View Full Version : Estimate her euro and native

06-08-2019, 10:44 AM
Please do it she is Mexican

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06-08-2019, 10:52 AM
70-80 euro

06-08-2019, 10:56 AM
do you actually have her dna test or something? im curious on the results... I'd say around 75% euro, 25% native, negligible(less than 5%) African

06-08-2019, 10:58 AM
Euro 60%
Amerind 40%

The Blade
06-08-2019, 11:03 AM
Around 75-80% Euro and 20-25% Amerindian is a good possibility.

06-08-2019, 11:24 AM
do you actually have her dna test or something? im curious on the results... I'd say around 75% euro, 25% native, negligible(less than 5%) AfricanI don't this is why i am asking to estimate it

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06-08-2019, 12:09 PM
do you actually have her dna test or something? im curious on the results... I'd say around 75% euro, 25% native, negligible(less than 5%) AfricanWhere do you see any African influence ?

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06-08-2019, 12:12 PM
%75 Europid
%25 Native

06-08-2019, 06:09 PM
Where do you see any African influence ?

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I don't. I was just covering all bases by saying that she had none because some hispanics have SSA influence too. Less than 5%(negligible) is the equivalent of 0 to me.