View Full Version : General Yrjö Keinonen

08-15-2019, 08:11 PM

Geronimo, Grand Moff Tarkin, Jean Luc Picard, they all had the same mongoloid warlord gaze. It's hard to define it with words. I'm thinking of those paintings which Miyamoto Musashi painted just with three or four brushes. The idea was of course to mimic a quick and swift sword-fight.

08-15-2019, 08:22 PM

Shrike on a Dead Branch. The Branch is obviously really a Sword, but because the Sword is dead, the Shrike can keep it's life.

08-15-2019, 09:05 PM
Would guess him Polish...

08-15-2019, 09:32 PM
Polish? He has high and broad forehead, sharply profiled midface, and clearly some weird shenanigans going on, on zygomata department, which made me think he might be Kylälahtic type :coffee:

08-15-2019, 09:33 PM

08-15-2019, 11:38 PM
Tavastid + Dinaric

08-16-2019, 12:49 AM
Looks british

08-16-2019, 09:02 AM
East Nordid I guess

08-16-2019, 01:43 PM
I agree with Kylälahtic. Looks very Finnish to me.

08-16-2019, 02:04 PM
I agree with Kylälahtic. Looks very Finnish to me.

This guy was born in Ruskeala, near Marble Lake, close to Sortavala, which is situated just North of Lake Ladoga, so nowadays in Russia.

Marble Lake


08-16-2019, 03:03 PM
Looks like these Karelians.

08-16-2019, 03:08 PM

08-16-2019, 03:12 PM
Looks like him.
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/films/2016/12/16/Tarkin_DS_trans%2B%2BEDjTm7JpzhSGR1_8ApEWQA1vLvhkM tVb21dMmpQBfEs.jpg

08-16-2019, 08:18 PM
Interesting phenotype.
Cheekbones appear broader than jaw and forehead,
Face is hexagonal but eyes are high and nose narrow.
Somewhere between Nordic-Baltic and something else
Again with a longer midface (and overall longer and bigger face) we wouldn’t be too far from Coon’s Keltic Nordic type.

08-23-2019, 02:15 PM
Interesting phenotype.
Cheekbones appear broader than jaw and forehead,
Face is hexagonal but eyes are high and nose narrow.

Agree with else but orbits are obviously narrow.

Again with a longer midface (and overall longer and bigger face) we wouldn’t be too far from Coon’s Keltic Nordic type.

What are average facial dimensions of a Keltic Nordic? According to Coon's data British faces are not larger than Finnic one's (both in archaelogy and in modern data), so if you think this guy has small face, a metrically larger version of this guy would go back to Kylälahtic.

Only thing of course is that Kylälahti sample does not have laterally projecting malars -- in fact according to zygomatic index, Kylälahti has extremely supressed malars (laterally), but forward projection fits.

06-03-2020, 08:36 AM
I was looking pictures on Finnish supreme military commanders, and it was obvious, the warlord gaze was more common in Karelian warlords, than in warlords originated from other Finnish tribes.

06-03-2020, 09:06 AM
Ari Puheloinen doesn't have it strongly, but still has it

https://i.ibb.co/C2zBWMD/PUHELOINEN-Ari-kenrl-16601-Dh2005.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)
https://i.ibb.co/VYXFyBd/hhhlii.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)
https://i.ibb.co/1bx4wmD/pic-5-355589-k355593-1200.jpg (https://ibb.co/t351WJ7)

06-03-2020, 09:14 AM
Timo Kivinen has it strongly

https://i.ibb.co/5v283P9/720074.jpg (https://ibb.co/S0Jngzx)
https://i.ibb.co/X5mqWfm/790c9afbee3e47449b2712cf66e3f93b.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)
https://i.ibb.co/HC67FBk/PEP-Lvierailu-EJH17-08062017.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

Finnish Swede
06-03-2020, 09:14 AM
I was looking pictures on Finnish supreme military commanders, and it was obvious, the warlord gaze was more common in Karelian warlords, than in warlords originated from other Finnish tribes.

And about 30% of Finland's generals (and other higher officers) were Finnish Swedes even as Finnish Swedes total number (in whole population) were already drop as low as 10% (WWII time).


Anyway ... I someway like his staring look. Serious tough silence introvert men gets things done. Not talkative, macho, muscle steroids extroverts ....

06-03-2020, 09:49 AM
And about 30% of Finland's generals (and other higher officers) were Finnish Swedes even Finnish Swedes total number (in whole population) were already drop as low as 10% (WWII time).

Blaa blaa blaa. Longest reigning supreme commander was Aarne Sihvo (Karelian) with 14 years. You can compare that with longest reigning FS, Hägglund, who only ruled measly 7 years. And Hägglund was born in Karelia which might have had an effect.

Aarne Sihvo had THE GAZE

https://i.ibb.co/k41dqsH/kkkhhhg.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)
https://i.ibb.co/jWkL4W8/HK19660913-722.jpg (https://ibb.co/SdwKvd6)

Finnish Swede
06-03-2020, 10:08 AM
Blaa blaa blaa. Longest reigning supreme commander was Aarne Sihvo (Karelian) with 14 years. You can compare that with longest reigning FS, Hägglund, who only ruled measly 7 years. And Hägglund was born in Karelia which might have had an effect.

Aarne Sihvo had THE GAZE

https://i.ibb.co/k41dqsH/kkkhhhg.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)
https://i.ibb.co/jWkL4W8/HK19660913-722.jpg (https://ibb.co/SdwKvd6)

Oh, Aarne Sihvo? You meant ''Mannerheim II'' for you Karelians (Civial war time)? LOL.

How many Mannerheim's cross he got/earned? Ups ... he didn't even service at WW II (or not in any positions which would had any meanings ... anyway).

After WWII he licked Sovet Union (= Russians asses), which made him very unpopular comander among of officers/military.

I can not either value him via his action/role at 1932 (Mäntsälä Rebillion).

06-03-2020, 10:16 AM
Nordid - Eastern Scandinavian

06-03-2020, 11:11 AM
Oh, Aarne Sihvo? You meant ''Mannerheim II'' for you Karelians (Civial war time)? LOL.

How many Mannerheim's cross he got/earned? Ups ... he didn't even service at WW II (or not in any positions which would had any meanings ... anyway).

He earned big fat nada, because Mannerheim was petty little man who felt intimidated by a superior man, and rather surrounded himself with yes-men.

After WWII he licked Sovet Union (= Russians asses), which made him very unpopular comander among of officers/military.

I can not either value him via his action/role at 1932 (Mäntsälä Rebillion).

Ever heard of realpolitik? Finland-Swedes are just butthurt against him because he punished 2 Finland-Swedish officers who spoke Swedish in between them in front of soldiers. This is just question of efficiency; efficient army can't operate in 2 languages. So its a pretty dumb reason to spread bullshit propaganda against great man.

06-03-2020, 11:12 AM
Would guess german

06-03-2020, 11:46 AM
Russo-Karelian commie. Thanks Lord that he was a reality politician and warred only in Sauna with Vodka, Breznev and Kosygin;)

Before his resignation, General Keinonen applied for support from the Russians
Astikainen Arto
Published: 29.10.1995 2:00
In April 1969, before resigning, the arrogant commander of the Defense Forces, Infantry General Yrjö Keinonen, tried to gain support for himself from domestic politicians, the defense police and, ultimately, the Soviet Union.

Keinonen's adjutant at the time, retired Lieutenant General Veikko Vesterinen, says in his book to be published on Monday that Keinonen summoned the Soviet military ombudsman, Colonel A. G. Mantrov, and said he would have to resign from right-wing pressure. "The right intends to change Finland's official foreign policy line." Information about what happened quickly went to President Urho Kekkonen. Keinonen had to resign immediately. The legal reason for the difference was Keinonen's basement yard, the use of conscripts for the construction of the summer site. According to Vesterinen, the root cause of the difference was that Keinonen failed in his role as commander.


In other words - motherfucker :)

06-03-2020, 12:21 PM
Would guess him Polish...

With such cheekbones? There is practically no way that person with so broad face would pass as Polish, he looks extremelly Finnic

06-03-2020, 12:40 PM
Whoa whoa Lemmi. Let's remember you are talking about REAL warhero here. While it seems legit, there was at least a hint of korpikommunisti in Ykä, lets not lose sight of big picture either. Because of his extreme intelligence, Keinonen rose through military ranks at unprecedented speed. This caused a lot of resentment and bitterness in the old guard who felt they were sidelined by young noob. Add to that Keinonen's eccentric personality, and you can see why through time, he made a lot of enemies. When power hungry guy feels cornered and threatened, he tends to fight back by any means necessary. This tactic usually results in mistakes, and Keinonen deffo made mistakes towards the end of his tenure. But that does warrant throwing great man under bus, like you, in your jealous rage did.

06-03-2020, 12:53 PM
While still being a commander he said also that communism is the best social ideology in all ways. Was he demented too early? :)

Finnish Swede
06-03-2020, 01:06 PM
He earned big fat nada, because Mannerheim was petty little man who felt intimidated by a superior man, and rather surrounded himself with yes-men.

Ever heard of realpolitik? Finland-Swedes are just butthurt against him because he punished 2 Finland-Swedish officers who spoke Swedish in between them in front of soldiers. This is just question of efficiency; efficient army can't operate in 2 languages. So its a pretty dumb reason to spread bullshit propaganda against great man.

I like you Harkonnen ... you are so stereotype of ''mad-angry Eastern Finn'' (a'la: perkele & syö rautaa ja paskantaa kettinkiä).

But yeah ... I for example value him much higher than any Sihvo:

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/B-0_ko3dQPDcPEPhHy1mRXKcU3mt2lV7L_44TQeSzs9yxgWPFzRz OkjCX0JPvP6PPlyiQQ_9BEn7tfho9epBYYtPiqRuLVAHjN4-lLQKxpA9WNj6mbriv59l


Finnish Swede
06-03-2020, 01:14 PM
Russo-Karelian commie. Thanks Lord that he was a reality politician and warred only in Sauna with Vodka, Breznev and Kosygin;)


In other words - motherfucker :)

LOL ... looks like I will have ''study'' this man bit more. I didn't know him beforehand.

06-03-2020, 02:20 PM
While still being a commander he said also that communism is the best social ideology in all ways. Was he demented too early? :)

Yeah some commie claims he said something along those lines.

But the real problem here is that you are trying to play checkers with a chess player. With a chess player you always have to understand the context, and the motivation. As I have understood, he said it in some party event where some Russians were present. Who knows, perhaps he said it just to create a diversion, while just yesterday he had send a fax to John Rambo in his Nebraska farm, to start making preparations for the November Commando Rush of Kremlin Headquarters. Who knows.

The tree is known by its fruits, and you do not judge a genius by his words, but by the fruits he leaves behind him. Similarly the Great Savonian Dictator, Kekkonen, has been accused of being a commie/or commie asslicker/whatever. Kekkonen ruled 26 years, from 1956 to 1982. So you can say that 80s Finland was Kekkonen's legacy, his inheritance so to say. When he took power in the 50s, Finland was a pretty backwards, poor, and rural economy. Jump 20 years forward. 80s Finland was literally paradise on earth. Different industries had greatly diversified, and Finland was starting to produce high tech for export. The streets were clean, there was no criminality or immigrants, there was no debt or worry for tomorrow, a new breed of man; the jupit emerged.

Nowadays Finland is drowning in debt, and is slowly turning into hellhole. But this is neither Kekkonen's nor Keinonen's fault, for as its well known, the tree is known from its fruits, and today's fruits were not planted in the days of Kekkonen and Keinonen.

Finnish Swede
06-03-2020, 02:48 PM
Yeah some commie claims he said something along those lines.

But the real problem here is that you are trying to play checkers with a chess player. With a chess player you always have to understand the context, and the motivation. As I have understood, he said it in some party event where some Russians were present. Who knows, perhaps he said it just to create a diversion, while just yesterday he had send a fax to John Rambo in his Nebraska farm, to start making preparations for the November Commando Rush of Kremlin Headquarters. Who knows.

The tree is known by its fruits, and you do not judge a genius by his words, but by the fruits he leaves behind him. Similarly the Great Savonian Dictator, Kekkonen, has been accused of being a commie/or commie asslicker/whatever. Kekkonen ruled 26 years, from 1956 to 1982. So you can say that 80s Finland was Kekkonen's legacy, his inheritance so to say. When he took power in the 50s, Finland was a pretty backwards, poor, and rural economy. Jump 20 years forward. 80s Finland was literally paradise on earth. Different industries had greatly diversified, and Finland was starting to produce high tech for export. The streets were clean, there was no criminality or immigrants, there was no debt or worry for tomorrow, a new breed of man; the jupit emerged.

Nowadays Finland is drowning in debt, and is slowly turning into hellhole. But this is neither Kekkonen's nor Keinonen's fault, for as its well known, the tree is known from its fruits, and today's fruits were not planted in the days of Kekkonen and Keinonen.

With Kekkonen ... the first thing what comes to my mind is president election 1973 (most shame/dirty spot in Finland's democracy), secondly how he stubbed back to Paasikivi (which was a great man) at 1956 president election.


06-03-2020, 02:49 PM
LOL ... looks like I will have ''study'' this man bit more. I didn't know him beforehand.

Just a friendly warning: most webs-info you find on Keinonen are just simple out right lies and misunderstandings.

06-03-2020, 03:13 PM
Yeah some commie claims he said something along those lines.

But the real problem here is that you are trying to play checkers with a chess player. With a chess player you always have to understand the context, and the motivation. As I have understood, he said it in some party event where some Russians were present. Who knows, perhaps he said it just to create a diversion, while just yesterday he had send a fax to John Rambo in his Nebraska farm, to start making preparations for the November Commando Rush of Kremlin Headquarters. Who knows.

The tree is known by its fruits, and you do not judge a genius by his words, but by the fruits he leaves behind him. Similarly the Great Savonian Dictator, Kekkonen, has been accused of being a commie/or commie asslicker/whatever. Kekkonen ruled 26 years, from 1956 to 1982. So you can say that 80s Finland was Kekkonen's legacy, his inheritance so to say. When he took power in the 50s, Finland was a pretty backwards, poor, and rural economy. Jump 20 years forward. 80s Finland was literally paradise on earth. Different industries had greatly diversified, and Finland was starting to produce high tech for export. The streets were clean, there was no criminality or immigrants, there was no debt or worry for tomorrow, a new breed of man; the jupit emerged.

Nowadays Finland is drowning in debt, and is slowly turning into hellhole. But this is neither Kekkonen's nor Keinonen's fault, for as its well known, the tree is known from its fruits, and today's fruits were not planted in the days of Kekkonen and Keinonen.

He told to the Bothnian newspaper Lalli that the Finnish army is a kind of division of the Sovjet army.

I don't know how good he was in Chess, but I know me and in my 20's I used to play Chess with a national Chess master.

Kekkonen was a product of Sojvet Union, although he was not a communist. He simply kissed Soviet asses to keep in power. The father of Finlandization.

06-03-2020, 07:24 PM
With Kekkonen ... the first thing what comes to my mind is president election 1973 (most shame/dirty spot in Finland's democracy), secondly how he stubbed back to Paasikivi (which was a great man) at 1956 president election.


How did he backstabbed?

Well, the 73 situation. As I've understood, he had faced rudeness at previous elections, and was just sick of it, and did not want to continue. But he was so much loved that he could continue without rudeness. Others suggested it, not him.

06-03-2020, 07:32 PM
He told to the Bothnian newspaper Lalli that the Finnish army is a kind of division of the Sovjet army.

He said no such thing. Folk are either too stupid to understand genius, or deliberately do not want to understand.

I don't know how good he was in Chess, but I know me and in my 20's I used to play Chess with a national Chess master.

Well literally anyone can play with chessmaster -- just saying :coffee:

Kekkonen was a product of Sojvet Union, although he was not a communist. He simply kissed Soviet asses to keep in power. The father of Finlandization.

He mainly must have operated with economic gains in mind.

Finnish Swede
06-03-2020, 07:36 PM
How did he backstabbed?

Well, the 73 situation. As I've understood, he had faced rudeness at previous elections, and was just sick of it, and did not want to continue. But he was so much loved that he could continue without rudeness. Others suggested it, not him.

Do you ... big man ... also believe fairy tales, LOL?

06-03-2020, 08:43 PM
Well literally anyone can play with chessmaster -- just saying :coffee:

You don't understand. You have also sometimes beat your opponent. The power of chess players is figured by a ELO-number. The ELO of national master is over 2000, around 2300. Today his ELO seems to be 1975.

06-03-2020, 09:04 PM
Do you ... big man ... also believe fairy tales, LOL?

Fairytales like Lemmy occasionally beating national chess champ in his own game? - You can believe I'm not that gullible.