View Full Version : Classify me

05-29-2019, 01:09 AM

05-29-2019, 01:27 AM
Couldn't help but look at your ethnicity before seeing the image.

You are probably predominantly Atlanto-Mediterranean . However, you exhibit facial features uncharacteristic of a proper Mediterranean indicating to me either additional Cro-Magnid (CM) influences or perhaps Native American influences. This combination in your phenotype mirrors the Pontid phenotype and kind of gives you an Eastern European vibe. I can see you passing in southeastern Europe and even a few places up north for example.

05-29-2019, 04:02 AM
Interesting observation. Ancestry says I'm 64% European, with most of that from Iberia followed by Ireland and Britain at 11% and a few others, but no Eastern or Southeastern European DNA whatsoever. I have almond eyes and although they can be found in any group, it's probably from my native American side as it occurs in much greater frequencies there. My cheekbones are higher and more prominent than your average European, but not as much as your average Native American so I'd say I'm on the gracile end of the native American phenotype in that respect.

Good chance I resemble Southeastern Europeans because many of them are lightly mixed with Mongol.

05-29-2019, 04:07 AM
(Accidental repost)