View Full Version : Match the groups. Spanish, French, Italian.

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07-03-2011, 10:37 PM
Which is which?

Group 1;


Group 2;


Group 3;


07-03-2011, 10:38 PM

07-03-2011, 10:43 PM
I can't give hints or how many are right given that there are so few pictures shown in the thread.

Anyone else?

07-03-2011, 10:45 PM
1. Spain

2. Italy

3. France

07-03-2011, 10:51 PM
French, Spanish and Italian.

Thanks for the multiple choice.

07-03-2011, 10:57 PM
1. French

07-03-2011, 10:59 PM
Anyone else?

I'll give a hint.. one of them has been guessed correctly more than the others.

07-03-2011, 11:24 PM
1. Spain

2. Italy

3. France


07-03-2011, 11:36 PM
Any more?

07-04-2011, 12:20 AM

07-04-2011, 12:23 AM
Alvarado got it right-

1) Spanish
2) Italian
3) French

07-04-2011, 12:27 AM
Of the 6 of you who guessed;

3 of you got the Italians right
2 of you got the Spaniards right
3 of you got the French right

07-04-2011, 12:36 AM
Alvarado got it right-

1) Spanish
2) Italian
3) French

We should consider the possibility of not let Alvarado participate in these games....

Nah, the truth is they were pretty easy.

alzo zero
07-04-2011, 01:03 PM
Nah, the truth is they were pretty easy.
Yes, quite predictable for the OP.

07-04-2011, 06:22 PM
It seems tricky to me to pick out the French in a group among Spaniards and Italians in these guessing threads because what tends to happen is you have to show examples of French people that don't seem very typical in order to make them look closer to Spaniards and Italians. All the people in group 3 don't seem typical French to me at all, they are probably extreme southern type and some look even mixed or not totally white to me.

Has anyone seen the clip of Sarkozy in southwestern french town Brax getting grabbed by a man as he was shaking hands with the locals several days ago? It's on youtube. I assume that all of the french examples in group 3 are from southern france but none of them look anywhere close to the locals shown in the Sarkozy clip and one would expect some kind of similarity. The folks in the Sarkozy clip from southwestern france look like normal white european people but these french look quite different.

07-04-2011, 06:23 PM
It seems tricky to me to pick out the French in a group among Spaniards and Italians in these guessing threads because what tends to happen is you have to show examples of French people that don't seem very typical in order to make them look closer to Spaniards and Italians. All the people in group 3 don't seem typical French to me at all, they are probably extreme southern type and some look even mixed or not totally white to me.

Actually, all of the French people I post are very typical southern French.. if you think France is full of blonde hair and blue eyes and that Mediterranean types do not exist, you are sadly mistaken.

Funny also how when I post typical Spaniards, if they are not guessed as Iberian of some kind they are almost always guessed as French second..

07-04-2011, 06:28 PM
Actually, all of the French people I post are very typical southern French.. if you think France is full of blonde hair and blue eyes and that Mediterranean types do not exist, you are sadly mistaken.

Funny also how when I post typical Spaniards, if they are not guessed as Iberian of some kind they are almost always guessed as French second..

No I don't think the typical French people are blond hair and blue eyes at all and I never said that but these examples seem a bit on the extreme side.

07-04-2011, 06:29 PM
No I don't think the typical French people are blond hair and blue eyes at all and I never said that but these examples seem a bit on the extreme side.

They're not on the extreme side.. they are typical southwest French. Ask anyone who has actually been there. If you think the people I posted look non-European or mixed, then you are crazy.

07-04-2011, 06:31 PM
It seems tricky to me to pick out the French in a group among Spaniards and Italians in these guessing threads because what tends to happen is you have to show examples of French people that don't seem very typical in order to make them look closer to Spaniards and Italians. All the people in group 3 don't seem typical French to me at all, they are probably extreme southern type and some look even mixed or not totally white to me.

Has anyone seen the clip of Sarkozy in southwestern french town Brax getting grabbed by a man as he was shaking hands with the locals several days ago? It's on youtube. I assume that all of the french examples in group 3 are from southern france but none of them look anywhere close to the locals shown in the Sarkozy clip and one would expect some kind of similarity. The folks in the Sarkozy clip from southwestern france look like normal white european people but these french look quite different.

The reason is that you do not live in Europe, for a French, an Italian or Spanish is quite obvious these photos, especially if observed facial features. The photos are in groups and not a single face, this helps a lot.

07-04-2011, 06:38 PM
They're not on the extreme side.. they are typical southwest French. Ask anyone who has actually been there. If you think the people I posted look non-European or mixed, then you are crazy.

I've seen MANY examples you've shown in your guessing threads of the French groups that seem mixed and not totally white looking. Not saying you purposely do so knowing that they are that way but I'm just saying quite a few examples are questionable to me. Whatever source you use I would not be so quick to say that all the people shown have pure French stock, plus southern france has so many gypsies, arabic and italian/spanish to dilute their blood anyway. Again I'm not saying that they are no such french people that look like the ones you've shown but based on my experience being in southern france so many times it's not totally accurate IMO.

07-04-2011, 06:40 PM
I've seen MANY examples you've shown in your guessing threads of the French groups that seem mixed and not totally white looking. Not saying you purposely do so knowing that they are that way but I'm just saying quite a few examples are questionable to me. Whatever source you use I would not be so quick to say that all the people shown have pure French stock, plus southern france has so many gypsies, arabic and italian/spanish to dilute their blood anyway. Again I'm not saying that they are no such french people that look like the ones you've shown but based on my experience being in southern france so many times it's not totally accurate IMO.

You just stereotype the French to look one way and assume that the Spanish and Italians have to be darker.. well this is not ncessarily true.. there is a difference in appearance between Italians and Spanish too, at least as much as between the Spanish and French if not more.

07-04-2011, 06:46 PM
You just stereotype the French to look one way and assume that the Spanish and Italians have to be darker.. well this is not ncessarily true.. there is a difference in appearance between Italians and Spanish too, at least as much as between the Spanish and French if not more.

I don't speak from stereotypes, I speak from experience. I said I have been to southern france many times and I even gave an example of the sarkozy clip to support what I said. I guess what I'm trying to say is that yes southern france is mediterranean region but not everyone there have that phenotype and it would be a stereotype to assume that too! Btw if you mix the entire population of Italy into one representative person and do that the same for Spain and France then yes the Italian and spanish person would be slightly darker and more mediterranean looking than the french person, that's a face not stereotype.

07-04-2011, 06:50 PM
I never said the French look just one way and I never said all italy and spain are all darker people, read my words again. You are distorting my words and accusing me of stereotyping.

07-04-2011, 06:50 PM
Btw if you mix the entire population of Italy into one representative person and do that the same for Spain and France then yes the Italian and spanish person would be slightly darker and more mediterranean looking than the french person, that's a face not stereotype.

Because northern France would make the composite face lighter.. but I usually post southern French.

Either way I think that you don't know what you are talking about in this particular case and you are also overestimating the darkness of Spain.. many of them are just as light as the French.. and then you have to take into consideration northern Italy with its Central European influences which are not necessarily as "Mediterranean" as one might think.

07-04-2011, 07:08 PM
Actually, all of the French people I post are very typical southern French.. if you think France is full of blonde hair and blue eyes and that Mediterranean types do not exist, you are sadly mistaken.

Funny also how when I post typical Spaniards, if they are not guessed as Iberian of some kind they are almost always guessed as French second..

Typical Southern French, no! You put several southern French, usually with clear evidence from abroad. I know the French are not all blond and I'm not "Nordicist", but I want you to put typical French and not mixed, how many times you ask. So I speak of the Italians. What is clear is that you always want to compare Welsh, Irish, French, Italian with Portuguese. Getting individuals with darker skin and darker hair. You do not know how a French, Welsh, Irish or Italian, because you've never been there.

07-04-2011, 07:10 PM
When a French poster themselves tells me that the southern French I post are bizarre looking then I will believe it. But as for now I am confident this is not the case.

07-04-2011, 07:12 PM
They're not on the extreme side.. they are typical southwest French. Ask anyone who has actually been there. If you think the people I posted look non-European or mixed, then you are crazy.

Many they´re aren´t typical Southwest french. But of course you only believe what you want. Iberia says it is normal to the Spanish be blonde with blue eyes, so ...

07-04-2011, 07:14 PM
When a French poster themselves tells me that the southern French I post are bizarre looking then I will believe it. But as for now I am confident this is not the case.

Look, my parentes are french and i lived in france, different of you. I know how southwest frenchs ares.You put a number of individuals that are mixed

But it is not surprising when you even if it is defining as "Celtic-Iberian" and Atlanto-Mediterranean

07-04-2011, 07:14 PM
Spain (sure)



07-04-2011, 07:16 PM
Southwest France is not pred. blonde by any means. Anyone who fails to acknowledge such a fact is in self-denial and has a blondism delusion and should seek professional help with a shrink.

07-04-2011, 07:19 PM
Many they´re aren´t typical Southwest french. But of course you only believe what you want. Iberia says it is normal to the Spanish be blonde with blue eyes, so ...

Yes, there are a lot of atypical spanish. There are a lot of spanish who looks irish, german or flemish/dutch. And there are a lot of med fairhaired blue-eyed

07-04-2011, 07:19 PM
Who cares about the opinion of non-europeans regarding our matters?

I see I am right about my predictions. Spaniards are, on average, different from frenchs and italians than these between themselves, on average.

Need a map?


07-04-2011, 07:20 PM
Look, my parentes are french and i lived in france, different of you. I know how southwest frenchs ares.You put a number of individuals that are mixed

Your parents are French, then they are Italian, then they are German... What are they after all? You have this blond fantasy and you live is this delusional world where the countries where your ancesters come from are pure blond/blue-eyed havens, but the REAL world goes beyond those delusions. For God's sake! Patience runs out...

07-04-2011, 07:20 PM
Southwest France is not pred. blonde by any means. Anyone who fails to acknowledge such a fact is in self-denial and has a blondism delusion and should seek professional help with a shrink.

and who said it was? I said that several individuals have posted it mixes with other European ethnic groups which makes that they are not typically in southwest france

07-04-2011, 07:22 PM
Southern-French are closer looking to iberians and north-italians than to rest of French. Of course these idiots are going to say they are mixed, if they are not blonde. What do they know about France ? They live in the USA. We live right next to France. Poor idiots.

This is what Estrabón said :

"Estrabon, decía de los aquitanos que se distinguían claramente por su aspecto físico y su lengua de los otros pueblos que habitaban la Galia y se asemejaban más a sus vecinos de la Península Ibérica"."

07-04-2011, 07:23 PM
Is funny that Americans living 10,000 km away from France and Spain (and italy) say about us xD.

Guys, France is a country with border between North and South Europe, North French are much more Nordic look that South French but that does not make the South of France an Arab country or not French or not white.

Southern France is as French as the North.

07-04-2011, 07:23 PM
Your parents are French, then they are Italian, then they are German... What are they after all? You have this blond fantasy and you live is this delusional world where the countries where your ancesters come from are pure blond/blue-eyed havens, but the REAL world goes beyond those delusions. For God's sake! Patience runs out...

Stop distorting my words and learn to interpret texts. My grandmother is French. I know how the French are, in no time I mentioned that they should be light blond, learn to interpret texts, Labrador

My grandparents are Italian, Austrian, German and French. I'm not complexed with her ​​friend from Cape Verde

07-04-2011, 07:25 PM
Your parents are French, then they are Italian, then they are German... What are they after all?

Sudacas, probably. Non-European blood in major or minor grade.

His rage comments against Spain, the distorted idea about Europe... the blonde guy on the avatar... Fits perfectly in the profile.

They are so predictable...

07-04-2011, 07:25 PM
Is funny that Americans living 10,000 km away from France and Spain (and italy) say about us xD.

Guys, France is a country with border between North and South Europe, North French are much more Nordic look that South French but that does not make the South of France an Arab country or not French or not white.

Southern France is as French as the North.

Funny thing to hear what you say. I lived in France and also know their country very well. But at no time spoke ill of your country or I'm preaching to a French superiority you are distorting, I am only saying that these individuals are not typical

07-04-2011, 07:27 PM
Sudacas, no doubt. Fits perfectly in the profile.

They are so predictable...

The only thing you can speak. Pathetic!

07-04-2011, 07:29 PM
Your parents are French, then they are Italian, then they are German...

Typical American...

07-04-2011, 07:30 PM
Non-European blood in major or minor grade.

The only thing you can speak. Pathetic!

But... that "pathetic" statement mine is truth or not?


07-04-2011, 07:30 PM
Southern-French are closer looking to iberians and north-italians than to rest of French. Of course these idiots are going to say they are mixed, if they are not blonde. What do they know about France ? They live in the USA. We live right next to France. Poor idiots.

This is what Estrabón said :

"Estrabon, decía de los aquitanos que se distinguían claramente por su aspecto físico y su lengua de los otros pueblos que habitaban la Galia y se asemejaban más a sus vecinos de la Península Ibérica"."

Are You talking to me? I do not live in the United States. And you were the same guy who was talking trash in the French forum and I asked you to describe the places you lived and had said that you did not.

07-04-2011, 07:31 PM

But... that "pathetic" statement is truth or not?


I must meet for a poor guy like you? I just look at my photos in thread members that you have your answer. I've never seen a picture of yourself

07-04-2011, 07:32 PM
Are You talking to me? I do not live in the United States. And you were the same guy who was talking trash in the French forum and I asked you to describe the places you lived and had said that you did not.
I wasn't talking trash, I was telling the truth, a very uncomfortable truth.

07-04-2011, 07:33 PM
Funny thing to hear what you say. I lived in France and also know their country very well. But at no time spoke ill of your country or I'm preaching to a French superiority you are distorting, I am only saying that these individuals are not typical

They might be not typical for France as a whole, but certainly they are fairly common in southern France. And it's been an ethnic southwestern French that collected those pictures, among others, so I'm sure he knows his own kind.

07-04-2011, 07:34 PM
I must meet for a poor guy like you? I just look at my photos in thread members that you have your answer. I've never seen a picture of yourself

But you haven't answered. :)

At least you prefer the silence than the lie.

07-04-2011, 07:34 PM
I wasn't talking trash, I was telling the truth, a very uncomfortable truth.

which was denied by all French.

Look, if you are so fond of preserving European culture, should not be to me should offend you because I have not offended your country. But the creator of the topic is not white

07-04-2011, 07:36 PM
They might be not typical for France as a whole, but certainly they are fairly common in southern France. And it's been an ethnic southwestern French that collected those pictures, among others, so I'm sure he knows his own kind.

Some do not seem 100% French. That's clear. She did not put the sources of the photos. I wanted to see the surnames

07-04-2011, 07:37 PM
which was denied by all French.

Look, if you are so fond of preserving European culture, should not be to me should offend you because I have not offended your country. But the creator of the topic is not white
No it was not denied. Tel Errant is a french who agreed with me. The other french are just germanic-wannabes, nordic fetishists.

07-04-2011, 07:37 PM
Funny thing to hear what you say. I lived in France and also know their country very well. But at no time spoke ill of your country or I'm preaching to a French superiority you are distorting, I am only saying that these individuals are not typical

The photographs are always problematic, we all want to see models in the pictures, representing our country. I also know the South of France and they are my neighbors, these people are not models, not Spanish, nor Italian, nor French, but are relatively recognizable faces.

07-04-2011, 07:42 PM
The photographs are always problematic, we all want to see models in the pictures, representing our country. I also know the South of France and they are my neighbors, these people are not models, not Spanish, nor Italian, nor French, but are relatively recognizable faces.

Then she should put the source of their research, right? or give their last names at least.

And I speak not only of French but also Italians, Spaniards and other ethnic groups put it here

07-04-2011, 07:43 PM
No it was not denied. Tel Errant is a french who agreed with me. The other french are just germanic-wannabes, nordic fetishists.

Tel Errant not agree with you. And others want to be Germanic? I've never seen a Frenchman wanting to be Germanic.

07-04-2011, 07:43 PM
Some do not seem 100% French. That's clear. She did not put the sources of the photos. I wanted to see the surnames

These pictures are collected by an user of another forum (ask cmariexo which) and he also posts the surnames along with the pictures. I would admit that some few individuals of the samples he posts for another regions/countries sometimes might not be the most representative and some now and then even not ethnic for those places - for various reasons such as immigration, etc. - but it would be very odd and unlikely that he would collect atypical people for the region he does come from (southern France).

07-04-2011, 07:47 PM
These pictures are collected by an user of another forum (ask cmariexo which) and he also posts the surnames along with the pictures. I would admit that some few individuals of the samples he posts for another region/countries might not be representative or even not ethnic for those places - for various reasons such as immigration, etc. - but it would be very odd and unlikely that he would collect atypical people for the region he does come from (southern France).

Now you agree with me! She has posted several people she said it was a country and in fact were not. For example she posted a Paraguayan Larissa Riquelme as Portuguese. A Brazilian model, Fernanda Spachi Aiello as Portuguese and German Ottmar Hitzfeld as Chilean.

Tells his friends of Cape Verde to verify the sources of her best

07-04-2011, 07:50 PM
Then she should put the source of their research, right? or give their last names at least.

And I speak not only of French but also Italians, Spaniards and other ethnic groups put it here

That's complicated, I doubt that most people exposed in these photos know they are published on the Internet.

You have your share of reason, some specific photos are dubious, but overall, all in groups, for someone like me, are faces pretty easy to recognize.

07-04-2011, 07:50 PM
Tel Errant not agree with you. And others want to be Germanic? I've never seen a Frenchman wanting to be Germanic.
Then why a frenchman created a thread called "Are french germanic ?" and people denying french are latin, and sayingthey are germanic, etc. I've even discussed with you about it, remember ? You said french are germanic also.

07-04-2011, 07:52 PM
Now you agree with me! She has posted several people she said it was a country and in fact were not. For example she posted a Paraguayan Larissa Riquelme as Portuguese. A Brazilian model, Fernanda Spachi Aiello as Portuguese and German Ottmar Hitzfeld as Chilean.

Tells his friends of Cape Verde to verify the sources of her best
Tell me, who are the non-whites in the french pictures in this thread ?

07-04-2011, 07:53 PM
I've never seen a picture of yourself

Until now.

(the one on the bottom "safe".)

I have no complexes and I am proud of my typical spaniard look.

07-04-2011, 07:54 PM
Then why a frenchman created a thread called "Are french germanic ?" and people denying french are latin, and sayingthey are germanic, etc. I've even discussed with you about it, remember ? You said french are germanic also.

The topic is designed to answer questions, it was a question. Not an absolute truth. I said that some regions of France suffered Germanic influences

07-04-2011, 07:57 PM
Until now.

(the one on the bottom "safe".)

I have no complexes and I am proud of my typical spaniard look.

you are not seeing my picture of my profile and my avatar and not read what is written about my origins? I was born in Brazil, but I have French origins, Italian, German and Austrian. The only person who is not white in this topic, is the creator. Cape Verde has it origins. It is not me you should bother, because it offended their country. On the contrary, know very well and would be July 13 in Barcelona

07-04-2011, 07:58 PM
That's complicated, I doubt that most people exposed in these photos know they are published on the Internet.

You have your share of reason, some specific photos are dubious, but overall, all in groups, for someone like me, are faces pretty easy to recognize.

They have some people who really are typical, but also many who have not, as she tends to make mistakes, she better check her sources. Besides the fact that she never went to countries that she is "expert" in classifying

07-04-2011, 08:02 PM
Tell me, who are the non-whites in the french pictures in this thread ?

I did not say they were not white! I said that she posts on various topics people there that are mixed with European and other ethnicities are not 100% French. She tired of making mistakes

07-04-2011, 08:09 PM
In fact Lábaru is the one dressed in Blue and Iberia is just behind me, with the face covered.

Just normal spaniards.

07-04-2011, 08:11 PM
In fact Lábaru is the one dressed in Blue and Iberia is just behind me, with the face covered.

Just normal spaniards.

did not know that this picture was his, but I never accused you of not being Spanish. but why hide their faces?

Tel Errant
07-04-2011, 08:24 PM
I would have guessed them too. You can object that the pic of the last French guy is of bad quality but actually he looks like an older version of the third guy.
If they're south western French I guess they're not that much southern, I would place them in Gironde or Guyenne.

07-04-2011, 08:50 PM
well France is a country who is between Italy, Spain, UK and Germany, so French are very diverse people personally i have seen of all subtypes, and unfortunelle pseudo French (moors and black people) who under laws they are French

In any case

07-04-2011, 09:40 PM
It seems tricky to me to pick out the French in a group among Spaniards and Italians in these guessing threads because what tends to happen is you have to show examples of French people that don't seem very typical in order to make them look closer to Spaniards and Italians. All the people in group 3 don't seem typical French to me at all, they are probably extreme southern type and some look even mixed or not totally white to me.

Has anyone seen the clip of Sarkozy in southwestern french town Brax getting grabbed by a man as he was shaking hands with the locals several days ago? It's on youtube. I assume that all of the french examples in group 3 are from southern france but none of them look anywhere close to the locals shown in the Sarkozy clip and one would expect some kind of similarity. The folks in the Sarkozy clip from southwestern france look like normal white european people but these french look quite different.

Yep, this is the clip:


Keep in mind that most men seen on that video aren't necessarily local Southern French, a number of them are Sarkozy's bodyguards, they are average Frenchmen but with over-average features as far as athletic abilities are concerned.

Right, the locals are noticeably less swarthy than typical Spaniards, but you may have also noticed that they are definitely on the short side, they aren't any taller than average Iberians... or than Sarkozy himself :)

(BTW the one that really doesn't look French on that picture is our beloved president :( )

northern France would make the composite face lighter.. but I usually post southern French.

Nothing to object against. There's more fun that way, otherwise it would be much too easy.

07-04-2011, 09:51 PM
French, Spanish and Italian.

Thanks for the multiple choice.

I would have said the same too.

Alvarado got it right-

1) Spanish
2) Italian
3) French

Strange, the second group doesn't look familiar to me at all. Only the third look like normal Italians I know. Maybe you selected wrong pics.
In any case your work in selecting not-rapresentative Italians worths always a look.

07-04-2011, 09:58 PM
A moor living in France: Right, the locals are noticeably less swarthy than typical Spaniards, but you may have also noticed that they are definitely on the short side, they aren't any taller than average Iberians... or than Sarkozy himself :)

¿Qué sabrás tú de los españoles, moromierda, aparte de que tú y tu familia nos dais asco?

(BTW the one that really doesn't look French on that picture is our beloved president )

Someone didnt teach you the meaning of "our".

That is the president of Frenchs. Your leader is someone like him:



NOTE ABOUT MY PIC: Louback, if you believed that a group of moor immigrants (moros) could be spaniard, how do you expect we give importance to your opinions about Spaniards or French or european matters?

Forgive me, but that trap for real fools was a real fun for spaniards (or offensive), posting random moor immigrant shit (moroccans or argelians) as if they were spaniards.


LOL, Fucking look at their faces!. And they even have palestinian ass tissues... :)

0/10 in European Taxonomy. These could never pass as spaniards or europeans. You don't know a fuck about this.

07-04-2011, 10:03 PM
Guys, France is a country with border between North and South Europe, North French are much more Nordic look that South French but that does not make the South of France an Arab country or not French or not white.

Southern France is as French as the North.

I agree.

France is basically an originally Celtic ethnic material that entered history organised as a Germanic nation with a Romance language. It may seem a weird combination to many of you but we're used to that atypical positionning, we were born that way and aren't gonna change.

In the course of time France has acquired (with the conquest of the South) a Latin and downright Mediterranean dimension we don't want to deny. We are very happy with it, it's part of our idiosyncracy. The Spaniards and the Italians are often uncomfortable with their southernness — we are not. We even love to exagerate it sometimes.

This is France. You are free to love it or hate for what it is.

07-04-2011, 10:05 PM

NOTE ABOUT MY PIC: Louback, if you believed that a group of moor immigrants (moros) could be spaniard, how do you expect we give importance to your opinions about Spaniards or French or european matters?

Forgive me, but that trap for real fools was a real fun for spaniards (or offensive), posting random moor immigrant shit (moroccans or argelians) as if they were spaniards.


LOL, Fucking look at their faces!. And they even have palestinian ass tissues... :)

0/10 in European Taxonomy. These could never pass as spaniards or europeans. You don't know a fuck about this.

. but why hide their faces?

You read that part? Don, I was being ironic! Obviously they are Muslims. Not only the burka, but the stereotype. I would not hit that they were Palestinians, for me were Algerians or Moroccans

07-04-2011, 10:11 PM
Now you agree with me! She has posted several people she said it was a country and in fact were not. For example she posted a Paraguayan Larissa Riquelme as Portuguese. A Brazilian model, Fernanda Spachi Aiello as Portuguese and German Ottmar Hitzfeld as Chilean.

Tells his friends of Cape Verde to verify the sources of her best

The author of these sample batches follows a method which involves cross checking local surnames, however many individuals put often as their profile pics other people's pictures, such as actors or football players. He has sampled hundreds of different places and sometimes these situations slip under his radar, it just happens...

07-04-2011, 10:13 PM
¿Qué sabrás tú de los españoles, moromierda, aparte de que tú y tu familia nos dais asco?

Someone didnt teach you the meaning of "our".

That is the president of Frenchs. Your leader is someone like him:



NOTE ABOUT MY PIC: Louback, if you believed that a group of moor immigrants (moros) could be spaniard, how do you expect we give importance to your opinions about Spaniards or French or european matters?

Forgive me, but that trap for real fools was a real fun for spaniards (or offensive), posting random moor immigrant shit (moroccans or argelians) as if they were spaniards.


LOL, Fucking look at their faces!. And they even have palestinian ass tissues... :)

0/10 in European Taxonomy. These could never pass as spaniards or europeans. You don't know a fuck about this.

The problem with the Spics is that some of them are frequently prone to irrational outbursts of nonsensical rudeness.

Time to remind an old French prejudice: in my understanding, a poorly educated Dago is just a half-Arab.

07-04-2011, 10:14 PM
The author of these sample batches follows a method which involves cross checking local surnames, however many individuals put often as their profile pics other people's pictures, such as actors or football players. He has sampled hundreds of different places and sometimes these situations slip under his radar, it just happens...
I've recognised faces from these cmariexo (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/member.php?u=2253) selections obviously just taken from Google images (at some point) which were of the wrong ethnicity but had come up for that search term.

07-04-2011, 10:18 PM
The problem with the Spics is that some of them are frequently prone to irrational outbursts of nonsensical rudeness.

Time to remind an old French prejudice: in my understanding, a poorly educated Dago is just a half-Arab.
lol, it's funny that a french uses the words 'spic' and 'dago' to talk about spaniards. Are you really sure you are french ? I have my doubts.

07-04-2011, 10:40 PM
lol, it's funny that a french uses the words 'spic' and 'dago' to talk about spaniards. Are you really sure you are french ? I have my doubts.

Wenn ich kein Franzose bin, was sonst? Irgendeine Ahnung?
Se non sono gallico, checcos'altro porrei essere io? Secondo Te?
Om jag inte är fransk, va fan skulle jag vara annars? Säg mig!
Si point ne suis-je Français, que pourrais-je être? D'après toi?

07-05-2011, 02:09 AM
The problem with the Spics is that some of them are frequently prone to irrational outbursts of nonsensical rudeness.

Time to remind an old French prejudice: in my understanding, a poorly educated Dago is just a half-Arab.

No, I'm not like you, moromierda. Yo Soy español, un Ser Superior.

Atiende: These call themselves "french" too. And they hate spaniards too. We killed their/your dirty invader ancestors in our lands. Your kind will never be french for us, just moromierdas.

Understood, dog?

07-05-2011, 03:03 AM
You guys really argued about this for 6 more pages since this afternoon? :lol:

07-05-2011, 03:16 AM
Group 1. Arabids
Group 2. Sudanids
Group 3. Mongoloid Jews

Now where is my prize?

07-05-2011, 03:17 AM
No, I'm not like you, moromierda. Yo Soy español, un Ser Superior.

Atiende: These call themselves "french" too. And they hate spaniards too. We killed their/your dirty invader ancestors in our lands. Your kind will never be french for us, just moromierdas.

Understood, dog?

You really are a pompous ass, with all due respect. (which is none)


alzo zero
07-05-2011, 04:31 PM
Need a map?

Hahaha Iberia has never looked so up north... :thumb001:

Guys guys guys... it's funny to see everyone's at Louback's throat (in typical Spanish style) for being a New Worlder while I have hardly heard you criticize cmariexo for the same thing although the shit she's posting is much more outrageous...

The author of these sample batches follows a method which involves cross checking local surnames, however many individuals put often as their profile pics other people's pictures, such as actors or football players. He has sampled hundreds of different places and sometimes these situations slip under his radar, it just happens...
Not only this, you also have to consider that in 2011 most people are mixed even within their own respective countries. Most people I know don't have 4 parents from the same region let alone from the same town...

07-05-2011, 04:51 PM
1. Spain

2. Italy

3. France

that's what I thought

07-05-2011, 05:20 PM
HNot only this, you also have to consider that in 2011 most people are mixed even within their own respective countries. Most people I know don't have 4 parents from the same region let alone from the same town...

The author never samples large cities but always small places. E.g. I live in a small city and the overwhelming majority of my friends have all their ancestry inside same region. Same as the difference between sampling Milano or Bergamo, the chances are that in Bergamo people are less mixed.

alzo zero
07-05-2011, 05:25 PM
Same as the difference between sampling Milano or Bergamo, the chances are that in Bergamo people are less mixed.
My origin is from Rovato in the province of Brescia at about 20 kms from Bergamo and I can tell you that maybe almost half of the people in their early 20's in my neck of the woods have one parent whose ancestors (one or both parents) hail from another region. Not necessarily from Southern Italy but from another region, it would be interesting to hear from other Northern Italians here what they think about it. To be sure of finding 100% Lombards you have to move away from the Po Valley towards the foothills of the Alps and beyond.

Probably the North-East is more homogenous because it used to be much less industrialized and wealthy than Lombardia and Piemonte at the time of the internal migrations.

07-05-2011, 05:26 PM
My origin is from Rovato in the province of Brescia at about 20 kms from Bergamo and I can tell you that maybe almost half of the people in my neck of the woods have one parent whose ancestry is from another region. Not necessarily from Southern Italy but from another region, it would be interesting to hear from other Northern Italians here what they think about it. To be sure of finding 100% Lombards you have to move away from the Po Valley towards the foothills of the Alps and beyond. Probably the North-East is more homogenous.

This might interest you


07-05-2011, 05:33 PM
Probably the North-East is more homogenous because it used to be much less industrialized and wealthy than Lombardia and Piemonte at the time of the internal migrations.

Yes, good point, unlike the region where I'm from, Northern Italy has witnessed many incoming migratory movements for it is an extremely wealthy economical region in the European scenario.

alzo zero
07-05-2011, 05:34 PM
This might interest you

If I had to judge by they surnames only I would believe that all those people are locals. More than this I cannot tell.

07-05-2011, 07:03 PM
Hahaha Iberia has never looked so up north... :thumb001:

Guys guys guys... it's funny to see everyone's at Louback's throat (in typical Spanish style) for being a New Worlder while I have hardly heard you criticize cmariexo for the same thing although the shit she's posting is much more outrageous...

Alzo Zero, I am not surprised this behavior typical of Spanish, they just only believe what they want. Since I did not say anything stupid and at no time I criticized the theory preached spain or "Nordic" And they end up spreading nonsense for several topics. This Don is a lunatic, the only thing he can do is accuse others of being "Sudacas" or Moors.

As I told you, my paternal grandfather was also from Brescia. I remember as a child and spent some time at his house it was easy for you to recognize a person in the region,but, actually is currently very difficult.

Non preoccuparti! Questo spagnolo si concluderà in un sanatorio :thumbs up

07-05-2011, 07:13 PM
Alzo Zero, I am not surprised this behavior typical of Spanish, they just only believe what they want. Since I did not say anything stupid and at no time I criticized the theory preached spain or "Nordic" And they end up spreading nonsense for several topics. This Don is a lunatic, the only thing he can do is accuse others of being "Sudacas" or Moors.

As I told you, my paternal grandfather was also from Brescia. I remember as a child and spent some time at his house it was easy for you to recognize a person in the region,but, actually is currently very difficult.

Non preoccuparti! Questo spagnolo si concluderà in un sanatorio :thumbs up
Come on, why do you think this thread derailed so much ? Because you and the other New Worlder started crying that these french are not blonde enough, that they look non-white, arabs or mixed ethnicity, really a pathetic show and display of ignorance. You live in a bubble of fantasy, from the distance of living in another continent, and you have the guts to lecture us, while we live in Northern Spain right next to France. You guys don't accept there is huge overlapping between Southern french and iberians/north-italians. A pathetic show of complexes, wannabism and ignorance.

07-05-2011, 07:21 PM
Come on, why do you think this thread derailed so much ? Because you and the other New Worlder started crying that these french are not blonde enough, that they look non-white, arabs or mixed ethnicity, really a pathetic show and display of ignorance. You live in a bubble of fantasy, from the distance of living in another continent, and you have the guts to lecture us, while we live in Northern Spain right next to France. You guys don't accept there is huge overlapping between Southern french and iberians/north-italians. A pathetic show of complexes, wannabism and ignorance.

Do not twist my words! In no time I said that these people were not white or that the French should be blond with blue eyes. Learn to interpret texts.

And do not say things you do not know. You never came to Brazil, but I've lived in Italy, Austrian, Germany and France and know almost all the countries of Europe. Do you live in Barcelona? July 13 will be in the Petit Palace Hotel. Any questions you have about me or my background, you'll find me there

07-05-2011, 07:38 PM
Funny thing, I remember the portugueses crying about my "mestizo-look friend" in the "Portugueses" thread. But I don't saw a new worlder saying nonsense things like "these Europeans are not white enough."

07-05-2011, 07:41 PM
Funny thing, I remember the portugueses crying about my "mestizo-look friend" in the "Portugueses" thread. But I don't saw a single new worlder saying things like "these Europeans are not white enough."
The american Forrester said these french are non-white and arabs. Btw your portuguese friend was indeed, african influenced, that was quite evident, for our european eyes. Maybe in Brazil he is considered white.

07-05-2011, 07:43 PM
Yep dats what i said.

"Those french are not white and are arabs" - Forrester

Quite a specific thing to a make up. Now I know you are a completely worthless poster who can't read.

07-05-2011, 07:45 PM
The american Forrester said these french are non-white and arabs. Btw your portuguese friend was indeed, african influenced, that was quite evident, for our european eyes. Maybe in Brazil he is considered white.

Yeah, and we welcome our new mestizo friend since he was expelled from his über homeland! ;)

07-05-2011, 07:50 PM
The american Forrester said these french are non-white and arabs. Btw your portuguese friend was indeed, african influenced, that was quite evident, for our european eyes. Maybe in Brazil he is considered white.

Forrester who was not said the French they were not white! Funny that this topic was created by a New Worlder.

07-05-2011, 07:50 PM
Yep dats what i said.

"Those french are not white and are arabs" - Forrester

Quite a specific thing to a make up. Now I know you are a completely worthless poster who can't read.
Now I know you are a complete retard who can't distinguish between pure europeans from France and arabs. Be proud.

07-05-2011, 07:53 PM
Sorry, I confused you with that american bitch 'guysf' or whatever :

I've seen MANY examples you've shown in your guessing threads of the French groups that seem mixed and not totally white looking. Not saying you purposely do so knowing that they are that way but I'm just saying quite a few examples are questionable to me. Whatever source you use I would not be so quick to say that all the people shown have pure French stock, plus southern france has so many gypsies, arabic and italian/spanish to dilute their blood anyway. Again I'm not saying that they are no such french people that look like the ones you've shown but based on my experience being in southern france so many times it's not totally accurate IMO.
And this comment thanked by Louback. :thumbs up

07-05-2011, 08:01 PM
Funny thing, I remember the portugueses crying about my "mestizo-look friend" in the "Portugueses" thread.

Portuguese, singular, not plural, there was only one Portuguese person claiming such thing.

07-05-2011, 08:01 PM
Sorry, I confused you with that american bitch 'guysf' or whatever :

And this comment thanked by Louback. :thumbs up

Because from the beginning I said that some do not seem 100% French, but said that there were white,you got it or I'll have to draw?

07-05-2011, 08:03 PM
Come on, why do you think this thread derailed so much ? Because you and the other New Worlder started crying that these french are not blonde enough, that they look non-white, arabs or mixed ethnicity, really a pathetic show and display of ignorance. You live in a bubble of fantasy, from the distance of living in another continent, and you have the guts to lecture us, while we live in Northern Spain right next to France. You guys don't accept there is huge overlapping between Southern french and iberians/north-italians. A pathetic show of complexes, wannabism and ignorance.

I think it's not so much complexes or wannabism as it is ignorance. To them, every French person must be a blond haired blue eyed Norman :rolleyes:

Since both of the French posters on here saw nothing wrong with the pictures that OP posted, i don't see how anyone else can have any objections

07-05-2011, 08:04 PM
I'd like to see if any of the French posters find them atypical. Their opinions are probably most valid.

07-05-2011, 08:07 PM
I'd like to see if any of the French posters find them atypical. Their opinions are probably most valid.
Well, Tell Errant has come here and said they looked french, and not only that, he said they could be central or northern french.

07-05-2011, 08:09 PM
Well, Tell Errant has come here and said they looked french, and not only that, he said they could be central or northern french.

Then I trust his opinion, and the opinions of other Europeans from nearby regions.

07-05-2011, 08:11 PM
Sorry, I confused you with that american bitch 'guysf' or whatever :
Oh, ok. Apology accepted.

07-05-2011, 08:11 PM
Tel errant said that if they were in southwest France, they should not that much southern , but the Gironde or Guyenne. And Veleda found these Italians atypical

Besides, I do not need another to prove what I stated. Only someone who takes pictures of google or who was never in place to clarify

07-05-2011, 08:14 PM
I think the opinion of a person like me or Iberia, born a few kilometers from France, or better yet, a French non-immigrant, is more valid than the South American.

:) Pure logic.

07-05-2011, 08:15 PM
Tel errant said that if the were in southwest France, they should not that much southern , but the Gironde or Guyenne. And Veleda found these Italians atypical

Besides, I do not need another to prove what I stated. Only someone who takes pictures of google or who was never in place to clarify

Veleda also told me that Elena Paparizou is an atypical Greek..

07-05-2011, 08:16 PM
I think the opinion of a person like me or Iberia, born a few kilometers from France, or better yet, a French non-immigrant, is more valid than the South American.

:) Pure logic.

I think my opinion, son of French and who lived many years in France is more appropriate than its partial view

Pure logic:thumbs up

07-05-2011, 08:17 PM
I believe that the other French poster (the one who's not Tol Errant) also approved of the pictures.

07-05-2011, 08:17 PM
Veleda also told me that Elena Paparizou is an atypical Greek..

who is this Elena? in any case you made millions of mistakes here. was able to say that a German was Chilean:eek:

07-05-2011, 08:19 PM
who is this Elena? in any case you made millions of mistakes here. was able to say that a German was Chilean:eek:

Let's not argue yet again.. but if I showed you the links as to where I got those pictures from, you'd see the error was not originally mine. Anyway this is entirely off topic and this thread should just be fucking CLOSED already.

07-05-2011, 08:21 PM
Let's not argue yet again.. but if I showed you the links as to where I got those pictures from, you'd see the error was not originally mine. Anyway this is entirely off topic and this thread should just be fucking CLOSED already.

if you put pictures without researching the sources, then you also part of the error. The same you did with with Tatyz

Tel Errant
07-05-2011, 08:22 PM
Well, Tell Errant has come here and said they looked french, and not only that, he said they could be central or northern french.
I said that if they're from the south west part of France they're more likely to not be from its southern fringe but rather Gironde or Guyenne.
Actually I wouldn't have been surprised either if they would have been from any western region south of the Loire.

07-05-2011, 08:23 PM
I'll give you a clear example of what I mean. I can put a picture of a French tennis player named Maxime Teixeira, he is the son of Portuguese. If I put his picture and I say its origins, you will think he is 100% French, so it is good to clarify the origins of people posted

07-05-2011, 08:23 PM
This is insane. How can you still doubt that they are French after two French people living in France explicitly said it? :eek:

07-05-2011, 08:24 PM
I said that if they're from the south west part of France they're more likely to not be from its southern fringe but rather Gironde or Guyenne.
Actually I wouldn't have been surprised if they would have been from any western region south of the Loire.

In fact not all of them are southern, some are central and northern. These pictures are in anthrofrance.blogspot.com, a blog made by a French individual from southwestern France. You can see their origins and surnames there.

07-05-2011, 08:25 PM
This is insane. How can you still doubt that they are French after two French people living in France explicitly said it?

Because they believe that somehow the second you cross the Pyrenees, the people instantly go from being dark swarthies to blonde, blue eyed Normans. :rolleyes2:

07-05-2011, 08:26 PM
This is insane. How can you still doubt that they are French after two French people living in France explicitly said it?

I do not mean only to this topic, I talk about other examples in other topics. Because this topic was discussion on the subject

07-05-2011, 08:27 PM
Come on, why do you think this thread derailed so much ? Because you and the other New Worlder started crying that these french are not blonde enough, that they look non-white, arabs or mixed ethnicity, really a pathetic show and display of ignorance. You live in a bubble of fantasy, from the distance of living in another continent, and you have the guts to lecture us, while we live in Northern Spain right next to France. You guys don't accept there is huge overlapping between Southern french and iberians/north-italians. A pathetic show of complexes, wannabism and ignorance.

Pardon my meddling, but there are some things that worth to be corrected.
First, the real latidude of Spain/France/Italy are these:


with Madrid that is at the same latitude of Calabria. No matter how westerns you are, the climatic factors of Spain are for the most far closer to southern Italy than to Northern Italy (I know that you have also an atlantic strip, but it doesn't concern the right and central regions of Spain).
Second, France, especially South-west France, is not at all northernmore than Italy but on the same latitude of central Italy. I live at the same latitude of Pirenees/Aquitania and Alzo Zero at the same of Limousin. You must look the paralleles to see how north you are!!! Many times north/south are used in a political sense, not in a geographical sense.
North-East Italy is a central Europea region indeed. We Italians don't repeat it every day becouse we are not obsessed with stupid chriterias like West/East/North, but if we want to look at real facts, facts are that Spain is as south as southern Italy, with similar climates, and parts of Italy are central Europe.

Second, Louback can be born in the New World, but he is son of Europeans, therefore he is ethnically European. He is Northern Italian/Austrian, so central European and has not need to repeat every day that he is Western or bla bla bla to be proud of what he is.

Third, and I finish, I understood his point (that was the same of mine): Cmariexo posted an other compilation of people that are no way rapresentative of French and Italians. I dunno if you Spaniards find Spaniards here posted rapresentative, but having I been in France I know that avarage French look different. They have dark types but features are different. These posted here look more Turks than French. Same with Italians, that here have been exaggerated even more than French.

Cmariexo is not able to post rapresentative pictures of European peoples. Maybe she has interests to post them wrong or simply she is ignorant about Europe, but it's our due to correct her, otherwise we Italians and French are useless on this forum. If this disturbs someone living in a parallele dimension, it's not my fault.

07-05-2011, 08:27 PM
Because they believe that somehow the second you cross the Pyrenees, the people instantly go from being dark swarthies to blonde, blue eyed Normans. :rolleyes2:

the same way that you believe is Portuguese, right?

07-05-2011, 08:29 PM
Because they believe that somehow the second you cross the Pyrenees, the people instantly go from being dark swarthies to blonde, blue eyed Normans. :rolleyes2:

It's not, but it is neither a smooth transition.

07-05-2011, 08:29 PM
I'm asking to have this topic closed. It's going nowhere.

07-05-2011, 08:30 PM
It's not, but it is neither a smooth transition.

True. I just don't think those particular French people are so controversial that it sparked 10+ pages of debate.. I would expect to see similar faces on both sides of the Pyrenees.

07-05-2011, 08:34 PM
I'm asking to have this topic closed. It's going nowhere.

now it should be closed? Cool!!

07-05-2011, 08:35 PM
Well would you prefer another 13 pages of pointless arguing?

07-05-2011, 08:35 PM
Pardon my meddling, but there are some things that worth to be corrected.
First, the real latidude of Spain/France/Italy are these:


with Madrid that is at the same latitude of Calabria. No matter how westerns you are, the climatic factors of Spain are for the most far closer to southern Italy than to Northern Italy (I know that you have also an atlantic strip, but it doesn't concern the right and central regions of Spain).
Second, France, especially South-west France, is not at all northernmore than Italy but on the same latitude of central Italy. I live at the same latitude of Pirenees/Aquitania and Alzo Zero at the same of Limousin. You must look the paralleles to see how north you are!!! Many times north/south are used in a political sense, not in a geographical sense.
North-East Italy is a central Europea region indeed. We Italians don't repeat it every day becouse we are not obsessed with stupid chriterias like West/East/North, but if we want to look at real facts, facts are that Spain is as south as southern Italy, with similar climates, and parts of Italy are central Europe.

Second, Louback can be born in the New World, but he is son of Europeans, therefore he is ethnically European. He is Northern Italian/Austrian, so central European and has not need to repeat every day that he is Western or bla bla bla to be proud of what he is.

Third, and I finish, I understood his point (that was the same of mine): Cmariexo posted an other compilation of people that are no way rapresentative of French and Italians. I dunno if you Spaniards find Spaniards here posted rapresentative, but having I been in France I know that avarage French look different. They have dark types but features are different. These posted here look more Turks than French. Same with Italians, that here have been exaggerated even more than French.

Cmariexo is not able to post rapresentative pictures of European peoples. Maybe she has interests to post them wrong or simply she is ignorant about Europe, but it's our due to correct her, otherwise we Italians and French are useless on this forum. If this disturbs someone living in a parallele dimension, it's not my fault.

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwo you are ubber nordid!!!

07-05-2011, 08:38 PM
I didn't notice she said these French "look more Turks than French". Wtf??

07-05-2011, 08:39 PM
This is insane. How can you still doubt that they are French after two French people living in France explicitly said it? :eek:

What I mean (and I think also Louback does) is that they can also be French, but they have been selected. Walking in France the avarage person doesn't look like a Turk. You know, the southern coast of France has been colonized by Greeks and Phoenicians too, so swarthy types exist. But Southern France is not like Tunisia. I hope to have clarified my point.

Avarage southern French looks this way, and believe it or not also the avarage Italian.



For experience, Southern French are those who look closer to Italians.

Tel Errant
07-05-2011, 08:40 PM
Third, and I finish, I understood his point (that was the same of mine): Cmariexo posted an other compilation of people that are no way rapresentative of French and Italians. I dunno if you Spaniards find Spaniards here posted rapresentative, but having I been in France I know that avarage French look different. They have dark types but features are different. These posted here look more Turks than French. Same with Italians, that here have been exaggerated even more than French.

Cmariexo is not able to post rapresentative pictures of European peoples. Maybe she has interests to post them wrong or simply she is ignorant about Europe, but it's our due to correct her, otherwise we Italians and French are useless on this forum. If this disturbs someone living in a parallele dimension, it's not my fault.
These threads are possibly meant to prove something and thus pics are likely to be cherry picked to some extent, but it's not because some of them are on the 'dark side' pigmentation wise that they're not representative individualy from types existing in their respective regions.

07-05-2011, 08:41 PM
Avarage southern French looks this way, and believe it or not also the avarage Italian.

Then a girl as dark as you is not an average Italian?

07-05-2011, 08:41 PM
Then a girl as dark as you is not an average Italian?

Maybe she looks more like a Turk or Armenian than an Italian, if that's what most Italians look like. ;)

07-05-2011, 08:45 PM
For experience, Southern French are those who look closer to Italians.
Southeast french yes, but Southwest (Aquitanians, Midi-Pyreness) for obvious reasons are closer to Iberians. But the American guysif said we iberians are polluting the south, without knowing those lands have already iberian and basque blood from very remote times, and that we are genetically very close.

07-05-2011, 08:46 PM
Pardon my meddling, but there are some things that worth to be corrected.
First, the real latidude of Spain/France/Italy are these:


with Madrid that is at the same latitude of Calabria. No matter how westerns you are, the climatic factors of Spain are for the most far closer to southern Italy than to Northern Italy (I know that you have also an atlantic strip, but it doesn't concern the right and central regions of Spain).
Second, France, especially South-west France, is not at all northernmore than Italy but on the same latitude of central Italy. I live at the same latitude of Pirenees/Aquitania and Alzo Zero at the same of Limousin. You must look the paralleles to see how north you are!!! Many times north/south are used in a political sense, not in a geographical sense.
North-East Italy is a central Europea region indeed. We Italians don't repeat it every day becouse we are not obsessed with stupid chriterias like West/East/North, but if we want to look at real facts, facts are that Spain is as south as southern Italy, with similar climates, and parts of Italy are central Europe.

Second, Louback can be born in the New World, but he is son of Europeans, therefore he is ethnically European. He is Northern Italian/Austrian, so central European and has not need to repeat every day that he is Western or bla bla bla to be proud of what he is.

Third, and I finish, I understood his point (that was the same of mine): Cmariexo posted an other compilation of people that are no way rapresentative of French and Italians. I dunno if you Spaniards find Spaniards here posted rapresentative, but having I been in France I know that avarage French look different. They have dark types but features are different. These posted here look more Turks than French. Same with Italians, that here have been exaggerated even more than French.

Cmariexo is not able to post rapresentative pictures of European peoples. Maybe she has interests to post them wrong or simply she is ignorant about Europe, but it's our due to correct her, otherwise we Italians and French are useless on this forum. If this disturbs someone living in a parallele dimension, it's not my fault.

The French people she posted are definately fully Europid. I see no non-European features in them whatsoever.

Once again, the two French posters on here saw nothing wrong with them

07-05-2011, 08:46 PM
Maybe she looks more like a Turk or Armenian than an Italian, if that's what most Italians look like. ;)

Wait, you want to offend Veleda? You're from Cape Verde. Cape Verde= Africa = black

07-05-2011, 08:46 PM
What I mean (and I think also Louback does) is that they can also be French, but they have been selected. Walking in France the avarage person doesn't look like a Turk. You know, the southern coast of France has been colonized by Greeks and Phoenicians too, so swarthy types exist. But Southern France is not like Tunisia. I hope to have clarified my point.

Avarage southern French looks this way, and believe it or not also the avarage Italian.



For experience, Southern French are those who look closer to Italians.

Yeah. Totaly!

It's useless to post photos of one or two similar phenotypes like a whole population where clones. What is it about? Making people believe on your notion of an certain area or try to convince yourself of something?

07-05-2011, 08:47 PM
Wait, you want to offend Veleda? You're from Cape Verde. Cape Verde= Africa = black

If the girls she posted are average Italians, then she is not an average Italian.

07-05-2011, 08:49 PM
Which is which?

Group 1;


Group 3;


I didn't notice she said these French "look more Turks than French". Wtf??

Look these pics again. They answer by alone.

These threads are possibly meant to prove something and thus pics are likely to be cherry picked to some extent, but it's not because some of them are on the 'dark side' pigmentation wise that they're not representative individualy from types existing in their respective regions.

Of course. They are French so it means that French like these exist, and also Italians like these. But our countries are far more multicolour than this and she should rapresent also the other side. ;)

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwo you are ubber nordid!!!

Well, at least I look at you from above on a map. :coffee:
But hey, you are western! You live at the same latitude of Turkey but at least you can say to live not on the same meridian!

07-05-2011, 08:50 PM
If the girls she posted are average Italians, then she is not an average Italian.

and you know the area she lives in italy? Anyway, I never saw her picture, but you're not in a position to offend her

07-05-2011, 08:51 PM
Turks.. oh those French look so much like them it's identical


07-05-2011, 08:52 PM
Maybe she looks more like a Turk or Armenian than an Italian, if that's what most Italians look like. ;)

There is no doubt that she is much darker than these pictures of "average Italians" and also in features of face, then I wonder she should be darker than the Italian average.

07-05-2011, 08:52 PM
I've never read Cmariexo saying those are your typical french. He just presented the photos without saying anything.

07-05-2011, 08:53 PM
Yeah. Totaly!

It's useless to post photos of one or two similar phenotypes like a whole population where clones one from another. What is it about? Making people believe on your notion of an certain area or try to convince yourself of something?

É o mesmo que os espanhóis fazem o tempo todo e a criadora do tópico também, sendo que ela não é branca e nunca foi a europa.

Aliás, o que eu tenho falado o tópico inteiro.

07-05-2011, 08:53 PM
The French posted do not look like Turks. If according to you Veleda they look like Turks then half of Europe must be Turk. I wonder what some people are smoking or drinking... Or maybe is just this blonde mania spreading like a disease to the point they can't just see the REAL world in front of them. This is just hilariously surreal.

07-05-2011, 08:53 PM
Yeah. Totaly!

It's useless to post photos of one or two similar phenotypes like a whole population where clones one from another. What is it about? Making people believe on your notion of an certain area or try to convince yourself of something?

I dunno if you are ironic, but if you are then come to Italy. 90% of girls look this way. I think I know my country, anyway people who want to learn something about Italy are always welcome.
However these girls are not fair at all. They are all brunettes. In term of pigmentation, they have the typical Italian colours. :confused: How do you imagine Italians???

07-05-2011, 08:54 PM
There is no doubt that she is much darker than these pictures of "average Italians" and also in features of face, then I wonder she should be darker than the Italian average.

All countries have variation.. obviously Veleda is well within the range of Italian phenotypes just as the French I posted are well within the French spectrum.. but if we are going to nitpick and say that those French and Italians are too "dark"..

07-05-2011, 08:55 PM
Turks.. oh those French look so much like them it's identical



07-05-2011, 08:57 PM
É o mesmo que os espanhóis fazem o tempo todo e a criadora do tópico também, sendo que ela não é branca e nunca foi a europa.

Aliás, o que eu tenho falado o tópico inteiro.

Entiendo el portugués, sudaca. Use English in the forum.

07-05-2011, 08:57 PM
I dunno if you are ironic, but if you are then come to Italy. 90% of girls look this way. I think I know my country, anyway people who want to learn something about Italy are always welcome.
However these girls are not fair at all. They are all brunettes. In term of pigmentation, they have the typical Italian colours. :confused: How do you imagine Italians???

Yes it was ironic, but she is Arze kisser Portuguese and also never been to italy

07-05-2011, 08:57 PM
Turks ? let's see :

Atlantid :

Alpine :

Dinarized :

Atlantid-Alpine :

Paleoatlantid + Alpine

07-05-2011, 08:58 PM
Oh, so Turkish. :rolleyes:

07-05-2011, 08:58 PM
Entiendo el portugués, sudaca. Use English in the forum.

también entiendo español, moro!

07-05-2011, 08:58 PM
All I see in this thread is a disgusting display of racial insecurity at its worst :)

07-05-2011, 09:01 PM
Then a girl as dark as you is not an average Italian?

And a guy so stupid isn't an avarage stupid Spaniard? The pic you saw was made by webcam in a closed room with few light, as I told you. When I showed you the one at open air you answered that I am photofobic. :rolleyes:

07-05-2011, 09:07 PM
Maybe she looks more like a Turk or Armenian than an Italian, if that's what most Italians look like. ;)

Wait, you want to offend Veleda? You're from Cape Verde. Cape Verde= Africa = black

LOL... and she is even speaking???

If the girls she posted are average Italians, then she is not an average Italian.

and you know the area she lives in italy? Anyway, I never saw her picture, but you're not in a position to offend her

I have black hair and pale skin at natural, but as I wanted to be classified I make a picture using my webcam. Unlucky the only pics I have done with the digital camera are from the period in which I had lighter hair. However I can show them to you in a private message and can judge.

However they speak of me becouse they have no other argument.

07-05-2011, 09:10 PM
Turks ? let's see :

Atlantid :

Alpine :

Dinarized :

Atlantid-Alpine :

Paleoatlantid + Alpine

Who thought you to classify people??? :rolleyes2:
You are embarassing, really. :/

07-05-2011, 09:12 PM
And a guy so stupid isn't an avarage stupid Spaniard? The pic you saw was made by webcam in a closed room with few light, as I told you. When I showed you the one at open air you answered that I am photofobic. :rolleyes:

And here we have a racially insecure Italian girl.

07-05-2011, 09:13 PM
Who thought you to classify people??? :rolleyes2:
You are embarassing, really. :/

If you want, you can ask Agrippa to classify them. I guarantee you they are all full Europids

07-05-2011, 09:14 PM
And here we have an insecure Italian girl.

Why am I insecure? Only becouse I am correcting a Capeverdian living in the USA about MY COUNTRY??? You have some serious illness, really.

07-05-2011, 09:17 PM
Yes it was ironic, but she is Arze kisser Portuguese and also never been to italy
Por q vc diz uma coisa p ela, e outra p mim? |o|

Don't worry, I can speak for myself! If I where ass kisser, i would be of someone I agreed with.

I dunno if you are ironic, but if you are then come to Italy. 90% of girls look this way. I think I know my country, anyway people who want to learn something about Italy are always welcome.
However these girls are not fair at all. They are all brunettes. In term of pigmentation, they have the typical Italian colours. :confused: How do you imagine Italians???

Im not being ironic. I'm suporting your opinion cause I share it with you. Damn, I foresaw that you would find it ...

Why expect the worst in people? xD

07-05-2011, 09:19 PM
If you want, you can ask Agrippa to classify them. I guarantee you they are all full Europids

To look Europid is not enough to look Italian.

07-05-2011, 09:19 PM
Why am I insecure? Only becouse I am correcting a Capeverdian living in the USA about MY COUNTRY??? You have some serious illness, really.

Because you are physically unable to accept yourself or to the other dark Italians and only need to see the pictures you show of "average".

07-05-2011, 09:19 PM
I think the discussion is about the supposedly "Turkish looking" French people

07-05-2011, 09:21 PM
Who thought you to classify people??? :rolleyes2:
You are embarassing, really. :/
I was classifyin the french, not the italians. And you don't need a university career to do that. A bit of training and experiece and learning from others.

07-05-2011, 09:26 PM
Por q vc diz uma coisa p ela, e outra p mim? |o|

Im not being ironic. I'm suporting your opinion cause I share it with you. Damn, I foresaw that you would find it ... :(

I was unsure indeed. Sorry but on the net it's difficult to understand the "tone" in which you are saying things and my English is sometimes very limited. :p

In my opinion, if I can finally say all what I think without generating the 3rd WW, is that Cmariexo has trolled very gently and undisturbed for a long period, her only interest has always been to make comparations between mediterranean peoples, and she has a thing for dark Italians with a levantine vibe.
Now only becouse I have showed the latitude of Spain and have said that the pics she usually posts are not rapresentative for the place where I live, a bunch of her friends are jumping at mu throat and at Louback's throat.

Calm, guys! Everyone could easily have found the coordinates of Spain watching a map and everyone who wants to discover how Italians look is invited to visit my country from Udine to Caltanisetta.
I have said no blasphemy, I have invented nothing, so these attacks on me are made without a reason.

07-05-2011, 09:26 PM
Por q vc diz uma coisa p ela, e outra p mim? |o|

If I where ass kisser, i would be of someone I agreed with.

Im not being ironic. I'm suporting your opinion cause I share it with you. Damn, I foresaw that you would find it ...

Why expect the worst in people? xD

O que disse de diferente para ela?

07-05-2011, 09:28 PM
One minute, I had to leave and I lost some comments, but from where did the matter of the Turks? It changed the subject?

07-05-2011, 09:28 PM
Calm, guys! Everyone could easily have found the coordinates of Spain watching a map and everyone who wants to discover how Italians look is invited to visit my country from Udine to Caltanisetta.
I have said no blasphemy, I have invented nothing, so these attacks on me are made without a reason.

And when they do, they will find that the people I posted are not as uncommon as you would like them to believe.

07-05-2011, 09:29 PM
One minute, I had to leave and I lost some comments, but from where did the matter of the Turks? It changed the subject?

Veleda (wrongly) stated that the French people that there has been so much argument about look more Turkish than French.

07-05-2011, 09:31 PM
Because you are physically unable to accept yourself or to the other dark Italians and only need to see the pictures you show of "average".

Good romance. I consider myself beautiful and prefer brunette women. You really don't know my tastes :D

I was classifyin the french, not the italians. And you don't need a university career to do that. A bit of training and experiece and learning from others.

Wrong. Your classifications are pseudoscience then. You must study to can classify people on real anthropological chriteria. Very few users here are able to do so.

07-05-2011, 09:31 PM
Really, I don't understand what has the latitude of Spain anything to with this.

07-05-2011, 09:32 PM
Lesson I learned from this thread- typical Italians look like this

07-05-2011, 09:32 PM
Really, I don't understand what has the latitude of Spain anything to with this.

It doesn't.. if latitude was necessarily always correlated with appearance, South American natives would be the same color as the Congolese.

07-05-2011, 09:34 PM
One minute, I had to leave and I lost some comments, but from where did the matter of the Turks? It changed the subject?

Yeah, I meant that she selected pictures of people that could easily be from Dardanelles/Cyprus. They exist in Italy/France, but I am still waiting the time that she'll post fucking Italian-looking Italians.

07-05-2011, 09:34 PM
Lesson I learned from this thread- typical Italians look like this

no way,they are too robust to be italian.


07-05-2011, 09:35 PM
I was unsure indeed. Sorry but on the net it's difficult to understand the "tone" in which you are saying things and my English is sometimes very limited. :p

In my opinion, if I can finally say all what I think without generating the 3rd WW, is that Cmariexo has trolled very gently and undisturbed for a long period, her only interest has always been to make comparations between mediterranean peoples, and she has a thing for dark Italians with a levantine vibe.
Now only becouse I have showed the latitude of Spain and have said that the pics she usually posts are not rapresentative for the place where I live, a bunch of her friends are jumping at mu throat and at Louback's throat.

Calm, guys! Everyone could easily have found the coordinates of Spain watching a map and everyone who wants to discover how Italians look is invited to visit my country from Udine to Caltanisetta.
I have said no blasphemy, I have invented nothing, so these attacks on me are made without a reason.

Exactly, the only complex is the creator of the topic. In no time I questioned that the French should be blonde, who interpret that way, must be very ignorant. But it's very interesting how the Spaniards to defend cmariexo because she is an adherent of the theories and question them and other members that preserve Europe as Veleda, alzo zero, Ouistreham and I . . The most interesting is that she is the one that lies about its origins. And yet, by agreeing to the Spaniards, they argue. Where is the theory of preservation of the Spanish race and you do not want Arabs, South Americans and blacks in spain if you agree with her? So do not be hypocrites.

07-05-2011, 09:36 PM
Yeah, I meant that she selected pictures of people that could easily be from Dardanelles/Cyprus. They exist in Italy/France, but I am still waiting the time that she'll post fucking Italian-looking Italians.

Every country has variation.. it's funny because these people I post who you say don't look Italian.. most people guess them as Italian relatively quickly..

07-05-2011, 09:37 PM
O que disse de diferente para ela?

Que sou Portuguese ass kisser!
damn, you couldn't have been more cruel.

07-05-2011, 09:38 PM
it's not difficult to demonstrate if those people are typical or not, when in this site anybody show atypical faces of people of my ethnicity (it is happened many times) i link lot of facebook groups about people of my land, without need to start childish war like this.

the italian group is the number two, this one:

this is the original site from where these photos were uploaded:

according to the site those people are from Matera, a town of Basilicata, in Southern Italy.

well and this is a group of facebook about people from Matera:

almost 2000 profile pics of people living in Matera,
so you can judge if those people are typical or not!
2000 photos in facebook vs 5 or 10 posted on anthroeurope!

07-05-2011, 09:38 PM
Que sou Portuguese ass kisser!
damn, you couldn't have been more cruel.

Pensei que você estivesse sendo irônica. Em todo caso, desculpas!!

07-05-2011, 09:40 PM
Pensei que você estivesse sendo irônica. Em todo caso, desculpas!!


07-05-2011, 09:42 PM
Lesson I learned from this thread- typical Italians look like this

Sorry but the pic I posted as rapresentative of Italians was deeply different.
May I post it again:


Did the cold freeze your brain?

Cmariexo, Africans and Indios have different colours becouse Africans are negroids, Indios derived from the mongolic race. But yet the hottest points of southern America have the darkest native peoples.



07-05-2011, 09:43 PM
Exactly, the only complex is the creator of the topic. In no time I questioned that the French should be blonde, who interpret that way, must be very ignorant. But it's very interesting how the Spaniards to defend cmariexo because she is an adherent of the theories and question them and other members that preserve Europe as Veleda, alzo zero, Ouistreham and I . . The most interesting is that she is the one that lies about its origins. And yet, by agreeing to the Spaniards, they argue. Where is the theory of preservation of the Spanish race and you do not want Arabs, South Americans and blacks in spain if you agree with her? So do not be hypocrites.
Ouistreham, the french guy who calls us "spics" and "dagos" (lol !) and that says iberians are midgets compared to the gigantic frenchman (the average height is about the same btw )

07-05-2011, 09:45 PM
Good romance. I consider myself beautiful and prefer brunette women. You really don't know my tastes :D

But not an average Italian, according to your examples posted in this thread a few minutes ago.

07-05-2011, 09:47 PM
Exactly, the only complex is the creator of the topic. In no time I questioned that the French should be blonde, who interpret that way, must be very ignorant. But it's very interesting how the Spaniards to defend cmariexo because she is an adherent of the theories and question them and other members that preserve Europe as Veleda, alzo zero, Ouistreham and I . . The most interesting is that she is the one that lies about its origins. And yet, by agreeing to the Spaniards, they argue. Where is the theory of preservation of the Spanish race and you do not want Arabs, South Americans and blacks in spain if you agree with her? So do not be hypocrites.

If southern Americans look like you they are welcome in Italy :D

it's not difficult to demonstrate if those people are typical or not, when in this site anybody show atypical faces of people of my ethnicity (it is happened many times) i link lot of facebook groups about people of my land, without need to start childish war like this.

the italian group is the number two, this one:

this is the original site from where these photos were uploaded:

according to the site those people are from Matera, a town of Basilicata, in Southern Italy.

well and this is a group of facebook about people from Matera:

almost 2000 profile pics of people living in Matera,
so you can judge if those people are typical or not!
2000 photos in facebook vs 5 or 10 posted on anthroeurope!

Pensei que você estivesse sendo irônica. Em todo caso, desculpas!!

LOL, she choosed people from the extreme southern Italy and she excluded the fair ones!!! Why am I not suprised? They are attacking me only becouse I am revealing what they do.

07-05-2011, 09:49 PM
But not an average Italian, according to your examples posted in this thread a few minutes ago.

I am an avarage Italian, according to pictures with a good light exposition.

07-05-2011, 09:50 PM
Would you rather I chose these ones instead? :rolleyes:


07-05-2011, 09:51 PM
Ouistreham, the french guy who calls us "spics" and "dagos" (lol !) and that says iberians are midgets compared to the gigantic frenchman (the average height is about the same btw )

Ouistreham is french!!! I´m sure. what he said was in response to the curse of you

07-05-2011, 09:51 PM
Would you rather I chose these ones instead? :rolleyes:


They aren't Italian. You can pretend what you want, but they aren't Italian. Neither Sicilians, sorry. :rolleyes:
Only the second one is Italian. 1,3 and 4 are clearly northern Africans.

07-05-2011, 09:52 PM

That's how to finnish it!

07-05-2011, 09:53 PM
If southern Americans look like you they are welcome in Italy :D


There are many like me here, but it´s not the question.

07-05-2011, 09:53 PM
They aren't Italian. You can pretend what you want, but they aren't Italian. Neither Sicilians, sorry. :rolleyes:
Only the second one is Italian.

Oh that's right, because Calciano, Iacovone, and the other 2 of their surnames are really Turkish names right? :rolleyes:

07-05-2011, 09:53 PM
This thread and some of its characters are hilarious to watch. :lol: Where's the popcorn?

07-05-2011, 09:54 PM
Oh that's right, because Calciano, Iacovone, and the other 2 of their surnames are really Turkish names right? :rolleyes:

They can have Italian surnames and Moorish mama, baby.

07-05-2011, 09:55 PM
There are many like me here, but it´s not the question.

And they call you mestizo!!! Ma come cazzo si fa ad essere così scemi?? Ahahahaha!!!

07-05-2011, 09:56 PM
I am an avarage Italian, according to pictures with a good light exposition.

Beyonce also seems light skin exposed to the Sun, anyway I am talking about facial features, too. the girls you posted as average Italians are lighter than you, in colour and features of face.

I repeat the question, do not consider yourself an average italian?


07-05-2011, 09:57 PM
Sorry but the pic I posted as rapresentative of Italians was deeply different.
May I post it again:


Did the cold freeze your brain?

Cmariexo, Africans and Indios have different colours becouse Africans are negroids, Indios derived from the mongolic race. But yet the hottest points of southern America have the darkest native peoples.



Sorry, but these people are in no way representative of Calabria or Sicily, Amon many other South Italian regions

07-05-2011, 10:04 PM
Hey, I love maps :)

Hair colour in Europe: Frost-2006.


Light eye in Europe: Frost-2006.


07-05-2011, 10:06 PM
And they call you mestizo!!! Ma come cazzo si fa ad essere così scemi?? Ahahahaha!!!

Non mi importa. Sono pazzi!:thumb001:

07-05-2011, 10:07 PM
Beyonce also seems light skin exposed to the Sun, anyway I am talking about facial features, too. the girls you posted as average Italians are lighter than you, in colour and features of face.

I repeat the question, do not consider yourself an average italian?

Beyonce never looks light to me. You are daltonic.
I look like an avarage Italian girl. We are not made all with the stamp, I am taller and paler than avarge Italians but have darker hair and eyes.

Sorry, but these people are in no way representative of Calabria or Sicily, Amon many other South Italian regions

I am not from a southern region and in the South I have been only in Apulia and in Apulia most people have brown hair.


The few Calabrians I have seen were pretty dark, but Calabrians are closer to Sicilians than to the other Italians and I have seen only a Calabrian alive. The best way to judge should be going to Calabria.

07-05-2011, 10:08 PM
Sorry, but these people are in no way representative of Calabria or Sicily, Amon many other South Italian regions

the central one and the blonde are not representative of central southern Italy but they can be found also there,it's just a matter of percentage.

07-05-2011, 10:12 PM
[QUOTE=Lábaru;459452]Hey, I love maps :)

Hair colour in Europe: Frost-2006.


Light eye in Europe: Frost-2006.


You like fake maps. According to your maps Iraqis have more blue eyes than Italy, a part of Spain, part of Bulgaria and part of Romania.

I agree with Louback, you are mad.

07-05-2011, 10:15 PM
the central one and the blonde are not representative of central southern Italy but they can be found also there,it's just a matter of percentage.

No sorry but the central one is very typical in central Italy. The blonde one, once considered that is fake blonde, is also very common.

07-05-2011, 10:18 PM
Beyonce never looks light to me. You are daltonic.

xD xD xD I never said she looked like you, you're confused with your physical complex. I said that even a mulatto girl can seem light with a good light.


a girl with olive skin, may seem porcelain xD xD xD

I look like an avarage Italian girl. We are not made all with the stamp, I am taller and paler than avarge Italians but have darker hair and eyes.

ya, we all realized:)

I am not from a southern region .

xD xD xD qué me meooo.

07-05-2011, 10:19 PM
No sorry but the central one is very typical in central Italy. The blonde one, once considered that is fake blonde, is also very common.

She doesn't represent anything,she can be found in Rome,Reggio Calabria or Trieste.

07-05-2011, 10:27 PM
Beyonce never looks light to me. You are daltonic.
I look like an avarage Italian girl. We are not made all with the stamp, I am taller and paler than avarge Italians but have darker hair and eyes.

I am not from a southern region and in the South I have been only in Apulia and in Apulia most people have brown hair.


The few Calabrians I have seen were pretty dark, but Calabrians are closer to Sicilians than to the other Italians and I have seen only a Calabrian alive. The best way to judge should be going to Calabria.

I've been in Calabria and have a neighbor who is also the region of Calabria. He also black hair and Dark eyes. His surname is Iozzi

07-05-2011, 10:27 PM
xD xD xD I never said she looked like you, you're confused with your physical complex. I said that even a mulatto girl can seem light with a good light.


a girl with olive skin, may seem porcelain xD xD xD

ya, we all realized:)

xD xD xD qué me meooo.

.................Beyoncee still looks dark. You don't want to see the truth, amen. I have no interest in you and no need to persuade you of anything.
But it doesn't seem to me that having black hair is rare in Spain... Do you realize how ridicolous you are?

07-05-2011, 10:39 PM
.................Beyoncee still looks dark. You don't want to see the truth, amen. I have no interest in you and no need to persuade you of anything.
But it doesn't seem to me that having black hair is rare in Spain... Do you realize how ridicolous you are?

I do not care about the dark hair in Spain xD is you, who does not to accept that the Italians are dark.

Look, a Spanish:


and I will not accused him of not be Spanish!!! xD xD xD and he is not a model!!!!! I can accept a normal person and dark in my country, you only accept models or light people.

07-05-2011, 10:45 PM
You don't want to see the truth, amen.

I don't see how being more exotic than average is something strange and embarassing, especially in Southern European countries which through one way or another have always been exposed to North Africa and West Asia.
I also have a few exotic family members, I had one uncle whom was nicknamed the Cigano(Gypsy) for he looked like an Afghani or even Pakistani.
So quite frankly I don't see how your looks can diminuish your Italianess, you should be at ease with your image.

07-05-2011, 10:48 PM
I don't see how being more exotic than average is something strange and embarassing, especially in Southern European countries which through one way or another have always been exposed to North Africa and West Asia.
I also have a few exotic family members, I had one uncle whom was nicknamed the Cigano(Gypsy) for he looked like an Afghani or even Pakistani.
So quite frankly I don't see how your looks can diminuish your Italianess, you should be at ease with your image.

Agreed. She's projecting a very insecure image of herself

07-05-2011, 11:00 PM
Bah, actually I have spoken of all except than of me. It's Labaru that started to speak about me.
And all of this becouse I said that Madrid and Catanzaro are at the same latitude.... Me is the insecure? You sure?

07-05-2011, 11:02 PM
cmariexo, next time do a French, Swedish or Norwegian thread. xD

07-05-2011, 11:02 PM
cmariexo, next time do a French, Swedish or Norwegian thread. xD

Or Italian, German, Austrian.
Or Spanish, Moroccan, Egyptian.. would that finally make some people happy on here? :rolleyes2::rolleyes2::rolleyes:

07-05-2011, 11:07 PM
And all of this becouse I said that Madrid and Catanzaro are at the same latitude.... Me is the insecure? You sure?

xD xD xD enough enough!!! xD hahahahaha

07-05-2011, 11:12 PM
Bah, actually I have spoken of all except than of me. It's Labaru that started to speak about me.
And all of this becouse I said that Madrid and Catanzaro are at the same latitude.... Me is the insecure? You sure?

No. You're insecure because you refuse to admit that the reality that there are some Swarthy South Italians.

07-05-2011, 11:12 PM
Or Italian, German, Austrian.
Or Spanish, Moroccan, Egyptian.. would that finally make some people happy on here? :rolleyes2::rolleyes2::rolleyes:

If you open a thread about a country that you have never seen and a native corrects you the good education and the logic suggest to shut up and learn something. For your info, I have visited all the three countries mentioned in this thread, i.e. Italy, Spain and France.

07-05-2011, 11:12 PM

Can he cast Doom Necroballs Spell?

07-05-2011, 11:17 PM
If you open a thread about a country that you have never seen and a native corrects you the good education and the logic suggest to shut up and learn something. For your info, I have visited all the three countries mentioned in this thread, i.e. Italy, Spain and France.

Then why didn't the rest of you shut up when French posters said that the French I posted were not atypical at all?

07-05-2011, 11:20 PM
Then why didn't the rest of you shut up when French posters said that the French I posted were not atypical at all?

With the new World posters, I think it's honest ignorance. Veleda, on the other hand, seems to have complexes about her own phenotype

07-05-2011, 11:21 PM
And all of this becouse I said that Madrid and Catanzaro are at the same latitude.... Me is the insecure? You sure?

Omg guys!!! Mongolia has a latitude farther north than Italy!

Roma----->41°54′ N

Ulán Bator----->47°55′0″N


07-05-2011, 11:22 PM
With the new World posters, I think it's honest ignorance. Veleda, on the other hand, seems to have complexes about her own phenotype

You'd think if anything she would prefer that one posts darker Italians if anything so as to feel that she fits, rather than ones that look like they are from Iceland.

07-05-2011, 11:25 PM
You'd think if anything she would prefer that one posts darker Italians if anything so as to feel that she fits, rather than ones that look like they are from Iceland.

Yeah that's the one thing I can't figure out. Why does she raise the standards to the point that, by her own definition, she doesn't qualify as Italian?

07-05-2011, 11:35 PM
My dear Veleda they are only jelous of Italians because they know we do it better :wink:

07-05-2011, 11:39 PM
With the new World posters, I think it's honest ignorance. Veleda, on the other hand, seems to have complexes about her own phenotype

Ignorance? then you include those who created the thread. And the French did not agree with it. He spoke IF these people are from southwest France were not so far south.

Do you know France, Italy or Spain?

My opinion is like that of many here, except the Spanish, the creator of the topic and yours. And I repeat for the thousandth time. At no time that I spoke French or Italian should be blond. Interpret in this way is much ignorance or so twist to the way that suits them.

For more certain and the most educated, is that a person who has never been to Europe and that lies about its own origins, would not want to question any European ethnicity.

07-05-2011, 11:41 PM
cmariexo, next time do a French, Swedish or Norwegian thread. xD

I know you have been ironic, but I like I said, the topic of Boadicea. When I visited Denmark, Norway I have not seen so many blondes as I expected. I saw more in Sweden, but also see more thought. I met a Finnish woman and she had brown hair. I'm not a fan of these theories "Aryan"

07-05-2011, 11:47 PM
Ignorance? then you include those who created the thread. And the French did not agree with it. He spoke IF these people are from southwest France were not so far south.

Do you know France, Italy or Spain?

My opinion is like that of many here, except the Spanish, the creator of the topic and yours. And I repeat for the thousandth time. At no time that I spoke French or Italian or is la'quem should be blond. Interpret in this way is much ignorance or entam twist to the way that suits them.

For more certain and the most educated, is that a person who has never been to Europe and that lies about its own origins, would not want to question any European ethnicity.

Wait, Both of the French posters here agreed with the Cmariexo. They both said that the French people she posted can pass as French. I've lived in Europe for the majority of my life and I don't find the people she posted atypical or strange for Southern France. (I've been to France before)

07-05-2011, 11:49 PM
Then why didn't the rest of you shut up when French posters said that the French I posted were not atypical at all?

No French poster said it.

Tel Errant said that the atypical French faces you posted were likely to be found in Southern France, you said that indeed you choose a few Southern French, and I said that it was just cricket to select a set that could be confused with Spaniards or Italians, otherwise the game wouldn't be that thrilling!

Now let me quote my humble self:

In the course of time France has acquired (with the conquest of the South) a Latin and downright Mediterranean dimension we don't want to deny. We are very happy with it, it's part of our idiosyncracy. The Spaniards and the Italians are often uncomfortable with their southernness — we are not. We even love to exagerate it sometimes.

Twenty-three pages of Spanish/Italian ramblings seem to prove that, indeed, our Latin neighbours definitely have a problem with their southernness. People, don't be that insecure! Europe has to have a sunny side, go with it, don't be over-sensitive about it.

cmariexo, next time do a French, Swedish or Norwegian thread. xD

Why not? It's not that uneasy to pick up pure-breed Scandinavian individuals with Mediterranean features.

I suggest we do a comparison with those alumni of a French agricultural high school (typical farmer daughters, not the world's most sophisticated chicks but still sweet country girls in their own right):


07-05-2011, 11:57 PM
Wait, Both of the French posters here agreed with the Cmariexo. They both said that the French people she posted can pass as French. I've lived in Europe for the majority of my life and I don't find the people she posted atypical or strange for Southern France. (I've been to France before)

They said IF they were certain the French would fall in France. I also lived in Europe most of my life. I returned to Brazil three years makes.

Where have you been in France? Marseille and Paris? If it does not count, you will see more foreign than French.

I also said that one could pass, and some were typical, but compared to all the threads it creates, I see many that are not typical

07-06-2011, 12:03 AM
No French poster said it.

Tel Errant said that the atypical French faces you posted were likely to be found in Southern France, you said that indeed you choose a few Southern French, and I said that it was just cricket to select a set that could be confused with Spaniards or Italians, otherwise the game wouldn't be that thrilling!

Now let me quote my humble self:

Twenty-three pages of Spanish/Italian ramblings seem to prove that, indeed, our Latin neighbours definitely have a problem with their southernness. People, don't be that insecure! Europe has to have a sunny side, go with it, don't be over-sensitive about it.

Why not? It's not that uneasy to pick up pure-breed Scandinavian individuals with Mediterranean features.

I suggest we do a comparison with those alumni of a French agricultural high school (typical farmer daughters, not the world's most sophisticated chicks but still sweet country girls in their own right):


That's exactly what I was saying.

Of course not every Frenchman looks like the ones who Cmariexo posted. She purposely picked French people from the southern regions in order to make the game interesting.

She could have picked people from Normandy

But that wouldn't be as fun, now would it?

07-06-2011, 12:10 AM
Wait, Both of the French posters here agreed with the Cmariexo.

yes, and with me, from Cantabria, Laredo.



And with Iberia, from Catalonia.


French and neighbors, agreed.

Of course the north, and even the middle French have many blondes.

07-06-2011, 12:11 AM
They said IF they were certain the French would fall in France. I also lived in Europe most of my life. I returned to Brazil three years makes.

Where have you been in France? Marseille and Paris? If it does not count, you will see more foreign than French.

I also said that one could pass, and some were typical, but compared to all the threads it creates, I see many that are not typical

I've been to Paris and Picardy. While the people that she posted were a bit on the more atypical side, I think they can still be found in France

07-06-2011, 12:23 AM
Sorry, but to me this guy looks average french :


07-06-2011, 12:28 AM
Sorry, but to me this guy looks average french :


He resembles me, except I'm a bit hotter :coffee: :cool: (and have a different eyeshape)

07-06-2011, 01:44 AM
You like fake maps. According to your maps Iraqis have more blue eyes than Italy, a part of Spain, part of Bulgaria and part of Romania.

I agree with Louback, you are mad.



Are not my maps, are the maps of a Canadian anthropologist, Peter Frost.



you like the maps :) well, because this has credentials!!!

07-06-2011, 02:00 AM
Sorry, I confused you with that american bitch 'guysf' or whatever :

And this comment thanked by Louback. :thumbs up

What did I ever do to you for you to call me an american bitch? I have never said anything bad to you or your country. I don't think I have ever directly interacted with you on this forum either. What the hell is your problem Iberia?

07-06-2011, 02:02 AM
Are not my maps, are the maps of a Canadian anthropologist, Peter Frost.

Those maps aren't his but from Beals et al. 1965, and neither his study is peer reviewed.
These kind of maps are worthless if not backed up with sampling info and method.

07-06-2011, 02:05 AM
Those maps aren't his but from Beals et al. 1965, and neither his study is peer reviewed.
These kind of maps are worthless if not backed up with sampling info and method.
Until now the only serious scientific study on skintone is that of Jablosnki et al. from the Academy of Science of California, which show spanairds having the same level of other Western-Europeans. It's based on skin reflectance.

07-06-2011, 02:11 AM
Those maps aren't his but from Beals et al. 1965, and neither his study is peer reviewed.
These kind of maps are worthless if not backed up with sampling info and method.

true, but she likes the maps worthless , always is posting maps with the same value as these.

07-06-2011, 02:25 AM
The debate has really gone out of hand and yes I'm the guy who opened the floodgate. I think if everyone took the time to read the posts carefully they would not rush to judgement and distort others's words here. This debate is very much like that game where you have a bunch of kids standing in one line and first one whispers something into the next kid's and he/she does the same until they reach the end of the line and by then the last kid will hear something completely different than what was first said.

What I originally said to cmariexo the 5 French faces of her thread may very well be French but they represent the extreme southern type of France and since France is quite diverse it's not so representational to show 5 faces and all 5 faces happen to belong to that extreme southern type. Even in southern france if you randomly pick out 5 faces, those 5 faces will have more variety than the 5 faces cmariexo had chosen, and I said this out of my experience of traveling to southern france many times, I'm part french myself.

Out of this I got all these stupid replies saying I'm stereotyping and that I don't know what I'm talking about and ironically it was cmariexo who said that I didn't know what I was talking about and I just learned that she has never been to France which now sounds quite funny to me. Then I also got attacked from the freakin Spanish people on the board, Iberia whom I have never met on this forum called me a bitch and the point I initially raised was about the French group, had nothing to do with the italians or the spaniards.

One last thing no one here has ever said that france only has blond/blue eye people so plese STFU to anyone (including you cmariexo!) who's thinking of accusing anyone of thinking that. I never said it and I have read every reply from this thread and no one else has said that either. If you are going to debate then at least do so with the visible material not something made up in your head!

07-06-2011, 02:33 AM
Until now the only serious scientific study on skintone is that of Jablosnki et al. from the Academy of Science of California, which show spanairds having the same level of other Western-Europeans. It's based on skin reflectance.

this is the Jablonski map.

Jablonski and Chaplin predicted the skin colors of indigenous people across the globe based on how much ultraviolet light different areas receive. Graphic by Matt Zang, adapted from the data of N. Jablonski and G. Chaplin

According it Spaniards have the same skin reflectance of Turks and Khazakstanis.

07-06-2011, 02:38 AM
this is the Jablonski map.

Jablonski and Chaplin predicted the skin colors of indigenous people across the globe based on how much ultraviolet light different areas receive. Graphic by Matt Zang, adapted from the data of N. Jablonski and G. Chaplin

According it Spaniards have the same skin reflectance of Turks and Khazakstanis.
Obviously you have not read the entire study. This map is about the PREDICTED skin colors based on ultraviolet light differences. Later on, the study uses a comparative table, between what they predicted, and the results obtained by skin reflectance. Here are the skin reflectance results :


07-06-2011, 02:43 AM
Obviously you have not read the entire study. This map is about the PREDICTED skin colors based on ultraviolet light differences. Later on, the study uses a comparative table, between what they predicted, and the results obtained by skin reflectance. Here are the skin reflectance results :


it doesn't seem a serious study.

07-06-2011, 02:44 AM
it doesn't seem a serious study.

xD xD xD this thread is priceless.

07-06-2011, 02:45 AM
Here is the table between what they had predicted (what is in the map) versus the observed results :


07-06-2011, 02:50 AM
Once a Mexican-Spanish guy posted Alyzée and Jean-Réno as typical French xD that's why it creates some tensions you know..

07-06-2011, 02:51 AM
Here is the table between the predicted (as in the map) versus the observed results, notice the difference i Spain :


Leòn and Basques are only small provinces in the extreme north of Spain, I'd like to know if it exists a study about the whole country.

anyway it's not surprising that Spaniards are lighter than Namibians and Papuans :)

07-06-2011, 02:51 AM
I've seen MANY examples you've shown in your guessing threads of the French groups that seem mixed and not totally white looking. Not saying you purposely do so knowing that they are that way but I'm just saying quite a few examples are questionable to me. Whatever source you use I would not be so quick to say that all the people shown have pure French stock, plus southern france has so many gypsies, arabic and italian/spanish to dilute their blood anyway. Again I'm not saying that they are no such french people that look like the ones you've shown but based on my experience being in southern france so many times it's not totally accurate IMO.

:lol: All those Darkie non-white Italians and Arabs and Gypsies & Spaniards... Wow what a grouping.. :lol:

07-06-2011, 02:52 AM
xD xD xD this thread is priceless.
Are you always frustrated even in real life I wonder ? xD

The constant fight between italians and spaniards on this forum is seriously funny and it goes through over 25 pages.

07-06-2011, 02:54 AM
Obviously you have not read the entire study. This map is about the PREDICTED skin colors based on ultraviolet light differences. Later on, the study uses a comparative table, between what they predicted, and the results obtained by skin reflectance. Here are the skin reflectance results

I think you're referring to the data in this map:


07-06-2011, 02:57 AM
Leòn and Basques are only small provinces in the extreme north of Spain, I'd like to know if it exists a study about the whole country.

anyway it's not surprising that Spaniards are lighter than Namibians and Papuans :)
The table occupies many pages. That is just one. There were many other populations, including europeans.