View Full Version : German intelligence classifies German identitarians as extremist group, allowing for more crackdowns

07-12-2019, 08:07 AM

Germany’s domestic intelligence service on Thursday classified the anti-Muslim group Generation Identity as a Right-wing extremist group, marking the most significant step yet taken by a European state against the organisation.

After observing the group’s workings for three years, the BfV intelligence agency has concluded that the Identitarians are extremists who are attempting to undermine Germany’s democratic order.

The move will generate new powers for the BfV to monitor the organisation, including the ability to intercept telephone communications.

On their website, they call for “humane repatriation” to reverse the migration flows into Europe of recent decades.

The move against the organisation comes on the same day that a study by the Bertelsmann Foundation found 52 percent of Germans see Islam as a threat to their country.

Ironically, the previous chief of German intelligence, Hans georg maaßen, previously called the "far right threat" as exaggerated and not worth German intelligence time. He was later fired from his post.

The STASI work continues my friends. Invasion from the outside, elimination of opposition from the inside. So the fruit of European civilisation is ripe to be eaten.

Crn Volk
01-21-2020, 03:52 AM