View Full Version : Classify Mexican

Carlito's Way
08-23-2019, 04:33 AM
She is from Chihuahua but lives in Texas


08-23-2019, 04:36 AM
Mexican/anglo decendent?

08-23-2019, 04:39 AM
Nordid. Looks gringa.

Enviado de meu SM-G610M usando o Tapatalk

Carlito's Way
08-23-2019, 04:43 AM
Mexican/anglo decendent?

nope, 100% mexican of colonial stock
I have her dna results, I will post her video later

Carlito's Way
08-23-2019, 04:44 AM
Nordid. Looks gringa.

Enviado de meu SM-G610M usando o Tapatalk

her brother looks like a Mennonite, i actually wouldve guessed him to be one
but they dont have northern euro ancestry

08-23-2019, 06:52 AM
Looks English

Carlito's Way
08-24-2019, 04:17 AM
Looks English

never wouldve guessed her as english
my stereotypical image of english people wont let meeeee

although she can pass as a white american very well, so i guess you are right

03-02-2020, 11:29 PM
Min 4:00


Daco Celtic
03-02-2020, 11:39 PM
Irish, they are very similar to Mexican in behavior but lighter

03-02-2020, 11:41 PM
Irish, they are very similar to Mexican in behavior but lighter

She and her family are probably Mexican Mennonites decends from other Canadian and Germanic that settled in northern Mexico around 1920s

03-02-2020, 11:43 PM
She and her family are probably Mexican Mennonites decends from other Canadian and Germanic that settled in northern Mexico around 1920s

Diferent from Mexico's common caucasian stock: Med/Berid/Alpine.

03-02-2020, 11:46 PM
Diferent from Mexico's common caucasian stock: Med/Berid/Alpine.

There's was Mennonites settlement in the state .

Largest population in Chihuahua state


03-02-2020, 11:49 PM
There's was Mennonites settlement in the state .

Largest population in Chihuahua state


These are probably the last renmants of pure white Mexicans, since they tend to live isolated from Mexican society, I think.

03-02-2020, 11:51 PM
These are probably the last renmants of pure white Mexicans, since they tend to live isolated from Mexican society, I think.

Yes, around 200,000 have left Mexico and migrated to Bolivia lol Bolivians would be we are being invaded by Nazis:P

Daco Celtic
03-02-2020, 11:52 PM
She and her family are probably Mexican Mennonites decends from other Canadian and Germanic that settled in northern Mexico around 1920s

Yeah, I think some Mormons also moved into Northern Mexico around that time, including Mitt's Romney's family.

03-03-2020, 03:37 AM
I also would guess Mennonite.

03-03-2020, 03:53 AM
Omg; she has a lot of european (95-96%) specially because she is from colonial blood!

03-03-2020, 04:08 AM
Con total seguridad no es colonial.