View Full Version : What hair color is this?

07-29-2019, 06:49 PM
Is this hair color considered golden blond or ash blond or something else? Where in Europe would you most likely encounter this hair color in adult men?


07-29-2019, 07:11 PM
Middle blonde. Scandinavia, Finland and Estonia.

07-29-2019, 07:21 PM
Middle blonde. Scandinavia, Finland and Estonia.

Yeah I am not knowledgeable on hair color definitions but some female cousins of mine were telling me that it is ash blond hair and only Eastern Euros have it. I somehow doubt that to be true so figured I'd ask here.

07-29-2019, 07:23 PM
Looks ash blonde in the first picture and middle blonde in the second. Your hair type is common in England, Germany, the Netherlands and Scandinavia; not sure where your cousins were getting Eastern Euro from.

07-29-2019, 07:24 PM
Yeah I am not knowledgeable on hair color definitions but some female cousins of mine were telling me that it is ash blond hair and only Eastern Euros have it. I somehow doubt that to be true so figured I'd ask here.

Hmm. If that’s ash blonde, then what counts as light brown and middle brown?

07-29-2019, 07:26 PM
https://ord.yahoo.co.jp/o/image/RV=1/RE=1564514736/RH=b3JkLnlhaG9vLmNvLmpw/RB=/RU=aHR0cHM6Ly9xcGguZnMucXVvcmFjZG4ubmV0L21haW4tcWl tZy1mZDg5Yzc3ZjE2Y2EzMWUyNmVjMmNkMTAzNjk4YmM0Yy53Z WJw/RS=%5EADBjjphdUD4LufkdI24cbyn1ADIhUQ-;_ylt=A2RCD00vSD9d.yQA_SeU3uV7;_ylu=X3oDMTAyN3Vldm c1BDAD;_ylc=X3IDMgRmc3QDMQRpZHgDMARvaWQDQU5kOUdjUk lXaVF5SkJURlJ3YUdiUEkxenNLR0NFRWp6NG44MUZZSkVpd2Qx cXMtMlU3ajZoUVZrdEF0eWQzMQRwA1lteHZibVJsSUdoaGFYSW dZbmtnWTI5MWJuUnllUS0tBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNzaHcEc2xrA3Nm c3QEdHVybANodHRwczovL21zcC5jLnlpbWcuanAveWppbWFnZT 9xPVdhOE9hZzBYeUxHc0lIV05zaTFoZ0UycFY3ZGNCNGJBaTl1 UHlTdXNIT2hMd2JGR3VONnd0WEV5YlJKOE8yQXRLa3BPSHhTMF RvWGVCUlp4Z3p3RGo0cGpqbUIucHFJMURRa1h6b3lGanlmTzl2 ZnY0dUg2VzFDNmZoLkNXQ1VTS3ZzTFJqUU9ScTg5bE9IVWhBLS 0mc2lnPTEzOGNuaTljMQ--

https://ord.yahoo.co.jp/o/image/RV=1/RE=1564514736/RH=b3JkLnlhaG9vLmNvLmpw/RB=/RU=aHR0cDovL29yaWcxNS5kZXZpYW50YXJ0Lm5ldC9jMmYxL2Y vMjAxNC8yNTIvZi80L2Jsb25kZV9oYWlyX21hcF9ieV9zY2hyb 2Rpbmdlcl9leGNpZGl1bS1kN3lqamEzLnBuZw--/RS=%5EADBJbPYa70RHXQHdpQ5WZzELzEjJnI-;_ylt=A2RCD00vSD9d.yQA_ieU3uV7;_ylu=X3oDMTAyN3Vldm c1BDAD

07-29-2019, 07:30 PM
Hmm. If that’s ash blonde, then what counts as light brown and middle brown?

I have no clue about hair colors other than a generalized sense of what's blond, black, brown, auburn, etc. I thought golden blond is when the blondness has a more rufious tint but not quite as reddish as strawberry blond and am not really sure what constitutes ash blond.

What is Carolina Kluft's hair color considered, ash blond?

07-29-2019, 07:41 PM
Ash blonde. A little more common in NE than NW. But can be found across northern and central Europe. Also sometimes if people are blondish but going a bit grey they might look ash blonde.

https://ord.yahoo.co.jp/o/imRV=1/RE=1564514736/RH=b3JkLnlhaG9vLmNvLmpw/RB=/RU=aHR0cHM6Ly9xcGguZnMucXVvcmFjZG4ubmV0L21haW4tcWl tZy1mZDg5Yzc3ZjE2Y2EzMWUyNmVjMmNkMTAzNjk4YmM0Yy53Z WJw/RS=

The less said about such nonsense maps the better.

07-29-2019, 07:44 PM
Very popular hair color on Polish women

The Blade
07-29-2019, 07:59 PM
Ash/very light blond hair and red beard.
Not golden blond. I was golden blond till the age of 6 (I had the same colour as Naomi Watts and Rebecca Romijn):

07-29-2019, 08:08 PM
If there are countries this hair color is more associated with, are there subraces more strongly associated with this color? I know Brunn is often associated with red and perhaps Anglo-Saxon is golden-blond with some reddish tendencies, but what of Hallstatt Nordid, Keltic Nordid, Faelid, or West Baltid?

The Blade
07-29-2019, 08:17 PM
If there are countries this hair color is more associated with, are there subraces more strongly associated with this color? I know Brunn is often associated with red and perhaps Anglo-Saxon is golden-blond with some reddish tendencies, but what of Hallstatt Nordid, Keltic Nordid, Faelid, or West Baltid?
It's most common in Scandinavia and Baltic states even though on individual level your hair color can be seen in Southern Europe, too.
Nordids (especially Hallstatts) and Baltids are most prone to having this colour but they vary from ash blond to dark brown-haired.

07-29-2019, 08:41 PM
What is Carolina Kluft's hair color considered, ash blond?

Middle blonde, almost light blonde.

07-29-2019, 08:42 PM
It's most common in Scandinavia and Baltic states even though on individual level your hair color can be seen in Southern Europe, too.
Nordids (especially Hallstatts) and Baltids are most prone to having this colour but they vary from ash blond to dark brown-haired.

Only the East Baltids, really. Proper Baltids tend to have a darker nuance of blonde, from what I've seen.