View Full Version : Classic Rock

06-16-2019, 07:51 PM
The Classic Rock genre was created so that radio stations have something to play during the musical dark ages that we are in. Lord, help me make it through the night (https://youtu.be/LFOvehpV13I). Musical dark ages = 2000 to 2025. In 2026, here comes the Rockabilly revival.

Back to 2019. The present. Don't you think that classic rock is getting a bit stale? How many times can you listen to "Highway To Hell" before vomiting. 3 times per day x 365 days per year x 15 years = 16,425. Freckin' Brill.

Should the Classic Rock forums on the Internet exist? Guys posting 50-year-old songs all day on the Internet? The "Stairway To Heaven" versus "The Kids Are Alright" battle. Let's tally the votes. Time to get a real job?

Hear it come. Dat Rockabilly Music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23FXTsSwfik).

06-22-2019, 01:25 PM
Will the Stray Cats reunite, then?

06-25-2019, 06:46 AM
You need to look beyond the radio crap. I myself got tired of hearing the same songs over and over on the local classic rock station. But many of those bands have other songs that I think are much better than their known radio hit. There are tons of amazing classic rock bands out there that received very little recognition as well. YouTube is the place to start. There is so much to discover. A rabbit hole worth going down.