View Full Version : The races of the world according to The Apricity members

07-31-2019, 07:42 PM
- Greeks -> Slavs

- Sicilians -> Levantines

- Portuguese -> North Africans

- Madeirans -> Sub Saharan slave descendents

- Moroccans -> Iberians

- Finns -> Mongols

Tooting Carmen
07-31-2019, 07:44 PM
- Greeks -> Slavs

- Sicilians -> Levantines

- Portuguese -> North Africans

- Madeirans -> Sub Saharan slave descendents

- Moroccans -> Iberians

Hasn't much of this changed since Sikeliot left?

07-31-2019, 08:40 PM
- Greeks -> Slavs

- Sicilians -> Levantines

- Portuguese -> North Africans

- Madeirans -> Sub Saharan slave descendents

- Moroccans -> IberiansWhat about italians?

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07-31-2019, 09:09 PM
Turks>Genghis Khan.

Finns>Kubilai Khan.

What about italians?

Inviato dal mio RNE-L01 utilizzando Tapatalk


07-31-2019, 09:16 PM
Northern Europeans

The Help

07-31-2019, 09:21 PM
Hasn't much of this changed since Sikeliot left?Honestly, nowadays I see more lightwashing of Southern Europeans than darkwashing.

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07-31-2019, 09:36 PM
According to Sikeliot lighter Greeks resemble more often Slavs and darker types more often resemble Caucausus,

whereas lighter Sicilians/Italians resemble more central europeans, and darker Sicilians resemble more levantines rather than caucausus,

The rest is italicroots bullcrap.

08-01-2019, 12:54 AM
"I am southern Italian and have the purest blood from Palermo"

http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Italy+Training+Session+Press+Conference+5qyWf8ex4a 4l.jpg

08-01-2019, 12:58 AM
Hasn't much of this changed since Sikeliot left?

You know, I didn't even realize he was gone but now that you mention it I've definitely noticed the absence of his particular brand of threads. Has he been gone a long time?

Tooting Carmen
08-01-2019, 12:59 AM
You know, I didn't even realize he was gone but now that you mention it I've definitely noticed the absence of his particular brand of threads. Has he been gone a long time?

Since the start of March.

08-01-2019, 12:59 AM
Since the start of March.

He was very prolific.

08-01-2019, 01:13 AM
Hungarians = mongols, turks
Romanians = gypsies
Bulgarians = turks
Spaniards, portugese = north africans
North Europeans = siberian mongoloids
Greeks = middle easternes
Serbs = dinaric talibans
Croats = catholic serbs
Austrians = slavs
Albanians = gypsies
Russians = mongoloid slavs
Slovaks = hungarians
Bosniaks = afghans of Europe
Finns = mongols
Moldavians = romanians
Turks = arabs

08-01-2019, 01:14 AM
Honestly what Sikeliot said made sense. Greeks can be separated into two distinct categories and three less distinct groupings. There is an East Med continuum beginning with Greek Cypriots, East Dodecanese; i.e, Karpathos, Rhodes, Kalymnos, that ends in Crete. Then there is an outlier Central Med grouping in the Southern Peloponnese; i.e., Maniates, Tsakonians Then there is a very distinct Central Med grouping that includes the standard Peloponnesian, Thessalian, Rumelioti, Boetian, Euboean, Attican, and Epriote. Western Macedonia is sort of the in between and Western Macedonia/Thrace is more Southern Balkan. I would put Southern Albania into the Central Med grouping as well.

08-01-2019, 01:35 AM
Average Northern Italian:

Average Southern Italians according to sikeliot:

Average Spaniard according to Cristiano Viejo:

Average Ashkenazi Jew:

Average Finnish:

08-01-2019, 04:00 AM

08-01-2019, 04:05 AM
Honestly what Sikeliot said made sense. Greeks can be separated into two distinct categories and three less distinct groupings. There is an East Med continuum beginning with Greek Cypriots, East Dodecanese; i.e, Karpathos, Rhodes, Kalymnos, that ends in Crete. Then there is an outlier Central Med grouping in the Southern Peloponnese; i.e., Maniates, Tsakonians Then there is a very distinct Central Med grouping that includes the standard Peloponnesian, Thessalian, Rumelioti, Boetian, Euboean, Attican, and Epriote. Western Macedonia is sort of the in between and Western Macedonia/Thrace is more Southern Balkan. I would put Southern Albania into the Central Med grouping as well.

Americans are insane. The biggest autists and masturbative retards in these anthroforums are generally people with identity problems from USA.

Armenian Bishop
08-01-2019, 04:14 AM
Hungarians = mongols, turks
Romanians = gypsies
Bulgarians = turks
Spaniards, portugese = north africans
North Europeans = siberian mongoloids
Greeks = middle easternes
Serbs = dinaric talibans
Croats = catholic serbs
Austrians = slavs
Albanians = gypsies
Russians = mongoloid slavs
Slovaks = hungarians
Bosniaks = afghans of Europe
Finns = mongols
Moldavians = romanians
Turks = arabs

Dear Blonde, I think most Hungarians look European, and the talk about Hunnish Mongols (ie Turks) is a myth. Several years ago, I went to a Hungarian Festival, and there were many blondes there (much like you).

08-01-2019, 05:27 AM
1st part when i'am piss off:
indeed it's a game than i call "being more nazi than the nazis",and most of the time i 'am more "nazi" ,of as they like to call themselves,than the nazis (something that i'am definetly not)
i have seen a lot of short-minded nazis who are for sure very big mouth,strong for crap about all sort of bullshits possible and to talk about politics but all there girlfriends are .... brown or brunettes and themselves sometimes are very european swarthy, even for some, a kind of ethnical ambiguity,myself i don't talk so much about politics,a bit like anybody else ,i'am fully 100 % white caucasian european ,i'am celt, and there is absolutly not any insecurities about it,but i like and i want settle down a girl classified in the nazi panoply mindset : "aryan",but look at the face of adolf schicklgruber,seriously,middle tall with brown hairs and mongoloid traits(eyes) and admixture,DNA genetically analysed and classified as : "jewish from kabylia",so i'am laughing,and it's here it's the same with people with this kind of mindset who are not really 100% white europeans and who like to white bashed us as a reflection of they own insecurities about there ethnical identities,go to hell! as an open minded person i can accept the fact than some people who are not white but culturally european join our club there is no problem about it ,a nice guy like mortimer is very welcome,but when i saw endless white bashing i saw red
identify yourself stop hiding behind a so called identity,your black ok your black, but stop pretending than you are white european because its not true

mongoloid admixture(eyes) down there and after that they want to talk about europe , genetics and taximony shout your mouth,see him not as you know him, but as a perfect unknown and you will see that i'am right

http://www.fpp.co.uk/Hitler/images/as_baby/Hitler_as_baby.jpgbaby adolf

https://www.history.com/.image/ar_16:9%2Cc_fill%2Ccs_srgb%2Cfl_progressive%2Cg_fa ces:center%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_768/MTU3OTIzNTgwNjg1NTkyMjEw/study-suggests-adolf-hitler-had-jewish-and-african-ancestorss-featured-photo.jpg

end of the story.
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
2nd part when i'am more serious and more objective and didactic

http://humanphenotypes.net/tavastidm.jpg http://humanphenotypes.net/tavastidf.jpghttp://humanphenotypes.net/tavastid.gifDescription: East Baltid variety, typical for the eastern shores of the Baltic sea, similar to Neo Danubian and Borreby. Named after the Tavastia province of Finland. Core population in Baltic countries, from Sweden to Finland and from Estonia to Germany and Romania. Occasionally all over Scandinavia, in Russia, and even Britain. Physical Traits: Pale skin, straight, usually blonde hair, light eyes. Rather tall, mildly macroskelic, endomorph to mesomorph. Brachycephalic, mildly hypsicranic, rather large-headed, but less than Borreby. (Mildly) leptorrhine, concave snub-nose. Moderately thin lips, weak, rounded chin, face relatively flat and squarish, forehead low. Head and body larger, jaw wider, malars more prominent than in other East Europids.

indeed it's true than among the white european population there is lot of admixture were added and diluated and since the byzantine empire ,yes i know i'am going very far away back,
the fundation of europe is the frank empire until the decline of the carolingians,not the oriental byzantine empire

this is the deep fundation of europe,but i havent said than others are not is just for puting some bases,i'am from burgandy right there just in the middle of the frank empire strucked between the souabes and the lombards,area relinked to the lingons(proto-gaule) themselves relinked to the halsttätt,and i'am probably,all is very hypothetical,i'am probably relinked ,as tavastid ,to the baltic vikings far far away,because the tavastid are spreaded until switzerland (seen just above)

sorry is in french but is not complicated to understand

czechs,croats,serbs etc are defiinetly european since charles magnus,758-814 era and the vassal territories,witthout forget the three major germanic tribes the goths,the wisigoths and the austro-goths and the vandals



but after that came the varangians putting there mess,everywhere,,badly ,until the 15th period of there decline and the birth of the rus' ,the proto-ruthenes,and the foundation of kiev and what it will became later ukraine and russia,they gave the name russia to the country, and the eastern/central eastern countries are very influenced by them we should absolutly back at this period for more well understanding and how europe later was designed,aside the modern era of course,the varangians are a very important vikings tribe,indeed seen like that they were very strong for this era
The Greek term Βάραγγος [Várangos] transcribes the slavon varęg Revis, derived from the Old Norse væringi, a word originally composed of vár (PL.várar) meaning "promise, oath of fidelity" and gengi "companion" meaning "a sworn friend, a federated". According to Professor Adolf Stender-Petersen, the term Vaeringjar that gave birth to the term Varègues should be understood as "men who bargain in a relationship of mutual responsibility" to engage the goods, weapons and ships in their possession, as well as their own lives, in order to derive a profit to be shared. These warrior merchants therefore had to be well armed and travel in group.

As early as the 10th century, foreign sources (papal, Germanic) referred to the Principality of Kiev as Rossia, while Slavic sources used the word Rous’, transcribed into Medieval Greek Rhos and Arabic Rus. This name comes from the old norrois róthr "ramer", roor "roeurs" and róðslágen "country of the rudder" . In present-day Finnish, Sweden is named Ruotsi while Russia is named Venäjä, which recalls the word "Wendes" (Venedi or Veneti in latin), a name given by the Germans to the eastern Slavs.

However, the term 'Rous' may cause confusion, being used in three different senses according to the authors, to designate :

Swedish or Vareg Vikings passing the Volga, the Dnieper or the Dniester and gradually taking control of the river routes between the Baltic and the Black Sea ;
both the Varangians and their subjects or allies of the eastern slavs ;
in modern cartography, all the territories concerned, which today form the Baltic countries, European Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova, as well as the eastern margins of Poland, which, in the historical Soviet and Russian atlases, form the broad scope given to the concept of Rus', appearing as an ancient historical basis for the recent territorial extension of the Russian Empire, the USSR and the CIS, "legitimized" in the eyes of the readers.

In any case, the Varègues formed the Swedish branch of the Norse Vikings, which went east (Russia, Khaganat khazar), while the Danes and Norse headed west (England, Scotland, Ireland and Iceland) and South (France).

if we read well above technically ukraine is russia too in the sens than the cradle of russia is kiev,but not in the sens of the geopolitical of nowadays,interresting
and when you see that map of there roads you'll understand more well all the places than they relinked together
for the the frank empire the period is from 754 until Lothaire the 1st and his death in 855 , and for the varangians area from the 7th century until the end of the 15th century the beginning of there decline , so it's confirming what i stand for,maybe i'am wrong who knows,than a part of the russians and the ukrainians are not slavic but of the viking origins even far away,they have found also novgorod in 862 ,i'am more for saying than it's the vikings who influenced the slavics,especially the russians and the ukrainians, and not the contrary,from up north to east and far beyond until the arabic byzantine world

hey renaissance12 are you around there? the varangians vikings have found the larger country of the world,if that it's not a minus contribution to europe

08-01-2019, 07:00 AM
and Miss ukraine 2007 from TA are confirming more than ever what i stand just right above
not slavic ,definetly of varangian vikings origins

08-01-2019, 07:20 AM
According to the Turkish Apricity Members :

Western Turks :


Eastern Turks/Kurds :


Balkan "Turks" according to Kivan :


08-01-2019, 02:23 PM

08-02-2019, 12:27 AM
Northern Italians (the girl on the very right is southern Italian xD):


08-02-2019, 12:51 AM
Dear Blonde, I think most Hungarians look European, and the talk about Hunnish Mongols (ie Turks) is a myth. Several years ago, I went to a Hungarian Festival, and there were many blondes there (much like you).

Yes of course hungarians look europeans, finns are not mongols, spaniards are not north africans etc etc, this thread is about "races of the world according to The Apricity members" so the trolls. I wrote how do TA members trolling each other that's all :D

08-02-2019, 12:51 AM
Yes of course hungarians look europeans, finns are not mongols, spaniards are not north africans etc etc, this thread is about "races of the world according to The Apricity members" so the trolls. I wrote how do TA members trolling each other that's all :D

Ofc Hungarians look European tf

08-02-2019, 06:51 AM
Yes of course hungarians look europeans, finns are not mongols, spaniards are not north africans etc etc, this thread is about "races of the world according to The Apricity members" so the trolls. I wrote how do TA members trolling each other that's all :D

i was suprised when a young hungarian female member shown me some pics,some people,and myself the first,forget than hungary was before the austro-hungarian empire,even you have a pluri-ethnicity in hungary,you have also a germanic ethno stock,maybe not the main,but you could find in minority blondes with blue eyes,but most of the time hungarians are maintream brownish

from the french wiki

201123 (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hongrie#cite_note-23)

Magyars (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magyars)
9 416 045
8 314 029 hungarians, almost less 1 millions in ten years is quite something

Roms (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minorit%C3%A9_rom_de_Hongrie)
189 984
308 957 roms

Allemands (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minorit%C3%A9_allemande_de_Hongrie)
62 105
131 951 germans

Slovaques (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minorit%C3%A9_slovaque_de_Hongrie)
17 693
29 647 slovakians

Roumains (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minorit%C3%A9_roumaine_de_Hongrie)
7 995
26 345 romanians

Croates (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minorit%C3%A9_croate_de_Hongrie)
15 597
23 561 croats

Serbes (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minorit%C3%A9_serbe_de_Hongrie)
3 816
7 210 serbs

Polonais (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minorit%C3%A9_polonaise_de_Hongrie)
2 962
5 730 pols

Ukrainiens (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minorit%C3%A9_ukrainienne_de_Hongrie)
5 070
5 633 ukrainians

Grecs (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minorit%C3%A9_grecque_de_Hongrie)
2 509
3 916 greeks

Bulgares (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minorit%C3%A9_bulgare_de_Hongrie)
1 358
3 556 bulgarians

Ruthènes (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minorit%C3%A9_ruth%C3%A8ne_de_Hongrie)
1 098
3 323 ruthenes

Arméniens (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minorit%C3%A9_arm%C3%A9nienne_de_Hongrie)
3 293 armenians

Slovènes (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minorit%C3%A9_slov%C3%A8ne_de_Hongrie)
3 025
2 385 slovenians

if you take any kind of street protest pro or anti ORBAN,there is not the point, just for examples they are quite white caucasian european,but with minorities,apparently many troubles with "angry romanians"

08-02-2019, 02:54 PM
Average Turkish girl according to Turkish TA members.

♥ Lily ♥
08-02-2019, 03:05 PM
The Italian poster Renaissance12 posted that Scandinavians are 'Mongoloids.' :picard1: I've never heard anyone say that Mongoloid people are Scandinavians though.

08-02-2019, 03:08 PM

08-02-2019, 03:26 PM
The Italian poster Renaissance12 posted that Scandinavians are 'Mongoloids.' :picard1: I've never heard anyone say that Mongoloid people are Scandinavians though.

According to Renaissance12 blonde peoples are subhumans who created nothing.

08-02-2019, 03:31 PM
Very original. Not.

08-02-2019, 03:33 PM
Average Turkish girl according to Turkish TA members.

I do not say she looks typical but she might pass, in my opinion.

08-02-2019, 03:39 PM
Average Turkish girl according to Turkish TA members.

The only person i saw saying this girl is average Turk was you, frdfgcg. :laugh:


They don't look like average Turks to me, although they are able to pass in Turkey, in my opinion.

Average Turkish women in my province look like these ones:


The Blade
08-02-2019, 03:55 PM
Average Turkish girl according to Turkish TA members.
Not a single Turkish member ever said that although she can fit there as atypical.
You are a confirmed troll banned multiple times. Your previous socks include frdfgcg, Niko23, Dreamcatcher, Danny K, meiliren and probably some others I can't remember.
Problem is that Turks according to you, autistic troll, look like these
or even these people
You are known to be a Gypsy-Russian (according to your own words) mix that has trolled Bulgarians, Italians, Serbs, Greeks, Spaniards, and Turks, to name some. You have numerous times posted Middle Easterners and North Africans presenting them as members of above-mentioned ethnicities. You even said Ronaldinho Gaucho fits as Bulgarian :picard2: :
Shut your fuckin' mouth and be grateful this site allows you to register on and on and mods are patient people.

The Blade
08-02-2019, 04:15 PM
On topic, here are some pretty stupid notions:
Mats Hummels - Afghan
Antonio Banderas - Moor
Average Northern Italian
Average Southern Italian
Bulgarians according to Laag
Average Russian folk
Typical Spanish woman
Typical Lebanese/Jew
Normal Greek man
Every single German looks like that

♥ Lily ♥
08-02-2019, 06:00 PM
According to Renaissance12 blonde peoples are subhumans who created nothing.

He sees blond and blue eyed people as being beneath him. He's always calling northern Europeans (especially blonds) as 'subhumans', and he says that dark haired people are superior.

08-03-2019, 04:16 AM
According to Renaissance12 blonde peoples are subhumans who created nothing.

i'am very serious and renaissance12 piss me off at the point you don't even know and a guy who take as avatar a city who fall down ,by the unfortunate sands phenomenon is not a good sign,i want preserving Venice seriously,i do but it's the sign of someone who are not ancred somewhere,
psychiatrically aside :
i have dig a bit and i have found than the varangians,a viking tribe at the time of the normans,logically more blonds than brownish ,or more mainstream fair if you prefer are the founders of kiev and novgorod and by expansion the founders of ukraine and russia,they gave by the same way by linguistic/lexical tricks the name rus' who became the proto-ruthenes and later the russians and the country russia,so a viking tribe are the proto-funders of what became the larger country of the world ,and it's not the slavics ,even they add a real contribution later,it's not the slavics who found russia but the vikings,a tribe something considered by the deranged mind of mr as "subhuman",indeed it's massive contribution way more massive than the roman empire diluated there and there and rediluated into the byzantine empire and that, very long time before the mongol invasions

i don't spoke about craps it's historical and can be proved ,by recuts it's make sens, i can stand for my theory,indeed it's just by recuts and extrapolation nothing wizard
it's like the first men on mars or on the moon are blonds (buzz aldrin is pretty blond by the way) and the brownish ritals are on the ground at the control center and speading hoaxes centuries later than the first men on moon/mars were brownish ritals and "the subhuman blonds" were at the control center
a blond in space is not a spaghetti damn it! (pastas who are asian not italians,thanks marco) i don't want prove anything i just enumerate some facts


now ,does i hate italians absolutly not, i hate human dumberness,and renaissance12 is nominee for the "fields medal" of dumberness ,a true winner

08-03-2019, 04:44 AM
He sees blond and blue eyed people as being beneath him. He's always calling northern Europeans (especially blonds) as 'subhumans', and he says that dark haired people are superior.
Your issue with it though is that he has a prejudice in the first place, not whether it's right or wrong or the evidence for or against. I guess you could also just see it as an issue of insulting and harassment but you probably don't have an issue with people calling eachother idiots or whatever.

I don't really have a point here, just saying you probably shouldn't be too surprised if someone has a prejudice like that, that's 75% of this forum and used to be like 99% before and around when I joined in 2014, renaissance isn't an isolated case.

08-03-2019, 05:04 AM
Forgot another popular one -- Average White Americans according to many European members :

https://media.arkansasonline.com/img/photos/2018/01/29/160304223_AN-PUERTO-RICANS-001_ORIG_t800.jpg?90232451fbcadccc64a17de7521d859a 8f88077d

On topic, here are some pretty stupid notions:

08-03-2019, 05:06 AM
Forgot another popular one -- Average White Americans according to many European members :

https://media.arkansasonline.com/img/photos/2018/01/29/160304223_AN-PUERTO-RICANS-001_ORIG_t800.jpg?90232451fbcadccc64a17de7521d859a 8f88077d

Who are these European members?

08-03-2019, 06:56 AM
Average Turkish girl according to Turkish TA members.
This is so true. Whilst they'll for cheer you or be at least nonchalant when you post blondes to represent Turks, they'll get really pissed and hostile if you say the average Turk looks like this girl instead:


I wrote "Turkish girl" and this was one of the results that came up. Some Turks here won't see her as a Turk because of her olive complexion and Semitic-like features, even if she is Turkish. What will their excuse be? "She is probably a Kurd or some Levantine immigrant in Turkey, you troll!". *sigh*

Besides, the girl in your post is half Russian, half Turkish. Amazing actress btw.

♥ Lily ♥
08-03-2019, 07:24 AM
Your issue with it though is that he has a prejudice in the first place, not whether it's right or wrong or the evidence for or against. I guess you could also just see it as an issue of insulting and harassment but you probably don't have an issue with people calling eachother idiots or whatever.

I don't really have a point here, just saying you probably shouldn't be too surprised if someone has a prejudice like that, that's 75% of this forum and used to be like 99% before and around when I joined in 2014, renaissance isn't an isolated case.

I don't know what more you want me to do as I've given him a temporary ban and I've removed lots of his offensive posts on threads where he's constantly hijacking threads related to northern Europeans to persistently slander and post racial abuse about Scandinavians and to post abusive and offensive things about northern Europeans in general.

He's messing-up lots of threads to post about his 'superior Italian people' on threads related to northern European cultures. The other day he barged into a thread about Dutch art and dissed other European nations art and started rudely posting Italian art on the thread and calling it superior - which I removed. (He likes to hijack threads and wants to turn each thread into an Italian superiority thread.) I told him to post Italian art in the Italian art thread, instead of trying to hijack a Dutch art thread.

He went onto an Icelandic weight-lifting men thread I made and started posting pictures of trannies and calling Icelandic men as 'trannies'. He always calling northern Europeans as 'inferior' and often calls Scandinavians as 'Mongoloids'.

I know what people mean by all his shit-posting and harassing northern Europeans over numerous threads.

If he continues upon his return to the forum, then the next ban will be longer.

08-03-2019, 07:28 AM
I don't know what more you want me to do as I've given him a temporary ban and I've removed lots of his offensive posts on threads where he's constantly hijacking threads related to northern Europeans to persistently slander and post racial abuse about Scandinavians and to post abusive and offensive things about northern Europeans in general. He's messing-up lots of threads to post about his 'superior Italian people' on threads related to northern European cultures. The other day he barged into a thread about Dutch art and dissed other European nations art and started posting Italian art on the thread instead - which I removed.

I'm sick of that troll and numerous others doing similar stuff. I know what you mean.

If he continues upon his return to the forum, then the next ban will be longer.
Oh no, you misunderstood, I wasn't complaining. I don't think he should've been banned at all, freeze peach and all that.

You just seemed really surprised he had that sort of prejudice within him, all I was saying is that's 75% of the people on this forum, lol. I guess most aren't as vocal about it though.

08-03-2019, 12:43 PM
Eastern England - Dutch like
Western England - NW French like
Wales - NW French like with significant Iberian influence

08-03-2019, 12:53 PM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRO1ltb4AhdOPiUDdKiUuyt9gd0_cylk Ki98gWl6KAQ3Mo16f0Q

08-03-2019, 01:00 PM
Oh no, you misunderstood, I wasn't complaining. I don't think he should've been banned at all, freeze peach and all that.

You just seemed really surprised he had that sort of prejudice within him, all I was saying is that's 75% of the people on this forum, lol. I guess most aren't as vocal about it though.
There's free speech and there's spamming the same stupid shit for over a year, impervious to any counter arguments and usually irrelevant to the thread topic.

08-04-2019, 12:57 AM
Americans are insane. The biggest autists and masturbative retards in these anthroforums are generally people with identity problems from USA.
How do you figure that? Most of the ridiculous, absurdist, exaggerated and irrational posts on this forum are from Europeans.

08-04-2019, 01:15 AM
This is so true. Whilst they'll for cheer you or be at least nonchalant when you post blondes to represent Turks, they'll get really pissed and hostile if you say the average Turk looks like this girl instead:


I wrote "Turkish girl" and this was one of the results that came up. Some Turks here won't see her as a Turk because of her olive complexion and Semitic-like features, even if she is Turkish. What will their excuse be? "She is probably a Kurd or some Levantine immigrant in Turkey, you troll!". *sigh*

Besides, the girl in your post is half Russian, half Turkish. Amazing actress btw.

This is absolutelly bullshit. I challenge you and these clowns who thumbed up your post to show here a thread and post where some Turkish user said that half-Russian girl or any blonde person looks like an average Turk, you sneaky liar troll. The Blade and others here can confirm what i say.
Mind your business and stop poking your nose in anything related to Turks or Turkey here You are out of place here, no Turk cares about what you think or is interested in be your MENA mudblood.
It's not your concern to tell us how we are supposed to look like or how we should identify ourselves.

Besides, there're nothing Semitic or Levantine in this girl you posted. She looks Gracile-Med, far from looking like the average Assyroid invader(aka "refugees") from Levant.

Oh, really? When googled "Turkish girl" these were the first results for me:
https://scontent.fjdo1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/17904272_1360249914085113_7831245198794159446_n.jp g?_nc_cat=103&_nc_eui2=AeFEUz5ICaHrB5c0FdahikvtcQZycekoyXSMCGO6N p53xgFB1KU8zOXmhEhneL8C8DFVaOoNZbABQpK-Z11WDnQ6hE5NEQKpnrQaVNwsDhPu2Q&_nc_oc=AQmCrDW8A2avKIWdusSVjWATRGBfB84TGuofra4N8hA TnPdgLV5EpW3UFub0g5oDqoM&_nc_ht=scontent.fjdo1-1.fna&oh=4e44cdbcb7de93b4e15119e539a1f879&oe=5DDC17EB

08-04-2019, 01:39 AM
Fortunately Chileans are so unimportant to be trolled, unlike Turks, Greeks, Iberians, etc.

08-04-2019, 02:32 AM
Here I summarised for you the most common misconception TA user often have.

Northern Euros -> Ice.

Eastern Euros -> Dark haired Finns.

Western Euros -> Error 404.

Southern Euros -> Arabs.

Western Turks -> Med+Slavic.

Eastern Turks & co -> Cannibals.

Persians -> Indians with beards.

Arabs -> Negroes.

MENA minorities (Berbers and Copts...) -> Germanic descent.

Indians -> MENA + Abos.

Central Asians -> Turks.

East Asians -> Wat da fak r u tawkin abouw m8?

SE Asians -> Slaves.

SSA -> "Stop posting your gorilla's photos" - CV.

Amerindians -> Elves.

08-04-2019, 03:02 AM
This is absolutelly bullshit. I challenge you and these clowns who thumbed up your post to show here a thread and post where some Turkish user said that half-Russian girl or any blonde person looks like an average Turk, you sneaky liar troll. The Blade and others here can confirm what i say.
Mind your business and stop poking your nose in anything related to Turks or Turkey here You are out of place here, no Turk cares about what you think or is interested in be your MENA mudblood.
It's not your concern to tell us how we are supposed to look like or how we should identify ourselves.
Listen you arrogant twat, I think you should stop responding to my posts when they are not calling for you and your good-for-nothing wretchedness. You're a MENA too, dumbass. Stop kidding yourself. I have had enough of your snoopy, snotty bullshit. Maybe I should be easy on you because you're a 19 year old kid. I was arrogant at that age too.

Besides, there're nothing Semitic or Levantine in this girl you posted. She looks Gracile-Med, far from looking like the average Assyroid invader(aka "refugees") from Levant.
She looks Arab, you blind scumbag. And the invader thing is rich from you, because white German nationalists think you're a brown skinned Middle Eastern minority invading Turkey. Who the fuck you think you are? FFS, the OWD is strong in you that it's not funny.

Oh, really? When googled "Turkish girl" these were the first results for me:
*whitewashed images*
You're so bothered. Nobody cares! Keep crying and keep making Turks a predominantly white peoples. Besides, nobody fucking cares, no matter how much you protest and cry about this 'fact'. Even Europeans laugh at you and don't think you're any different from Assyrians and Kurds. Everybody has talked about your OWD bullshit. They've had enough.

Get stuffed please, and stop replying to my posts when they don't concern you, you whiny hormonal teen. I really don't give a fuck what you have to say. You're not as astute as you think you are. Piss off, mate.

I get your bullshit. When Turks are displayed as dark, you have a temper tantrum, when they're showcased as Nordics you're either nonchalant or you get a hard-on about it.

Your people look like typical Levantine and Upper Mesopotamians, no different to other MENA's:

https://cdnuploads.aa.com.tr/uploads/Contents/2017/10/29/thumbs_b_c_8b852cffe2b75d3ccaf732cabe16dbad.jpg?v= 140015

Type in "Turkish crowd", and maybe that will shut your arrogant, white-biased, whiny trap.

08-04-2019, 03:04 AM
Fortunately Chileans are so unimportant to be trolled, unlike Turks, Greeks, Iberians, etc.

They are more important/relevant, and sometimes trolled, in Latin American centered forums, though.

08-04-2019, 03:10 AM
This thread makes me uneasy

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-04-2019, 04:32 AM
Listen you arrogant twat, I think you should stop responding to my posts when they are not calling for you and your good-for-nothing wretchedness. You're a MENA too, dumbass. Stop kidding yourself. I have had enough of your snoopy, snotty bullshit. Maybe I should be easy on you because you're a 19 year old kid. I was arrogant at that age too.
So why don't you post your face here in public and i post mine, stupid sand nigger? So we will see who is the MENA.

She looks Arab, you blind scumbag. And the invader thing is rich from you, because white German nationalists think you're a brown skinned Middle Eastern minority invading Turkey. Who the fuck you think you are? FFS, the OWD is strong in you that it's not funny.

She looks like an average Arab only in your dreams. Let's see crowd pictures of Arabs, Ass-yrian fag:

Now let's see crowds from Turkish cities:

You're so bothered. Nobody cares! Keep crying and keep making Turks a predominantly white peoples. Besides, nobody fucking cares, no matter how much you protest and cry about this 'fact'. Even Europeans laugh at you and don't think you're any different from Assyrians and Kurds. Everybody has talked about your OWD bullshit. They've had enough.
It's actually the opposite. People on Discord were laughing at you because you said that an Italian guy is exotic to be Assyrian. :D
You are one the most complexed users in this forum: your modus operandi is classifying Europeans as MENA and classifying MENA/Jews as Europeans to them closer to each other. Do you think people here are idiot?
About people seeing me as Assyrian or Kurd, let's the opinion of who classified me then:

Get stuffed please, and stop replying to my posts when they don't concern you, you whiny hormonal teen. I really don't give a fuck what you have to say. You're not as astute as you think you are. Piss off, mate.

I get your bullshit. When Turks are displayed as dark, you have a temper tantrum, when they're showcased as Nordics you're either nonchalant or you get a hard-on about it.
Bla bla bla I'm still waiting for you to show which Turk said that half-Russian girl or any blonde Nordic person looks like an average Turk, troll. As i said, it's not your business how we are supposed to look like.

Your people look like typical Levantine and Upper Mesopotamians, no different to other MENA's:
Idiot, you are aware that many people in these photos are Syrian refugees who support Erdogan, right? You are unable even to check the sources of the photos. The people you posted come from the region of where your gypsy people is from. Genetically they are way closer to you than to me. The rest are just cherrypicked photos of ugly people protesting. Now let me show you the reality:

Turks in real life:


Syrians in Turkey


08-04-2019, 11:10 AM
So why don't you post your face here in public and i post mine, stupid sand nigger? So we will see who is the MENA.

She looks like an average Arab only in your dreams. Let's see crowd pictures of Arabs, Ass-yrian fag:

Now let's see crowds from Turkish cities:
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DZIcad8W0AMlgN8.jpgon the right corner down the 4 young people,the two guys with the two girls where they from?they looks eastern euro

It's actually the opposite. People on Discord were laughing at you because you said that an Italian guy is exotic to be Assyrian. :D
You are one the most complexed users in this forum: your modus operandi is classifying Europeans as MENA and classifying MENA/Jews as Europeans to them closer to each other. Do you think people here are idiot?
About people seeing me as Assyrian or Kurd, let's the opinion of who classified me then:

Bla bla bla I'm still waiting for you to show which Turk said that half-Russian girl or any blonde Nordic person looks like an average Turk, troll. As i said, it's not your business how we are supposed to look like.

Idiot, you are aware that many people in these photos are Syrian refugees who support Erdogan, right? You are unable even to check the sources of the photos. The people you posted come from the region of where your gypsy people is from. Genetically they are way closer to you than to me. The rest are just cherrypicked photos of ugly people protesting. Now let me show you the reality:

Turks in real life:


Syrians in Turkey


i have been in contact of turks,kurds,zazas,maybe circassians, in my native area in paris,even for some, turkish men are certainly more swarthy than us,many of them are quite "white" more whiter than MENAs,for sure, the phenotype is various but it's true than you couldn't confused them with eastern arabics,it's pretty clear than the shape of the faces are clearly different ,it's impossible,in turkiye there is 4 distinct ethno-groups

the turkik group: turks,azeris,tatars,turkmens,gagaouzes

the indo-european group : kurds kumanji,kurds zazahj,armenians,iranians

the caucasian group : georgians,circassians,mingrelians

the semitic group :arameans,arabs

and the semitic group is ultra in minority is a very small part maybe between 1 to 5% situated in the south just at the frontier,the main groups are the turkiks,followed by the indo-european and at third the caucasians,the gagaouzes are a very small group less than the semitic,so i stand with kivan he's absolutly right than turkey in her main component is more fair than swarthy,indeed i saw under that way, than people meet each other, marry each other and mix each other,with some components from different ethno groups,indeed many people and me the first,even i'am not so stupid,have an image a bit old school of turkey,its seems than it's a country in full change for the better or the worse i don't know i won't fall into politics,but knows than i'am kemalist,what such a great guy,M.K ataturk ,inspired by the french model of laicity,inspired by jules ferry,a true visionnary and in advance on his time,and i have test and like borgul,the bread,some basic dishes before i begin vegan