View Full Version : Are Irish and British distinguishable?

06-09-2019, 11:40 PM
Is there any British who can't pass for Irish and vica versa?
Does someone like Colin Farell pass in Britain?

06-09-2019, 11:55 PM
If we can fake the accents then we can fool each other into passing as a native in one another's countries. There are however some stereotypical "looks" associated with the different constituent countries and regions of the UK.

Colin Farrell could pass as British, Kit Harrington, David Tennant, Tom Jones, Pollyanna MacIntosh, David Mitchell, and even I don't look too out of place.

Colin has a Scottish vibe.

06-09-2019, 11:56 PM
irish are more brunn, like Norwegians, i guess.

Tooting Carmen
06-09-2019, 11:58 PM
There are some distinctive types. For example, Jonathan Sexton looks very distinctly Irish:

And Mary Berry looks very distinctly English:

But for the most part, the peoples of the British Isles are very similar to one another.

06-10-2019, 12:04 AM
Can often tell if they are group photos. Irish often have Broader more robust but softer fleshier faces. With Longer Philtrums (gap between nose and mouth), Shorter broader noses. Slightly bigger ears. Hair is slightly more curly, much more redheads and slightly more people with black hair. Skin in also more Rufous.

Genetic distance is very small but so is the English-Dutch distance and you can usually distinguish. However I doubt you can any more as so many British people are off partial Irish descent.

See inside for some examples

Luke and Pat McCormack look extremely Irish even though I think they are half English


Their English teammate Callum French (blonde one) also looks quite Irish but passes as typical in both


Jamie Vardy Is a good example of someone who looks more English than Irish but wouldn't look strange in Ireland

Charles Dance (Lannister) looks extremely English but not at all Irish


The One
06-10-2019, 12:08 AM
There are some distinctive types. For example, Jonathan Sexton looks very distinctly Irish:

And Mary Berry looks very distinctly English:

But for the most part, the peoples of the British Isles are very similar to one another.

True Mary Berry looks a lot like my grandma who’s also English would you say she looks more Anglo-Saxon/Germanic?

Tooting Carmen
06-10-2019, 12:15 AM
True Mary Berry looks a lot like my grandma who’s also English would you say she looks more Anglo-Saxon/Germanic?

Very much so. It is a look I particularly associate with upper-middle class English people, and tbh she'd look rather atypical features-wise even in Wales or Ireland (probably passes more easily in Scotland though).

06-10-2019, 12:26 AM
True Mary Berry looks a lot like my grandma who’s also English would you say she looks more Anglo-Saxon/Germanic?

Clearly Germanic input but also possibly higher neolithic, its probably similar to some looks you get in Belgium, West Germany, South Dutch, NE France. Although there are plenty of Keltic Nordids in Denmark.

Grace O'Malley
06-10-2019, 12:30 AM
There is variety in all populations and not all Irish people look a particular way and English also have a variety of looks.

See link below: https://www.google.com/search?q=GAA+tipperary&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi17r_B093iAhV86XMBHcbyBPIQ_AUIESgC&biw=1366&bih=657

I can do tons of these links. I don't know if you can tell apart an Irish crowd from an English crowd though.

The One
06-10-2019, 12:32 AM
Clearly Germanic input but also possibly higher neolithic, its probably similar to some looks you get in Belgium, West Germany, South Dutch, NE France. Although there are plenty of Keltic Nordids in Denmark.

Would you say she’s Phenotypically Hallstatt or Anglo-Saxon ? I’d also assume she passes all over Scandinavia right?

06-10-2019, 01:03 AM
They look more like each other than they do any outsider. In spite of Brittany speaking a sister tongue to Welsh, the Irish and English still look more like the Welsh, English look more like Scots than the Dutch on average and so on. The Irish have a look of their own to my reckoning. Caroline Aherne, Sinead Cusack, Natascha McElhone and Victoria Smurfit look distinctively Irish, even with their blonde manes, they look too Irish.

England(especially the east) and to a lesser extent; Scotland kind of produce more Teutonic looking people like Kirsty Hume. Scotland also has this tiny, old stock of raven haired people that pop out almost randomly.

06-10-2019, 01:15 AM
The British, especially the English, tend to have more Germanic aspects, more blond on average, whereas the Irish have on average more dark hair and also red hair.

Individually I think that they are indistinguishable but not in groups.

Grace O'Malley
06-10-2019, 12:20 PM
The British, especially the English, tend to have more Germanic aspects, more blond on average, whereas the Irish have on average more dark hair and also red hair.

Individually I think that they are indistinguishable but not in groups.

Do you think these teams are interchangeable?

Irish Women's Hockey Team



Irish Men's Hockey Team



I think the men are more distinguishable than the women.

06-10-2019, 12:22 PM
Individuals can pass in each others countries but group photos can look slightly different; probably depends on the region also. I'd say people from south-east England/East Anglia are the most distinct to the Irish both genetically and phenotypically. But I can't imagine an individual from one country who couldn't pass in the other in some way; though there's definitely certain looks that are more distinct in different regions.

Mans not hot
06-10-2019, 12:25 PM
If the English didn't have anglo saxon types, they would be 100 percent similar to the Irish.

06-10-2019, 12:25 PM
There are some distinctive types. For example, Jonathan Sexton looks very distinctly Irish:

And Mary Berry looks very distinctly English:

But for the most part, the peoples of the British Isles are very similar to one another.

Conan O'Brien (who scored 100% Irish when tested) looks distinctly Irish to me as well.

06-10-2019, 12:26 PM
The irish dont seem to have the tall thin head massive dumbo ear look.

Mans not hot
06-10-2019, 12:29 PM
The irish dont seem to have the tall thin head massive dumbo ear look.
Uwot mate
https://www.breakingnews.ie/remote/image.assets.pressassociation.io/v2/image/production/e0f5fff06cb4a244b2eba319dbb954fbY29udGVudHNlYXJjaC wxNTU5NzQzMjUz/2.42919541.jpg?crop=0,32,3696,2111&ext=.jpg&width=600&s=bn-928677

06-10-2019, 02:48 PM
I do not pass as Irish

06-10-2019, 03:01 PM
I do not pass as Irish

I agree; your looks are very south-east English/Anglo-Saxon only imo; though you pass well in other Germanic countries.

06-10-2019, 03:04 PM
Irish tend to look more Cro-magnoid.

06-10-2019, 05:20 PM
On an individual basis they could be distinguishable.

Collectively, I'd say no.

06-10-2019, 05:53 PM
They are distinguishable to some small extent.

Conan O'Brien (who scored 100% Irish when tested) looks distinctly Irish to me as well.

Yes, btw. 2 minutes ago I thought about posting him here and now I see someone mentioning him ...

06-10-2019, 06:10 PM
Having spent time both in Ireland and Britain, I'd say the British no matter Scottish, English or Welsh overlap much more between themselves than the Irish. I see some people and they just look unmistakably Irish as Irish people are usually much paler with freckles and just look physically different.

The English I think are more varied in looks, you can find a French/Austrian looking Englishman, a Dutch/Northern German looking Englishman and a regular Celtic looking one, whilst Irish people seem to be 90% of the latter I mentioned.

These people cannot pass in Ireland, they have an English specific, maybe French & Austrian look too.



These on the other hand look too Germanic for Ireland:




This guy looks distinctly Irish and would not pass as a typical Brit I believe (I found this guy on Google, no idea who he is)


06-10-2019, 06:31 PM
Collin Ferrel looks like an Englishman with the Germanic influence. Brits have more angular features, IMO. Irish tend to have softer features.

06-10-2019, 06:53 PM
Having spent time both in Ireland and Britain, I'd say the British no matter Scottish, English or Welsh overlap much more between themselves than the Irish.
Many Scots are basically Irish genetically, there's no way they look closer to the English. Otherwise Scots are generally quite distinct from both Irish and English, at least to my eyes.

These people cannot pass in Ireland, they have an English specific, maybe French & Austrian look too.


These on the other hand look too Germanic for Ireland:


David Mitchell is 1/2 Welsh 1/2 Scottish, and looks more Scottish than anything (though a little odd), Billy Idol is 1/2 English 1/2 Irish.

06-10-2019, 06:58 PM
@Creoda Either way Billy Idol looks extremely English even if he is half Irish

06-10-2019, 08:05 PM

Imogen Poot's mother comes from Northern Ireland. Her brows, eyes and lips also the width of her face show it especially. She doesn't look as Irish influenced as say; Kate Bush but I could tell she had a special spice about her that wasn't just English.

06-10-2019, 08:07 PM
There is variety in all populations and not all Irish people look a particular way and English also have a variety of looks.

See link below: https://www.google.com/search?q=GAA+tipperary&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi17r_B093iAhV86XMBHcbyBPIQ_AUIESgC&biw=1366&bih=657

I can do tons of these links. I don't know if you can tell apart an Irish crowd from an English crowd though.

Especially the Coastal Irish, a lot of them can pass easily in England imo.

06-10-2019, 08:15 PM
@Creoda Either way Billy Idol looks extremely English even if he is half Irish
Kevin McKidd is the one of the best examples of Scots that don't look anything else, but there's no shortage of them.

I would use Graham Dilley from Kent as the example of an Englishman that wouldn't pass as Scottish, Irish or Welsh, but I imagine fits well in the Netherlands.

It's harder to think of examples of Welsh who wouldn't pass at all as English (excluding extreme Silures like Ioan Gruffudd) as the English-Welsh divide is more of a continuum than a hard break, and parts of England are essentially Welsh/Briton.

06-10-2019, 08:34 PM
Irish women are much better looking than English women.

06-10-2019, 08:44 PM
Kevin McKidd is the one of the best examples of Scots that don't look anything else, but there's no shortage of them.

I would use Graham Dilley from Kent as the example of an Englishman that wouldn't pass as Scottish, Irish or Welsh, but I imagine fits well in the Netherlands.

It's harder to think of examples of Welsh who wouldn't pass at all as English (excluding extreme Silures like Ioan Gruffudd) as the English-Welsh divide is more of a continuum than a hard break, and parts of England are essentially Welsh/Briton.

He does indeed

06-10-2019, 10:04 PM
Dilley's phenotype is perhaps far more common among Dutch and possibly also Danish men but it also exists among Scottish, Welsh, or Irish men I think.

The bottom line is Dilley may pass in the rest of the British Isles outside England atypically.

Grace O'Malley
06-11-2019, 12:02 AM
Having spent time both in Ireland and Britain, I'd say the British no matter Scottish, English or Welsh overlap much more between themselves than the Irish. I see some people and they just look unmistakably Irish as Irish people are usually much paler with freckles and just look physically different.

The English I think are more varied in looks, you can find a French/Austrian looking Englishman, a Dutch/Northern German looking Englishman and a regular Celtic looking one, whilst Irish people seem to be 90% of the latter I mentioned.

These people cannot pass in Ireland, they have an English specific, maybe French & Austrian look too.

These on the other hand look too Germanic for Ireland:




This guy looks distinctly Irish and would not pass as a typical Brit I believe (I found this guy on Google, no idea who he is)


Billy Idol cannot pass as Irish?? His mother is Irish. :) Lena Headey also has some Irish ancestry.

06-11-2019, 01:21 AM
Billy Idol looks more Germanic to me.

06-11-2019, 01:26 AM
I do not pass as Irish

Same here. :laugh:

Too eastern looking. I'm bound to get German or Polish more often than I'll get anything British adjacent. I recall my mother getting miffed whenever they'd say her boy looked more like a "Kraut or Rusky" than Hibernian, by her family. I did have dim greyish-blue eyes and ash blond hair as a kid, couldn't be helped. I did get them satellite dish ears though.

06-11-2019, 01:28 AM
I look like a blend of Irish, German, and French. Which is mostly what I am anyway.

06-11-2019, 01:35 AM
I'd love to punch this guy in his stupid face

These people cannot pass in Ireland, they have an English specific, maybe French & Austrian look too.


These on the other hand look too Germanic for Ireland:

06-11-2019, 01:39 AM
Your mysteriously effeminate traits must come from the Poland-Lithuania ancestry huh
I look like a blend of Irish, German, and French. Which is mostly what I am anyway.

06-11-2019, 06:02 AM
This guy looks distinctly Irish and would not pass as a typical Brit I believe (I found this guy on Google, no idea who he is)

Weird, I just came here to post this guy's pic. He is from Harry Potter and he indeed does look pretty Irish.

Grace O'Malley
06-11-2019, 11:07 AM
Would people think these women are Irish or English?


https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZjUzNmIxZjMtNWI1Ny00ZDYyLTg4OWYtNDRjYjYzNWZlMj YyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzIxODk5MTU@._V1_.jpg


Tooting Carmen
06-11-2019, 11:40 AM
They could be either, but I'd be more inclined towards Irish somehow.

06-11-2019, 11:42 AM
Aw Grace:eyes:

Who doesn't know Alison Doody

Grace O'Malley
06-11-2019, 12:06 PM
I just find it illogical that people can say as fact that someone like Billy Idol cannot pass in Ireland when he's half-Irish. :) People really think that all Irish look a certain way and that all English look a certain way. I feel a rant coming on but I'll hold off for now. :p

06-11-2019, 12:15 PM
^ Irish?

06-11-2019, 12:26 PM
I just find it illogical that people can say as fact that someone like Billy Idol cannot pass in Ireland when he's half-Irish. :) People really think that all Irish look a certain way and that all English look a certain way. I feel a rant coming on but I'll hold off for now. :p

Ah, No use! I ranted in a similar way 8 years ago regarding Grace Kelly and one of Arnold Schwarzenegger's kids 8 years ago. Pretty much everyone insisted it had to be their German/Austrian sides responsible for their looks. Can't be helped.

In their defence; regarding Billy, he seems to take after his father heavily, while his mother kind of reminds me of Philomena Begley in some of her younger pictures. She does seem awfully adorable though, and still lives, thankfully.
Having an Irish mother was what made him bond with Johnny Rotten, he was quoted often in "Rotten" as a childhood friend, as well his wife, father also Chrissie Hynde. I should still have that book gathering dust somewhere around the house.

Grace O'Malley
06-11-2019, 12:41 PM
Ah, No use! I ranted in a similar way 8 years ago regarding Grace Kelly and one of Arnold Schwarzenegger's kids 8 years ago. Pretty much everyone insisted it had to be their German/Austrian sides responsible for their looks. Can't be helped.

In their defence; regarding Billy, he seems to take after his father heavily, while his mother kind of reminds me of Philomena Begley in some of her younger pictures. She does seem awfully adorable though, and still lives, thankfully.
Having an Irish mother was what made him bond with Johnny Rotten, he was quoted often in "Rotten" as a childhood friend, as well his wife, father also Chrissie Hynde. I should still have that book gathering dust somewhere around the house.

Grace Kelly facially took after her father.


Here she is with her mother and sister.


06-11-2019, 12:46 PM
Can often tell if they are group photos. Irish often have Broader more robust but softer fleshier faces. With Longer Philtrums (gap between nose and mouth), Shorter broader noses. Slightly bigger ears. Hair is slightly more curly, much more redheads and slightly more people with black hair. Skin in also more Rufous.

Genetic distance is very small but so is the English-Dutch distance and you can usually distinguish. However I doubt you can any more as so many British people are off partial Irish descent.

See inside for some examples

Luke and Pat McCormack look extremely Irish even though I think they are half English


Their English teammate Callum French (blonde one) also looks quite Irish but passes as typical in both


Jamie Vardy Is a good example of someone who looks more English than Irish but wouldn't look strange in Ireland

Charles Dance (Lannister) looks extremely English but not at all Irish


Philtrums! That's what they're called! Thank you. I've noticed that here in Norway lots of people seem to have long ones too, although from a profile view the Norwegian philtrums are a bit straighter, whereas Irish ones are often very slightly convex, in my experience.

06-11-2019, 12:46 PM
Grace Kelly facially took after her father.

Oh, I know John, my pic showed him in a kayak. Whose face did you think I posted to make a case for Grace looking Irish? I'm not gonna dig up my posts from 2011, that'll be a pain. But, it's safe to say, I made no progress since. :laugh:

Grace O'Malley
06-11-2019, 12:51 PM
Oh, I know John, my pic showed him in a kayak. Whose face did you think I posted to make a case for Grace looking Irish? I'm not gonna dig up my posts from 2011, that'll be a pain. But, it's safe to say, I made no progress since. :laugh:

Yes she definitely has her father's features more than her mother. He was a very good looking man.

06-11-2019, 08:46 PM
They could be either, but I'd be more inclined towards Irish somehow.

I thought so too.

And personally I think English, Scottish, Irish, and Welsh can all pass as each other's ethnicities. But some faces are more common in England, others in Scotland, etc.

06-11-2019, 09:01 PM
Would people think these women are Irish or English?


This one looks distinctly Irish, can't tell the others. Of course she could be English.

07-31-2019, 09:13 AM

08-02-2021, 04:24 AM
Don't even need to look up the bio for this Australian former child actress as she is obviously fully Irish.


08-02-2021, 11:45 PM
You can get some Scots who look like that and occasionally some English/Welsh. Although I agree her look is much more prevalent in Ireland.

08-03-2021, 12:11 AM
Clearly Germanic input but also possibly higher neolithic, its probably similar to some looks you get in Belgium, West Germany, South Dutch, NE France. Although there are plenty of Keltic Nordids in Denmark.

^ This more or less. Colin Farrell types are rare. Britain is both simultaneously more Atlantid spectrum and Germanic than Ireland. However, it is the Germanic that defines England, Pictish+Irish (Dal Riada) defines Scottish nationalism and a Romanized Brittonic celt represents Welsh nationalism. Irish nationalism is associated with Brunn.

The common classes of Ireland can't pass in continental Europe but British people can. For instance, I can pass in the Benelux but Colm Meaney cannot etc...

Keltic nordic types are as common as dish water in the Isles and is the common denominator between Ireland, England, Scotland, and Wales.

08-03-2021, 12:14 AM
I thought so too.

And personally I think English, Scottish, Irish, and Welsh can all pass as each other's ethnicities. But some faces are more common in England, others in Scotland, etc.

This is generally true it is the minority types that define Britain etc.. For instance, English people who look straight Saxon out Denmark/Germany/Frisian are 20% or so while 1% of Ireland.

08-03-2021, 12:19 AM
This is generally true it is the minority types that define Britain etc.. For instance, English people who look straight Saxon out Denmark/Germany/Frisian are 20% or so while 1% of Ireland.

I'm not sure its that low, maybe in parts of untouched rural Ireland, but in Dublin and eastern Ireland I would say its more like 5%.

08-03-2021, 12:32 AM
I was looking at some European language videos on Youtube and just by chance I saw this Irish language video and thought the girl doing it looked very Irish, put it this way, its not look I would ever see in continental Europe, and I would argue its not very common in England either, certainly not in Suffolk where I grew up, she looks so specifically Irish so much so that's all she could be.


She has a really weird accent though, sounds like an North American-Irish hybrid, she's obviously spent time living out in US/Canada at some point, but I knew her Irish part sounded northern shifted (as I live in NI I would know), says later in the video she's from County Donegal.

08-03-2021, 12:33 AM
I'm not sure its that low, maybe in parts of untouched rural Ireland, but in Dublin and eastern Ireland I would say its more like 5%.

Probably ,maybe I was using hyperbole to make a point. Dublin is practically England to me man. I have seen people who are more English in Dublin than in England itself e.g. three piece velvet suits and diamond top canes.

08-03-2021, 12:39 AM
I was looking at some European language videos on Youtube and just by chance I saw this Irish language video and thought the girl doing it looked very Irish, put it this way, its not look I would ever see in continental Europe, and I would argue its not very common in England either, certainly not in Suffolk where I grew up, she looks so specifically Irish so much so that's all she could be.


She has a really weird accent though, sounds like an North American-Irish hybrid, she's obviously spent time living out in US/Canada at some point, but I knew her Irish part sounded northern shifted (as I live in NI I would know), says later in the video she's from County Donegal.

You can tell she is Irish simply by looking at her upper lip IMHO.

Daco Celtic
08-03-2021, 12:42 AM
Irish have a bigger noggin

08-03-2021, 12:43 AM
Probably ,maybe I was using hyperbole to make a point. Dublin is practically England to me man. I have seen people who are more English in Dublin than in England itself e.g. three piece velvet suits and diamond top canes.

Didn't Dublin start its life as a Viking enclave? It always seemed to me that it was always more foreigner than the rest of the island (save Ulster perhaps).

08-03-2021, 12:47 AM
You can get some Scots who look like that and occasionally some English/Welsh. Although I agree her look is much more prevalent in Ireland.

I would mistake her for a Scotswoman over an Irish woman. It is a look I do not find attractive.

She has a similar look to that beady-eyed Scots first minister.

08-03-2021, 12:59 AM
Didn't Dublin start its life as a Viking enclave? It always seemed to me that it was always more foreigner than the rest of the island (save Ulster perhaps).
Yes, but Dublin was under English control since the 1300s, so that is the main influence.

08-03-2021, 01:00 AM
I would mistake her for a Scotswoman over an Irish woman. It is a look I do not find attractive.

She has a similar look to that beady-eyed Scots first minister.

I guess, the Donegal Irish language shares lots in common with Scottish or Scottish Gaelic . I did not watch the video but I guess it is more lallans. That the Irish and Scots often look similar is something a dog on the street can tell you.

08-03-2021, 01:17 AM
Although its still not unheard of for Western Irish people to look quite nordic, Kian Egan is from Sligo in Connaught, I guess he breaks the stereotype.


I get the impression if he was born with Brown or dark hair but kept everything else people would say he looks really Irish, we put a lot of emphasis on hair colour, so much so that people don't consider Irish people as being part of nordics and infact some people think they're closer to Iberians because of it, even though aside from hair colouring they virtually share everything else phenotypically with NW Europeans thereafter.

08-03-2021, 01:21 AM
Didn't Dublin start its life as a Viking enclave? It always seemed to me that it was always more foreigner than the rest of the island (save Ulster perhaps).

I endorse Creoda's reply to you on the matter at hand.

08-03-2021, 01:29 AM
Although its still not unheard of for Western Irish people to look quite nordic, Kian Egan is from Sligo in Connaught, I guess he breaks the stereotype.


I get the impression if he was born with Brown or dark hair but kept everything else people would say he looks really Irish, we put a lot of emphasis on hair colour, so much so that people don't consider Irish people as being part of nordics and infact some people think they're closer to Iberians because of it, even though aside from hair colouring they virtually share everything else phenotypically with NW Europeans thereafter.

Sorry,Britain isn't nordic either it's West Germanic. England is to the West Germanics what Iceland is to the north Germanics. I know this forum is obsessed with nordics but Halstatt nordics are minority in Scotland and England compared to Sweden. Technically, pure Saxons are nordid not nordic and Keltic nordics have alpo-dinaric admixture. Sorry, if I am being pedantic here.

08-03-2021, 01:46 AM
You can get some Scots who look like that and occasionally some English/Welsh. Although I agree her look is much more prevalent in Ireland.
Perhaps it's better to distinguish Gaelic looks rather than Irish. There is no such thing as 'British' looks separate to Ireland, Irish looks are essentially native to Britain now by way of Scots.

As an aside, I think my aunty was fairly distinctly Irish/Gaelic looking in a similar way, but people here guessed her as English :shrug:

08-03-2021, 02:20 AM
Don't even need to look up the bio for this Australian former child actress as she is obviously fully Irish.


I would not think that she looks %60 english %40 irish to me