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06-04-2019, 06:54 PM
The air temperature is -40 degrees Celsius in a city. About a Botanical Garden in Novosibirsk (1978)

The annotation:

This is a film about how Novosibirsk lives in the harsh Siberian winter. It is hard to imagine that at a time when in the city of -40 Celsius its inhabitants are active in it. The citizens go to work, play sports, walk in parks, but behind wide windows of houses gardens with tropical plants blossom and coffee matures...
The variety of plants in the greenhouse of the Botanical Garden of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences is amazing. However, exotic plants and beautiful flowers can be seen not only in the greenhouse, but also in huge factory workshops, childcare facilities and in a hall of the House of Scientists.


06-05-2019, 06:26 AM
Children at a Zoo (1973)

The annotation:

About funny inhabitants of the Moscow Zoo and the joy they bring to children.


06-05-2019, 04:50 PM
Tango, Tango, Tango… (1987)

The annotation:

A film-concert of the ice ensemble "All Stars" staged by the honored USSR coach Tatyana Tarasova.

The ensemble soloists: Olga Volozhinskaya and Alexander Svinin, Inna Volyanskaya and Valery Spiridonov, Elena Krykanova and Igor Shpilbandt, Violet Andreeva, Leonid Kaznakov, Irina Zhuk and Oleg Petrov, Elena Garanina and Igor Zavozin, Yuri Ovchinnikov, Veronika Pershina and Marat Akbarov.


06-06-2019, 07:19 AM
Operation of the International Monetary Fund

The annotation:

A report of an information program Vremya (Время; Time) aired on April 14, 1978 about an event in Portugal.

0:01 - IMF operation began in the strictest secrecy. The delegation arrived at the Lisbon airport one day before the deadline announced in the media. After that, the limousines took it away in an unknown direction. Negotiations began the next day somewhere in Lisbon.

0:19 - According to some information, this happened in a carefully guarded building of the national bank, according to other information in the building of the Ministry of Finance on Commerce Square.

0:30 - I am not telling you the story of a policeman or detective movie or the intrigue of an adventure novel with poisons, silent pistols and black cloaks. In fact, everything is much more prosaic. FMI abbreviation means Fundo Monetário Internacional or International Monetary Fund.

0:53 - In this regard, I remind you that in an effort to find a way out of the acute economic crisis, the Portuguese government last year appealed to the IMF for help, i.e. about the loan. But moneybags of the capitalist world are ready to fork out only if the government takes tough measures to so-called stabilize the economy.

1:15 - This means that the government will have to limit industrial growth, raise prices and taxes, freeze wages, limit social rights and freedoms won by workers after the revolution, and at the same time grant maximum privileges to foreign monopolies in the country.

1:33 - Naturally, these measures (and some of them are already being implemented) cannot but cause concern and indignation among the average Portuguese who the government want to make to pay for the “generosity” of the IMF.

1:46 - Representatives of the IMF and Portuguese officials fear the extremely negative reaction of the Portuguese public to the decisions that they will take. This is the reason why the negotiations taking place somewhere in Lisbon are shrouded in such an impenetrable secret and the IMF experts shamefully hide their faces from the Portuguese public.


06-06-2019, 01:34 PM
Ballet scenes "Walpurgis Night" from the opera Charles Gounod "Faust" (1971)

The annotation:

The ballet performed by artists of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of the USSR.

The soloists are Ekaterina Maximova, Stanislav Vlasov, Shamil Yagudin.


06-08-2019, 11:13 AM
Enduring and legendary [army] (1982). Victory Day Concert

An annotation:

A big holiday concert dedicated to the Victory Day, with the participation of military musical groups:

Song and dance ensemble of the Moscow military district under the direction of V. Gordeev;
The first demonstration orchestra of the Ministry of defense of the USSR;
Song and dance ensemble of the Moscow district of air defense under the direction of I. Raevsky;
Song and dance ensemble of the Soviet Army "A red star" under the direction of V. Savelyev;
Exemplary orchestra of the Navy under the direction of V. Solodakhin;
The Twice Red-Banner Alexandrov song and dance ensemble of the Soviet Army;
Song and dance ensemble of the Twice Red-Banner Baltic Fleet;
Song and dance ensemble of the Red-Banner Black Sea Fleet.

The soloists are Y. Bogatikov, L. Kurdyumova, L. Pshenichny, A. Ivanov, V. Kozlov, V. Konnov, O. Ukhnalev, A. Shishkovsky.

The concert was attended by people's artists of the USSR actors V. Vasilieva and E. Matveev.

0:26-3:55 - A song "Victory Day / День победы" - D. Tukhmanov - V. Kharitonov.

3:56-4:40 - A song "A soldier is always a soldier / Солдат всегда солдат" - V. Solovyov-Sedoy - M. Matusovsky.

4:41-6:43 - A song "Let's go / В путь" - V. Solovyov-Sedoy - M. Dudin.

6:45-8:51 - A dance.

8:55-12:52 - A song "Victory is still young / Победа остаётся молодой" - I. Yakushenko - I. Shaferan.

12:56-16:33 - A song "My soldier song / Песня солдатская моя" - A. Babajanyan - M. Plyatskovsky.

16:35-18:24 - Fantasia on the themes of songs about aviation.

18:30-21:02 - A song "The heart of victory is Moscow / Сердце победы - Москва" - I. Rayevsky - G. Terikov.

21:10-22:36 - (?) A version of the song to the music of the famous song "Katyusha / Катюша."

22:36-22:58 - A song "Sons of the Motherland / Отечества сыны" - P. Gutin - M. Slobodkin.

23:01-26:20 - A song "Officers' wives / Офицерские жёны" - V. Belous - N. Dmokhovsky.

26:23-28:10 - A musical composition "Rush job / Аврал" - F. Akimov. ["Аврал" from english "over all". This is work which done by the entire crew of the vessel.]

28:11-31:05 - A song "A crew is a family / Экипаж - одна семья" - V. Pleshak - V. Pogorelsky.

31:07-33:28 - A musical composition "In a city garden / В городском саду" - M. Blanter.

33:30-36:20 - A song "Infantry is infantry / Пехота есть пехота" - N. Bogoslovsky - M. Plyatskovsky.

36:21-37:33 - An old soldier's song "Out there in the field / Там во поле".

37:38-40:13 - A dance.

40:17-42:35 - A song "The fifth ocean / Пятый океан" - B. Korostelev - V. Beshuev.

42:36-47:42 - A song "My motherland / Край мой" - V. Filippenko - V. Gerasimov.

47:45-49:54 - A song "Sergeant's shoulder straps / Сержантские погоны" - V. Khvoinitsky - I. Reznikova.

50:00-57:14 - An actor reads poetry.

57:14-58:50 - A musical composition "Farewell of a Slavic woman / Прощание славянки" - V. Agapkin.

58:52-59:41 - A musical composition "Marine Guard / Морская гвардия" - Y. Milyutin.

59:42-1:02:01 - A song "A Red-Banner Fleet / Краснознамённый флот" - G. Movsesyan - R. Rozhdestvensky.

1:02:02-1:06:05 - A sailor's dance "An apple / Яблочко."

1:06:06-1:10:38 - Fantasia on the themes of songs about the Great Patriotic War (Arranged by M. Surovtsev).

1:10:39-1:13:30 - A song "Here are the soldiers coming / Вот солдаты идут" - K. Molchanov - M. Lvovsky.

1:13:31-1:14:00 - An actor reads poetry.

1:14:01-1:16:17 - A song "On my way from Berlin / Ехал я из Берлина" - I. Dunaevsky - L. Oshanin.

1:16:18-1:22:03 - A choreographic composition "Spring of 1945 / Весна 45-го года".

1:22:04-1:26:35 - A song "The fourth spring / Четвёртая весна" - A. Semenov - A. Vratarev.

1:26:36-1:30:01 - A song "A parade on Red Square / На Красной площади парад" - V. Gordeev - V. Tatarinov.

1:30:02-1:31:57 - A song "A song about Soviet army / Песня о Советской армии" - A. Aleksandrov - O. Kolychev. [It is in this song that there are words "Enduring and legendary [army]".]


06-09-2019, 05:48 AM
New Year's watch (1971)

An annotation:

On New Year's Eve, the hero of the movie enters the world of vintage watch. He becomes a witness of a festive performance with the participation of film, pop and circus artists, as well as ballet dancers from the Bolshoi Theater. Staging ballet scenes by N. Kasatkina.


06-12-2019, 11:03 AM
Romances from old albums (1980)

The singers are Nina Terentyeva (Нина Терентьева) and Peter Glubokiy (Пётр Глубокий). The piano played by Svetlana Velichko and Evgenia Cheglakova. Poems of Alexander Pushkin and Afanasy Fet read by Vsevolod Yakut.

2:50-6:53 - "Don't awaken my memories / Не пробуждай воспоминаний" - Music by Peter Bulakhov. Lyrics by unknown author.

7:47-9:47 - "I won't tell you anything / Я тебе ничего не скажу" - Music by Tatyana Tolstaya. Lyrics by Afanasy Fet.

11:14-14:02 - "Willows doze / Дремлют плакучие ивы" - Music by unknown author. Lyrics by Alexey Timofeev.

15:02-19:24 - "Reminding / Напоминание" - Music by Alexander Varlamov. Lyrics by Alexander Varlamov.

20:43-23:05 - "Crazy nights / Ночи безумные" - Music by Alexander Spiro. Lyrics by Alexey Apukhtin.

24:07-27:50 - "My star, sparkle! / Гори, гори, моя звезда!" - Music by Peter Bulakhov. Lyrics by unknown author.

29:01-31:48 - "Stars on the sky / Звёзды на небе" - Music by Boris Borisov. Lyrics by Elizaveta Dieterichs.

33:04-37:02 - "Foggy morning / Утро туманное" - Music by Victor Abaza. Lyrics by Ivan Turgenev.

38:19-41:34 - "Don't wake her at dawn / На заре ты её не буди" - Music by Alexander Varlamov. Lyrics by Afanasy Fet.

41:38-44:10 - "I loved you / Я вас любил" - Music by Boris Sheremetev. Lyrics by Alexander Pushkin.


06-18-2019, 08:06 AM
Margaret Thatcher at the Soviet exhibition

The annotation:

A report of an information program Vremya aired on June 3, 1979 about visiting the National exhibition of the USSR in London by British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

0:03 - The Prime Minister got acquainted with the exposition telling about the history of Soviet-British relations. Her special attention was drawn to the sword presented by the English King George VI to the defenders of Stalingrad.

0:18 - Margaret Thatcher looked at the stands showing the development of the Soviet economy, science and culture with interest. As well as a panorama of Moscow and the polar city of Norilsk.

0:28 - She visited the department of the exhibition devoted to space research, as well as in the pavilions of Belarus and Georgia, at the performance of the Belarusian ensemble "Khoroshki" and a show of Soviet fashion.

0:39 - This is a gift from the workers of the Soviet exhibition "cornucopia" (horn of plenty).

0:45 - At the conclusion of the inspection, the Prime Minister gave an interview for the TV program "Vremya"...


06-18-2019, 06:11 PM
Мария Пахоменко -

1) Ненаглядный мой (1971);
2) Вальс при свечах (1971);
3) Лучше нету того цвету (1975).

My darling


A candlelight waltz


No better than blossoming Apple trees


06-18-2019, 06:35 PM
Soviet aerobics. Rhythmic gymnastics with masters of figure skating (1986)


06-18-2019, 07:22 PM
Unfortunately not everything can be translated. This video will be useful mainly for those who are learning Russian. For such videos I will put a mark "in Russian" it means that for their viewing it is desirable to know the Russian language.

Alexander Ostrovsky - A play Wolves and Sheep (1973)

Staging of the State Academic Maly Theatre of USSR.

In Russian

Episode 1


Episode 2


06-19-2019, 06:50 PM
Russian folk dances perfomed by ensemble "Berezka" (1962)

"Берёзка"="A Birch tree"

0:20 - An old Russian Waltz "A Birch tree"

7:20 - A dance picture "Farewell, Maslenitsa"

["Maslenitsa is an Eastern Slavic religious and folk holiday, celebrated during the last week before Great Lent, that is, the eighth week before Eastern Orthodox Pascha (Easter). Maslenitsa corresponds to the Western Christian Carnival, except that Orthodox Lent begins on a Monday instead of a Wednesday, and the Orthodox date of Easter can differ greatly from the Western Christian date.

According to archeological evidence from 2nd century A.D. Maslenitsa may be the oldest surviving Slavic holiday. Maslenitsa has its origins in the pagan tradition. In Slavic mythology, Maslenitsa is a sun-festival, personified by the ancient god Volos, and a celebration of the imminent end of the winter. In the Christian tradition, Maslenitsa is the last week before the onset of Great Lent.

During the week of Maslenitsa, meat is already forbidden to Orthodox Christians, and it is the last week during which eggs, milk, cheese and other dairy products are permitted, leading to its name of "Cheese-fare week" or "Crepe week". The most characteristic food of Maslenitsa is bliny thin pancakes or crepes, made from the rich foods still allowed by the Orthodox tradition that week: butter, eggs and milk.

Since Lent excludes parties, secular music, dancing and other distractions from spiritual life, Maslenitsa represents the last chance to take part in social activities that are not appropriate during the more prayerful, sober and introspective Lenten season.

In some regions, each day of Maslenitsa had its traditional activity. Monday may be the welcoming of “Lady Maslenitsa”. The community builds the Maslenitsa effigy out of straw, decorated with pieces of rags."

The text was taken from Wikipedia.]

12:53 - A dance picture "At the well"

17:39 - A dance picture "At the autumn fair"

22:08 - Russian Maidens' Round Dance "A Birch tree"


06-19-2019, 07:05 PM
Pyotr Tchaikovsky - Symphony No. 6. Conductor was Evgeny Svetlanov (1985)

The symphony starts at 10:35.

Excerpt from Introductory speech by the conductor Evgeny Svetlanov:

There are thousands of beautiful works in world music. In order to listen to them, a few human lives would not be enough. Among them there are less known works, but there are well-known works. There are favorite works. Among these favorite works are outstanding works. Among outstanding works there are great works. Among the great works there are the greatest works. Symphony No. 6 of Pyotr Tchaikovsky is such the greatest work.

The fate of this symphony was very interesting. The composer created it at the very end of his life. And for the first time he conducted on this symphony 10 days before his death. Only 10 days ago, the Perterburg public saw Tchaikovsky, but he looked rather bad, like too old for his age… I would not like to talk about it today.

Another thing is important. This symphony at its first performance was not accepted at all by the public. People in the hall are numb, they did not know how to react to this music. It was so new to them and was so unheard of new and unlike anything they just got confused. Or they were under such a strong impression from the symphony that they did not want to applaud. This happens sometimes too.

And now we, too, often listen and perform this symphony and, as a rule, after it we don’t want to show any emotions. And as listeners, we want to sit in a chair, immerse ourselves in our thoughts, and soon as soon as we can be alone. And for the manifestation of turbulent enthusiasm, we have no internal reasons. Although the shock from the symphony is so great that it would be possible to express it all externally, but we do not want to express it.

However, contemporaries show that the symphony was not understood by the public. And indeed, even now, every time rehearsing this work, which is well known to every musician, and even more so to the orchestral musician, it still causes great difficulties at rehearsals. I can not even understand what is the reason of this phenomenon.

It is always painfully difficult to prepare it for performance. Therefore, getting great gratification from working on this opus at the same time you experience tremendous performing difficulties every time. This stimulates the constant search for. And this is correct because in such bottomless opuses, the depth of which is equal to an artesian well, and maybe even exceeds it, as in oil wells in our North. Such a bottomless opus requires total commitment. This is directly related to conductors and musicians.

Let's return to the history of the symphony. For the first time, this symphony did not receive the special attention of public. However, soon after Tchaikovsky’s death, when the conductor was Edward Napravnik, the symphony was immediately classified by the public as a great opus. Such a metamorphosis occurred with the symphony. It began to be regarded as an unattainable masterpiece.

Let's try to figure it out. The symphony of course was autobiographical. There are times when the great creator reflects in his works those phenomena that are not yet realized by him. And probably the premonition of death, the unawareness of death, some fluids that were born in the human body and psyche (I don’t want to go into mysticism), but still we cannot close our eyes to the fact that Tchaikovsky wrote a symphony before his death. So there were some grounds that still could not was fully revealed, because this symphony shocks me with its tragic elements.

I believe that the symphony is the most characteristic work by Tchaikovsky. This specificity lies in the struggle between two principles: light and dark, good and evil. All of Tchaikovsky’s music about this dialectic, about this his operas, poems, ballets, symphonies, sonatas and romances. Good and Evil going along in the course of life and forever colliding with each other. This is the dialectic of life, this is what we are born with and what we die with……..


06-19-2019, 07:19 PM
Parachute jumpers (1981)

The annotation:

About young people involved in parachuting in one of the DOSAAF clubs.

"DOSAAF (Russian: ДОСААФ), full name Volunteer Society for Cooperation with the Army, Aviation, and Navy, was a paramilitary sport organisation in the Soviet Union, concerned mainly with weapons, automobiles and aviation. The society was established in 1927 as OSOAVIAKhIM and from 1951 to 1991 carried the name of DOSAAF.

The stated goal of the society was "patriotic upbringing of the population and preparation of it to the defense of the Motherland". Among the means to achieve this was the development of paramilitary sports."

The text was taken from Wikipedia.


06-22-2019, 09:31 AM
From Volga to Don (1980)

The annotation:

A film-journey from Volgograd to Rostov-on-Don on the waters of the Lenin Volga-Don Shipping Canal on Board a ship "Тихий Дон / Quiet Don".

0:53 - Volgograd. From here we go on a voyage that was impossible 30 years ago.

1:13 - After the city begins Lenin [Volga–Don] Shipping Canal that connected the Volga with the Don.

2:28 - It was the first major peaceful construction. The wounds of the past war have not yet healed, but the Soviet people have already begun to tackle the most difficult task: to build a river, to lay a water artery that will connect 5 seas to a single system. The first caravan of ships passed here on July 27, 1952.

2:55 - Now throughout the day ships sail here.

4:20 - The canal is not only the shipping route, but also its water gave life to the arid steppes near it. We sailed 13 locks and 101 kilometers. For half a day we climbed 88 meters while remaining on the ship, then passed several water reservoirs and dropped by 44 meters.

5:34 - Here, in November 1942, the troops of the South-Western, Don and Stalingrad fronts united, closing the encirclement of the fascist troops.

5:54 - From here begins an artificial sea called Tsimlyanskoe reservoir.

6:44 - Buildings of Atommash [the USSR’s largest industrial association for nuclear power engineering] sign of the present days. Giant constructing gave a rebirth to the city of Volgodonsk (a coeval of the canal).

8:07 - Volgodonsk locks are the last on our way. We say goodbye to the canal. After that the river Don will flow.

9:14 - We sailed about 700 kilometers in two days. Here ends our journey from one river to another. The path from Volgograd to Rostov-on-Don and from Volga to Don.


06-22-2019, 09:38 AM
Parisian Sketches (1971)

The annotation:

A film about one summer day in Paris.


06-22-2019, 09:50 AM
Sings by Dean Reed (1980)

The annotation:

TV program with the participation of American singer Dean Reed.


06-22-2019, 10:05 AM
About the current time and about myself. Nikolai Rubtsov (1986)

The annotation:

Poems of Nikolai Rubtsov performs by actor of the Maria Ermolova Theater Georgy Nazarenko in the film-concert.

In Russian


06-22-2019, 08:27 PM
Evgeny Blinov (Евгений Блинов) plays a balalaika.

1) Michał Ogiński - Polonaise;
2) Franz Liszt - Hungarian Rhapsody #2 - (1973);
3) Павел Куликов - Концертные вариации (1973).

Michał Ogiński - Polonaise


Franz Liszt - Hungarian Rhapsody #2


Pavel Kulikov - Concert variations


06-24-2019, 11:22 AM
Fashion "Winter-75" (1975)

The annotation:

This is a fragment of the documentary film "Winter in Moscow" about the display of models of winter clothing.


06-24-2019, 11:28 AM
Morning post #13. "The Park of Culture" (1983)

An annotation:

The program was filmed on the eve of Victory Day (May 9) in the Gorky Central Park of Culture and Rest in Moscow.

[The television program "Morning Post" has been on television since 1974. It was a very popular music tv program.]

0:19 - Anchorperson: Hello! Good morning. Sunday is always a bit like a holiday, and today's Sunday is especially similar on it. Moscow dresses up in bright clothes. Moscow enjoys the spring. On such a day it is impossible to sit at home. And even a little rain is not a hindrance for a walk. The rain is already as warm as summer rains.

0:44-2:29 - [Ksenia Georgiadi sings the song "I walk in Moscow". She (born 1949) is a Soviet and Russian pop singer of Greek origin.]

2:33 - Anchorperson: It is not surprising that after a walk around the city we are here in the Gorky Central Park of Culture and Rest. Here people have fun and relax. They bring children here and meet here their friends. And here, rising on the Ferris wheel to the sky itself, they can see from the height our beautiful spring city.

2:54-6:38 - [Yuri Denisov and the ensemble "Carousel" sings the song "If the sky was a mirror".]

6:44 - Anchorperson: Please note that there are many fountains in the park. Since it has become a tradition to make a date at the fountain, do not forget to agree at which fountain you will wait for each other. And then your meeting is sure to take place.

7:02-10:06 - [Lydia Rotaru and Aurika Rotaru sing the song "I'm waiting". They are Soviet and Ukrainian pop singers of Moldavian origin.]

10:10 - Anchorperson: Everyone will find their favorite entertainment in the park. After all, every alley in the park ends with an entrance to some attraction or dance floor or leads to an open stage where artists perform. But do not hurry, because the day is just beginning and on the alleys themselves there will be a place for rest, reflections and memories associated with the same but now distant May days [1945].

10:37-13:28 - [Vladimir Makarov sings the song "We are not old". He (1932-2008) was a Soviet singer, lyric baritone.]

13:32 - Anchorperson: We have been here for a long time but have never visited the rides, did not ride on the carousel, did not fly on the swings. Сhildren are clearly ahead of us. Of course, all these attractions are primarily designed for them. But adults also sometimes want to remember their childhood. And here it is absolutely not forbidden, and there will be enough places for attractions for all and children and adults and Muscovites and visiting guests.

14:01-17:35 - [Szűcs Judith sings the song "I'm Trembling". She (born 1953) is a Hungarian disco and pop singer. Apparently she sings it in Hungarian.]

17:37 - Anchorperson: You have already seen the main entrance to the park, but I would like to add that you can get to the park not only from land but also from the Moscow River. It is most convenient to do this on a riverboat, but you can use simpler ways. Some can do without any aids (a duck) but this is unique because the water in the river is still quite cold. Therefore, I recommend a more comfortable way of arrival for example a boat. As you can see in it, besides the musicians there are two more huge musical instruments. Do you think these musical instruments are not so huge? Wait a minute! Now all things will fall into its place: the musical instruments, the musicians and the fountain. Attention! Music starts.

18:49-22:05 - [Vladimir Belyaev and Kirill Ryazhsky perform instrumental piece "Regtime". Composer is Charles Berry.]

22:08 - Anchorperson: And now let's look a little bit ahead in the future. In the evening this park will turn into a large dance floor. The lights will be lit, the reflections of the lights will move on the river and music will sound until night. So it will be tonight. So it was yesterday. So it was many years ago.

22:30-24:12 - [Lyudmila Gurchenko sings the song "In the City Garden" (fragment from the concert-movie "Favorite songs"). She (1935-2011) was a popular Soviet actress, singer and entertainer.]

24:14 - Anchorperson: At some point, the dances will be ended and the park will be quiet. And the crowd of people will gradually go home. And, maybe, they will bring joy and spring fun to their homes, which the old Moscow park generously gave them. And let the joy of peace, happiness and spring land never stop in your homes during everyday worries.

24:41-28:17 - [The group of Vyacheslav Dobrynin sings the song "Earth is our home". A soloist is Sergey Mazaev.]


06-24-2019, 11:43 AM
Minibuses for the "Olympiad-80" (1979)

An annotation:

A report of the information program Vremya aired on April 1, 1979 about the first batch of cars to serve the participants and guests of the XXII Olympic Games, released at the Riga Autobus Factory (RAF).

0:01 - Riga [Latvia] automakers are preparing minibuses for various purposes for the 1980 Olympiad.

0:07 - The first minibus of this series is designed to accompany the Olympic flame. There are comfortable seats for sportsmen in its cabin. The cooling system of its engine was increased, as the car will have to move at a speed of 12 km/h.

0:20 - This machine is designed to accompany cyclists. It will accommodate spare bikes. The plant has already manufactured 30 such minibuses.

0:29 - Special minibus designed for working groups of the organizing committee of the Olympiad. The cozy cabin has a desk and comfortable chairs. The car will be equipped with a radio telephone and a color TV to follow the competition.

0:43 - In general, for the needs of the Olympics, the RAF plant will produce 235 specialized minibuses.


06-24-2019, 12:04 PM
West Berlin. A sad Christmas (1978)

An annotation:

An interview (in German) with the chairman of the district organization of the Socialist United Party of West Berlin Fritz Eneke (aired on December 25, 1978).

0:01 - Illuminated Christmas trees near the largest church in West Berlin Gedähtniskirche are designed to set people in a festive mood. But for many people in West Berlin, Christmas is primarily a business.

0:17 - Festively decorated shop windows should attract customers and encourage them to spend their annual cash savings in stores. These cash savings vary in size and come in different ways.

0:32 - For example, this organ-grinder is trying to increase his income through Christmas donations.

0:40 - But the owners of the electrical concern Siemens are counting their billions. Over the past 7 years, their investments amounted to exactly one billion DM (Deutsche marks).

0:53 - But during this time, 10,000 workers were laid off from the West German factories of Siemens. And in this respect, Siemens is no exception here.

1:03 - Reduced production at the plant of Mannesmann. One of the factories of the AEG (Allgemeine Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft) concern dismissed half of its workers and the other factory was completely closed.

1:15 - At the entrance of one of the factories, West Berlin Communists distribute leaflets against mass layoffs.

1:24 - The chairman of the district organization of the Socialist United Party of the West Berlin District of Tiergarten (?) Comrade Fritz Enake (?).

1:32 - Comrade Fritz Enake: …


06-24-2019, 12:13 PM
Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony #5. Conductor was Evgeny Svetlanov (1986)

This concert was dedicated to the memory of Konstantin Ivanov (1907-1984). He was a Russian conductor and composer.

Opening remarks by composer Andrei Eshpay.

The symphony starts at 11:50.


06-27-2019, 10:29 AM
Warm Bread (1987)

The annotation:

This short film is based on the eponymous tale of Konstantin Paustovsky.

In Russian


06-27-2019, 10:43 AM
A capital of miners region. Donetsk (1977)

The annotation:

A report of the information program Vremya aired on August 28, 1977 about a beauty of Donetsk city and the work of the mine "Trudovskaya" which is one of the largest enterprises of the city.

0:01 - Donetsk. All who came to us say that it is one of the most beautiful cities of our country. 10,000 families annually celebrate housewarming. There are theaters, the Winter Palace of Sports, Palaces of Culture, the Palace of Youth, stadiums, hospitals, facilities for children. The pride of Donetsk are roses. There are one million rose bushes here. This is the same as the number of inhabitants in the city.

0:23 - This is the mine "Trudovskaya". The miners of the brigade of Anatoly Polishchuk produce 3 thousand tons of coal from one slab per day. This year they decided to mine one million tons of coal and they are close to their goal. Now in the region there are more than 60 brigades whose workplaces are equipped with modern high-performance complexes. They are role models for all Donbas miners. The coal mining plan was exceeded by 2.5 million tons of coal.

0:48 - What can be more in our country than the happiness of work? You are respected, appreciated and your work team proud of you. But the miners have their special happiness. After all, a miner brings people warmth and light. Therefore, he has a great national gratitude.


06-27-2019, 10:51 AM
From "A" to "Z" (1973)

The annotation:

This is a film about the daily life of Soviet schoolchildren in the early 1970s.

11:25 - The girls in the lesson of labor prepared some kind of dish and they treated the boys to this dish.


06-27-2019, 11:05 AM
England vs Ireland. Front-line weekdays Belfast (1977)

The annotation:

A report aired on April 22, 1977. Belfast (Northern Ireland). About rampant English soldiers and on discrimination against Catholics by the Protestant majority and on the struggle for civil rights.

0:01 - Belfast became the leading edge in the struggle between extremist groups of Catholics and Protestants, between the Irish population and the British army. Nowhere is the presence of heavily armed English soldiers so evident. They behave here as masters.

0:20 - That's how the police search everyone who wants to go to the center of Belfast. From all sides the central quarters of the city are surrounded by such a high metal grid. However, and in all of Belfast, the life of citizens passes like behind bars. Police raids, searches, arrests, military patrols and alarms have become commonplace here.

0:44 - People afraid to go out when it gets dark. On the walls of institutions hang posters that warn you that going to work and returning from it is better by different routes. Or, for example, these posters warn you that you must carefully inspect the street before leaving the house.

1:01 - The capital of Ulster is called the front-line city. It is called so not only because here bombs explode and shots sound, not only because here the whole quarters are burned and destroyed.

1:12 - The British authorities seek to give the impression that they are most concerned with maintaining peace and order, but the army's actions only exacerbate the escalation of the conflict because they are directed mainly against the Catholic minority. With the help of the army and repressive laws, the authorities want to suppress any struggle, including political struggle.

1:33 - The democratic forces of Ulster demand the return of British soldiers to the barracks, to stop discrimination against Catholics and to grant civil rights to the entire population of the province. It's necessary for peace to come to Ulster land.


06-27-2019, 11:17 AM
"Evening of the old school of choreography." Part III. A ballet "Paquita" (1981)

The annotation:

This film-ballet staged by the Sergei Kirov State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater.

0:24 - Ludwig Minkus (1826-1917) - Divertimento from the ballet "Paquita."

[As I understand it, although the author of the music for the ballet "Paquita" is Edouard Deldevez (1817-1897), but in setting up the ballet in Russia Petipa used fragments of music written by Minkus for the ballet.]

0:30 - The choreographer was Marius Petipa (1818-1910).


06-28-2019, 08:39 AM
Adventures Of The Piglet Foontic (1986-1988)

The annotation:

This is a soviet cartoon re-sounded in English.

1) Foontic The Elusive (1986)


2) Foontic And The Detectives (1986)


3) Foontic And The Whiskered Lady (1987)


4) Foontic In The Circus (1988)


08-24-2019, 12:03 PM
Canada today. Canada Day (1985)

The annotation:

A report about the capital of Canada, the city of Ottawa, its features, population, architecture and other.

0:02 - When I was driving along the roads of Canada, the feeling that the landscapes around resembled homeland did not leave me. In the vicinity of Ottawa, you can find all kinds of trees that grow in the Moscow region or central Russia. The prairies of the western provinces of the country are as immense as the boundless Ukrainian steppes. And the northern latitudes of the country are very similar to the Soviet Arctic. Lagging behind in dimention of territory only to the Soviet Union, Canada has much in common with it in its natural, geographical and climatic characteristics.

0:42 - Its natural resources are as diverse and inexhaustible as in the Soviet Union. It is rich in rivers, lakes, fertile land and many minerals.

0:58 - Its population is only 25 million people. But the majority of the population lives in the south of the country. The vast northern expanses of the country are poorly mastered. Despite this, it is one of the seven most developed capitalist countries.

1:19 - There are several cities in Canada that are much older and larger than Ottawa. It became the capital 123 years ago, when the issue of creating a Canadian federation was resolved. It was chosen because it was located on the border of the two largest provinces of the country. Ontario and Quebec.

1:43 - It is enough to cross a bridge across the Ottawa River so that you find yourself in one of them. This is the city of civil servants where there are almost no industrial enterprises. Here are located government offices, banks and insurance companies.

2:10 - The city is also known for its museums, theaters and two universities.Only in the center of Ottawa there are a number of skyscrapers. And around them as far as the eye can see there is a "sea" of two-storey mansions, among which only occasionally stand out large buildings. Medieval gothic looks somewhat unusual in such the young city.

2:38 - In this architectural style is built the parliament and many buildings around it. But this is only an imitation. However, it gives Ottawa a unique charm of middle ages. And these buildings give a balance by their primness with other buildings built in modern impetuous architecture.

2:57 - Tourists often come here. Canadians generally like to travel and, as a rule, they don’t sit at home on days off. It is especially pleasant to ride a riverboat along the Rideau Canal, which stretches across the city from north to south. In the winter season, when the canal is covered with ice, it turns into a multi-kilometer skating rink. In summer, pleasure boats ply on it.

3:27 - Here you can hear English and French words everywhere. All inscriptions and official documents are made in two languages. This is done in accordance with the laws. This country is bilingual. Most of its population are descendants of English and French settlers. But in Canada there are many other nationalities. In other words, Canada is a motley conglomerate of various ethnic groups. Characteristically, they try to keep apart from each other, carefully preserving their culture, language and traditions.

4:15 - But yet, every citizen of this country considers himself primarily a Canadian. However this does not prevent them from joking at themselves when the issue is about their national identity. One of the jokes sounds like this: Canadians first long proved to the Americans that they are not British, and then they justified themselves before the British that they were not Americans. Therefore, they did not have time to be themselves.

4:43 - To understand this joke you need to look at a history. Canada was discovered 450 years ago by French navigator Jacques Cartier. He not only gave the country this name, but also declared the lands he discovered as possessions of the French king. After that, fur traders rushed here, and after them the rest of the people. Ousting tribes of the Indians, they began to gradually master the eastern coast of Canada. Some time later the British appeared here. They began to enter from the north and south all the way further to the west of the continent. In the middle of the 18th century, a war began between competitors, which ended in victory for the British. All these lands including the former French colonies became the possessions of the English kings. It received the name British North America. Only a hundred years later, on July 1, 1867, it regained the name Canada. Having received the status of dominion, that is, the self-governing territory, Canada remained a part of the British Empire, under the authority of the English king.

5:56 - It is noteworthy that the Canadian national flag with a maple leaf in the center was hoisted above the parliament building quite recently in 1965. Before that there was a British flag. Just five years ago, on July 1, it was first celebrated as Canada Day, and not as Dominion Day. And finally, only three years ago a new constitution of the country was adopted replacing the Act of British North America that had been in force for 115 years. However, in this constitution, as before, the supreme authority of the British Queen is recognized, which is represented by the General Governor appointed by her. But this is only a formality.

6:48 - Having achieved political independence from London, Canada became economically dependent on the United States. It is enough to say that more than 2,500 American companies settled here. 30 percent of US exports go here. In Canada’s foreign trade, the southern neighbor’s share is almost two-thirds (2/3).

7:14 - In front of the federal parliament building in Ottawa, the fire symbolizes the unity of the country. Around the burning fountain there are emblems of 10 provinces and 2 northern territories that are part of the Canadian Federation. The process of its formation was completed only in 1949, when the Newfoundland island became a part of it as a province.

7:48 - Like any other capitalist country, Canada still today has the same problems as the entire West. Rising prices, inflation, decline in industrial production and finally unemployment. Every year hundreds of farmers and thousands of small entrepreneurs are ruined. But the incomes of large monopolies are constantly growing.

8:17 - There are a number of exclusively national problems in Canada. Among them, the desire of the French-speaking province of Quebec to achieve greater autonomy and the struggle of the indigenous people of the country of the Indians for providing them with equal civil rights and many other problems.

8:44 - But the main thing that worries Canadians, as well as all people on Earth, is the threat of nuclear war looming over the world. Using powerful economic levers the United States is increasingly tying the country to its military chariot. Of particular concern to Canadians is Washington’s new Strategic Defense Initiative nicknamed "Star Wars" and its desire to draw its allies into these dangerous plans. Meanwhile, Canada is not only a neighbor, but is also linked to the United States by a separate agreement on joint aerospace defense of North America.

9:25 - On the territory of Canada are tested American cruise missiles. Here began the modernization of the old and the construction of new radar early warning systems. Therefore, a protest movement against this is growing throughout the country and the number of supporters of peace and disarmament is growing. This year, several mass anti-war demonstrations took place in Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Edmonton and other cities.

10:01 - Already several generations of Canadians do not know what war is. For over 200 years, the country has lived in conditions of peace, which allowed it to achieve great success. And on this festive day, we want to wish that there is always a clear sky over Canada ["Clear sky" is meant a peaceful sky. The sky without bombs, missiles and bombers].


08-31-2019, 01:10 PM
The Sun in Moscow (1972)

The annotation:

About the hot Moscow summer of 1972 and the rest of the townspeople overcoming the summer heat with all available means.


08-31-2019, 01:39 PM
Aleksandr Tvardovsky - A poem Vasili Tyorkin (1979)

The annotation:

This poem of Aleksandr Tvardovsky received triumphal success and fame. And its main character became an expressor of the national spirit and a symbol of victory in the Great Patriotic War. This is a one-man show performed by theater and film actor Oleg Tabakov. Reading a poem, Tabakov managed to convey the feelings and thoughts of an ordinary warrior, and using different intonations, he convincingly plays the scenes of Tyorkin’s dialogues with a general, with an old man, with his colleagues.

In Russian


09-07-2019, 08:54 PM
Grand reception in a palace (1971)

The annotation:

About the Pavlovsk Palace-Museum in the Leningrad Region, destroyed by the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War and completely restored as a result of twenty-five years of restoration work.

0:52 - Morning in the Pavlovsky park. The heart of this natural place is a palace on the banks of the Slavyanka River.

2:56 - Guests will arrive in an hour. There is still enough time. A lucky star rules over this house. Charles Cameron gave a soul to lightweight and slim construction. Vincenzo Brenna gave splendor to it and Andrey Voronikhin gave solemnity to it.

4:20 - The war ruined everything here. It’s hard to believe it now. But this brilliance, elegance and celebration is the result of painstaking, long and inspired work of restorers.

6:28 - This is interesting what an XVIII-century master would say about the work of a modern restorer. Could he distinguish the work of a restorer from his work? One thing is certain. They would understand each other.

8:05 - The goal was to restore everything as it was before destruction despite devastation. But in some cases this was supplemented by the implementation of unfulfilled plans of architects.

8:31 - Thus, according to the preserved sketch of Pietro di Gottardo Gonzago, the ceiling of the throne room was first painted.

9:28 - Everything seemed ready, but here is another detail and another detail... 25 years of work day after day and step by step so that finally the moment comes when all the doors open to say: "Look! This is (10:06) a picture gallery. This is (10:13) a Cavalier Hall with antique sculptures."

10:20 - These sculptures were saved. And only the Roman burned. To clean it would have to chop off its toga. Therefore, they decided to leave it as it is for a reminder of the monstrous barbarism of Nazism.

11:47 - We are grateful to our contemporaries, those who performed a miracle and again gave us the opportunity to see the creations of the great architects of the past.

12:10 - The Pilaster Room of Giacomo Antonio Domenico Quarenghi.

12:22 - The Little Lantern (Room) of Andrey Voronikhin.

12:42 - The corner living room (?) of Carlo di Giovanni Rossi.

13:07 - It's time. Now we may open the doors.


09-14-2019, 12:46 PM
An Autumn sketch (1982)

The annotation:

Against the background of autumn views of Moscow, the orchestral version of L. Afanasyev’s song “There are Romeo and Juliet” (Есть Ромео и Джульетты) performed by the Variety-Symphony Orchestra of the Central Television and All-Union Radio conducted by V. Terletsky sounds.


09-14-2019, 01:04 PM
Jean Sibelius - "Sad Waltz". Vladimir Spivakov and Moscow Virtuosi (1989)

The annotation:

Vladimir Spivakov and the Moscow Virtuosi chamber orchestra play Sad Waltz / Valse triste by Jean Sibelius.


09-14-2019, 02:06 PM
Anapa is a pioneer republic (1978)

The annotation:

A report of the information program Vremya aired on July 6, 1978 about summer vacation of children in the pioneer camps of Anapa. [Anapa is a resort city in southern Russia, located in the Krasnodar Krai (on the Black Sea coast).]

0:01 - About forty aircraft land every day at Anapa Airport. They bring children from Vorkuta, Arkhangelsk, Sverdlovsk [Yekaterinburg], Tyumen, Leningrad [St Petersburg], Kuibyshev [Samara] and other cities. Already 40,000 boys and girls have arrived for vacation.

0:18 - Children of Moscow machine builders have a good pioneer camp. It has a large well-groomed area on which there are a lot of greenery, flowers and excellent sleeping quarters.

0:28 - Each of the children has already found a business to their liking. Young meteorologists immediately got into work at their station.

0:36 - Of course, in the first days, children miss their fathers and mothers. Therefore, every letter received from home is a great joy.

0:43 - Children got acquainted with their teachers and, of course, with those who will feed them deliciously, with cooks.

0:53 - But the most pleasing thing is meeting with the sea.

0:57 - Solemn minutes have come. This is the first general meeting of a pioneer camp team dedicate to the opening of the camp. Pioneer squads make reports.

1:08 - And here it is the most solemn and important moment consisting in raising a flag. Now the pioneer camp is considered active.


09-14-2019, 02:36 PM
Виктор Салтыков -

1) Белая ночь (Форум);
2) Что сравнится с юностью? (Форум);
3) Ты замуж за него не выходи (Электроклуб).

[A music band Forum] - White Night (1986)

[This is a fragment of a TV-program the Morning Post #76. A television premiere.]


[A music band Forum] - What can compare with youth? (1986)

[This is a fragment of the Morning Post #86.]


[A music band Electro club] - Don't marry him (1987)


09-14-2019, 03:13 PM
Gifts of the Ural Forest (1979)

The annotation:

This film is for those who love the forest and go for mushrooms, and even more so for those who don't go there. Sunny glades, wild strawberries and handsome ceps, Lactárius résimus and Leccinum aurantiacum!


09-14-2019, 06:43 PM
The Moor's Pavane (1985)

The annotation:

José Limón’s one-act ballet “The Moor's Pavane” based on Henry Purcell’s music.

0:58 - Variation on the theme of "Othello".

1:02 - Music by Henry Purcell. [The articles say that there are excerpts from the Gordian Knot Unty'd, Abdelazer or the Moor's Revenge and Pavan and Chacon for string instruments.]

1:08 - Choreography of José Limón.

1:14 - Costumes by Charles D. Tomlinson.

1:18 - Choreographer is Natalya Ryzhenko.

1:22 - Conductor is Vladislav Chernushenko.

1:26 - This is a performance of the studio-theater of the Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov Leningrad State Conservatory.

Role performers:
1:37 - a Moor - Nikita Dolgushin;
1:57 - a wife of the Moor - Elena Evteeva;
2:16 - a friend - Marat Daukaev;
2:32 - a wife of the friend - Gabriela Komleva.


09-14-2019, 08:01 PM
The human and nature (1978)

The annotation:

The wonderful world surrounds us. Wildflowers, butterflies, ducks on the surface of the water... How monotonous and boring our life would be without these simple joys! This film is about the need to take care of the nature around us.

0:04 - "Love for a native country is impossible without love for its nature" - Konstantin Paustovsky [He was a Russian Soviet writer, screenwriter, journalist and war correspondent.]

13:51 - Teacher: Children! How many of you know what animals are drawn in the pictures?

13:58 - A wolf.

14:03 - A hare.

14:06 - This is a duck.

14:08 - Teacher: Sasha, what have you seen?

14:10 - A fox.

14:14 - This is a hare.

14:15 - Teacher: Irochka, what have you seen?

14:17 - A wolf.

14:18 - Teacher: Edik, what have you seen?


09-14-2019, 09:35 PM
A concert of guitarist Leo Brouwer (1981)

The annotation:

Performed by the Cuban guitarist Leo Brouwer, works by Johann Sebastian Bach, Fernando Sor, Manuel Ponce, Erik Satie. Recording of the broadcast from the Pyotr Tchaikovsky Concert Hall.

0:07 - We begin the concert of the winner of international competitions Leo Brouwer (Cuba).

0:42 - Prelude, Gavotte and Waltz by Manuel Ponce.

11:26 - 3 Pieces by Erik Satie.

19:57 - Largo Siciliano and Fugue by Johann Sebastian Bach.

32:56 - Andantino, The Calm and Variations by Fernando Sor.


09-16-2019, 09:45 PM
For the sun to shine. A concert of children's ensembles (1985)

The annotation:

The program involves children's ensembles:
"Солнышко / The Sun" (Kiev [Ukraine]),
"Вдохновение / Inspiration" (Moscow [Russia]),
"Калинка / Kalinka" (Moscow [Russia]),
"Полесские звоночки / Polesie bells" (Chernigov [Ukraine]),
"А + Б / A + B" (Ivanovo [Russia]),
"Песенка / A song" (Kolchugino [Russia]),
"Весёлые нотки / Funny notes" (Zhdanov [Mariupol, Ukraine]),
"Ляльки / Lyalki" (Baranovichi [Belarus]),
Ансамбль ДК ЗИЛ / The Ensemble of the House of Culture of the Likhachev Plant (Moscow [Russia]).

00:12-01:59 - The Sun - "Улыбайся, солнышко / The Sun, smile!"

02:00-03:12 - Inspiration - children dance to the waltz music.

03:13-04:18 - Kalinka - children dance cuban folk dance.

04:19-05:55 - Polesie bells - "Дождик босиком / A rain by barefoot"

05:56-07:03 - (?)

07:04-10:30 - A+B - "Мартишок / Martishok (a Moldavian folk song)"

10:31-11:50 - Kalinka - "Калинка / Kalinka (a Russian folk dance)"

11:51-13:40 - A song - "Весёлые матрешки / Fun dolls [matryoshka]"

13:41-16:54 - The Ensemble of the House of Culture of the Likhachev Plant - "Помощницы / Helpers (on Folk music)"

16:55-18:34 - Polesie bells - "Вальс / Waltz" - [ 5) Waltz - Beware of the car] - https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?6107-Classical-Music-Thread&p=6075566&viewfull=1#post6075566

18:35-20:12 - The Ensemble of the House of Culture of the Likhachev Plant - "Упражнение с кольцами / An exercise with rings"

20:13-22:32 - Lyalki - "Детство / Childhood"

22:33-25:00 - Funny notes - "Здравствуй, утро / Hello, Morning!"

25:01-27:17 - Lyalki - "Журавлики / The Crane"

27:18-29:19 - The Sun - "Солнышко, свети / The Sun, shine!"


09-17-2019, 02:14 PM
An incredible bet, or true incident, which ended successfully a hundred years ago (1984)

The annotation:

This film is based on the stories of Anton Chekhov "The Bet (https://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/c/chekhov/anton/c51sc/chapter18.html)", "The tenant", "From the Memoirs of an Idealist", "An Inadvertence (https://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/c/chekhov/anton/schoolmaster/chapter19.html)", "At the Mill", "The Shoemaker and the Devil".

So, the young lawyer makes a unique two million gold bet with a very rich banker who, for the sake of boredom, decided to “test the strength of a human soul”.

In Russian


The romance from the film.


09-24-2019, 08:43 PM
Along the river (1975)

The annotation:

These are the fragments of the cartoon "Along the river", in which Russian folk songs performed by the ensemble "Mischievous Voices / Озорные голоса" and "Saratov Harmonics / Саратовские гармоники" of the Palace of Culture of Vocational Education of the city of Saratov.

This is a Russian folk song "At the Forge / Во кузнице"


This is a Russian folk song "A cockerel / Петушок"


This is a music of Russian folk dance "Русская плясовая"


This is a Russian folk song "Dunya walked along the yard... / По дворочку Дуня шла..."

Дуня is a short form of the name Авдотья or Евдокия.


These are ditties "At the green bush... / У зеленого кусточка..."


Along the river (1975)


09-24-2019, 09:20 PM
Winter Day (1986)

The annotation:

A sketch about winter sports and winter recreation of Muscovites.


09-24-2019, 11:29 PM
Ural Trio of Bayanists (1966 and 1969)

1.1) Johann Sebastian Bach - Organ Prelude and Fugue in A Minor;
1.2) Anatoly Lyadov - "Kikimora";
1.3) Anatoly Shalaev - "Russian Snowstorm".

2.1) Johann Sebastian Bach - Prelude and Fugue in B Flat Minor;
2.2) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Overture to the opera "The Marriage of Figaro";
2.3) Fantasy on themes of songs about the Far East;
2.4) Russian tunes;
2.5) Konstantin Myaskov - A concert piece on Hutsul themes;
2.6) Igor Stravinsky - A Russian dance from the ballet "Petrushka";
2.7) Grigoraş Dinicu - A Romanian spring dance.

00:30 - Johann Sebastian Bach - Organ Prelude and Fugue in A Minor

09:30 - Anatoly Lyadov - "Kikimora / Кикимора" [Kikimora is a legendary creature, a evil female house spirit in Slavic mythology.]

17:30 - Anatoly Shalaev - "Russian Snowstorm / Русская метелица"


00:20 - Johann Sebastian Bach - Prelude and Fugue in B Flat Minor

06:10 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Overture to the opera "The Marriage of Figaro"

09:50 - Fantasy on themes of songs about the Far East

15:20 - Russian tunes

19:00 - Konstantin Myaskov - "A concert piece on Hutsul themes / Концертная пьеса на Гуцульские темы"

23:30 - Igor Stravinsky - A Russian dance from the ballet "Petrushka"

25:45 - Grigoraş Dinicu - A Romanian spring dance


09-28-2019, 06:11 PM
Autumn in Abramtsevo (1977)

The annotation:

In one of the picturesque places of the Moscow Region, the Abramtsevo Museum-Reserve is located. It gained wide popularity in the middle of the XIX century, the estate was a place where eminent writers, artists, actors and musicians often visited and worked. Currently, the collection of the Abramtsevo Museum has more than 25 thousand exhibits, and architectural monuments of the 18th-19th centuries are located on an area of 50 hectares.


09-29-2019, 08:17 PM
Юрий Антонов -

1) Крыша дома (1983);
2) Снегири (1984);
3) Жаль мне, конечно (1982).

Under the roof of my house [This is the final of the All-Union Television Festival of Soviet Song "The Song-1983"]


Bullfinches [This is the final of the All-Union Television Festival of Soviet Song "The Song-1984"]


Of course, it is a pity for me [This is a fragment of a television show What? Where? When?]


09-29-2019, 08:39 PM
Moscow Ninja in the TV program "Around the World" (1990)

The annotation:

Training and interviews of one of the first Ninjutsu masters in the USSR near the railway tracks on the outskirts of Moscow in the Around the World TV program. In accordance with the tradition of this martial art, the Ninja does not reveal his own face and name.

0:04 - Anchorperson: It is hard to imagine the amazement of the passengers of commuter trains which see from windows of their trains in one of Moscow's wastelands just such a strange person for our capital.

0:48 - Moscow Ninja: I do this all my life for over 20 years. And it has nothing to do with sport. This is life. This is art. This is the art of being myself. Any martial art can be compared to painting, poetry, graphics, architecture. And the person who comprehends it must live by the laws of good.

2:23 - Moscow Ninja: Here I showed you a free katani jutsubei (?). This is a dance of my soul.

2:34 - Moscow Ninja: This is the martial art only for professionals. This is not a sport. And the goal here is not to win on tatami and get a medal. The goal is to survive and destroy the enemy.

3:44 - Moscow Ninja: My advice to you is that you never need to apply any of this.


09-29-2019, 10:01 PM
What? Where? When? - Game VI - The team of Andrei Kamorin (1982)

It was a very popular telecast in the USSR.

At this telecast was a club of experts. They were formed in teams of 6 people each. They played against viewers (viewers sent their questions to the telecast). The host of the telecast was an arbitrator (he determined was the answer right or wrong). The game goes on until one of the teams (experts or viewers) scores 6 points. If a team was losing, then its members left the club.

With your permission, I will not translate all replicas. The correct answers given by the host of the telecast will be placed under the video.

1:40-2:50 - Toss for team captains.

3:44-4:05 - Presentation of the team that won the toss:

Nikolai Silantyev is a builder.
Sergey Pestov is a chemist.
Sergey Tsarkov is a biologist.
Victoria Kravchenko is an economist.
Mikhail Budarev is a student.
Andrei Kamorin (captain) is a journalist.

1st round - 5:10 -
5:27-5:46 - The prize is announced for the winner (experts or viewers) of the first round. This is a book by Alexander Kazantsev "The ice is returning / Льды возвращаются" (science fiction).

5:54-6:10 - Question #1: Who gathered all these things together?

7:25-7:54 - Experts answer to question #1: We think that such a strange set of things could have been created by the imagination of a child. We think that such a set of things could be in the pocket of a character from Mark Twain's work The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
- 8:57

2nd round - 8:58 -
9:19-9:30 - The prize is the book of Ben Bova (Benjamin William Bova) The Weathermakers.

9:40-10:11 - Question #2: Here is an encrypted telegram sent from Puerto Rico to a certain Messier. Decipher this telegram.

11:20-12:20 - Experts answer to question #2: We remembered that a radio telescope from a volcanic crater in Puerto Rico sent a message into space at a wavelength of 21 centimeters (in the wavelength of free hydrogen). This message was encrypted data about our civilization that is, it was our visiting card. In the message was the basis of our decimal system, the basis of our life (DNA double helix), the human figure (the approximate structure of the human body), the height of a person (in the same system in which the numbers were encrypted), the structure of the solar system (the Earth is slightly raised) and also were given data about the radio telescope from which this message was sent and its dimensions.
- 13:10

3rd round - 13:11-
13:23-13:35 - The prize is a book with collection of science fiction Science Fiction 1980.

13:46-14:10 - Question #3: You must find a way to drive the spring into the piece of wood.

15:20-15:28 - Experts answer to question #3: [The experts wanted to explain this theoretically, but the host of the telecast demanded that this be explained with the help of a practical demonstration.]
- 17:05

4th round - 17:06 -
17:17-17:30 - The prize is a book with collection of science fiction Science Fiction 1981.

17:45-18:29 - Question #4: Now you will hear the voice of a hen hatching eggs. ----- What do these sounds mean?

19:50-20:07 - Experts answer to question #4: We decided that the chicken cluck in a similar way in the last hours of hatching eggs when in the chick embryo the hearing aid is already developed so that it hears and remembers the mother's voice.
- 22:28

5th round - 22:29 -
22:41-22:50 - The prize is a book with collection of science fiction by European authors "The Road of Memories."

23:10-23:44 - Question #5: It is believed that the temperature of this nest is maintained at around 30 degrees Celsius during winter and summer. You must find arguments to support or oppose this opinion.

24:50-25:51 - Experts answer to question #5: This nest is spherical. This means that it has a minimum surface and maximum volume. It also means that it has a minimum of thermal radiation and less surface heat transfer. This nest is made of lightweight porous material which is a good heat insulator. The center of the nest where the wasps are separated from the outer surface and in structure resembles cabbage because it consists of numerous air layers. Air that does not circulate freely is a good heat insulator.
- 26:50

6th round - 26:51 -
27:03-27:16 - The prize is a book "Pilgrimage to Earth." Apparently it contains the eponymous story of Robert Sheckley and is also a collection of science fiction.

27:30-28:22 - Question #6: At the bottom of the pot you can see the most ancient porridge on Earth. This porridge arose earlier than the Greek myths. This porridge was eaten in ancient Egypt at a time when there were no pyramids. By the way, one literary character ate only this porridge and felt himself great. Try this porridge. And tell me, what kind of porridge?

29:26-29:59 - Experts answer to question #6: We believe that this porridge was eaten by the character Balda from The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda by Alexander Pushkin. This porridge is called boiled spelled. It was brewed from the first cultivated plant, i.e. wheat.
- 31:19

7th round - 31:20 -
31:32-31:42 - The prize are two books. These are collections of science fiction (#24 and #25) of the publishing house Knowledge.

32:08-32:20 - Question #7: How to write "домбра" or "домра"?

33:29-33:59 - Experts answer to question #7: Both words can be used. Because they are two different musical instruments. Dombra is an oriental musical instrument. Domra is an ancient Russian musical instrument.
- 34:46

8th round - 34:48 -
35:00-35:09 - This is a book by Yeremey Parnov "A chest of Marie de Medici / Ларец Марии Медичи".

35:37-35:54 - For this question, the winner will receive an additional prize. It is important for the All-Union Voluntary Association of Book Lovers. This is a book by Ivan Sytin "My Life for the Book / Жизнь для книги".

36:18-37:04 - Question #8: "I remember a wonderful summer morning. My friends and I were sitting on a high hill. We were surrounded by gardens. I will never forget the taste of tea which the hospitable friend has made. It was some special Cuban tea." Which of the poets wrote these lines?

38:28-38:49 - Experts answer to question #8: We believe that these lines were written by Vladimir Mayakovsky. He was in the USA and in Cuba and drank there this special Cuban tea with his friends.
- 43:03

9th round - 43:04 -
43:18-43:28 - The prize is a book of Arkady Adamov "Onto free space / На свободное место".

43:46-47:34 - A musical pause. Alla Pugacheva sings a song "Return / Возвращение."

48:18-49:46 - Question #9: This actor is like two famous pianists. Who are these pianists?

50:42-51:53 - The team asks for help from the club (it can do it only once during the game). The club tells them that in the movie Svyatoslav Richter plays the role of Franz Liszt.

52:00-52:24 - Experts answer to question #9: We believe that these two pianists Liszt and Richter. Thus, in the movie, Richter is similar to Liszt and also himself.
- 54:15

10th round - 54:16 -
54:25-54:39 - The prize is a book with collection of travel, adventure, science fiction stories "On land and on seas / На суше и на море."

55:05-55:41 - Question #10: I have Vyacheslav Shishkov's novel "Ugryum river / Угрюм-река" in my hands. "The strong wind was blowing. It interfered rafting down the river. Barges overcoming the force of the wind barely moved. But human experience knew the secret of fighting against it." How to accelerate the rafting of a barge down the river if it is obstructed by a strong headwind?

56:55-57:38 - Experts answer to question #10: When rafting logs or barges down the river, the main engine is the flow of the river but the wind prevents this movement. Thus, in order to reduce the influence of this wind, it is necessary to increase the influence that the river has on the barge. To do this, you need to load the barge with a large ballast to immerse it into the water even more. As a result, the flow of the river will act on the barge stronger and the part of the barge that protrudes from the water and it will be less influenced by wind.

58:14-1:01:03 - The team asks for time out.
- 1:01:32

11th round - 1:01:33 -
1:01:50-1:01:59 - The prize is a book with collection of travel, adventure, science fiction stories "On land and on seas" (1981).

1:02:29-1:03:24 - Question #11: What kind of folk craft was in the video? In which city does it exist?

1:04:35-1:04:58 - Experts answer to question #11: This ancient folk craft is called enamel (финифть). The center of this craft is the city of Rostov the Great.
- 1:07:00


The correct answers

8:00-8:26 - The correct answer to question #1: All these things are collected Stepan Plyushkin character in work by Nikolai Gogol Dead Souls.

[Chapter VI: Not content with this, he walked every day through the streets of his village, looking under the bridges, under the crossbar, and everything that came across to him: an old sole, a woman’s rag, an iron nail, a clay shard - all dragged to him and folded into that pile Chichikov noticed in the corner of the room.

- In the English translation that I saw this fragment is not.]

12:22-12:31 - The correct answer to question #2: The answer is correct.
The host of the telecast added just that this message was sent to the star cluster M 13 [Messier 13 from a French astronomer Charles Messier]

15:30-15:45 - The correct answer to question #3: The host of the telecast explained how to do this in practice. To perform the task, it is necessary to press the lower end of the spring to a piece of wood, and pull off the upper end of the spring and then release it. [Demonstration of this method at 15:40.]

20:10-20:42 - The correct answer to question #4: Let's think about why chicken eggs appear on different days, but chicklings appear at the same time. Modern scientists have found that a hen coordinates the growth of embryos in the egg with its voice. In this way it drives those who are lagging behind.

25:52-26:08 - The correct answer to question #5: That's right. This is a wasp nest. Your main arguments for the fact that the nest can be hot are correct.

30:00-30:11 - The correct answer to question #6: The answer is correct.

34:00-34:06 - The correct answer to question #7: The answer is correct.

38:50-39:22 - The correct answer to question #8: Here was meant not the Cuba which is located in the Caribbean, but that Cuba [or Kuba] which is located not far from Dagestan. Mikhail Lermontov wrote about the wonderful Caucasian Cuban tea in his letter to Rayevsky in 1837.

39:56-41:19 - TV Repeat of Discussion. 40:54 - one of the experts voiced the correct version. 41:38-41:51 - this is Dagestan Cuba.

52:25-52:35 - The correct answer to question #9: The role of the famous pianist of the 19th century Franz Liszt was performed by the famous pianist of the 20th century Svyatoslav Richter. The answer is correct.

57:50-58:04 - The correct answer to question #10:
Vyacheslav Shishkov - "Ugryum river":
"Headwind tried to stop barge. But the flow of the river with the force collided with water sails."
The secret was that the sails were submerged in water.

1:05:02-1:05:21 - The correct answer to question #11: The Ipatiev Chronicle of 1175 mentions this folk craft for the first time. From the 13th century and until now the center of this folk craft is Rostov the Great. This is Russian enamel. The answer is correct.

09-30-2019, 12:11 AM
Some Soviet songs.
ВИА Песняры - Беловежская пуща (1975).


Юрий Антонов - Уходит молодость моя (из архива белорусского телевидения, начало 80-х).


Тынис Мяги - Олимпиада-80 (Съёмка в Таллине).


Владимир Макаров - Последняя электричка (Из одноимённого фильма-концерта Ленинградского телевидения, 1968г.).


10-02-2019, 08:09 PM
It is a charm for eyes (1985)

[The title of the video is a line from a poem about Autumn of Alexander Pushkin.]

The annotation:

This is a film about Autumn in the Lower Volga region. [The Lower Volga region includes the Saratov Region, Volgograd Region, Astrakhan Region.]


10-02-2019, 08:31 PM
What? Where? When? - Game VI - The team of Andrei Kamorin (1982)

It was a very popular telecast in the USSR.

At this telecast was a club of experts. They were formed in teams of 6 people each. They played against viewers (viewers sent their questions to the telecast). The host of the telecast was an arbitrator (he determined was the answer right or wrong). The game goes on until one of the teams (experts or viewers) scores 6 points. If a team was losing, then its members left the club.

I remember this show :) it was very popular.

10-15-2019, 06:38 AM
I remember this show :) it was very popular.

Did you see this show when you were in the USSR?

An old detective story (1982)

The annotation:

This is a play based on the stories of Edgar Allan Poe "The Purloined Letter" and Charles Dickens "Hunted Down".

In Russian


10-15-2019, 07:58 AM
Nice thread.

10-15-2019, 09:18 AM
Nice thread.

Thank you very much :)

I am pleased to read this.

A concert of Igor Stravinsky in Moscow (1962)

The annotation:

This is a suite from a ballet "Petrushka" performed by the Moscow State Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra and conducted by the author.


A concert of Igor Stravinsky in Leningrad (1962)

The annotation:

These are a fantasy "Fireworks" and a suite from a ballet "The Firebird" performed by the Leningrad Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra and conducted by the author.


10-15-2019, 11:54 AM
Did you see this show when you were in the USSR?

We used to be able to receive Soviet TV channels in Romania in the 1980s. People would invest in a good antenna back then because the Romanian state channel in the late 80s was trash, just singing praise to N. Ceausescu.

So yeah, I was raised with Soviet TV and American B movies on VHS tapes :D

11-09-2019, 04:12 PM
We used to be able to receive Soviet TV channels in Romania in the 1980s. People would invest in a good antenna back then because the Romanian state channel in the late 80s was trash, just singing praise to N. Ceausescu.

So yeah, I was raised with Soviet TV and American B movies on VHS tapes :D

Apparently you know Russian very well, since you can understand what people say in Russian TV shows.

Awarding of Leonid Brezhnev in connection with his 70th birthday (1976)

The annotation:

This is video footage shot on December 18, 1976, on awarding Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev with an honorary weapon (a nominal saber with a golden image of the State Emblem of the USSR).

00:00 - Nikolai Podgorny [The Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR]: It is with great satisfaction that I present you with another commemorative award. By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR, you, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of our Party, the Chairman of the Council of Defense of the USSR, the Marshall of the Soviet Union, for outstanding services in strengthening the defense and improving the armed forces of the country are awarded honorary weapons with a gold image of the State Emblem of the USSR.

Allow me to fulfill this pleasant assignment and to hand it to you with great satisfaction.

Wow! Just look what it is!

[he speaks inaudibly]

01:10 - Leonid Brezhnev [The General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union]: Dear comrades and friends. Taking this honorable weapon from Nikolai Podgorny, I would like to say that it was made by the masters of our Ministry of Defense. And therefore, I also relate my warm feelings to you.

02:00 - Leonid Brezhnev: Comrades, with regard to this weapon, it will never be used in battle. It will serve... Its fate has already been decided... It will be a decoration in one of the rooms of my apartment.

02:28 - Nikolai Podgorny: It will be a good decoration.

2:33 - Leonid Brezhnev: Well, that's all.

2:36 - Nikolai Podgorny: I sincerely congratulate you once again.

2:37 - Leonid Brezhnev: Thank you!
