View Full Version : People from Minas Gerais

Tenma de Pegasus
09-02-2019, 09:03 PM
Do you consider Minas Gerais a very average brazilian state? Even in HDI and GDP!


Tenma de Pegasus
09-03-2019, 12:44 AM
Any opinion?

09-03-2019, 01:33 AM
A diverse bunch, but clearly more Euro shifted, lot's of whites in the crowd.

Tenma de Pegasus
09-03-2019, 10:27 PM
A diverse bunch, but clearly more Euro shifted, lot's of whites in the crowd.

Latinus, do you think Minas Gerais is an very average brazilian state in economy, development and racially? Or do you think there is other state more typical brazilian than Minas? If so, which one?

09-03-2019, 11:34 PM
Latinus, do you think Minas Gerais is an very average brazilian state in economy, development and racially? Or do you think there is other state more typical brazilian than Minas? If so, which one?

Hum... not sure. Culturally speaking, I would say Minas Gerais is Pred-Portuguese, and Portuguese culture is the default in Brazil, even if some regions have a strong African or Amerindian influence.
Racially: I think Minas Gerais is mainly white, pardo + black, so I think it's a bit lighter than the Brazilian average, because it's one of the whitest states in the second whitest region (percentage).
Development and economically: it's one of the richest states of the richest region, with one of the highest HDI, so I would say a bit above Brazilian average.

I think Minas Gerais is the most Portuguese state in Brazil, the architecture is very Portuguese and immigration from Portugal was strong there, I would say, like Rio, their Euro stock is super Portuguese.

Tenma de Pegasus
09-04-2019, 01:54 AM
Hum... not sure. Culturally speaking, I would say Minas Gerais is Pred-Portuguese, and Portuguese culture is the default in Brazil, even if some regions have a strong African or Amerindian influence.
Racially: I think Minas Gerais is mainly white, pardo + black, so I think it's a bit lighter than the Brazilian average, because it's one of the whitest states in the second whitest region (percentage).
Development and economically: it's one of the richest states of the richest region, with one of the highest HDI, so I would say a bit above Brazilian average.

I think Minas Gerais is the most Portuguese state in Brazil, the architecture is very Portuguese and immigration from Portugal was strong there, I would say, like Rio, their Euro stock is super Portuguese.

But dont you think Southeast is the most representative part of Brazil with its over 80 milion people?

Also Minas Gerais richness, that is pretty considerable, is lower than Brazils average richness.

Minas Gerais gdp per capta 25.000 and Brazil its 30.000
https://pt.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lista_de_unidades_federativas_do_Brasil_por_PIB_pe r_capita

The development index is also pretty closer to the national average:

Also Minas Gerais has extremely similar proportions of Whites, pardos and blacks when compared to Brazil. But white mineiros are too portuguese compared to the average white brazilian.

Others states that could be averages for Brazil are Goiás and Espírito Santo IMO. ES even have its own "Southern Brazil".

Anyway, its good and a honor to think how Brazil average is like an magficent state like MG and thank you for your opinion.

PS: Minas Gerais is our brazilian Texas!

09-04-2019, 02:02 AM
Lots of whites, for what I could see in the video. Sothern Euro looking for the most part.

09-04-2019, 02:06 AM
But dont you think Southeast is the most representative part of Brazil with its over 80 milion people?

Also Minas Gerais richness, that is pretty considerable, is lower than Brazils average richness.

Minas Gerais gdp per capta 25.000 and Brazil its 30.000
https://pt.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lista_de_unidades_federativas_do_Brasil_por_PIB_pe r_capita

The development index is also pretty closer to the national average:

Also Minas Gerais has extremely similar proportions of Whites, pardos and blacks when compared to Brazil. But white mineiros are too portuguese compared to the average white brazilian.

Others states that could be averages for Brazil are Goiás and Espírito Santo IMO. ES even have its own "Southern Brazil".

Anyway, its good and a honor to think how Brazil average is like an magficent state like MG and thank you for your opinion.

PS: Minas Gerais is our brazilian Texas!

Yes, it's the most populous, so the most representative for Brazil. But when you say "Also Minas Gerais has extremely similar proportions of Whites, pardos and blacks when compared to Brazil", what do you mean? Compared to the other regions/states all together or individually?
Minas Gerais is, for example, whiter than all Northern and Northeastern states individually, but also less white than SP and the Southern states.

Tenma de Pegasus
09-04-2019, 02:15 AM
Yes, it's the most populous, so the most representative for Brazil. But when you say "Also Minas Gerais has extremely similar proportions of Whites, pardos and blacks when compared to Brazil", what do you mean? Compared to the other regions/states all together or individually?
Minas Gerais is, for example, whiter than all Northern and Northeastern states individually, but also less white than SP and the Southern states.

Its like whites are 48% in Brazil and 45% in Minas Gerais
Pardos are 43% in Brazil and 44% in Minas Gerais
Blacks are 7% in Brazil and 9% in Minas gerais

I was talking what state is the most representative of Brazil and Minas, Goiás and Espírito Santo were the most discussed. Of course it was a informal conversation, people were just debating to pass time and to curiosity.

09-04-2019, 02:28 AM
But your percentage, even if not literal, is not correct, Brazil is not a white majority country, pardos are more common than whites. I would say only the Southern states have a white majority, I think not even SP is majority white.
Brazil is, genetically speaking, pred-Euro in all regions of the country, but whites are not the majority of the population, but a sizable minority spread all over the country, that's why a Berid or Gracile-Med is not perceived as exotic even in the less European regions.

Enviado de meu SM-G610M usando o Tapatalk

Tenma de Pegasus
09-04-2019, 10:33 AM
But your percentage, even if not literal, is not correct, Brazil is not a white majority country, pardos are more common than whites. I would say only the Southern states have a white majority, I think not even SP is majority white.
Brazil is, genetically speaking, pred-Euro in all regions of the country, but whites are not the majority of the population, but a sizable minority spread all over the country, that's why a Berid or Gracile-Med is not perceived as exotic even in the less European regions.

Enviado de meu SM-G610M usando o Tapatalk

I got your point, but I had the ideia of this thread with non apricity users, so we were using official information to simplify and padronize opinions.

09-08-2019, 12:05 AM
Its like whites are 48% in Brazil and 45% in Minas Gerais
Pardos are 43% in Brazil and 44% in Minas Gerais
Blacks are 7% in Brazil and 9% in Minas gerais

I was talking what state is the most representative of Brazil and Minas, Goiás and Espírito Santo were the most discussed. Of course it was a informal conversation, people were just debating to pass time and to curiosity.

I don't think census data reflects well Minas Gerais racial composition, it's certainly whiter than the Brazilian average. Going by genetic studies there's not much difference between Southern/Central parts of Minas Gerais (the most populated parts) and São Paulo, but MG has less self-declared whites (60% vs 45%). It's probably due to having less recent European immigrants and a very solidified notion that Europeans are all blond and blue eyed.

Minas Gerais and maybe Espírito Santo are rare cases in Brazil of people self-declaring in the census as less white/European than what they truly are.