View Full Version : Classify Sami Salo

06-24-2019, 11:28 PM

08-01-2019, 10:49 PM
I believe this guy can only pass in Finland.

08-01-2019, 10:51 PM
Yes, looks very Finnish.

08-02-2019, 10:13 AM
Non-sense, plenty of Swedes/Norwegians/Danes with those eyes. Finland only passing would be Petri Lindroos or Patrik Antonius.

08-02-2019, 02:37 PM
Non-sense, plenty of Swedes/Norwegians/Danes with those eyes. Finland only passing would be Petri Lindroos or Patrik Antonius.

He is high headed and shortskulled, hallstats are lowheaded and longskulled. You once again showed that you are completely clueless. Also the face structure -- THE FACE STRUCTURE

08-02-2019, 02:46 PM
Finland only passing would be Petri Lindroos
Don't you think he could pass in Russia too? I agree he's got a very typically Finnish look, but I don't think he'd look too far out of place in Russia at least.

08-02-2019, 11:56 PM
Don't you think he could pass in Russia too? I agree he's got a very typically Finnish look, but I don't think he'd look too far out of place in Russia at least.
I'd have to disagree there, from my knowledge on what Russians look like, even among northern Russians that type would be a tough sell imo. It exists, but very rare, passing to me is making up 5-10% of the population atleast. I'd even be skeptical about if it's common in Karelians, Ingrians, Veps, etc, but that's more likely. The only Russian I can think of who looks close to that is MMA fighter Viacheslav Datsik, and he's Ingrian.


That map agrees with you(I believe that's what his phenotype would be, although I'd just call him Hallstatt+Lappid, which is another reason why I don't think he passes in Russia, East Nordids don't have soft features and are more robust/archaic looking than Hallstatts), but I don't think so.

08-03-2019, 06:57 AM
I'd have to disagree there, from my knowledge on what Russians look like, even among northern Russians that type would be a tough sell imo. It exists, but very rare, passing to me is making up 5-10% of the population atleast. I'd even be skeptical about if it's common in Karelians, Ingrians, Veps, etc, but that's more likely. The only Russian I can think of who looks close to that is MMA fighter Viacheslav Datsik, and he's Ingrian.


That map agrees with you(I believe that's what his phenotype would be, although I'd just call him Hallstatt+Lappid, which is another reason why I don't think he passes in Russia, East Nordids don't have soft features and are more robust/archaic looking than Hallstatts), but I don't think so.

Enuff with your pseudo-hblö. You sound like a fucking gypsy reading a Crystal ball.

08-03-2019, 07:21 AM
Although I have to say, you are right saying he does not look Karelian. He is too gracile passing Karelian.

08-03-2019, 07:54 AM
https://i.ibb.co/jTbjrrc/hjk.png (https://imgbb.com/)

08-03-2019, 08:07 AM
As you can see West Finns are metrically more similar to North Russians than to Karelians. In fact in population level there is very little difference between Estonians, West Finns, Lithuanians and North Russians; all these pops pretty much cluster as same population in big picture. The outlier here is Karelians.

Modern and recent groups compared with Kylalahti Kalmistomäki are Karelians, Ingrians (Izhorians), Finns, Estonians, Komi Zyrians, Kola Sami, northern and northwestern Russians, Letts, Swedes of Finland and of Ruhnu Island, Estonia. The loadings of traits on the canonical variates are given in Table 4, and Fig. 2 shows the position of groups on canonical variates I and II, which jointly account for 56.8 % of the total variance. Traits with the highest positive loadings on CV I(32 % of variance) are cranial height and nasal protrusion angle, implying that on the between group level, groups with high vaults tend to display sharply protruding noses. As seen from Fig. 2, Karelians, Komi Zyrians, Ingrians as well as the Kylalahti Kalmistomäki group cluster on the positive extreme of CV I. The opposite extreme is taken by Sami groups, which demonstrate maximal gracility, low vault, and relatively weakly protruding noses. The Karelian series from Kompakovo falls in the center and is isolated from other Karelian groups due to a combination of medium high vault, mesobrachycrany, and a face that is flat by Karelian standards. Apparently, this group differs from other Karelians by origin (Khartanovich, 1986). Also intermediate between the Karelian and Finnish groups is a recent series from Kurkijoki, which was shown to be admixed (Khartanovich, 1990). Nevertheless, it is closer to Karelians and KomiZyrians than to Finns. Traits with maximal loadings on CV II, which explains 25 % of the variation are nasal protrusion angle, simotic index, bizygomatic width, and length and width of the braincase.

CV II demonstrates that a lesser nasal protrusion angle co-occurs with a shorter braincase and a higher simotic index. The Sami living in the central parts of the Kola Peninsula in relative isolation from others score highest on CV II due to brachycrany and small nasal protrusion angle combined with the convex nasal bridge.Coastal Sami from Jokanga, and to a lesser degree those from Varzino, deviate from others and show a “Finnish”tendency probably because of a late northern Caucasoid admixture (Khartanovich, 1991b, 2004a). Certain groups of (Finland)Swedes and Letts score lowest on CV II. Generally, as seen from Fig. 2, Finnish, Estonian, Lettish, and Russian groups form no distinct clusters and display a high between-group variation, possibly because of their complex population history.Results of the multivariate analysis suggest that the Kylalahti Kalmistomäki group exhibits a distinctly Karelian trait combination, being closest to Karelians from Chiksha and Turha who retain the morphological specificity of ancient groups with their robust and very high braincase, a broad face, which is slightly flattened on the upper level and sharply profiled at the middle level, and a sharply protruding nose.This combination, which opposes Karelians to other modern groups of northeastern Europe and links them to prehistoric inhabitants of the region,is even more expressed in the medieval group from Kylalahti Kalmistomäki than in the 18th – early 20th century Karelians. Among the numerous late medieval groups from the territory of the Novgorodian Republic and the Eastern Baltic, the only parallel to these groups is shown by a series from the 14th–16th century cairns at Raglitsy in Novgorod Province (Sankina, 2000). The only early medieval group with a similar combination is that from the 2nd– 6th century mounds from Zhemaitia, Latvia(Denisova, 1975). The only difference is that the Zhemaitians display a longer and narrower braincase.

Clearly, the general resemblance between the Kylalahti Kalmistomäki crania, those of modern Karelians, and certain medieval, Neolithic, and Mesolithic groups does not necessarily indicate direct genetic continuity. More likely, it indicates evolutionary conservatism, whereby ancient trait combinations have been preserved in certain populations of northern Europe. V.P. Alekseyev (1984)suggested that evolutionary conservatism might have resulted in the preservation of ancient and “neutral”trait combinations in isolated forest regions of Eastern Europe (1984). This mostly concerned Mesolithic and Neolithic groups which evidently retained the Upper Paleolithic morphology. At the time when Alekseyev made this suggestion, no instances of “evolutionary conservatism” in medieval or recent groups were known because late medieval and modern cranial remains from Karelia were quite scarce.

Kylälahti is spot on where my ancestry is from. Actually I'm pretty sure these guys have measured the bones of my direct ancestors. So, amigo, understand when you are looking at Harkonnen, you are looking at PROTOKARELIAN personified.

08-03-2019, 08:10 AM
Alpinid-East Nordid