View Full Version : Classify Otto Skorzeny

07-10-2011, 03:25 PM
An Austrian SS-Obersturmbannführer. A very skilled and intelligent man if one looks at his life.

Height: Seemed pretty tall, for his time at least.





07-10-2011, 03:34 PM
I would guess NeoDanubian + Dinaric and some Alpinoid.

07-10-2011, 03:46 PM
Norid + Osteurpoid influences.

07-10-2011, 03:49 PM
I would guess NeoDanubian + Dinaric and some Alpinoid.

Neodanubian is a dubious term.

Agrippa once told me he's a complex mixture not typical for any single type, Dinarid being in the mix. I guess Dinarid-Nordid on one side and Borreby on the other, possibly with some Dalofaelid.

He seems to have been according to sources 6'4"-193 cm, so way above average for his time.

07-10-2011, 03:55 PM
Neodanubian is a dubious term.

Agrippa once told me he's a complex mixture not typical for any single type, Dinarid being in the mix. I guess Dinarid-Nordid on one side and Borreby on the other, maybe with some Dalofaelid.

He seems to have been according to sources 6'4"-193 cm, so way above average for his time.

Neo Danubian is a Coonian terminology I know applied to proto balto slavic nordid skulls that had Lagadon influences. I think Borreby would be good but it seems that he was a West Baltid of sorts. I sometimes have quite a hard time trying to differentiate between Dalo Faelid because it appears that these two sub types coincide with each other so much.

07-10-2011, 04:01 PM
Neo Danubian is a Coonian terminology I know applied to proto balto slavic nordid skulls that had Lagadon influences. I think Borreby would be good but it seems that he was a West Baltid of sorts. I sometimes have quite a hard time trying to differentiate between Dalo Faelid because it appears that these two sub types coincide with each other so much.

Agrippa's explain it very well.

I believe that single examples might run around in Eastern Europe, but I dont think Coon was right in his view on the East as a whole.

Because as a mass phenomenon, his idea doesnt fit in. If looking at the Osteuropid spectrum (Westbaltid - Baltid - Eastbaltid), one can clearly recognise that the most typical Baltised examples are Cromagnoid derivatives and not just the result of a "Danubian - Ladogan" blend.

Actually Coon's concept of "the Danubians" doesnt even work for the Nordid evolution, nor in prehistoric groups.

Its one of the weakest points in his whole work, besides him considering the Arabids being the "purest Mediterraneans" and of course, his classic, "Bruenn" and "Borreby", all "Upper Palaeolithics" being not pure sapien, but the result of a sapiens-Neandertal blend on a large scale.

He made very valuable descriptions of various people with statistical informations and some interesting insights, a great work for his time overall, but he was just wrong in some respects.

07-10-2011, 04:02 PM
Agrippa pretty explain it very well.

Yes he gave the terminology a name although this decision was based off sparse and limited information namely the Neo Danubian type was not common enough supposedly to be called a type proper.

07-10-2011, 04:39 PM
Neodanubian is a dubious term.

Agrippa once told me he's a complex mixture not typical for any single type, Dinarid being in the mix. I guess Dinarid-Nordid on one side and Borreby on the other, possibly with some Dalofaelid.

He seems to have been according to sources 6'4"-193 cm, so way above average for his time.

The reason I put him up for classification is that his phenotype is very unique and hard to define. He would be considered very tall nowadays even, in his time his height compared to the average wouldn't differ much from a 2 meter tall man today.

alzo zero
07-11-2011, 05:43 PM
Slightly alpinized Atlantid-Norid.

07-11-2011, 05:50 PM
Norid - borreby?

07-14-2012, 08:03 PM

11-14-2018, 10:33 PM
Dinarid with some minor borreby or faelid