View Full Version : Classify these French people.

07-09-2011, 01:00 AM
This time, I included more variety so as to not start another 30 page argument. ;) These are from Normandy.

3) http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3447/3366615122_5ec42d5bf2_m.jpg

07-09-2011, 01:08 AM
1. Aplinoid + Cro Magnon influences.
2. Keltic Nordid predominantly + Borreby influences.
3. Faelid.
4. Nord Atlantid predominantly
5. Anglo Saxon type with Borreby influences.
Alot of them just have their own unique look but some could pass as Flemish, English, or Dutch quite possibly.

07-09-2011, 01:29 AM
Despite her dark hair the most typical Norman face in the set is #2 (don't ask me why, I know, I was born there).

#5 has some exotic features that rather suggest Provence but this phenotype isn't rare in neighbouring Britanny.

All in all a fairly representative sample of Western France. It strikes me that they all could qualify as 'pure-wool' Quebeckers!

07-09-2011, 01:30 AM
Despite her dark hair the most typical Norman face in the set is #2 (don't ask me why, I know, I was born there).

#5 has some exotic features that rather suggest Provence but this phenotype isn't rare in neighbouring Britanny.

All in all a fairly representative sample of Western France. It strikes me that they all could qualify as 'pure-wool' Quebeckers!

They do look like Acadian French individuals and I also think the second one could pass in England or in Flanders.