View Full Version : Spanish TV series Hispania, Another Very Good Display of The Spanish Phenotype Spectrum

06-25-2019, 01:23 AM



The videos are short, since they are just trailers of the TV series.

Is a TV series set up on the second century BC, when the ancestors of today's Iberians bravely fought against the Roman conquest. All the actors and actresses (including the ones who make the role of Romans) are Spanish.

Do you think the ones that play the role of Romans could pass as ancient Romans or current Italians, btw?

Thanks in advance for your opinions.

Tooting Carmen
06-25-2019, 01:26 AM
Again the usual Southern and Western Euro mix. Lluis Homar reminds me of Bryn Terfel - very NW Euro face in fact.

06-25-2019, 01:29 AM
Again the usual Southern and Western Euro mix. Lluis Homar reminds me of Bryn Terfel - very NW Euro face in fact.

Do you think the ones who play the role of Romans could pass as today's Italians?

Tooting Carmen
06-25-2019, 01:33 AM
Do you think the ones who play the role of Romans could pass as today's Italians?

I suppose so, though the features would be a bit atypical.

06-25-2019, 01:42 AM
I suppose so, though the features would be a bit atypical.

Yeah, I think there is a strong overlap between Spaniards and Italians. Lots of Spaniards could reasonably blend in Italy, but with their features being a bit atypical, and same goes vice versa.

06-25-2019, 02:12 AM
Yeah, I think there is a strong overlap between Spaniards and Italians. Lots of Spaniards could reasonably blend in Italy, but with their features being a bit atypical, and same goes vice versa.

I also share you opinion, most Spaniards fit in Italy and vice versa. I think Italy is more Alpine and Dinarid, while Spain has more Gracile-Med and Berid types, but all these types exist in both countries, the proportion that differs.
I also have the impression that Iberians have a bigger proportion of unique looks/vibe than Italians, don't know to explain into words.

06-25-2019, 02:20 AM
Never heard of it, looks like a cool show.

06-25-2019, 02:23 AM
Never heard of it, looks like a cool show.

I'm aware of this show for a long time, but never watched it, couldn't find Eng subs.

06-25-2019, 02:24 AM
Never heard of it, looks like a cool show.

Double post.

06-25-2019, 02:25 AM
I'm aware of this show for a long time, but never watched it, couldn't find Eng subs.

Yeah, same for that show about Queen Isabella. I wanted to watch it but as far as I can tell there's no subbed version.

06-25-2019, 06:04 AM

06-25-2019, 08:23 PM

06-25-2019, 08:25 PM
Mix of Southern and Western Euro types.

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06-27-2019, 09:23 PM
More opinions?

06-27-2019, 09:36 PM
I think there is some over lap in phenotypes between the spaniards and italians, more specifically andalusians, extremadurans with central and southern italians. The ancient romans did also contribute genetically albeit maybe not a ton, in southern spain where there was large colonies established such as Italica near seville which I visited, cathago nova, tarraco and augusta emerita which are all located in either andalusia, extremadura and murcia. Also those same cities produces famous roman emperors such as trajan(genetically roman though), hadrian( claimed to be of roman ancestry but possibly iberian in reality or a mix of iberian/italian), Theodosius I (not sure his ancestry) as well as the roman philospher seneca who is of iberian/roman ancestry as far as I know.

06-27-2019, 10:16 PM
Yeah, same for that show about Queen Isabella. I wanted to watch it but as far as I can tell there's no subbed version.

Do american TV chanels broadcast some foreign TV-series??

It would be strange because USA makes like one million times more TV-series than the rest of the world togheter.

Most of the series I watch are american, then some spaniard, some nordic (De brun/broen) and some french and italian.

The american domination on TV series is overwhelmilg... but now thanks to Netflix (american company I guess) there is a greater offer of non american TV-series. ;)

I've seen 'Isabel' and I really liked, it covers a very interesting and intense time in history and it's very true to it. But they talk a lot, don't recommend you to watch it subtittled.

06-27-2019, 10:20 PM
Do american TV chanels broadcast some foreign TV-series??

It would be strange because USA makes like one million times more TV-series than the rest of the world togheter.

Most of the series I watch are american, then some spaniard, some nordic (De brun/broen) and some french and italian.

The american domination on TV series is overwhelmilg... but now thanks to Netflix (american company I guess) there is a greater offer of non american TV-series. ;)

I've seen 'Isabel' and I really liked, it covers a very interesting and intense time in history and it's very true to it. But they talk a lot, don't recommend you to watch it subtittled.

They do for some foreign tv series on cable tv but as you mentioned most amerians watch foreign tv series or movies on netflix or other video streaming platforms. I've seen a couple spanish series a movies such as ochos apellidos vascos, la catedral del mar and most recently alta mar(high seas) on netflix and there are even more tv/movies from spain on there.

06-27-2019, 10:45 PM
They do for some foreign tv series on cable tv but as you mentioned most amerians watch foreign tv series or movies on netflix or other video streaming platforms. I've seen a couple spanish series a movies such as ochos apellidos vascos, la catedral del mar and most recently alta mar(high seas) on netflix and there are even more tv/movies from spain on there.

8 apellidos vascos is not boring but not good either.

I couldn't finish la catedral del mar, the book is quite good but the TV-series was infumable like we say here.

There're far better spanish movies and TV-series.

Don't know about alta mar.

06-27-2019, 11:11 PM
8 apellidos vascos is not boring but not good either.

I couldn't finish la catedral del mar, the book is quite good but the TV-series was infumable like we say here.

There're far better spanish movies and TV-series.

Don't know about alta mar.

Yeah, I only watched 8 apellidos vascos based on a recommendation of somebody, it was okay but I'm not interested in romantic comedies. I prefer the historical or suspense dramas instead. La catedral del mar I didn't watch the entire series yet, pero digamos que no me muero por terminarla tampoco. I might read the book the however since it seems to be somewhat famous in spain too. I generally like reading or watching anything that is historically set in medieval or roman time periods like Rome HBO.
Alta mar has been okay, I just finished watching the first episode which was sort of interesting, it's basically about the mystery surrounding the murder of a woman on a ship and finding out who the true murder is.

Netflix at the moment unfortunately doesn't have a ton of spanish films/tv series to watch compared to the larger number of south american films/ tv series on there right now

06-27-2019, 11:24 PM
Yeah, I only watched 8 apellidos vascos based on a recommendation of somebody, it was okay but I'm not interested in romantic comedies. I prefer the historical or suspense dramas instead. La catedral del mar I didn't watch the entire series yet, pero digamos que no me muero por terminarla tampoco. I might read the book the however since it seems to be somewhat famous in spain too. I generally like reading or watching anything that is historically set in medieval or roman time periods like Rome HBO.
Alta mar has been okay, I just finished watching the first episode which was sort of interesting, it's basically about the mystery surrounding the murder of a woman on a ship and finding out who the true murder is.

Netflix at the moment unfortunately doesn't have a ton of spanish films/tv series to watch compared to the larger number of south american films/ tv series on there right now

It's emule forbidden in America?

I don't have any cable service or other kind of 'official' platform, and I barely watch TV either, only the news at dinner.
We have many pirate webs where you can watch more or less everything on streaming or you can unload the files, and besides other webs where you can unload entire TV-series and movies, and documentals and whatever, through emule for example.

It's like a giant free supermarket of cinema and TV. :cool:

06-28-2019, 12:05 AM
Do american TV chanels broadcast some foreign TV-series??

Yes, although "Isabel" was only broadcast on a Spanish speaking network.

06-28-2019, 12:11 AM
It's emule forbidden in America?

I don't have any cable service or other kind of 'official' platform, and I barely watch TV either, only the news at dinner.
We have many pirate webs where you can watch more or less everything on streaming or you can unload the files, and besides other webs where you can unload entire TV-series and movies, and documentals and whatever, through emule for example.

It's like a giant free supermarket of cinema and TV. :cool:

No I don't think so however I do occasionally use utorrent and go on sites like thepiratebay for example whenever I can't find a tv or movie on netflix which happens often. I will however check out emule as well :thumb001:

06-28-2019, 12:20 AM
Yes, although "Isabel" was only broadcast on a Spanish speaking network.

A quick search in the net.

https://wlext.net/series/isabel-season-1 english subtitles.

06-28-2019, 01:17 AM
A quick search in the net.

https://wlext.net/series/isabel-season-1 english subtitles.


07-07-2019, 05:06 PM
Ana de Armas is fully Alpine (or very close to it).

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07-07-2019, 06:59 PM
I also share you opinion, most Spaniards fit in Italy and vice versa. I think Italy is more Alpine and Dinarid, while Spain has more Gracile-Med and Berid types, but all these types exist in both countries, the proportion that differs.
I also have the impression that Iberians have a bigger proportion of unique looks/vibe than Italians, don't know to explain into words.
Dinarid is not common in the Spaniards except in the region of Catalonia and some in the south.

Yeah, same for that show about Queen Isabella. I wanted to watch it but as far as I can tell there's no subbed version.

Were not you the American user who speaks ill of southern euros?

07-07-2019, 07:12 PM
The series is good, but I expected that they would also treat the Celts from the north better, like the Galaicos, Astures and Cantabrians.

07-07-2019, 07:13 PM
We get foreign tv shows from Mexico/South America, Canada, and UK.
Do american TV chanels broadcast some foreign TV-series??

It would be strange because USA makes like one million times more TV-series than the rest of the world togheter.

Most of the series I watch are american, then some spaniard, some nordic (De brun/broen) and some french and italian.

The american domination on TV series is overwhelmilg... but now thanks to Netflix (american company I guess) there is a greater offer of non american TV-series. ;)

I've seen 'Isabel' and I really liked, it covers a very interesting and intense time in history and it's very true to it. But they talk a lot, don't recommend you to watch it subtittled.

Cristiano viejo
07-07-2019, 07:14 PM
Never heard of it, looks like a cool show.
Hispania was a quite boring serie, and not sure because I did not follow too much, but I think quite inaccurate.

Yeah, same for that show about Queen Isabella. I wanted to watch it but as far as I can tell there's no subbed version.
Isabel was a very good serie. As Spaniard the best serie ever. Good interpretations, good actors, places and overall historically absolutely true, you learn a lot about that period. I absolutely recomend it. Perhaps for a foreigner not the best argument, unless you just love any European history, but certainly for a Spaniard.

I think there is some over lap in phenotypes between the spaniards and italians, more specifically andalusians, extremadurans with central and southern italians. The ancient romans did also contribute genetically albeit maybe not a ton, in southern spain where there was large colonies established such as Italica near seville which I visited, cathago nova, tarraco and augusta emerita which are all located in either andalusia, extremadura and murcia. Also those same cities produces famous roman emperors such as trajan(genetically roman though), hadrian( claimed to be of roman ancestry but possibly iberian in reality or a mix of iberian/italian), Theodosius I (not sure his ancestry) as well as the roman philospher seneca who is of iberian/roman ancestry as far as I know.
Trajan and Theodosius were ethnically Iberians.

8 apellidos vascos is not boring but not good either.

I couldn't finish la catedral del mar, the book is quite good but the TV-series was infumable like we say here.

There're far better spanish movies and TV-series.

Ocho apellidos vascos: 5/10, no more.
La catedral del mar: 0/10. I lasted five minutes to leave.

Usually the Spanish movies/series have sucked in an amazing way. You know, lefties always counting the same shit.
Lately we get some good series (Isabel or Carlos, Rey Emperador, etc).

07-07-2019, 07:43 PM
Hispania was a quite boring serie, and not sure because I did not follow too much, but I think quite inaccurate.

Isabel was a very good serie. As Spaniard the best serie ever. Good interpretations, good actors, places and overall historically absolutely true, you learn a bit about that period. I absolutely recomend it. Perhaps for a foreigner not the best argument, unless you just love any European history, but certainly for a Spaniard.

Trajan and Theodosius were ethnically Iberians.

Ocho apellidos vascos: 5/10, no more.
La catedral del mar: 0/10. I lasted five minutes to leave.

Usually the Spanish movies/series have sucked in an amazing way. You know, lefties always counting the same shit.
Lately we get some good series (Isabel or Carlos, Rey Emperador, etc).

Vergüenza ... TV series. :cool:
La casa de papel
Vis a Vis
Presunto culpable

07-07-2019, 08:43 PM
Spain under our thumb ...................great...

07-07-2019, 10:05 PM
Usually the Spanish movies/series have sucked in an amazing way. You know, lefties always counting the same shit.
Lately we get some good series (Isabel or Carlos, Rey Emperador, etc).
Estoy de acuerdo, hay necesidad de tener mas series historicas sobre españa, inclusive la reconquista de la peninsula. Nada se compara con la expulsión de los moros
Quiero ver una serie de felipe II(él tambien cumple años el mismo dia que yo) cuyo impacto fue tremendo sobre el imperio aunque quizas no sea tan influyente como su padre Carlos V. Sin embargo, pienso que él aportó todavia bastante al país.

07-07-2019, 10:15 PM
Vergüenza ... TV series. :cool:
La casa de papel
Vis a Vis
Presunto culpable

La serie "la casa de papel" está en netflix actualmente. Me recomiendas verla?

Cristiano viejo
07-07-2019, 11:50 PM
Spain under our thumb ...................great...
I perfer Carlos, Rey Emperador... Italy under our thumb................. greater...

Estoy de acuerdo, hay necesidad de tener mas series historicas sobre españa, inclusive la reconquista de la peninsula. Nada se compara con la expulsión de los moros
Quiero ver una serie de felipe II(él tambien cumple años el mismo dia que yo) cuyo impacto fue tremendo sobre el imperio aunque quizas no sea tan influyente como su padre Carlos V. Sin embargo, pienso que él aportó todavia bastante al país.
El problema es que el cine en España está controlado por la izquierda, como en cualquier otro lugar del mundo... y eso significa series que promueven a los gays, a la propia izquierda, el mestizaje, etc. Imagínate la de series que se podrían hacer sobre la conquista de América, la reconquista o sobre el Imperio español en Europa...

Ha sido un milagro que estas dos series históricas, Isabel y Carlos, Rey Emperador, se hayan producido y emitido en España. La empresaria judía sefardí afincada en España Elena Benarroch llamó "cabrona", "canalla" etc etc a Isabel la Católica cuando empezó la serie... nada más que añadir :rolleyes:

Vergüenza ... TV series. :cool:
La casa de papel
Vis a Vis
Presunto culpable
No he visto ninguna de las tres. ¿No es Presunto culpable un remake de una serie escandinava?

Vis a vis debe ser una mierda pero gordaca...

07-08-2019, 12:08 AM
Were not you the American user who speaks ill of southern euros?


07-08-2019, 12:11 AM
Estoy de acuerdo, hay necesidad de tener mas series historicas sobre españa, inclusive la reconquista de la peninsula. Nada se compara con la expulsión de los moros
Quiero ver una serie de felipe II(él tambien cumple años el mismo dia que yo) cuyo impacto fue tremendo sobre el imperio aunque quizas no sea tan influyente como su padre Carlos V. Sin embargo, pienso que él aportó todavia bastante al país.

Conoces alguna serie española sobre la reconquista?

07-08-2019, 12:13 AM

Sorry, I confused you with Odin and Paleoeuropean.

Cristiano viejo
07-08-2019, 12:19 AM
Conoces alguna serie española sobre la reconquista?
Isabel es una. Trata la parte final de la reconquista, la toma de Granada.

No, no hay más series. Como he dicho arriba, los medios de comunicación están controlados por la izquierda. Hacer series sobre la reconquista sería promover el espíritu nacional, y ésa sería la última cosa que harían los progres. Hace unos meses fueron los premios Goya (la versión española, cutre e igualmente politizada de los Oscar americanos). Los directores (o productores, ya no recuerdo) de una de las películas nominadas fueron preguntados por qué no hacían una película sobre el héroe español Blas de Lezo, que derrotó a Inglaterra en Cartagena de Indias durante la Guerra de la Oreja de Jenkins... y dijeron que porque no les daba la gana.

07-08-2019, 01:17 AM
Isabel es una. Trata la parte final de la reconquista, la toma de Granada.

No, no hay más series. Como he dicho arriba, los medios de comunicación están controlados por la izquierda. Hacer series sobre la reconquista sería promover el espíritu nacional, y ésa sería la última cosa que harían los progres. Hace unos meses fueron los premios Goya (la versión española, cutre e igualmente politizada de los Oscar americanos). Los directores (o productores, ya no recuerdo) de una de las películas nominadas fueron preguntados por qué no hacían una película sobre el héroe español Blas de Lezo, que derrotó a Inglaterra en Cartagena de Indias durante la Guerra de la Oreja de Jenkins... y dijeron que porque no les daba la gana.

Hace 2 años vi que en el canal español TVE estaban pasando una serie española medieval la cual la trama transcurría previo a la toma de Toledo, y mostraba el proceso de construcción de la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela,me acuerdo porque fue la única serie medieval española que he visto, lo malo que fue muy corta y llega un momento que resume la historia de forma tan rápida que se salta cosas y es un poco confuso :033102st:
A mi me gustan las series medievales que relaten hechos históricos por eso me paso viendo series como Vikings,Marco Polo, Knightfall,The last Kingdom, Britannia,Spartacus,Roma etc.
Tambien me gustan las series de fantasía como Games of Thronnes,pero menos que los históricos.

Es una lastima lo de los Goyas, pero ya me lo esperaba.

07-08-2019, 03:47 AM
El problema es que el cine en España está controlado por la izquierda, como en cualquier otro lugar del mundo... y eso significa series que promueven a los gays, a la propia izquierda, el mestizaje, etc. Imagínate la de series que se podrían hacer sobre la conquista de América, la reconquista o sobre el Imperio español en Europa...

Ha sido un milagro que estas dos series históricas, Isabel y Carlos, Rey Emperador, se hayan producido y emitido en España. La empresaria judía sefardí afincada en España Elena Benarroch llamó "cabrona", "canalla" etc etc a Isabel la Católica cuando empezó la serie... nada más que añadir :rolleyes:
La izquierda de hollywood se ha puesto aun peor ultimamente con su plan secreto de promover los mismos temas de mierda que tu mencionaste anteriormente por desgracia. Hablando de la conquista americana, habia una serie de esa epoca llamada "Adventvm" la cual trata sobre las vidas de los varios conquistadores que fueron importantes durante la era de los descubrimientos tal como Ponce de Leon por ejemplo. Hay algunos episodios en youtube para ver, no sé si los has visto antes.


07-08-2019, 06:00 AM
I perfer Carlos, Rey Emperador... Italy under our thumb................. greater...

Wait.. the ancient roman conquest of Spain was the first opportunity for "you" to become a little civilized.. So it was great also for you .. the roman domination...:p
It is clear that roman occupation was a great opportunity for France, England, Belgium-Holland, West-South Germany, Switzerland Austria... Balkan area...

07-08-2019, 06:08 AM
Wait.. the ancient roman conquest of Spain was the first opportunity for "you" to become a little civilized.. So it was great also for you roman domination...:p

It is clear that roman occupation was a great opportunity for France, England, Belgium-Holland, West-South Germany, Switzerland Austria... Balkan area...

The inhabitants of the Iberian peninsula already had some level of civilization. They even had their own writing system. And don't forget the Tartessian civilization

07-08-2019, 07:05 AM
The inhabitants of the Iberian peninsula already had some level of civilization. They even had their own writing system. And don't forget the Tartessian civilization

Your was low level civilization..:picard2:

Civilization is this..


07-08-2019, 07:28 AM
We don´t deny the civilizational progress that the roman conquest was.

We are not latin americans blaming spaniards for the conquest.

PD: as you seem to be from Veneto, I want to remember you that proper romans were from Lazio (the rest of italian peoples didn´t obtained the roman nationality until the Social War of 90-88 before Christ, when Hispania was mostly conquered, you are also another conquered people and I don´t know what´s the reason why all italians considear themselves romans, must be the nationalistic contemporary educative system.

07-08-2019, 08:07 AM
We don´t deny the civilizational progress that the roman conquest was.

We are not latin americans blaming spaniards for the conquest.

PD: as you seem to be from Veneto, I want to remember you that proper romans were from Lazio (the rest of italian peoples didn´t obtained the roman nationality until the Social War of 90-88 before Christ, when Hispania was mostly conquered, you are also another conquered people and I don´t know what´s the reason why all italians considear themselves romans, must be the nationalistic contemporary educative system.

Veneti were not conquered by the Romans ... they asked to become Roman allies to better defend themselves from the savages who came from east and beyond the Alps.

Also the celts people living in North-italy asked to become Roman allies during Julius Caesar period...

Do you remember what happened to the Celts in France who remained hostile to Rome ?


In accordance with some historians many of first "romans" were "criminals" from all Italy and other places in mediterraneo/europe area..who sought refuge...

Australian ancestors were english prisoners and criminals..

07-08-2019, 08:38 AM
You were not roman citizens, thus not romans.

Also many native hispanic tribes were allied of Rome against other tribes, or some other peoples around all the mediterranean.

I don´t see the point there.

07-08-2019, 08:40 AM
In accordance with some historians many of first "romans" were "criminals" from all Italy and other places in mediterraneo/europe area..who sought refuge...

Australian ancestors were english prisoners and criminals..

That´s also a theory about the origin of the basques. Groups of criminals concentrated around the Pyrinees (and allies of Rome against neighbour tribes)

07-08-2019, 08:40 AM
Rome and romans were an "ideal"...till Caracalla..

Cristiano viejo
07-08-2019, 12:38 PM
Hace 2 años vi que en el canal español TVE estaban pasando una serie española medieval la cual la trama transcurría previo a la toma de Toledo, y mostraba el proceso de construcción de la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela,me acuerdo porque fue la única serie medieval española que he visto, lo malo que fue muy corta y llega un momento que resume la historia de forma tan rápida que se salta cosas y es un poco confuso :033102st:
Creo que te refieres a esta https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toledo,_cruce_de_destinos

A mi me gustan las series medievales que relaten hechos históricos por eso me paso viendo series como Vikings,Marco Polo, Knightfall,The last Kingdom, Britannia,Spartacus,Roma etc.
Tambien me gustan las series de fantasía como Games of Thronnes,pero menos que los históricos.
Lo malo de esas series que nombras, y a las que habría que añadir también esa de Toledo, cruce de destinos, etc, es que a pesar de ser históricas, tienen muchas licencias argumentativas y no están plenamente ajustadas a la realidad.

Eso no pasa con Isabel o con Carlos, Rey Emperador, que creo que son las series históricas más reales que se pueden encontrar, junto a la que nombra Tekken999 más abajo, Conquistadores, Adventum.

La izquierda de hollywood se ha puesto aun peor ultimamente con su plan secreto de promover los mismos temas de mierda que tu mencionaste anteriormente por desgracia. Hablando de la conquista americana, habia una serie de esa epoca llamada "Adventvm" la cual trata sobre las vidas de los varios conquistadores que fueron importantes durante la era de los descubrimientos tal como Ponce de Leon por ejemplo. Hay algunos episodios en youtube para ver, no sé si los has visto antes.
Sí, esa serie es COJONUDA. Me la descargué y grabé entera, los ocho capítulos. La echaron por no sé qué plataforma de pago y aunque tuvo buenas, muy buenas críticas, pasó algo inadvertida al ser emitida precisamente por canales privados :rolleyes:

Wait.. the ancient roman conquest of Spain was the first opportunity for "you" to become a little civilized.. So it was great also for you .. the roman domination...:p
It is clear that roman occupation was a great opportunity for France, England, Belgium-Holland, West-South Germany, Switzerland Austria... Balkan area...
Also for the rest of the Italic peninsula :thumb001:

Your was low level civilization..:picard2:
Romans adopted many things from other civilizations, mainly from Greeks. It is like if I say Roman civilization was low :rolleyes:

From Hispania Romans adopted our glorious sword, the Gladius Hispaniensis, for example.

Civilization is this..

Really? then you are really low and primitive. Civilization is this

Veneti were not conquered by the Romans ... they asked to become Roman allies to better defend themselves from the savages who came from east and beyond the Alps.

What stupid excuse... so many Iberian tribes did :bored:

07-08-2019, 01:10 PM
Your was low level civilization..:picard2:

Civilization is this..


Well, at least we have actually moved on a bit since then. Your cities look like North Africa in medieval stasis.






Now compare this with Basque cities.






07-08-2019, 01:49 PM

Also for the rest of the Italic peninsula :thumb001:

There were civilizations in Italy ( without writting there is no "civilization" otherwise BINGO BONGO tribe in Congo was a "civilization" ) before the Romans..
Veneti and Etruscans for example..

Romans adopted many things from other civilizations, mainly from Greeks. It is like if I say Roman civilization was low :rolleyes:

Etruscans come first...

From Hispania Romans adopted our glorious sword, the Gladius Hispaniensis, for example.

But a sword is not the symbol of a civilization..

Cristiano viejo
07-08-2019, 02:01 PM
There were civilizations in Italy ( without writting there is no "civilization" otherwise BINGO BONGO tribe in Congo was a "civilization" ) before the Romans..
Veneti and Etruscans for example..
Veneti were as civilized as a lot of Iberian tribes were.

Etruscans come first...
First than who, than Greeks? where, in Italy? that is irrelevant. What is more, that proves my point since Etruscans (or their descendants, better said) adopted a lot of things from Greeks, even coming first.

But a sword is not the symbol of a civilization..
It is a symbol if you reached the perfection. How a sword is not a symbol but shitting in public is?


07-08-2019, 02:09 PM
Veneti were as civilized as a lot of Iberian tribes were.

First than who, than Greeks? where, in Italy? that is irrelevant. What is more, that proves my point since Etruscans (or their descendants, better said) adopted a lot of things from Greeks, even coming first.

Etruscans learnt their alphabet directly from phoenicians in Sardinia.. and they were allies ( with sardinians )... Sardinians and Etruscan were ( almost for sure ) the sea people who attacked Egypt 1200–1100 B.C....

Etruscan learnt from Sardinians how to built arch..


Sea people


Sardinian nuraghe and holy wells ... 1500- 2000 years B.C.
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQS360XNBEVqxmffGNnA_f8kp7mtXSD1 BMvp9wsFP3Lka5gf64p

07-08-2019, 06:45 PM
No he visto ninguna de las tres. ¿No es Presunto culpable un remake de una serie escandinava?

Vis a vis debe ser una mierda pero gordaca...

Las 4, 'vergüenza' es una serie muy cachonda.

Bueno, a mi me gustaron bastante. Y opino tras haberlas visto, no de oidas.

Cristiano viejo
07-08-2019, 06:58 PM
Las 4, 'vergüenza' es una serie muy cachonda.

Bueno, a mi me gustaron bastante. Y opino tras haberlas visto, no de oidas.

Yo es que es como que le den a uno por el culo, nunca lo he probado pero sé que no me gustaría :D

07-10-2019, 04:22 AM
Creo que te refieres a esta https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toledo,_cruce_de_destinos

No esa no es, es esta se llama El final del camino.https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_final_del_camino

Cristiano viejo
07-10-2019, 10:48 AM
No esa no es, es esta se llama El final del camino.https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_final_del_camino

Ah, ni idea. Han echado varias series, la mayoría sin pena ni gloria, por la parrilla televisiva española. Aunque interesantes, la calidad de actores o veracidad del guión dejaban bastante que desear...

A mí me gustó ésta, basada en hechos reales https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_coraz%C3%B3n_del_oc%C3%A9ano

11-22-2020, 12:05 AM
Alhijodelputa, good job, you just proved that everyone in this video is a Moroccan rapebaby :thumb001:

11-22-2020, 01:38 AM
I had that dvd before but i didnt watch it passed the 2nd episode. I have to see if I find it again

11-22-2020, 01:43 AM
Bout to watch ithttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20201122/841284b3003ce728b9abff30b7638256.jpg

11-22-2020, 01:55 AM
Your was low level civilization..:picard2:

Civilization is this..

https://st3.depositphotos.com/1673388/15781/i/1600/depositphotos_157819778-stock-photo-roman-aquaduct-in-segovia-spain.jpgThere was civilization on iberia but it was only southern iberian tribes. The other tribes were barbarians. Especially northern ones for sure.
Its noted by herodotus of greeks who voyaged to tartessians in spain

11-22-2020, 02:03 AM
Creo que te refieres a esta https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toledo,_cruce_de_destinos

Lo malo de esas series que nombras, y a las que habría que añadir también esa de Toledo, cruce de destinos, etc, es que a pesar de ser históricas, tienen muchas licencias argumentativas y no están plenamente ajustadas a la realidad.

Eso no pasa con Isabel o con Carlos, Rey Emperador, que creo que son las series históricas más reales que se pueden encontrar, junto a la que nombra Tekken999 más abajo, Conquistadores, Adventum.

Sí, esa serie es COJONUDA. Me la descargué y grabé entera, los ocho capítulos. La echaron por no sé qué plataforma de pago y aunque tuvo buenas, muy buenas críticas, pasó algo inadvertida al ser emitida precisamente por canales privados :rolleyes:

Also for the rest of the Italic peninsula :thumb001:

Romans adopted many things from other civilizations, mainly from Greeks. It is like if I say Roman civilization was low :rolleyes:

From Hispania Romans adopted our glorious sword, the Gladius Hispaniensis, for example.

Really? then you are really low and primitive. Civilization is this

What stupid excuse... so many Iberian tribes did :bored:The romans adopted their stuff from estruscans who were anatolian, which is why their architecture bears resemblence to architecture from anatolia during contemporary time period. And lesser to greece directly. Estruscans migrated to italy. Etruscans were not native to italy, but then mixed with the local population. The etruscans came after the trojan war. Their ancestors were actually enemy to the greeks. The romans adopted greek stuff after they conquered greeks. The first roman emperor was a estruscan. Before then latini tribe were barbarians who survived with military power and diplomacy switching between neighboring tribes.. But they weren't pioneers of anything until they absorbed what the estruscans knew and their first emperor was estruscan.