans barely any "British looking person" :rolleyes:


05-18-2019, 09:38 PM

05-18-2019, 10:38 PM
Sometimes a facade is necessary to hide what's really underneath
The Atlantic facade

05-19-2019, 04:38 AM
Spaniards look like despigmented North Africans barely any "British looking person" :rolleyes:

depigmented? but they are mostly black haired. look at the men because women like to dye their hair.

05-19-2019, 04:40 AM
Facial wise Britian.

05-19-2019, 04:54 AM
In pigmentation, Spaniards are like half way between Cypriots and Brits.
Feature wise, Spaniards have more similarities to Brits than to Cypriots.

Then, making balance in the combination of those two aspects, they are closer to Brits in looks than to Cypriots.

05-19-2019, 05:05 AM
Spaniards look like despigmented North Africans barely any "British looking person" :rolleyes:


depigmented? but they are mostly black haired. look at the men because women like to dye their hair.
Nice trolling, but being the case that the video is from a very busy street of a very large and important city like Madrid, there are several third world immigrants in there, as well as some North/central Euro tourists. Hardly everybody in there are ethnic Spaniards to jump to conclusions.

05-19-2019, 05:10 AM
I would say a draw, with an inclination towards the British Isles.
To say that Spaniards pass better in Cyprus dome is like to say that Spaniards fit better in Turkey than in France.

05-19-2019, 05:44 AM
I would say a draw, with an inclination towards the British Isles.
To say that Spaniards pass better in Cyprus dome is like to say that Spaniards fit better in Turkey than in France.

Turks are different because they have some very foreign admixture like Central Asia, Balochi component. Southern French overlap a lot better with Spainards. I think British are more District with pigmentation and features which make most stand out in Spain. Cypriots while are woggier and sometimes look entirely Levantine seem to have a shared gracile med, trans med, berid, East Med type with Spainards. British and Iberians share Atlantid and Atlanto Med but most Brits like Wayne Rooney, or even David Beckham aka common types look alien in Spain. While a Cypriot Peter Andre wouldn't look out of place in Spain. Regionally probably Basques and Catalans fit better in Britain but Andalusians look swarthier and less North Western.

05-19-2019, 05:47 AM
Nice trolling, but being the case that the video is from a very concurred street of a very large and important city like Madrid, there are several third world immigrants in there, as well as some North/central Euro tourists. Hardly everybody in there are ethnic Spaniards to jump to conclusions.

there are no ethnic spaniards in madrid then if to you they can not be black haired which most of them in the video are

Tooting Carmen
05-19-2019, 10:21 AM
there are no ethnic spaniards in madrid then if to you they can not be black haired which most of them in the video are

He meant to say that a large number of people in Madrid are not ethnic Spaniards, not that there are hardly any ethnic Spaniards whatsoever. Anyway, I studied for a year at the University of Zaragoza, Aragon. Do these look more Cypriot or British?
http://www.fccambito.com/documents/1047641/1407329/Visita+FCC+%C3%81mbito+%28Universidad%29+2.jpghttp s://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTBWNHtHNbXdC408yV07Pn0bfMWOCx_D Pa0c4CcPhHyRRilEIFhBwhttp://www.uniovi.es/documents/31582/23384600/20160319+Liga+Debate+G-9+01.jpg/13227e0f-0fe9-4a75-94b8-66153b069d3c?t=1458315916184http://casaest.unizar.es/sites/default/files/IMG_0627_0.JPG?1429688755https://blogfame.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/team-blog.jpghttps://1.bp.blogspot.com/-uKrDuDEx_YE/VvJzuhmyDHI/AAAAAAAABv8/JzBpkFRb4ig1y665d3gTIBuCSbkma7Lzg/s1600/P3183463.JPGhttp://casaest.unizar.es/sites/default/files/IMG_0428.JPG?1489101728http://www.janus-computer.com/sites/default/files/Galeria_Janus_II/janusII_1_1.jpghttps://www.bsc.es/annual-report/2015/IMAGES/THUMB/4/4D/EQUIPO2013_JPG/450PX_EQUIPO2013.JPGhttp://wzar.unizar.es/perso/emolina/img/14yEva.jpghttps://farm2.staticflickr.com/1551/23973327073_4cbb292e8c_b.jpghttp://www.bifi.es/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/foto_grupo_bifi.jpghttps://cadenaser00.epimg.net/ser/imagenes/2018/09/17/radio_zaragoza/1537185375_600632_1537185651_noticia_normal.jpghtt ps://live.staticflickr.com/7840/46378543614_bca03cc0b6_k.jpghttps://www.sigmaaie.org/upfiles/images/stories/noticias/Conveni_UZA15.pnghttps://live.staticflickr.com/7840/46378543614_bca03cc0b6_k.jpghttp://cdn1.spotidoc.com/store/data/001299254_1-1e3c96a3576d76109fbbc102d34fb02c.pnghttp://www.centro-zaragoza.com/notas_prensa/20140625/imagen1.jpghttps://cadenaser00.epimg.net/ser/imagenes/2019/05/17/radio_zaragoza/1558091140_788735_1558091357_miniatura_normal.jpgh ttps://est.zetaestaticos.com/aragon/img/noticias/1/347/1347204_1.jpghttp://www.aragonradio.es/_archivos/imagenes/grande/20180917_00010.jpghttps://fmns.ktu.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/190/2018/11/IMG-20180705-WA0030-1024x768.jpghttp://noticiasjovenes.es/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Uz.jpghttp://www.cresa.cat/blogs/sociedad/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/nota-de-prensa-unizar-foto-26022018.jpghttps://www.bsc.es/annual-report/2015/IMAGES/THUMB/4/4D/EQUIPO2013_JPG/450PX_EQUIPO2013.JPGhttps://farm2.staticflickr.com/1551/23973327073_4cbb292e8c_b.jpghttps://www.bsc.es/annual-report/2009/wikiar.bsc.es/images/thumb/3/34/CA1.jpg/350px-CA1.jpghttp://www.janus-computer.com/sites/default/files/Galeria_Janus_II/janusII_1_1.jpghttp://micropal.unizar.es/seccs/nots/panel/img/Foto_Grupo_Web.jpg

Tooting Carmen
05-19-2019, 10:23 AM
https://www.santander.com/csgs/StaticBS?blobcol=urldata&blobheadername1=content-type&blobheadername2=Content-Disposition&blobheadername3=appID&blobheadervalue1=image%2Fjpeg&blobheadervalue2=inline%3Bfilename%3D273%5C968%5CF oto-de-grupo_920.jpg&blobheadervalue3=santander.wc.CFWCSancomQP01&blobkey=id&blobtable=MungoBlobs&blobwhere=1278759186449&ssbinary=truehttps://www.gruposese.com/sites/default/files/styles/news-middle/public/catedra_0.png?itok=d3FzMBushttps://s03.s3c.es/imag/_v0/770x420/c/d/b/700x420_zaragoza-defini.jpghttps://img.europapress.es/fotoweb/fotonoticia_20180629150822_640.jpg

Cristiano viejo
05-19-2019, 10:33 AM
Regionally probably Basques and Catalans fit better in Britain but Andalusians look swarthier and less North Western.

Ignorant, most of Catalans are from Andalusian origin :lol:

Many Cypriots are just Turks. Spaniards dont look like Turks.

Tooting Carmen
05-19-2019, 10:36 AM
Ignorant, most of Catalans are from Andalusian origin :lol:

A lot are for sure, but most? The other day I was looking at the Catalan Parliament, and a good number do still have two Catalan surnames.

Many Cypriots are just Turks. Spaniards dont look like Turks.

Northern Cyprus is a minority element. Most Cypriots are a Greek-Levantine mix.

Cristiano viejo
05-19-2019, 10:39 AM
A lot are for sure, but most? The other day I was looking at the Catalan Parliament, and a good number do still have two Catalan surnames.
I doubt you can distinguish Catalan and non-Catalan surnames, and in any case, the Catalan parliament is not representative AT ALL of the Catalan society. For start, no immigrants there, while Catalonia IS FULL.

Northern Cyprus is a minority element. Most Cypriots are a Greek-Levantine mix.

Neither we look like a Greek-Levantine mix.

Tooting Carmen
05-19-2019, 10:52 AM
These Members of the Catalan Parliament clearly have two Catalan surnames:

Roger Torrent i Ramio

Eusebi Campdepedros i Pucurull

Jessica Albiach Satorres

Hector Amello Montiu

Albert Batet i Canadell

Laura Borras i Castanyer

Jean Castel Sucarrat

Antoni Castella i Clave

Ferran Civit i Marti

Antoni Comin Oliveres

Francesc de Dalmases i Thio

Assunpta Escarp Gibert

Lluis Font i Espinos

Josep Maria Forne i Febrer

Montserrat Fornells i Sole

Josep M Jove i Llado

Noemi Llaurado Sans

Montserrat Macia i Gou

Oscar Ordeig i Molist

Jordi Orobitg i Sole

Tooting Carmen
05-19-2019, 10:53 AM
N.B. There are plenty of others too, but I won't bother continuing to list them.

05-19-2019, 11:12 AM
Wolley ball players from Castilla Y Leon. They're darker than even Sicilians.


Tooting Carmen
05-19-2019, 11:18 AM
Wolley ball players from Castilla Y Leon. They're darker than even Sicilians.



The guy third to left at the front looks clearly South American.

05-19-2019, 11:22 AM
Extremaduran students


05-19-2019, 11:24 AM

The guy third to left at the front looks clearly South American.

But Why don't the rest look British?

Tooting Carmen
05-19-2019, 11:30 AM
But Why don't the rest look British?

Who says they do?

05-19-2019, 03:23 PM
there are no ethnic spaniards in madrid then if to you they can not be black haired which most of them in the video are

I didn't mean there are not ethnic Spaniards in Madrid, lol

Of course that the majority of the population of Madrid are ethnic Spanish. But Madrid is a very large city that receives many foreign tourists, and also has many immigrants. There will be many tourists and immigrants, and more so, in a busy street like the Gran Via. Not all dark haired people in that video are necessarily ethnic Spanish, and some of the blond/blondish people in that video could be ethnic Spanish. Not all of them are tourists.

The Blade
05-19-2019, 03:44 PM
I would say a draw, with an inclination towards the British Isles.
To say that Spaniards pass better in Cyprus dome is like to say that Spaniards fit better in Turkey than in France.
It isn't the same thing.
Turks have ancestry from Caucasus and Central Asia (along with the Anatolian and Balkan components) and French aren't as Northwestern looking as British/Irish are.
Many Cypriots are just Greek by origin who as a whole are closer to Spaniards phenotypically than Brits/Irish people are.
I believe some regions in Spain will probably score as genetically equidistant to Britain (especially to Wales) and Cyprus but as a whole they seem closer to Cypriots.
Of course, Spaniards are far closer to French than to Turks.

05-19-2019, 04:28 PM
I didn't mean there are not ethnic Spaniards in Madrid, lol

Of course that the majority of the population of Madrid are ethnic Spanish. But Madrid is a very large city that receives many foreign tourists, and also has many immigrants. There will be many tourists and immigrants, and more so, in a busy street like the Gran Via. Not all dark haired people in that video are necessarily ethnic Spanish, and some of the blond/blondish people in that video could be ethnic Spanish. Not all of them are tourists.
most of the blondish ones in the video were women and women are known to dye their hair. the men were almost all uniformly dark haired so we can conclude the women would be too in their natural state. i know spaniards can be light but in pigment they are closer to cypriots.

05-19-2019, 04:51 PM
Madrid city and province. A random sample.

Julia Gutierrez Caba

Rocío Dúrcal

Sofía Nieto

José Luís Manzano Agudo.

Daniel Retuerta Ruíz.

Belén Esteban.

Maxi Iglesias

José Sacristán

Pilar Rubio

Hermanas Hurtado

El Fary

La Polaca

Adelita Lulú

Milagros Leal Vázquez

Beatriz Luengo

Esmeralda Moya

Raúl Arévalo

Amaia Salamanca

Sofía Mazagatos

Mar Flores

Lina Morgan

Álvaro de Luna

Santiago Segura

Juanjo Artero.

Paco Algora

Hugo Silva

Carlos Pulido

Poli Díaz

María Dolores Pradera

Fernando Fernán Gómez (Born in South America because his mother actress was on tour)

Paloma San Basilio
https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-cvC07SSAT7U/WCHw9n4OdfI/AAAAAAABWRQ/rsatnPTM1nIYlYa9M_7OhSA1goiw90E7gCPcB/s1600/Rostro%2Bde%2BPaloma%2BSan%2BBasilio%2Bde%2Bjoven. jpg

05-19-2019, 05:36 PM
Some people from Madrid more

Carmen Maura

Marisa Paredes

Victoria Vera

Maribel Martín

María Luísa San José

Victoria Abril

05-19-2019, 08:50 PM
It isn't the same thing.
Turks have ancestry from Caucasus and Central Asia (along with the Anatolian and Balkan components) and French aren't as Northwestern looking as British/Irish are.
Many Cypriots are just Greek by origin who as a whole are closer to Spaniards phenotypically than Brits/Irish people are.
I believe some regions in Spain will probably score as genetically equidistant to Britain (especially to Wales) and Cyprus but as a whole they seem closer to Cypriots.
Of course, Spaniards are far closer to French than to Turks.

A third of the Turks (especially the Westerners) are identical to the Balkans, while the French are genetically and taxonomy much more north of Europe than Spain-

The Blade
05-19-2019, 10:37 PM
A third of the Turks (especially the Westerners) are identical to the Balkans, while the French are genetically and taxonomy much more north of Europe than Spain-
''Identical'' is a strong word even regarding the Western Turks.
They may have some amount of Balkan DNA but as a whole look (and plot) quite differently.
France is more Northern than Spain in every aspect but still Spanish people are far closer to the French than to Turks.

05-19-2019, 10:49 PM
A third of the Turks (especially the Westerners) are identical to the Balkans, while the French are genetically and taxonomy much more north of Europe than Spain-

No, we are not. From where you pulled that idea out? I created two threads with crowd photos of locals in my region(Northwest Anatolia):

Now compare with them:

Balkan/Thracian Turks overlap with South Slavs but they still look different overall to me.

Cristiano viejo
05-20-2019, 06:02 PM
These Members of the Catalan Parliament clearly have two Catalan surnames:

Just as ONE example:

El origen aragonés del exconsejero catalán Antoni Comín

As I have said, I doubt, despite all your efforts, you are able to distinguish Catalan and non-Catalan surnames, AND OVERALL, that you know the idisyoncrasy of the current Catalan society.

Wolley ball players from Castilla Y Leon. They're darker than even Sicilians.

Continue dreaming, mongrel.
You are so ignorant and stupid that even dont know which sport they practice :rolleyes:

05-20-2019, 06:36 PM
Spaniards look like despigmented North Africans barely any "British looking person" :rolleyes:


Wolley ball players from Castilla Y Leon. They're darker than even Sicilians.

lmao at "despigmented North Africans" and "even darker than sicilians" lol :lol:

Meanwhile in Burgos, Spain:


♥ Lily ♥
05-20-2019, 06:38 PM
Cypriot and other Med people.

05-20-2019, 06:45 PM
lmao at "despigmented North Africans" and "even darker than sicilians" lol :lol:

Meanwhile in Burgos, Spain:


You take the trolling to much of course they are white and European amigo.

05-20-2019, 06:45 PM
Cypriot and other Med people.

Only in your wet dreams. Spaniards are halfway pigmentation wise between both, not closer to Cypriots.

And we don't need the opinion of an ignorant who has never set a foot in Spain. Thank you though!

05-20-2019, 11:56 PM
Cypriot and other Med people.

Others, such as what? Turks?

05-21-2019, 05:43 AM
Others, such as what? Turks?

I think her point is valid that Spain is more similar phenotypically, arguably culturally to every South European state including Malta than Britain. Cyprus is one far stretch but so Britain and the Atlantic Union. I think Spain has the highest overlap with French and arguably British out of every South European group. But they also have the lowest overlap with North-East Europeans such as Lithuanians and Poles where the Balkans and North Italy takes the cake.

♥ Lily ♥
05-21-2019, 11:49 AM
Others, such as what? Turks?

I was thinking along the lines of the south-western region of France and also Portugal in terms of other Mediterranean people.

05-21-2019, 05:23 PM
I was thinking along the lines of the south-western region of France and also Portugal in terms of other Mediterranean people.

Ok, but Cyprus is in the southeast, not southwest.

Cristiano viejo
05-21-2019, 05:33 PM
We Spaniards are lighter than Cypriots and much more handsome than British, so neither :D

05-23-2019, 06:35 PM
lmao at "despigmented North Africans" and "even darker than sicilians" lol [emoji38]

Meanwhile in Burgos, Spain:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maBxJ-qjEgIThe women from the video of Castilla Y Leon are very familiar. One thing I noticed about the Spaniards (and also Portuguese) is that, despite they having their diversity of looks, there are many generic/similar looks among their population, and this seems to be more common among their females.

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