View Full Version : Textbook Caspid ?

08-23-2019, 11:01 AM
https://scontent-frx5-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/e35/15043470_1134812326566106_2419241398642409472_n.jp g?_nc_ht=scontent-frx5-1.cdninstagram.com&oh=e72b5913a3b71f99affd757391fea10f&oe=5DF81D79&ig_cache_key=MTM4MzU2OTAzNjQ2MjEzMzg1Mw%3D%3D.2

08-23-2019, 11:03 AM
In east europe she would be taken for Gypsy.

08-23-2019, 11:10 AM
In east europe she would be taken for Gypsy.

what can I say... Even many people call me a gypsy

08-23-2019, 11:11 AM
what can I say... Even many people call me a gypsy

You don't look Gypsy, you look (east) Balkan.

08-23-2019, 11:15 AM
what can I say... Even many people call me a gypsy

nothing gypsy about u...u look south moldovian

08-23-2019, 11:22 AM
More like Indo-Alpine

08-23-2019, 11:22 AM
You don't look Gypsy, you look (east) Balkan.

Yeah but some people think if you dark pigmented you definitely have gypsy and jewish ancestry , it's funny...
but Gypsies people are included in the big family racial group indo-mediterranean which Pontids also include.

We are all Pontids a little gypsy

08-23-2019, 11:23 AM
More like Indo-Alpine

She is Azeri

08-23-2019, 11:25 AM
In east europe she would be taken for Gypsy.

Would she? I think she just looks Turkish. I have also found her Instagram and she's Azeri. I will be honest and say I would not take her as a gypsy because she looks too pretty.

08-23-2019, 11:27 AM
She is Azeri

I am not so good at classifications, but I think she looks a bit atypical for an Azeri.

08-23-2019, 11:28 AM
Would she? I think she just looks Turkish. I have also found her Instagram and she's Azeri. I will be honest and say I would not take her as a gypsy because she looks too pretty.

That sounds like bullshit because you are implying all Gypsies are ugly which is plain racism tbh, and incorrect. She has something Indian in my view, or at least Persian (who have south asian admixture)

08-23-2019, 11:33 AM
That sounds like bullshit because you are implying all Gypsies are ugly which is plain racism tbh, and incorrect. She has something Indian in my view, or at least Persian (who have south asian admixture)

I did not imply that all Gypsies are ugly, though I did imply that the average Gypsy woman is not the prettiest. I don't know about the South Asian part I feel she is quite West Asian/Turanid in her figure. I did see her other pictures on instagram so I am biased here.

08-23-2019, 11:39 AM
I am not so good at classifications, but I think she looks a bit atypical for an Azeri.
This Azerbaijani miss Ukraine 2015 it's not much different to her


08-23-2019, 11:43 AM
Yeah but some people think if you dark pigmented you definitely have gypsy and jewish ancestry , it's funny...
but Gypsies people are included in the big family racial group indo-mediterranean which Pontids also include.

We are all Pontids a little gypsy

Mediterranean people don't have south asian influences in their look, pontids even less. there are gypsies lighter pigmented than some native europeans but they still look gypsy.

08-23-2019, 11:51 AM

You can see the Turanid, I don't see her as highly atypical, just darker.

08-23-2019, 11:59 AM
Mediterranean people don't have south asian influences in their look, pontids even less. there are gypsies lighter pigmented than some native europeans but they still look gypsy.

Anthropological structure is very similar common to Indit and mediterranid

08-23-2019, 02:15 PM
what can I say... Even many people call me a gypsy

I think you look normal for what you say you are

For Iranian people this is not an atypical look

08-23-2019, 02:18 PM

You can see the Turanid, I don't see her as highly atypical, just darker.

I din't see Turanid at all. Just a typical "Middle Eastern" woman

08-23-2019, 03:23 PM
what can I say... Even many people call me a gypsy

You are a Gypsy, and a wannabe West Asian.

08-23-2019, 04:00 PM
no definetly not textbook caspid.

08-23-2019, 04:13 PM
I think you look normal for what you say you are

For Iranian people this is not an atypical look

Its because my Ancestry mixed a lot of times with Balto-Slavic people in Black sea Steppe.

For example, try mixing the Iranian men with Caspian race and the Ukrainian women with Baltid or North Pontid race .... You get an intermediate type Pontid like me

08-23-2019, 04:21 PM
Its because my Ancestry mixed a lot of times with Balto-Slavic people in Black sea Steppe.

For example, try mixing the Iranian men with Caspian race and the Ukrainian women with Baltid or North Pontid race .... You get an intermediate type Pontid like me

Please remove the Turk tag from your profile you stupid gypsy.

08-23-2019, 04:40 PM
Please remove the Turk tag from your profile you stupid gypsy.

I delete then, when do you asking your mama for permission to do it

The One
08-23-2019, 04:48 PM
She looks ssa admixed

08-23-2019, 04:53 PM
She looks ssa admixed

what do you mean