View Full Version : Classify italian-brazilian politician André Puccinelli

07-01-2019, 06:01 PM
Born in Viareggio, Toscana. Son of Carlo Puccinelli and Giuseppa Fiaschi Puccinelli. His name was originally Andrea Puccinelli and it has changed for the portuguese "André" because in lusophone countries "Andrea" is a female name.




07-01-2019, 06:33 PM
He looks New Worlder even if he is not. I guess tropical climate can make some people more exotic by adapting a darker tone and it's effect on facial fat also plays a part.

07-01-2019, 06:38 PM
Looks Amerindian influenced

07-01-2019, 06:42 PM
Doesn't seem to be full european.

100% possibilities he's mixed.

07-01-2019, 10:01 PM
He looks New Worlder even if he is not. I guess tropical climate can make some people more exotic by adapting a darker tone and it's effect on facial fat also plays a part.

Even the climate may change the skin tone, this guy looks exotic even in Brazil. There's a lot of people in Brazil who look european and he's not one of them. Berid influence perhaps?

07-01-2019, 10:06 PM
Berid with some brazilian/amerindian blood.

07-01-2019, 10:19 PM
Berid with some brazilian/amerindian blood.

He was born in Italy according to the OP. How Amerindians travelled to Italy?

Berid or some other type of dark CM + Med. He is a type of European who could be seen as pardo in Brazil.

Tooting Carmen
07-01-2019, 10:21 PM
As Berenice says, he is Berid. LOL at people looking for non-Euro admixture just because he happens to have been raised in Brazil. Anthrobias at its finest.

Tooting Carmen
07-01-2019, 10:30 PM
He is a type of European who could be seen as pardo in Brazil.

Then what about UK-based Italian chef Antonio Carluccio? xD

Tenma de Pegasus
07-01-2019, 10:32 PM
He would be seen as pardo, very dark type.

07-01-2019, 10:32 PM
Then what about UK-based Italian chef Antonio Carluccio? xD

He looks whiter than Puccinelli in skin tone imo. I think he would be white to most Brazilians. Puccinelli could be seen as pardo or ''moreno'' by some people.

07-01-2019, 10:33 PM

Tenma de Pegasus
07-01-2019, 10:36 PM
Then what about UK-based Italian chef Antonio Carluccio? xD

This sir can pass as white here, most people would assume it.

07-02-2019, 01:54 AM
Mainly Berid.
And I don't understand why he is exotic for Brazil (?).

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07-02-2019, 01:59 AM
PaleoSardinean predominantly.

07-02-2019, 02:04 AM
He is pardo.

07-02-2019, 02:05 AM
He was born in Italy according to the OP. How Amerindians travelled to Italy?

Berid or some other type of dark CM + Med. He is a type of European who could be seen as pardo in Brazil.Brazilian Amerindians were really badass, they even travelled to Italy and mated with the native there... LOL.

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07-02-2019, 02:08 AM
In the first pic he would be a great option to play the role of a mafioso of the Italian-American mafia.

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07-02-2019, 05:06 PM
I confess it was not the right way to say what I was thinking. I meant he's not seen as a white guy even in Brazil.

07-02-2019, 05:08 PM
I agree, in the first pic he seems sicilian as fuck. I can't find more pics of him younger, maybe it could help to clarify us.

07-02-2019, 05:09 PM
I confess it was not the right way to say what I was thinking. I meant he's not seen as a white guy even in Brazil.Nope, MANY Brazilians here would see him as white, others as "moreno", which is an ambiguos term reffering mainly to skintone.

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Davy Jones's Locker
07-03-2019, 08:23 PM