View Full Version : How typical can this Greek Cypriot chick pass in South Asia?

05-18-2019, 08:55 AM
Don't quote please

05-18-2019, 08:58 AM
Very atypical. She has a better chance as passing some extremely South European or West Asian type.

05-18-2019, 09:04 AM
Very atypical. She has a better chance as passing some extremely South European or West Asian type.

Really? Here with her Indian friends, don't quote

Hardly atypical tbh

05-18-2019, 09:17 AM
Proof she is Cypriot and not Indian? :p

05-18-2019, 09:23 AM
Proof she is Cypriot and not Indian? :p

Dont quote link pls

05-18-2019, 09:29 AM
She's a specialist in gender studies.. Lmao. Seems like she's half Indian. Too many Indian friends she has also her relatives look Indian or mixed.

05-18-2019, 09:45 AM
She's a specialist in gender studies.. Lmao. Seems like she's half Indian. Too many Indian friends she has also her relatives look Indian or mixed.

I've just shown you she's most Likely Greek Cypriot. Her siblings don't show any indid admixture. Plus she's studying in the UK. There are hordes of Indian.

05-18-2019, 09:54 AM

She look Indian.

05-18-2019, 09:57 AM

She look Indian.

Her siblings don't though. She's exotic for sure but not half Indian.

05-18-2019, 10:02 AM
Looks like a typical British Pakistani/Indian girl you'll see in any city here; she's obviously mixed. Weird thread.

05-18-2019, 10:13 AM
Looks like a typical British Pakistani/Indian girl you'll see in any city here; she's obviously mixed. Weird thread.
You cant just claim somekne is half Indian without any evidence to support that. In some of her pics she doesn't look out of place nor does she stick out among her cypriot friends. Her mother and siblings look typical cypriots to me

05-18-2019, 10:33 AM
Doesn't look particularly paki

05-18-2019, 10:35 AM
Good to know there is an Indian looking Cypriot. If she is indeed a Cypriot and not any immigrant with Indian parents who took a Greek name/surname in Cyprus. Many Pakis and Afghans immigrant in mainland Greece have also take Greek names/surnames too(funny immigrant multiracialist neo-laws). I could never even imagine she is a Cypriot though. Lol! :p

In some of her pics she doesn't look out of place nor does she stick out among her cypriot friends.

She looks out of universe for Cyprus, not just out of place. Anyway it's not the first time I see a dark brown skinned Cypriot, half-Indian or whatever she is.

Some older posts of mine about Cypriots, Armenoid Italians and Levantines.

Genetics, genetics and genetics, that's all you band, by posting also tanned photos of Cypriots.

Phenotypically Cypriots are a mix between Greeks(from Aegean Islands and mainland Greece) and of Near Easterners(locals of Cyprus and Phoenicians as well as more recent Near Easterners), they always were.

The tanned photos you use to post are BS, very rarely a Cypriot is non-white.

Average Cypriot Male from Nikosia
Composite face from the Greek side of the border made by
combining 16 of the individual male faces.





Cypriots with some foreign Europeans.





Below Cypriots with visible Near Easterner phenotype, Armenoids.





Greek Cypriots having this brown pigmentation of the two kids at the right as natural are just rare.


People posting here tanned photos of Cypriots by trying to pass them as niggers are trolls.

Near Easterners/Levantines are not some kind of niggers.

In the Near East/Levant you usually find these 3 phenotypes:

1. Armenoids.



2. Iranids(Middle Easterner brown to light brown skinned).



Also Asiatic Alpines.



3. Aegean Euro-Mediterranids(at the coasts)



And all these types mixed together.


"Contributions to the Anthropology of the Near-East"

"The early inhabitants of western Asia"

"The racial characteristics of Syrians and Armenians"

Cypriots = Europeans + Near Easterners.

Levantines = Near Easterners(Armenoids) + Middle Easterners + Europeans.

Cypriots are not Levantines, Cypriots are just mixed Europeans.

The Italian actor you posted.


http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Michael+Imperioli+Detroit+1+8+7+Detroit+Special+Me dBFB0a0zcl.jpg

Armenoids can be found in Sicily.

Al Pacino.




"Because of the lack of clear distinction in craniological studies between Armenoid and Alpine crania, considerable uncertainty prevails as to the prehistoric distribution of the Armenoid race in Europe. Apparently no great extension into Europe of this physical type in its purity occurred in prehistoric times, so far as can be judged from archeological remains. It seems clear, nevertheless, that the oriental phase of the first Early Iron Age, generally called the Hallstatt period in central Europe and dating from about 700 to 500 B.C., witnessed a considerable diffusion of Armenoids from Asia Minor into the Balkan Peninsula, Greece, Italy, and probably other areas adjacent to Asia Minor. The Etruscans almost certainly came from Asia Minor and settled in Italy about the eighth century B.C. And there is reason for believing that they were in some degree Armenoid."



The southern Italians, as this survey will indicate, are a distinctive group of people who will not fall into any one recognized racial category. Besides conventional Mediterraneans and Alpines there are two special types which are particularly common, and will be familiar to anyone living in Italian sections of the United States, as well as to anyone who has visited southern Italy. These are: (1) a coarse Mediterranean, short-statured, thick-limbed, mesocephalic, possessing a narrow forehead, wide malars, heavy browridges, a short, broad, straight or lightly concave nose with upturned tip, a strong jaw, and some prognathism; (2) a local approximation to an Armenoid, short-statured, especially thick-set and short-necked, with a flattened occiput, dome-shaped lateral vault profile, heavy browridges, a high-rooted, high-bridged, thick-tipped and depressed-tipped nose, and an especially prominent jaw.

The coarse Mediterranean mesocephal has counterparts in Spain and Portugal, as well as North Africa, and goes back at least to the time of the shell-heap burials of Muge. It seems, however, especially prevalent among South Italians. The local Armenoid may be partly descended from Near Easterners brought to cental and southern Italy in imperial times, but it is more likely that it is to a greater extent a local combination of Alpine with various Mediterranean elements, through the mechanism of differential inheritance.

-Carleton Coon


Most Greek Cypriots have natural pale white skin color and south-east european features, still not white...? Other Greek Cypriots have natural pale white skin color and near eastern armenoid features, not white if we only consider that Armenoid is a non-European phenotype and then there are some light brown and fewer brown skinned Greek Cypriots who definetely are not white.

To say all are this, all are that is wrong.

05-18-2019, 10:36 AM
Famous Cypriot singers.


Anna Vissi


Michalis Hatzigiannis


Michalis Violaris

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ANms7HEa2QM/TUb2LAYxqXI/AAAAAAAAB5s/TP7n-LcxH9Y/s1600/12319_388130808469_56816793469_3823505_2082650_n.j pg




http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bviiPGOQhLM/VQ0w0ZFMOnI/AAAAAAAADkk/De5k3OkeHsU/s1600/MV5BMjEwODg3NTYwNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTYyOTQwNg%40% 40._V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg


http://www.i-eidisi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/%CE%97-%CE%B1%CE%BC%CE%BF%CE%B9%CE%B2%CE%AE-%CF%80%CE%BF%CF%85-%CF%80%CE%AE%CF%81%CE%B5-%CE%B1%CF%80%CF%8C-%CF%84%CE%B7%CE%BD-%CE%95%CE%A1%CE%A4-%CE%BF-%CE%9A%CF%89%CE%BD%CF%83%CF%84%CE%B1%CE%BD%CF%84%C E%AF%CE%BD%CE%BF%CF%82-%CE%A7%CF%81%CE%B9%CF%83%CF%84%CE%BF%CF%86%CF%8C%C F%81%CE%BF%CF%85-656x330.jpg

Konstantinos Christoforou


Alkinoos Ioannidis


Hivi Adamou


Maria Hellena Kyriakou


Stavros Konstantinou


Eleftheria Eleftheriou


Despina Olympiou


Giorgos Theophanous(composer)


Marios Tokas(composer)


Manos Loizos(composer)

Greeks just love them.

This Seth MacFarlane keep posting heavily tanned Cypriots by trying to pass them for Arabs.

http://www.eprovoli.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/113-36839.14216565463464.75585b38736a4db22f2a8622b2810 1fa.jpg
http://www.ilovestyle.com/sites/default/files/sitefiles/10252026_10206166724991549_2278167586683064601_n_a rthro.jpg
http://www.ilovestyle.com/sites/default/files/sitefiles/10994447_659236567514684_4367461621305146382_n_art hro.jpg

Swedes in Cyprus

Even Northern Tourists in Cyprus are tanned!

Link with Swedes in Cyprus: http://www.onsports.gr/Cheerleaders/item/485102-Soyidezes-gdythikan-me-fanela-toy-APOEL-photos

Mr Cyprus 2017

Click to enlarge: http://dromosfm.alfanews.com.cy/media/k2/items/cache/f986d21835fb47e30e4c2723b79709b8_XL.jpg



Greek Cypriots may are mixed with West Asians but more than half of them look like Islander and Mainland Greeks.

05-18-2019, 11:06 AM
People are still trying to insist that she isn't Cypriot? There is a kid working in the barbers I go to who is a Cypriot Greek (he confirmed it), he looks Bedouin. She looks less exotic than that guy honestly

05-18-2019, 11:13 AM
People are still trying to insist that she isn't Cypriot? There is a kid working in the barbers I go to who is a Cypriot Greek (he confirmed it), he looks Bedouin. She looks less exotic than that guy honestly

Can she pass as Anatolian Turk?

05-18-2019, 11:46 AM
People are still trying to insist that she isn't Cypriot? There is a kid working in the barbers I go to who is a Cypriot Greek (he confirmed it), he looks Bedouin. She looks less exotic than that guy honestly

In you country there are monkeys you pass them for human beings. I have see them.




05-18-2019, 12:08 PM
Can she pass as Anatolian Turk?


05-18-2019, 12:11 PM
In you country there are monkeys you pass them for human beings. I have see them.




You seem clearly distressed my friend. Your replies are almost always agitated and aggressive. I don't know whether this is due to your autism or your high estrogen.

05-18-2019, 12:25 PM

05-18-2019, 12:45 PM
With her cypriot friends

Friend to the right looks über Cypriot tho

05-18-2019, 07:26 PM
You seem clearly distressed my friend. Your replies are almost always agitated and aggressive. I don't know whether this is due to your autism or your high estrogen.

Keep shitting out of your mouth Turk, just use this, it will make you smell better.


05-18-2019, 07:27 PM
Indian Cypriots, lol! :p

05-19-2019, 08:05 AM
Typical Cypriots.





05-19-2019, 08:26 AM
You cant just claim somekne is half Indian without any evidence to support that. In some of her pics she doesn't look out of place nor does she stick out among her cypriot friends. Her mother and siblings look typical cypriots to me

And you can not claim she is pure Cypriot without any evidence either ,are we fine now?don't upload then.

Had a look ,her comment sections are full of Indians ,some of them written in their own language ..and in this fucking London that she lives in ..people mix,you know ?
And for one more time.. any retard can browse thousands of them in the page below to see what Greek Cypriots look like.. https://www.facebook.com/pg/feelfamous.com.cy/photos/?ref=page_internal

05-19-2019, 08:35 AM
And you can not claim she is pure Cypriot without any evidence either ,are we fine now?don't upload then.

Had a look ,her comment sections are full of Indians ,some of them written in their own language ..and in this fucking London that she lives in ..people mix,you know ?
And for one more time.. any retard can browse thousands of them in the page below to see what Greek Cypriots look like.. https://www.facebook.com/pg/feelfamous.com.cy/photos/?ref=page_internal

That is bs bro, show me where there are comments like that? I've been browsing through her page and it's all English and Greek at times. Mostly by other cypriots!!! Frankly, I couldnt care less what they look like, don't invalidate my thread just because you guys can't accept she's dark... And she's Cypriot.

05-19-2019, 08:37 AM
And you can not claim she is pure Cypriot without any evidence either ,are we fine now?don't upload then.

Had a look ,her comment sections are full of Indians ,some of them written in their own language ..and in this fucking London that she lives in ..people mix,you know ?
And for one more time.. any retard can browse thousands of them in the page below to see what Greek Cypriots look like.. https://www.facebook.com/pg/feelfamous.com.cy/photos/?ref=page_internal

Aaand no we are not fine, because I have shown you her profile, her name is Greek, she has the Cyprus flag their, has Cypriot family and friends, pictures from cyprus(not India) lol. Go ahead be in denial. Couldn't care anymore. Pics are removed because I see a shitstorm coming.

05-19-2019, 08:38 AM
That is bs bro, show me where there are comments like that? I've been browsing through her page and it's all English and Greek at times. Mostly by other cypriots!!! Frankly, I couldnt care less what they look like, don't invalidate my thread just because you guys can't accept she's dark... And she's Cypriot.

Play your game to someone else ,I have no problem accepting she's dark because I know Greek Cypriots can have some extreme levantines but in this particular case there's the possibility of Indian ancestry ,don't you know people of diaspora mix?
And I'm not your servant ,go take a look at the NAMES commenting and tagged in her pictures.

05-19-2019, 08:40 AM
Play your game to someone else ,I have no problem accepting she's dark because I know Greek Cypriots can have some extreme levantines but in this particular case there's the possibility of Indian ancestry ,don't you know people of diaspora mix?
And I'm not your servant ,go take a look at the NAMES commenting and tagged in her pictures.

I have. And it's her cypriot friends and family. Don't claim there are. Comments in Indian when there isn't. Plus, I didnt claim ALL cypriots look like her did I? I acknowledged she wss exotic. Just let it go now.

05-19-2019, 08:44 AM
Play your game to someone else ,I have no problem accepting she's dark because I know Greek Cypriots can have some extreme levantines but in this particular case there's the possibility of Indian ancestry ,don't you know people of diaspora mix?
And I'm not your servant ,go take a look at the NAMES commenting and tagged in her pictures.

Look at her mother, sister and brother. They all look perfectly fine for cypriots. If I would have shown you their pics and not this girls, you woiidve had no problem they was fully Greek. No clue she could have "Indian" ancestry.

05-19-2019, 08:49 AM
I have. And it's her cypriot friends and family. Don't claim there are. Comments in Indian when there isn't. Plus, I didnt claim ALL cypriots look like her did I? I acknowledged she wss exotic. Just let it go now.

Of course her family will have the same surname(from a f*** Greek father) her social circle maybe her other ancestry
I don't know Cypriots "rajan" "purohit" ...

05-19-2019, 08:56 AM
Of course her family will have the same surname(from a f*** Greek father) her social circle maybe her other ancestry
I don't know Cypriots "rajan" "purohit" ...

That is a invalid point. Firstly, South Asians make the second largest diaspora in the UK who are non white. Secondly, having friends from a particular country doesn't make you from their. She also has pics with two English girls. And LOL, you just admitted she has a Greek father, but her mother is Greek!!! Look at the pic and her pic and tell me she ain't? So a exotic looking girl who claims she is fully Cypriot, has a cypriot name, family as well as pictures from Cyprus where she calls home. Yes must be Indian.

05-19-2019, 09:02 AM
That is a invalid point. Firstly, South Asians make the second largest diaspora in the UK who are non white. Secondly, having friends from a particular country doesn't make you from their. She also has pics with two English girls. And LOL, you just admitted she has a Greek father, but her mother is Greek!!! Look at the pic and her pic and tell me she ain't? So a exotic looking girl who claims she is fully Cypriot, has a cypriot name, family as well as pictures from Cyprus where she calls home. Yes must be Indian.

I don't care man,I never upload diaspora people or people that make me suspect some other ancestry unless it's confirmed that they are fully one ancestry... and that would include "light"people that would make me suspect German ancestry or something in case you wonder,where did you see hair claiming that?she could be a mutt of 2-3 ancestries in previous generations,how am I supposed to know?

05-19-2019, 09:10 AM
I don't care man,I never upload diaspora people or people that make me suspect some other ancestry unless it's confirmed that they are fully one ancestry... and that would include "light"people that would make me suspect German ancestry or something in case you wonder,where did you see hair claiming that?she could be a mutt of 2-3 ancestries in previous generations,how am I supposed to know?
Oh right my bad, so everybody over here in apricity need to do a full family history check of every individual everytime they post their pics. We are going by probability most of the times you know. She is most likely full Greek Cypriot,and there isn't any evidence to prove she isn't. Having Indian freinds and claiming she must me half Indian is absurd. If she was a light Cypriot, would you have questioned it? I doubt it. Anyways you are welcome to ask her and message her if you want.

In addition, both her siblings have put the cyprus flag alone on their profile. Why not the Indian flag of they really were half Indian?

05-19-2019, 09:14 AM
Oh right my bad, so everybody over here in apricity need to do a full family history check of every individual everytime they post their pics. We are going by probability most of the times you know. She is most likely full Greek Cypriot,and there isn't any evidence to prove she isn't. Having Indian freinds and claiming she must me half Indian is absurd. If she was a light Cypriot, would you have questioned it? I doubt it. Anyways you are welcome to ask her and message her if you want.

You can ask her,I don't have IG and I wouldn't do it either way.
No,I'd still doubt If she was "light" because it's one of the Greek regions with the lowest percentage of such people and many mixed marriages with European ethnicities.

05-19-2019, 09:17 AM
You can ask her,I don't have IG and I wouldn't do it either way.
No,I'd still doubt If she was "light" because it's one of the Greek regions with the lowest percentage of such people and many mixed marriages with European ethnicities.

Its pretty awks though lol. Anyways, Im almost certainly sure she is fully Cypriot. Nonetheless you can have an opinion of your own. Pics have been removed anyways. Doesn't make a difference anymore.

05-19-2019, 09:55 AM

Why do you post an Indian looking "Cypriot"? Dinaric-CM? Are you Albanian? You better post some gypsies from your country and troll your own people.

05-19-2019, 10:15 AM
I found another one Indian Cypriot. The only problem is he is a fake Indian.




Purohit ji
05-23-2019, 05:09 AM
Of course her family will have the same surname(from a f*** Greek father) her social circle maybe her other ancestry
I don't know Cypriots "rajan" "purohit" ...
