View Full Version : "Chadcel." (ASMR Bedtime Story)

07-19-2019, 05:28 AM

07-30-2019, 11:24 PM
Reptile/War Chief has made a few topics about this experience, in regards to attractive men being discounted or discarded in comparison to lesser attractive men because of assumed likelihood of infidelity etc.

I wonder if it’s the same assumption for attractive women. I don’t rate high on a physically attractive level imo, but I’m charismatic. This has translated many times irl to being told off by other females for getting “too close” and being ostracized by whatever group.

I kind of related with the physically aggressive women on the attractive guy thing. I’ve had guys grab me and restrain me to hit on me. There was this time I would hang out as a group with two guys and one of their girlfriends. The one with the girlfriend would randomly announce in front of the group that he wanted to make out with me, which would end up with his gf hitting him, the other guy going wtf, and me saying it’s a bad idea. It all blew up in my face when I was talking to the other guy, with the guy and his gf sitting behind us. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around and the guy who told me for months he wanted to kiss me finally kissed me full on the mouth by surprise.

These days, I’m mostly a homebody so I don’t put myself in uncomfortable social situations as much. I averted a few of them in June by recognizing telltale signs of when someone is about to abuse some part of the interaction via body language and tone.

This has me thinking about new theories and stuff.

07-31-2019, 12:21 AM
Wtf. Chadcels are a myth