View Full Version : The Obama Deception

British and Proud
03-14-2009, 06:12 PM
This is Alex Jones' latest video:


Sol Invictus
03-14-2009, 06:34 PM

Must See Video

The Obama Deception


03-14-2009, 08:40 PM
Excellent film, everybody should watch this to gain an understanding of what the elites are up to. Approach it with an open mind, don't necessarily believe everything in the film but take notes and research the topics of discussion for yourself.

As these types of films go (they sometimes contain a mixture of fact and fiction) this one seems fairly accurate.

Sol Invictus
03-15-2009, 10:08 PM
Highly recommend you order a copy for yourself at infowars.com and spread it far and wide. If you know hardcore Obama supporters around you then this would be a good film to show them. I am ordering one and burning hundreds. Every member of my community is getting a full copy of it. We need to raise awareness of the crimes and schemes of the New World Order and swiftly defeat it.

03-15-2009, 11:07 PM
Great film, very informative.

05-24-2009, 11:09 AM
Actually its one of the best movies Jones ever made, I'm not that comfortable with this guy, he doesnt get everything straight me thinks, but in this case he made a very good job :thumb001:

Now watch this movie about the "Money Masters" and Russo's "From Freedom to Fascism" and you get a very good impression of whats all the crap happening in our Europ-countries on both sides of the Atlantic is finally about, namely the cold grip of the plutocratic Oligarchy which wants to extend its power and control over the people. Keep that in mind if reading a Newspaper or watching TV, reading News on the internet, the manipulation of the common people, not just if its about racial and ethnic issues, but also in social, economic and political, yes, even civil rights topics, is tremendous.

Watch the documantary from above and watch these two too:
Money Masters:

From Freedom to Fascism:

Just dont think of the American Constitution being all and everything or even worse, like Russo proposed, think of a Gold standard. The Gold standard was used and abused by the plutocratic oligarchy more than once and since they control the price and volume of the gold, their grip won't get off by changing from Fiat money to a gold standard, probably even on the contrary. Not talking about theoretical and practical objections of a gold standard in general.

Its about getting back the control of money creation from the corrupted Central Banks in private hands, thats crucial.

Obama is just one more puppet, nothing else...

06-02-2009, 11:45 PM
Nothing new, that Obama represents the mega financial elites of Wall Street, he is a total fraud. All propaganda around it was a fact of being a person of multiracial background and nothing else, I see no charisma, beauty or something similar.

It will be funny when leftists support him after he attacks Iran. :D ;)

06-03-2009, 12:41 AM
Now Ombongo is publicly saying he is a Muslim. During the election, if anyone said that, they were immediately called a racist.


06-03-2009, 01:21 AM
Jesse Ventura, awesome! :thumb001:

Anyways, about Obamaism, it's a media-created facade- a modern-day cult of personality much like the emperor worship in ancient Rome or any of the cults of personality in contemporary dictatorships. Obama is a figurehead imo, a simple "face" that globalists have put on stage to make their agenda more attractive.

06-03-2009, 01:40 AM
Now Ombongo is publicly saying he is a Muslim.[/url]

This is the only quote where someone could interpret that Obama said he is a Muslim...

"Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim majority country. I know, because I am one of them."

He's not saying 'I know because I am a Muslim', he's saying that he has lived in a Muslim majority country (Indonesia) and has a Muslim in his family (his father.)

Yet another deliberate and dumb attempt to take his words out of context.

I would rather live under an educated, secular, and sensible ruler who happened to have a merely nominally Muslim father, than some dumbass bible-thumping, creationist, Christian version of the Taliban, nutjob.

06-03-2009, 02:08 AM
Globalist carpetbaggers attempting, covertly, to take over the world. I don't know if I agree entirely with the premise of this video, but it does raise a lot of questions about Obama and his cohorts. Professor Griff, the rapper, had a great observation that the bluebloods needed a [black] facelift to "empower" the colored people of the world- in order to better exploit them!

Overall, the idea of a global conspiracy doesn't sit too well with me... yet. Mainly, I see the entire Republican-Democrat political spectrum as a modern-day conflict between old Rome's populist and conservative factions. Since ancient times, there have always been oligarchs who feel that they're better to rule than the masses of common people than the common people themselves. What these idiots seem to me to be, idiots like Pelosi and Frank and so forth, are just that: idiots, although idiots make the perfect pawns, I realize.

At most, this movie raises more questions than solidifies answers. What I do know is that it proves that Obama is not hope- he's merely another political talking head who says one thing, many things in fact, and does exactly the opposite.

06-03-2009, 06:06 PM
Well, the plutocratic leadership of Western societies was build up constantly over centuries. You must look at the background of this people and their connection in the USA. Plutocratic oligarchs like the Rockefellers and Morgans always had connection to the European groups and they build up a worldwide network.

The USA in itself is just a tool and nothing else, its truly just the mercenary for them or thats what it seems to become. The US power is just there to keep others down as long as there could be a serious uprising, revolt or political challenge anywhere else. A huge military machine. Thats one of the prime reasons why they keep it up even if they have costs and problems with it.

I sometimes have to think about a Golem:

In any case, the plutocratic story to success began most likely in Italy, but the most important developments took place when their methods jumped from the Netherlands to England and foundet the Bank of England. That was a pretty good base for some of the most powerful families of that time, with the city of London and largely the same families being still active.

But then the British Empire became weaker, partly probably even because of the same banking and interest system they developed, but not just because of that. The rising stars were Germany and the USA and in both nations they tried to get in, but mostly in the English speaking USA.

Their first trials to establish a Central Bank like the Bank of England in the USA were unsuccessful and we can prove historically that the family Rothschild was involved in that. But they learned at the same time they helped some ruthless family clans in the USA to reach a new level. Almost all of them were criminals and had no consciousness, tried to establish huge monopolies, "Trusts" in various economic sectors and eliminated, partly with very harsh methods, all competitors.
For being able to do so, they already corrupted the whole political system of the USA, but mostly individuals - with the founding of the Federal Reserve however, things changed because with that coup they largely bribed or even bought the whole state.

From 1913 on the USA were largely just a puppet already and everything which happened later was more or less just a logical consequence of this final takeover.

With the ability to create money and control its amount, with the government being in their dept, like some plutocratic oligarchs were in that of the Rothschilds and other European bankers, they controlled the state.

By helping the USA to become the dominant world power and financial superpower, they got their grip on the world. Now the economic power of the USA might go down the drain, but the military power is immense and financial system still works, so its a good tool - still.

They need it for the last steps with which they want to make Europe a soulless slave like most of America is today and develop total surveillance state, influence and control, especially financial control, over the rest of the world.

If you have doubts, you can control it by yourself, because one can call it "conspiration theory", but the facts speak for itself, the problem is just that most people dont know the facts or just dont care and are therefore just ignorant slaves in the end and well, thats how exactly how the plutocratic oligarchy looks at the masses, ignorant masses of stupid slaves which believe every damn lie you told them through their corrupted politicians, instituations and the mass media.

Many aspects of the plutocratic influence on the political sphere are "official", its not just about unknown lobbies, but well known instituations:

The Trilateral Commission is a private organization, established to foster closer cooperation between the United States, Europe and Japan. It was founded in July 1973, at the initiative of David Rockefeller; who was Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations at that time. The Trilateral Commission is widely seen as a counterpart to the Council on Foreign Relations.


The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an American nonpartisan foreign policy membership organization founded in 1921. Located at 58 East 68th Street (Park Avenue) in New York City, with an office in Washington, D.C. Some international journalists believe it to be 'the most influential foreign-policy think tank.' [1][2][3][4] It publishes a bi-monthly journal Foreign Affairs. It has an extensive website, featuring links to its think tank, The David Rockefeller Studies Program, other programs and projects, publications, history, biographies of notable directors and other board members, corporate members, and press releases.


The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, or Bilderberg Club is an unofficial, annual, invitation-only conference of around 130 guests, most of whom are persons of influence in the fields of politics, business, and banking. The participants talk about a variety of global issues, economic, military, and political


Needless to say that the Rockefellers, Rothschilds or some of their minions being always present.

Gold backed money is no solution, Fiat Money a great idea, the problem comes with the creation of money through debt and the whole system being privately controlled by selected group of people which dont act for the people and out of reach for the public will and control - without a huge political reform or even revolution.

I'd say look at the history of various plutocratic families in the USA, how they "made their fortune", how influential they were and are and how criminal they acted, what kind of people they were. The funniest thing about the "social system" in the USA is, that "philanthropic" organisations are oftentimes financed by individuals which made 30 billions by spilling blood and then donate one billiion to an organisation which they largely control, which controls the institution it finances and people which need it. So with that "philanthropy" they often mock the people and manipulate them, while having the image of a benevolent angel in the public media.

Thats really "funny" if you think about it, as is the direct manipulation of the policy. In fact, its laughable how stupid the people are and thats exactly what those which are adept have to think too.

In the past they often concealed their true goals much more completely then they do now, this shows us that this "world elite" thinks they are relatively secure and close to the goal, so that they dont hide themselves any more.

Its like it was with some ancient leader who always said he acted in the will of god and for an oracle, but suddenly, when feeling sure, just telling the others that they just have to follow his will, no matter what.

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty if an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries"--

David Rockefeller in an address to a Trilateral Commission meeting
in June of 1991

In fact, they said much worse things and Greenspan "is a great guy", sometimes talked the truth even while being the chairman of the Federal Reserve.

The people just lack the knowledge and view on the big picture to put things into context!

There are already institutions which could transformed into something like the Bank of England or Federal Reserve worldwide:
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- World Bank
- Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

With those institutions, which being controlled by the plutocratic oligarchy, they constantly blackmailed whole nations, forced them into further dept, totally detrimental and unsocial "reforms" and actually raped the people with money they created out of nothing and for which they get interest, exactly like in the USA.

Its no entrepreneurs controlling anything, not even the managers, its about the owners who use the money just as a tool of control, because they own so much money, its no goal for themselves any more and even if, it gets more and more by itself, through their interest rates and investments, they just need to secure that exploitative system for the next generations, if possible forever...

Think about the political parties, Hollywood, mass media - the great food producer control of corporations like Monsanto etc., everything else you might dislike or criticise being financed, or has to protected from a buy out, but who has enough money to secure or to ruin everybody? Obviously the bankers, those who control the cashflow worldwide.

If its about the consequences of such a corrupt economic system and its various forms of degeneration, Erwin Wagenhofer made a good movie about it:

This perversions are possible, because to prevent them from happening, would mean to control the financial system in a way, which would also cripple the plutocratic oligarchy. Because no mainstream politician would survive such a demand, nothing happens and the people being brainwashed with "Neoliberal" ideas.

As soon as the takeover would be complete, I dont know, but they would control it "better" than now, so that only the privileged can still exploit and make frauds, while the others live in a totalitarian and corrupt surveillance state without rights.

To get through with that, if they feel it might be "helpful" to create even more debt and control, but also later economic growth under their rule, they will even start the next World War, thats for sure, because if you look at how many of their families made their money, you know that war was their greatest business and they never had scruples...

Even at the time of the Napoleonic Wars you can observe their manipulation, but the good thing then was, most things were personal and there was a press more free than now and people more honest and brave than now, who always reported what happened. Today many things are, or at least were, especially before the World Wide Web, must better concealed and kept secret.

Most things which happened since 9-11 were just good for one group of people, namely this privileged caste, since they got away with manipulations and decisions which would have never got through otherwise. In the end, its all about the results and how much of freedom being left, how much options for a change, for getting rid of the plutocratic exploitation. If you see that potential shrinking, you know for which people it was done and about what it was about. Even the fight for the Oil being related to the back up of the inflated Dollar, so that they are able to play the game on. That was why Iraq was invaded, he could have accepted other currencies (Euro in particular) for its ressources - inacceptable. If Iran wouldnt have agreed on the compromise, they would have been bombed too. But thats not for the American people on the long run, because it just secures the plutocratic rule over them, no change in sight.

That system is sick and it must be changed!

Some facts most people, including myself, dont believe at first sight, but you have to deal with it, investigate for yourself and you will see how it works out...

06-05-2009, 01:19 AM
By Paul Craig Roberts

Democratic Majority Whip Dick Durbin acknowledged the voters’ defeat by the discredited banksters. The banks, Durbin said, “frankly own the place”.
This article says that the President and most of Congress are puppets for the Wall Street bankers. The puppets do this for the millions of dollars they will receive. It reminds me from the video that almost all of Obama's advisers are bankers.

06-05-2009, 10:21 AM
Just think about what house building, job and health programs could have been financed with all that money. But they gave it to the banks, even without any real conditions or securities. The home owners and those which tried to get some "real values", like many small investors where caught in this fraud, are left with nothing, many even homeless now, but "the system works" - yet the bank sector is not even stabilised yet and the economic base of the USA is still shrinking and the social downfall of the middle class to the lower classes and the lower classes into the slums - including Euro-Americans - goes on.

Great job. If anybody still had doubts about the true nature of the US-system, he should see it now or stay blind and politically immature.

I mentioned the candidates and institutions for a new "Federal World Bank" - well, I forgot to mention about that, that just recently and of course "because of the crisis" the IMF got the right to issuing bonds and the rules for this way to raise money on this own right being pushed through with massive pressure on other nations.

IMF will sell bonds to raise money for loans (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30407614/)

This possible bond issue was examined recently by Bloomberg.com. The Bloomberg article points to what I think is the most significant aspect that an IMF bond issue would present. I'm concerned that IMF bonds would directly compete with U.S. Treasury bonds. That possibility is fodder for a great deal of speculation.

By putting pressure on the status quo in the form of leverage sloughing via zero responsibility bonds, the IMF can gain significant sway over world development. The best part for the IMF is that their members would be footing the bill. Remember, the IMF is truly responsible for nothing.

It's no wonder that U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is pressuring the Obama administration to seek approval from Congress to contribute up to $100 billion to the IMF. Obviously, Mr. Geithner would prefer that our U.S. Treasuries continue to dominate the world bond market. An IMF-instigated bond issue could change the balance of world economic power in the blink of an eye.They've been telling you for decades that the U.S. government could never go bankrupt.


More and more deficit spending with high interest rates for the bankers, while the social and health policy being further cut down and the jobs melt away.

That the US citizens can still buy their goods as usual is largely the result of the this fraud, simple put, without it the USA would need a restart, so they are somewhat caught and I think many politicians know that very well. Its not just the corruption, but also the fact that they are seriously afraid of any real alternative, even if they would be able to get it through. Because is must mean to the US people a dramatic change in their way of life and thinking, which is so deeply corrupted that small reforms won't correct enough at all...

The future lies in a "Federal World Bank" fraud with a worldwide financial and therefore political control of the people with the big "Bulldog" still in the background, namely the US military and propaganda machine, which being kept alive even if the economy goes down the drain and society deteriorates with growing prison camps all over the country, riots here and there, no middle class alive and the military and transnational corporations in the hands of the plutocratic oligarchy being the only job and food producer in many regions.

At the end of the day the US and most of the world will be so deep in debt in the bank system and therefore plutocratic oligarchy, that it was never and can never be whether the states and people can pay it back in a "normal way" - going after the current standards. It was always about leaving this faulty kind of Central Banking System behind for a more sustainable and fair alternative system.

07-02-2009, 06:47 AM