View Full Version : Bullied For Having The Longest Legs In The World

♥ Lily ♥
06-02-2019, 08:35 AM
Swedish Model With 3 Foot 4 Inch Legs Reveals She Used To Be Bullied For Her Appearance

14th March 2018


If ever you're feeling a bit down about your appearance, particularly if you're a young person, remember this story and don't worry about it.

A Swedish bodybuilder who has become famous for her 40-inch inside leg measurement has spoken about how she got bullied and taunted at school for being tall and gangly.

Ia Östergren has more than 150,000 followers on her Instagram, thanks largely to her extraordinarily long legs. The 34-year-old Swedish mum says it wasn't always this way, though. In fact, she used to think her legs were horrible and was embarrassed by them.

She was left depressed and was bullied and taunted by the other kids at her school because she was really tall. She now stands at 5 feet 10 inches, and is perfectly happy about it.


She managed to break the cycle of her poor self-image and learned to love her body by taking up sports in 2013.

Since then she has built up a huge online following - for whatever reason she is massively popular in Russia - got married to fellow Swedish bodybuilder Torbjörn Östergren and has two daughters.

The two obviously have a lot in common, they met over Instagram and both love working out. Bizarrely (or perhaps not if that is your thing) Ia says that she eats 2.2kg of meat every week to maintain her muscle levels.

More important than that, she is now ok within her own body, which she attributes to her attitude of trying to enjoy herself as much as she can and taking every opportunity that live presents to her.

On her Instagram she told her followers: "You have one life. How do you want to spend it? Apologising for being yourself? Regretting? Hating?

"Be brave. Believe in yourself and put your best foot forward. You have this one life. Enjoy it."

Sound advice if ever I've heard it.

I mean, Ia and her husband obviously work very hard on the way that they look, and whilst we aren't all destined to be huge bodybuilders or have ridiculously long legs or whatever, the message remains the same.

The things that you hate about yourself could just be the thing that someone really likes about you, whether it's your long legs or your wicked sense of humour.

To quote the great prophet RuPaul, if you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else?



15 photos of the woman with the longest legs:




♥ Lily ♥
06-02-2019, 08:38 AM
No offence meant, but is she a transexual? There's a quote made of RuPaul in that article - who's a transvestite, so I'm suspicious.... but if she's a mother, then she must be a biologically real female... but I think she looks like a transvestite or a transexual, and I'm not sure if she's a trans who has adopted children and is claiming to be their mother? :dunno:

06-02-2019, 08:56 AM
No offence meant, but is she a transexual? There's a quote made of RuPaul in that article - who's a transvetite, so I'm suspicious.... but if she's a mother, then she must be a biologically real female... but I think she looks like a transvestite or a transexual, so I'm not sure.

Either that or an alien I have never seen a human with those proportions XD.

06-02-2019, 09:04 AM
She was maybe bulied for having long legs nobody is bullied for being tall here only the opposit.

06-02-2019, 09:08 AM
No offence meant, but is she a transexual? There's a quote made of RuPaul in that article - who's a transvetite, so I'm suspicious.... but if she's a mother, then she must be a biologically real female... but I think she looks like a transvestite or a transexual, and I'm not sure if she's a trans who has adopted children and is claiming to be their mother? :dunno:

When a woman is too attractive plain looking women often call her names and say she's not a real woman.

06-02-2019, 09:29 AM
Her legs are horrible.

♥ Lily ♥
06-02-2019, 09:55 AM
Either that or an alien I have never seen a human with those proportions XD.

I felt nervous about asking that question, (incase she was biologically born as a female and has two XX chromosomes... in which case I'd have to apologise for thinking she may be a man... and also because I can't even say terms such as 'real woman' since that's not politically-correct language to use with trans people... so again I'd have to apologise either way.)

But my curiosity got the better of me and I just had to ask because her large jaw and bushy eyebrows looks quite masculine.

♥ Lily ♥
06-02-2019, 10:01 AM
When a woman is too attractive plain looking women often call her names and say she's not a real woman.

Let's just say that beauty is subjective.... and what one person considers as attractive, another human may not consider as attractive.

I still think her features (eyebrows and forehead and temples and jaw in particular) looks masculine and so that's why I'm suspicious that's a transgender or a transvetite.... along with the quote of RuPaul in the article.

I don't intend to be mean... but I'm just curious.

There's female bodybuilders who take steroids and they develop gross and large muscles like men, their voices may go a bit deeper, they may grow some facial hair.... but their bone structure stays the same.

I don't think this is a female bodybuilder taking steroids... but rather a man pretending to be a female due to the large jaw and forehead and the large bone structure.


The broadness of the shoulders (both the large bone structure and the muscles.)

The chest cavity too and the large muscles.... huge armpit, large biceps, thick brows, receding hairline at the temples, prominent nose and large jaw.

No breasts in this photo... yet sudden fake breasts and hip padding in this photo:http://beta.ems.ladbiblegroup.com/s3/content/70bdb6a55aa93923dff15d093bb011dd.jpg

Large forehead and large veins in the ankle area.

Now that I've seen these pictures ⇡ I'm 110% convinced that's a man/transvestite.


06-02-2019, 10:15 AM
I felt nervous about asking that question, (incase she was biologically born as a female and has two XX chromosomes... in which case I'd have to apologise for thinking she may be a man... and also because I can't even say terms such as 'real woman' since that's not politically-correct language to use with trans people... so again I'd have to apologise either way.)

But my curiosity got the better of me and I just had to ask because her large jaw and bushy eyebrows looks quite masculine.

Yea her chest cavity and shoulders really destroy her femininity for me. Also her forehead is pretty massive for a female, most females I know with large foreheads have cro-magnid like brows and redder hair. Even with more cro-magnid features they usually look feminine and fairly pretty.

06-02-2019, 10:15 AM
She was left depressed and was bullied and taunted by the other kids at her school because she was really tall. She now stands at 5 feet 10 inches, and is perfectly happy about it.

Wait she is 5 feet 10 inches? It's 177 cm! It's far from being tall even for a woman.