View Full Version : Turkish mtDNA

08-29-2019, 09:52 AM
Do anyone has charts or informations about Turkish mtDNAs? If you do, could you tell me? 'Cause I wanna learn about Turkish mtDNAs and how many Mongoloid and Caucasoid mtDNAs in Turkish people. A study showed there's 7% Mongoloid Turkish mtDNAs and others are Caucasoid. And the same study showed Mongoloid Y-DNAs among Turkish people are 4%. :confused:

08-29-2019, 10:48 AM

08-29-2019, 11:09 AM

Thank you so much :o but it's not shown Mongoloid mtdnas

I've also seen a user's mtdna and y-dna(her father's) results at Anthrogenica, her mtdna result was C4a1 and father's ydna result was R1b1b2a. And another user's mtdna was H14a and ydna was Q-Y16849. So are there much Central Asian mtdna than Central Asian ydna? Or it's vice versa? Because a study showed that there are more Mongoloid mtdna than Mongoloid ydna in Turkish people? :confused:

That study:


08-29-2019, 11:35 AM
Thank you so much :o but it's not shown Mongoloid mtdnas

I've also seen a user's mtdna and y-dna(her father's) results at Anthrogenica, her mtdna result was C4a1 and father's ydna result was R1b1b2a. And another user's mtdna was H14a and ydna was Q-Y16849. So are there much Central Asian mtdna than Central Asian ydna? Or it's vice versa? Because a study showed that there are more Mongoloid mtdna than Mongoloid ydna in Turkish people? :confused:

That study:


You're welcome :o IMO, Anatolian Turks' MT-DNA have more Central Asian affinity than their Y-DNA. In the 8. page of the PDF, it shows the distance between Turkish MT-DNA and Central Asian MT-DNA is low. As for Turkish Y-DNA, seems it is heavily affected by CHG males (J haplogroups) and this might be the reason why Anatolian Turkish Y-DNA is more Caucasoid than Anatolian Turkish MT-DNA

08-29-2019, 11:40 AM
mongoloid caucasoid etc is anthropological terms , genes are not skulls which you can classify.

however, there you go

08-29-2019, 04:43 PM
mongoloid caucasoid etc is anthropological terms , genes are not skulls which you can classify.

however, there you go

I know, I just wanted to mean Asian and Caucasian mtDNAs

Btw, thank you :o

10-13-2019, 02:23 AM
I am Korean
My mtDNA is N9a2a

아이고~~~또 다른 한국인! 안녕하세요.

10-13-2019, 01:30 PM
방갑습니다 ㅋㅋ
한글로 써도 괜찮아요?
제가 블로그 운영중인데
블로그 올려되나요?

솔직히 말하면, 나는 그리스인이다. 하지만 포항에서 태어났다. 나는 서울에서 자랐다. 여기서 한국인을 보게 되어 기쁘다 진짜!

10-13-2019, 01:52 PM
제가 여기 가입하게 된 계기가 ?
제가 운영하는 하플로그룹 블로그 통계 자료에
이 사이트가 올라와있더라구요 ㅎㄷㄷ
그래서 들어가보니 이 사이트인데;;

Shubotai 라는분이 일본인 관련 글을 올렸더라구요
링크 타고 여기로 왔네요

이분은 제 블로그 또는 저희팀이 만든 하플로그룹 관련 맵들
무단으로 사용했습니다..

아니면 출처라도 남겨주던지... 무단으로 사용했네요
가만 보니 Shubotai분 조회를 해보니깐 좀 수상면이 좀 많더라구요

국적은 몽골인데
관련 글들은 모두 일본인 관련 글이던데
그리고 이분 이 남긴 글중에 맨 아래 란허? 라는 사이트가 있던데요
란허 사이트는 중국에서 운영하는 하플로그룹 사이트 입니다.

몽골 국적인데...
중국 란허 사이트?
그리고 일본관련 글만 올리는게 좀 수상해서요

솔직히 말하면, 나는 그리스인이다. 하지만 포항에서 태어났다. 나는 서울에서 자랐다. 여기서 한국인을 보게 되어 기쁘다 진짜!


Petros Houhoulis
10-13-2019, 02:23 PM
솔직히 말하면, 나는 그리스인이다. 하지만 포항에서 태어났다. 나는 서울에서 자랐다. 여기서 한국인을 보게 되어 기쁘다 진짜!

Are you Scholarios Chiotis in disguise or what?

10-13-2019, 02:32 PM
Are you Scholarios Chiotis in disguise or what?

I heard that guy lives in Korea. Weird coincidence lol. I think he asked me about it once but he's not very active anymore looks like