View Full Version : Un marroquí viola y corta un dedo a la educadora que le puso un piso social

Cristiano viejo
06-09-2019, 01:03 AM
Un marroquí viola y corta un dedo a la educadora que le puso un piso social


Un hombre de 44 años fue detenido en Bilbao acusado de violar y cortar un dedo a una educadora social, según ha informado el Departamento vasco de Seguridad.

La agresión se produjo sobre las 16.30 horas en un inmueble del barrio bilbaíno de Deusto.

Al parecer, la educadora comunicó al hombre que iba a ser expulsado del piso por saltarse las normas y este reaccionó atacándola. El agresor, de origen magrebí, violó a la joven, la maniató a una silla y la amordazó con la propia cortina de la vivienda.

Además le seccionó prácticamente un dedo del pie y le causó heridas de arma blanca por distintas partes del cuerpo. Posteriormente, sobre las 16.45 horas, el hombre se trasladó a otro piso de acogida, donde ocasionó distintos cortes en la mano derecha y el antebrazo izquierdo a otro varón.

Las dos víctimas fueron trasladadas a centros hospitalarios para ser atendidas de sus heridas, mientras que el agresor también tuvo que ser ingresado en el hospital de Basurto tras intentar autolesionarse con fármacos viola.

Según han confirmado las mismas fuentes, el detenido había sido imputado en otras ocasiones por amenazas y lesiones aunque no estaba fichado por la Ertzaintza.

En sus primeras declaraciones, ha trascendido el carácter machista y misógeno del acusado, que habría mostrado en todo momento su rechazo visceral y su superioridad manifesta contra la educadora en particular y frente al género femenino en general.


06-09-2019, 01:25 AM
Que inhumano

Cristiano viejo
06-09-2019, 11:07 PM
^ así son los inmigrantes que padecemos en España.

06-09-2019, 11:20 PM
So what ? What's your point ? I can find the same kind of horror made by spaniards. Monsters are everywhere I start to really think that your IQ doesn't even reach 80...stop being obsessed with us pls

Cristiano viejo
06-09-2019, 11:25 PM
So what ? What's your point ? I can find the same kind of horror made by spaniards. Monsters are everywhere I start to really think that your IQ doesn't even reach 80...stop being obsessed with us pls

Not in Morocco. That is the point.
Moroccans are a criminal race, live with it.

06-10-2019, 12:08 AM
Not in Morocco. That is the point.
Moroccans are a criminal race, live with it.

Don't speak too fast : https://www.thelocal.es/20140725/spanish-paedophile-stoned-by-moroccan-youths "A Spanish tourist in Marrakech has been stoned by a group of youngsters who caught him sexually abusing a young boy." Moroccans are the master race*, Live with it.

06-10-2019, 01:10 AM
Don't speak too fast : https://www.thelocal.es/20140725/spanish-paedophile-stoned-by-moroccan-youths "A Spanish tourist in Marrakech has been stoned by a group of youngsters who caught him sexually abusing a young boy." Moroccans are the master race*, Live with it.

a case of 2014?

the last week with just a quick Google search:

A Moroccan tries to steal a floor, falls down the balcony and attacks the woman who went to help him


Seven Maghrebis brutally attack a gay couple in Barcelona


A Moroccan brutally assaults a 65-year-old woman in Alicante to steal her cell phone


A Maghrebi is arrested in Burgos after threatening a young man with a machete and stealing his mobile


Agents of the National Police have arrested a Moroccan man who was traveling on a bus that was traveling Oviedo-Madrid for masturbating and touching a passenger. Afterwards, she lowered her pants in front of the judge.


An Algerian is arrested as the author of the fire at El Prat Airport


A Moroccan is arrested in Alicante after violently stealing two women in 24 hours


arrest an Algerian in Valencia who raped a 19-year-old girl: he could have raped other women


I repeat this is only the last week, using the search filter of the last 7 days

06-10-2019, 01:31 AM
a case of 2014?

the last week with just a quick Google search:

A Moroccan tries to steal a floor, falls down the balcony and attacks the woman who went to help him


Seven Maghrebis brutally attack a gay couple in Barcelona


A Moroccan brutally assaults a 65-year-old woman in Alicante to steal her cell phone


A Maghrebi is arrested in Burgos after threatening a young man with a machete and stealing his mobile


Agents of the National Police have arrested a Moroccan man who was traveling on a bus that was traveling Oviedo-Madrid for masturbating and touching a passenger. Afterwards, she lowered her pants in front of the judge.


An Algerian is arrested as the author of the fire at El Prat Airport


A Moroccan is arrested in Alicante after violently stealing two women in 24 hours


arrest an Algerian in Valencia who raped a 19-year-old girl: he could have raped other women


I repeat this is only the last week, using the search filter of the last 7 days

Weird all your news are coming from alt right newspaper...yeah very realiable.

06-10-2019, 09:17 AM
Weird all your news are coming from alt right newspaper...yeah very realiable.

because the pamphlets of the leftist traitors hide the nationality

A man arrested for touching a woman's breasts and masturbating in front of her lowers his pants in front of the judge


A group of young people assault a gay couple in Barcelona


tell me what news you think is false and I'll give you the link to various communication media

06-10-2019, 12:09 PM
because the pamphlets of the leftist traitors hide the nationality

A man arrested for touching a woman's breasts and masturbating in front of her lowers his pants in front of the judge


A group of young people assault a gay couple in Barcelona


tell me what news you think is false and I'll give you the link to various communication media

So then How do these weird newspapers know that he was moroccan especially that they don't give names...also the first man is obviously mentally ill there is nothing we can do about it

06-10-2019, 12:37 PM
There are tons of cases involving Moroccans (and North Africans in general) even in Italy.
Not surprisingly Moroccans are among the most jailed ethnic groups in Italy, beated only by Romanians.

06-10-2019, 02:17 PM
Eso le pasa a la tipa esa por ir a catar rabo moro (que es a lo que iba seguramente)

Pena ninguna.

06-10-2019, 04:31 PM
So then How do these weird newspapers know that he was moroccan especially that they don't give names...also the first man is obviously mentally ill there is nothing we can do about it

many mentally ill come, too

A Moroccan tries to rape his educator the day after entering a shelter in Murcia


06-10-2019, 04:49 PM
many mentally ill come, too

A Moroccan tries to rape his educator the day after entering a shelter in Murcia


Why do spain keep these mentaly ill men in her territory they should be expelled asap. Moreover what's your point ? be honest

06-10-2019, 04:52 PM
Además le seccionó prácticamente un dedo del pie y le causó heridas de arma blanca por distintas partes del cuerpo. Posteriormente, sobre las 16.45 horas, el hombre se trasladó a otro piso de acogida, donde ocasionó distintos cortes en la mano derecha el antebrazo izquierdo a otro varón.

O sea, que semejante bestia infrahumana hace lo que hace, y todavía tienen las santas bolas de trasladarlo a otro piso de acogida?? :picard1: Por eso estamos como estamos.

Lo mas lógico y sencillo seria expulsar de España con una patada por el culo a estas sabandijas, a la primera pachotada que hagan. Ni siquiera debería estar en España, en primer lugar.

Cristiano viejo
06-10-2019, 11:29 PM
Weird all your news are coming from alt right newspaper...yeah very realiable.
Dont be ridicolous, you can find these news in any newspaper, lefty or righty.
I would need several years to post all the crimes that Moroccans have commited in Spain just in 2019.

There are tons of cases involving Moroccans (and North Africans in general) even in Italy.
Not surprisingly Moroccans are among the most jailed ethnic groups in Italy, beated only by Romanians.
In a report of the Spanish Ministry of Interior of 2015 https://gaceta.es/noticias/los-marroquies-cabeza-delincuencia-espana-06052016-1723/
they show that Moroccans are on top of the crime in Spain, even being "only" the 1,5% of the total population, only exceeded by "Romanians" (they clarify most of their crimes are commited by Gypsies, not by ethnic Romanians).

But while Romanians focus on little crimes (thefts, etc), Moroccans are involved in the most serious crimes (murders, rapes, mistreatment, drug trafficking, etc). According the report, in 2015 it were commited 300 murders in Spain, and Moroccans were involved in the 15% of them (18), being, I insist, the 1,5% of the total population :rolleyes:


06-11-2019, 12:21 AM
Dont be ridicolous, you can find these news in any newspaper, lefty or righty.
I would need several years to post all the crimes that Moroccans have commited in Spain just in 2019.

In a report of the Spanish Ministry of Interior of 2015 https://gaceta.es/noticias/los-marroquies-cabeza-delincuencia-espana-06052016-1723/
they show that Moroccans are on top of the crime in Spain, even being "only" the 1,5% of the total population, only exceeded by "Romanians" (they clarify most of their crimes are commited by Gypsies, not by ethnic Romanians).

But while Romanians focus on little crimes (thefts, etc), Moroccans are involved in the most serious crimes (murders, rapes, mistreatment, drug trafficking, etc). According the report, in 2015 it were commited 300 murders in Spain, and Moroccans were involved in the 15% of them (18), being, I insist, the 1,5% of the total population :rolleyes:


What about the socio-economical situation of this "1.5% of the population" probably the poorest minority especially that I supposed all those criminals are recent immigrants....I'm moroccan I live in europe and i've never committed a crime and my family is more than well integrated so what's your point ??

06-11-2019, 12:52 AM
Why do spain keep these mentaly ill men in her territory they should be expelled asap. Moreover what's your point ? be honest

Moroccan goverment gives a fuck about their citizens and don't want them back, it's almost impossible to deport the alone moroccan minors who are here for thousands.
At besides it uses illegal immigration from Africa to blackmail Spain and other countries.

Sumarizing, moroccan goverment and people are a total disgrace for us and for west Europe too.

06-11-2019, 01:00 AM
What about the socio-economical situation of this "1.5% of the population" probably the poorest minority especially that I supposed all those criminals are recent immigrants....I'm moroccan I live in europe and i've never committed a crime and my family is more than well integrated so what's your point ??

Many eastern Euro immigrants are poor, and they're not as criminals on average as Moroccan immigrants. So, what's your point?

06-11-2019, 01:17 AM
I would deport these criminals.

06-11-2019, 01:32 AM
Dont be ridicolous, you can find these news in any newspaper, lefty or righty.
I would need several years to post all the crimes that Moroccans have commited in Spain just in 2019.

In a report of the Spanish Ministry of Interior of 2015 https://gaceta.es/noticias/los-marroquies-cabeza-delincuencia-espana-06052016-1723/
they show that Moroccans are on top of the crime in Spain, even being "only" the 1,5% of the total population, only exceeded by "Romanians" (they clarify most of their crimes are commited by Gypsies, not by ethnic Romanians).

But while Romanians focus on little crimes (thefts, etc), Moroccans are involved in the most serious crimes (murders, rapes, mistreatment, drug trafficking, etc). According the report, in 2015 it were commited 300 murders in Spain, and Moroccans were involved in the 15% of them (18), being, I insist, the 1,5% of the total population :rolleyes:


Only 300? well, daum.

06-11-2019, 01:35 AM
Many eastern Euro immigrants are poor, and they're not as criminals on average as Moroccan immigrants. So, what's your point?

That's completely false don't compare eastern europe with morocco who is poorer also eastern europeans are not as numerous as moroccans. You're venezualian stick to your country don't start to play the spaniard here pls

06-11-2019, 01:39 AM
Moroccan goverment gives a fuck about their citizens and don't want them back, it's almost impossible to deport the alone moroccan minors who are here for thousands.
At besides it uses illegal immigration from Africa to blackmail Spain and other countries.

Sumarizing, moroccan goverment and people are a total disgrace for us and for west Europe too.

Wtf are you talking about ? Belgians have expelled plenty of moroccan radicalists and criminals it's just the spanish government who is awful. They are blackmailing europe because europe complain about those immigrants but doesn't want to help morocco with all those immigrants. The only disgrace here is the spanish government.

06-11-2019, 02:29 AM
That's completely false don't compare eastern europe with morocco who is poorer also eastern europeans are not as numerous as moroccans. You're venezualian stick to your country don't start to play the spaniard here pls

Spain is my business too, and I am also Spanish citizen. You won't tell me where I stick my nose. I stick my nose wherever I fucking want.

06-11-2019, 03:38 AM
There are tons of cases involving Moroccans (and North Africans in general) even in Italy.
Not surprisingly Moroccans are among the most jailed ethnic groups in Italy, beated only by Romanians.

I've heard Algerians are quite problematic in France too... Would you say North Africans are by far the worst MENA group?

06-11-2019, 12:15 PM
I've heard Algerians are quite problematic in France too... Would you say North Africans are by far the worst MENA group?

There are 2.5 millions of algerians in France it's the biggest non-european minority there and plenty of celebrities, politicians , etc.. who are algerian there. It's the ones who live in poor neighborhood that are problematic like everywhere else in the world. Should I talk about all the latin american as if they were all criminals because of cartels,drugs, dangerous cities ,etc...Also why did you ask him he's italian he doesn't know much about france or the rest of western europe and I wouldn't take a racist italian as an objective reference.

06-11-2019, 01:12 PM
There are tons of cases involving Moroccans (and North Africans in general) even in Italy.
Not surprisingly Moroccans are among the most jailed ethnic groups in Italy, beated only by Romanians.

You lie north Africans don't want to go to Italia a country that already have a big diaspora you forget to talk Iof south italians (mafia) and romas

Moroccans communities who make few troubles are only in france/neetherland and belgium so dont think yourself for a north euro you're from a country of immigrants

06-11-2019, 03:26 PM
There are more moroccans in Spain than in Netherlands or Belgium.

There are many in Italy too.

06-11-2019, 03:37 PM
You lie north Africans don't want to go to Italia a country that already have a big diaspora you forget to talk Iof south italians (mafia) and romas

NA dont want to go!? Don't make me laugh...
Then I bet you can explain all the recent immigration waves that (fortunately) Salvini reduced. Check the foreigner ethnicities in Italy and you'll see if NA "don't want" to come here... :rolleyes:

Romas? You mean Gypsies? They have nothing to do with Italians and they are a problem too here in Italy (and not only).

Cristiano viejo
06-12-2019, 12:26 AM
What about the socio-economical situation of this "1.5% of the population" probably the poorest minority especially that I supposed all those criminals are recent immigrants....I'm moroccan I live in europe and i've never committed a crime and my family is more than well integrated so what's your point ??

So your excuse for all these crimes commited by Moroccans was, is and always will be "that they are poor" :rolleyes: damn, then the best solution is not allowing poors to come to Europe, thanks for exposing the truth so clear :thumb001:

06-12-2019, 03:17 AM
So your excuse for all these crimes commited by Moroccans was, is and always will be "that they are poor" :rolleyes: damn, then the best solution is not allowing poors to come to Europe, thanks for exposing the truth so clear :thumb001:

Yes I forget that the real explanation was that they have a criminal gene in their dna LOL yes indeed europe shouldn't accept poor immigrants.

06-12-2019, 05:43 AM