View Full Version : Finns consist of seven different populations

07-05-2011, 04:50 PM
I have gathered information from genome-wide studies concerning subpopulations of Finns, and it seems that there are altogether 7 different Finnish populations which all differ from each other more than Swedish, German and English differ from each other.

The smallest FST-distance between these Finnish populations are 20 (from Mid-Laplanders to West- and East-Laplanders) and 26 (from Southwest-Finnish to Bothnians), while the biggest FST-distance within population are 26 (from North-Karelians to South-Kainuu) and 23 (from Satakunta to Tavastians).

To compare, the smallest FST-distance between other European populations are 5 (from Germans to English) and 7 (from Germans to Swedish), and the biggest FST-distance within population is 20 (from South-Swedish to North-Swedish).


The Ripper
07-12-2011, 09:51 AM
Thanks for sharing, Jaska. And let me take the opportunity to encourage you to post more actively in this group. ;)

07-12-2011, 10:42 AM
While I'm pretty much of a dilettante when it comes to genetics, I second Riip's opinion. ;)

07-12-2011, 10:06 PM
Thanks, guys. :)

07-15-2011, 05:31 PM
Suomalaisväestöjen asutushistoriallinen rakenne:
[Settlement-historical structure of Finnish populations]

I continued to analyze the Finnish populations by scrutinizing population-structural features (age, isolation, size, drift, multirootedness) and relation to other European populations on the basis of genome-wide studies.

- Estonians are genetically closest relatives of Finns, and Swedes come next.
- Swedish influence seems to be weak and does not explain the difference between Finnish populations. There are traces of weak Norrlandian influence in Swedish-speaking Ostrobothnians, northern Ostrobothnians and Kainuu.
- Balts are surprisingly far from Finns; farther than Poles, Russians, Germans or even Hungarians.