View Full Version : Classify two Spanish, one politician the other journalist, with the same name (no related)

Cristiano viejo
05-30-2019, 02:51 PM
José Javier Esparza Aubarrea, right side politician from Navarra (North Spain). Probably the next president of that region
https://static01.diariodenavarra.es/uploads/imagenes/bajacalidad/2014/12/14/_20141642693_0239445f.jpg?03700cd0a2b78694eec00178 700ed503
https://static01.diariodenavarra.es/uploads/imagenes/bajacalidad/2016/09/11/_esparza_0cab33dc.jpg?11948b2ad4775c176c275bb08ec0 d793

José Javier Esparza Torres, right side journalist-writer-historian from Valencia (Central Spain). One of the most famous Spanish writers currently

Cristiano viejo
05-30-2019, 05:32 PM
Come on, guys and gays!

05-30-2019, 05:49 PM
1 - Borreby? Not sure. His face is not round as an alpine one.
2 - Atlanto-Med?

05-30-2019, 05:54 PM
First one, I'd say Baskid+CM

The Spanish answer to Dan Crenshaw here, looks mostly CM and some West Med. What kind of books has he written? He's Valencian so I imagine he's written a great deal about Rodrigo de Vivar

05-30-2019, 06:04 PM
1: Alpinized Baskid
2: Alpinized Med

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Tooting Carmen
05-30-2019, 06:55 PM
Pan-Western European types.

05-30-2019, 09:29 PM
2: chad

Cristiano viejo
05-31-2019, 11:07 AM
First one, I'd say Baskid+CM

The Spanish answer to Dan Crenshaw here, looks mostly CM and some West Med. What kind of books has he written? He's Valencian so I imagine he's written a great deal about Rodrigo de Vivar

Mainly about Spanish history and about anti-communism.

He became very famous with his trilogy about the Reconquista. In the second of these books, called Moros y Cristianos, as could not be otherwise, El Cid is one of the characters. But the books are so extense that he is only one of the hundreds of the characters of them

Here presenting the book

El Cid, protagonista de la nueva novela de Esparza
