View Full Version : Guess Kurdish and Armenian

07-03-2019, 08:20 PM


07-03-2019, 08:24 PM
B looks like every armenian woman ever.

07-03-2019, 08:26 PM
A = kurdish
B = armenian

Sorry for the spoiler:


07-03-2019, 08:29 PM
1st has more a Kurdish jaw. But her face is a little bit to broad for an average Kurd. She is more of an Iranic Caspian Sea subtype.

I haven't seen many Kurds like the second one. She looks more like she is is from the Northern Levant.

On average, Kurdish jaws are really prominent.

07-03-2019, 08:36 PM
Kurds belong to an Iranic race, and mostly to a Northern Mesopotamian/Zagrosian subtype. Some other Kurds belong to an Iranic Caspian Sea subtype.

But the general rule is that Kurds have a very prominent Iranic (call it Irano-Afghan) jawline, small eyes (not oriental narrow slanted eyes) and are long-faced

07-03-2019, 08:36 PM
Armenians are more Northern than Kurds imo. This nose is not a neolithic nose imo, no Arab has a nose like this.

07-03-2019, 08:39 PM
Armenians are more Northern than Kurds imo. This nose is not a neolithic nose imo, no Arab has a nose like this.No, not Northern. Armenians are just more 'Western'/Anatolian and therefore closer to the Levant/Mediterranean Sea.

Kurds have much more ancient Iranian Plateau farmer auDNA. So, Kurds are much more 'Eastern' and therefore further away from the Levant.

07-03-2019, 08:49 PM
B looks like every armenian woman ever.

A = kurdish
B = armenian

Sorry for the spoiler:


I think that the first woman in this picture is closer to the average Armenian look compared to other ones:


07-03-2019, 08:52 PM
I think that the first woman in this picture is closer to the average Armenian look compared to other ones:


Ok. Maybe OP is just more stereotypical than common.

07-03-2019, 08:54 PM
I think that the first woman in this picture is closer to the average Armenian look compared to other ones:


They look all Armenian the first woman looks eastern Turkish as well

07-03-2019, 08:55 PM
1st woman is Kurdish. Good example of Asiatic Alpine.

2nd is Armenian. I'd say Armenoid + north Indid.

07-03-2019, 08:56 PM
No, not Northern. Armenians are just more 'Western'/Anatolian and therefore closer to the Levant/Mediterranean Sea.

Kurds have much more ancient Iranian Plateau farmer auDNA. So, Kurds are much more 'Eastern' and therefore further away from the Levant.

That's not correct. Armenians are not Anatolians, Armenians are indigenous to the Armenian Highlands/Caucasus.

http://www.armenophile.com/img/cImg/800_galImg_armenianplateauandarmenianhighlandscopy .jpg

07-03-2019, 08:57 PM
I think that the first woman in this picture is closer to the average Armenian look compared to other ones:Because the second one is more 'darker'?

You should look beyond skin pigmentation.

I know that in the past ancient Armenians/Urartu were actually very light, like the Hurrians. Actually some Hurrians were very light, like in the Northern Caucasus and some Hurrians were actually Paleo-Caucasian dark. But Iranic people from the Iranian Plateau made Armenian people a little bit darker.

07-03-2019, 09:02 PM
That's not correct. Armenians are not Anatolians, Armenians are indigenous to the Armenian Highlands/Caucasus.

http://www.armenophile.com/img/cImg/800_galImg_armenianplateauandarmenianhighlandscopy .jpg
Armenian Highlands are a little bit on the Anatolian Plateau.



07-03-2019, 09:02 PM
Because the second one is more 'darker'?

You should look beyond skin pigmentation.

I know that in the past ancient Armenians/Urartu were actually very light, like Hurrians. Some Hurrians were very light, like in the Northern Caucasus and some Hurrians were actually Paleo-Caucasian dark. But Iranic people from the Iranian Plateau made Armenian people a little bit darker.

Not just because of the skin pigmentation, also in terms of facial structure, her eyes, eyebrows, hair... In conclusion, she's more typical looking compared to other ones...

07-03-2019, 09:05 PM
Not just because of the skin pigmentation, also in terms of facial structure, her eyes, eyebrows, hair... In conclusion, she's more typical looking compared to other ones...How? B is actually an ethnic Armenian, while A has nothing to do with the Armenians.

Actually B doesn't look like a Kurd/Iranic at all. Mostly because of her very small jawline.

Armenian Bishop
07-03-2019, 09:10 PM
B looks like every armenian woman ever.

You're wrong: She is representative of some Armenian women (for sure), but the majority of Armenian Women don't look like her, despite that some of her facial features are more typical. Also, most Armenians have a lighter complexion, oftentimes they have olive-white skin (but not dark olive).

07-03-2019, 10:04 PM
Shittiest example of an Armenian woman. Doesn't look typical at all. Has Indid vibes about her that are extremely rare. Ice, you're a shitty troll lol

07-03-2019, 10:12 PM
You're wrong: She is representative of some Armenian women (for sure), but the majority of Armenian Women don't look like her, despite that some of her facial features are more typical. Also, most Armenians have a lighter complexion, oftentimes they have olive-white skin (but not dark olive).

This woman has atypical features and a significantly darker than average skin tone. Thanks to the Kardashianoids, this chick is now the posterchild of Armenian women lol

Armenian Bishop
07-03-2019, 10:19 PM
Shittiest example of an Armenian woman. Doesn't look typical at all. Has Indid vibes about her that are extremely rare. Ice, you're a shitty troll lol

That's it, that what's wrong with her features: it's her "Indid vibes" that make her untypical.

Armenian Bishop
07-03-2019, 10:23 PM
This woman has atypical features and a significantly darker than average skin tone. Thanks to the Kardashianoids, this chick is now the posterchild of Armenian women lol

That's exactly what it is, despite that there're some Kardashian Pics that aren't at all swarthy. But, the darker Kardashian Pics seem to have set the standard for the public image.

07-03-2019, 10:31 PM
That's it, that what's wrong with her features: it's her "Indid vibes" that make her pass as an untypical example. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that she has mixed ancestry.

These stereotypes can be so irritating. I'm going to start a gallery on our subforum of ethnic Armenian footballers to hopefully help paint a more accurate picture in terms of the range of Armenian phenotypes.

Then again, if you look at OP's post history, this post doesn't come as a surprise to me. He's obviously trying to troll.

Armenian Bishop
07-03-2019, 10:36 PM
These stereotypes can be so irritating. I'm going to start a gallery on our subforum of ethnic Armenian footballers to hopefully help paint a more accurate picture in terms of the range of Armenian phenotypes.

Then again, if you look at OP's post history, this post doesn't come as a surprise to me. He's obviously trying to troll.

I might be wrong, but some of those Armenian Football Players also might look untypical. I'm not a Football Fan, so I might be wrong, but someone here used a composite photo of Armenian Football Players, and he bore no resemblance to any of my Armenian Relatives.

07-03-2019, 10:37 PM
You're wrong: She is representative of some Armenian women (for sure), but the majority of Armenian Women don't look like her, despite that some of her facial features are more typical. Also, most Armenians have a lighter complexion, oftentimes they have olive-white skin (but not dark olive).I know how Armenians do look like. As a child I have been to Armenia many times (up to 20 times). My fathers mother (my grandmothers) family lived in Armenian. Also in Tbilisi lived many Armenians in the past.

07-03-2019, 10:37 PM
I might be wrong, but some of those Armenian Football Players also might look untypical. I'm not a Football Fan, so I might be wrong, but someone here used a composite photo of Armenian Football Players, and he bore no resemblance to any of my Armenian Relatives.

They all look typical, at least for Eastern Armenian standards. The only non-Armenians in the team that I am aware of are Edgar Babayan(Yezdi) and Marcos Pizelli(White Brazilian).

Armenian Bishop
07-03-2019, 10:50 PM
They all look typical, at least for Eastern Armenian standards. The only non-Armenians in the team that I am aware of are Edgar Babayan(Yezdi) and Marcos Pizelli(White Brazilian).

Okay then, I'll take your word for it. I don't think that Western Armenians are darker than Eastern Armenians. My Armenian Ancestry comes from Muş (Moosh) and Sasun, in the Western Fringes of the Armenian Highlands, they usually don't have that darker vibe.

07-03-2019, 10:54 PM
Okay then, I'll take your word for it. I don't think that Western Armenians are darker than Eastern Armenians. My Armenian Ancestry comes from Muş (Moosh) and Sasun, in the Western Fringes of the Armenian Highlands, they usually don't have that darker vibe.

The differences in pigmentation are probably not noteworthy but the genetic differences, albeit subtle are still noticeable. Westerners get other Armenians, Georgian Jews, Pontians and Assyrians very high on their oracles while Easterners show affinity to Pontians, Trabzon Turks, Laz, other Armenians of course and even Kurds.

Armenian Bishop
07-03-2019, 10:58 PM
I know how Armenians do look like. As a child I have been to Armenia many times (up to 20 times). My fathers mother (my grandmothers) family lived in Armenian. Also in Tbilisi lived many Armenians in the past.

Yes, I'm sure that you've seen many Armenians in your vicinities. But, that skeptical comment wasn't addressed to you, it was addressed to someone else.

07-03-2019, 11:14 PM

07-04-2019, 01:20 AM
Did you expect anything else from turko-laz whore's abortion??

Guess I shouldn't have set the bar too high for that dimwit lol.

07-04-2019, 01:34 AM
Guess I shouldn't have set the bar too high for that dimwit lol.

he's a turkolaz with shit in his skull instead of brain, if you show me even a one meaningful post written by that animal for all his time on this forum, I'll pay you a thousand dollars!

07-04-2019, 01:38 AM
he's a turkolaz with shit in his skull instead of brain, if you show me even a one meaningful post written by that animal for all his time on this forum, I'll pay you a thousand dollars!

Only a matter of time before he is gone. Hang in there lol

Armenian Bishop
07-04-2019, 02:52 AM
A = kurdish
B = armenian

Sorry for the spoiler:


Why did "Ice" and "Universe" thumb Prinses down? I guess they want to hide something?

07-04-2019, 06:39 AM
How? B is actually an ethnic Armenian, while A has nothing to do with the Armenians.

Actually B doesn't look like a Kurd/Iranic at all. Mostly because of her very small jawline.

:1127: I wasn't talking about the first woman in OP, I was pointing out to another picture from http://www.lesoriginesdelabeaute.com/fr/page_16070.html where they featured second woman in the OP, also other examples of Armenian women as well, I think than first woman in the picture I provided looks more typical compared to other ones...

I think that the first woman in this picture is closer to the average Armenian look compared to other ones:


07-04-2019, 07:55 AM
Why did "Ice" and "Universe" thumb Prinses down? I guess they want to hide something?

I did it because she revealed here ancestry so early.

07-04-2019, 07:59 AM
Did you expect anything else from turko-laz whore's abortion??

I have reported this post. I want to know if swearings are allowed here.

07-04-2019, 08:24 AM
So when a darker Armenian is posted every Armenian protests, but if Hellenas (the most anti-Nordicist member here) does the same, he’s being called a Nordicist by Armenian trolls, and what not.

Armenian Bishop
07-04-2019, 08:35 AM
So when a darker Armenian is posted every Armenian protests, but if Hellenas (the most anti-Nordicist member here) does the same, he’s being called a Nordicist by Armenian trolls, and what not.

What's with the hostility? Hellenes is a good man, and I get along fine with him. Greece and Armenia are military allies, and we should work together against common enemies.

07-04-2019, 11:54 AM
What's with the hostility? Hellenes is a good man, and I get along fine with him. Greece and Armenia are military allies, and we should work together against common enemies.

Ιt´s not hostility but annoyance at certain posters. I don’t dislike Armenia or Armenians in general. I really dislike Hellenas by the way, I just really dispute the ludicrous nordicist claim.

07-04-2019, 11:59 AM
1 Kurdish and 2 Armenian

12-08-2020, 04:26 PM
First is Kurdish, second is Armenian.

People have the right to lightwash their ethnicity however they want, but they shouldn't do so by darkwashing others.

And anyone can pick and choose. These two were specifically picked to piss posters off, it's a divide and conquer tactic used to turn Kurds and Armenians against each other.

But Kurds and Armenians are friends, even if they've had their differences in the past, they've moved on.

12-08-2020, 04:36 PM
1. Kurdish
2. Armenian (but looks Persian)

12-08-2020, 04:38 PM
A) Kurdish
B) Armenian

Badr madani
12-08-2020, 04:42 PM
Thread title is hillarious. guess kurdish and armenian