View Full Version : Classify Anti Democratic UK 'Liberal Democrat' Politician

♥ Lily ♥
09-07-2019, 04:44 AM
Layla Moran.

She has a British father and a Christian-Palestinian mother from Jerusalem. Her great-grandfather was the Palestinian writer Wasif Jawhariyyeh, who published extensive memoirs.

Moran describes herself as a British-Palestinian.

She called the UK leader 'a dictator' (even though he's currently powerless in parliament,) after he requested for a democratic General Election (which her party (along with Labour) blocked in a parliamentary vote this week, preventing the oppressed UK people from having an election.... yet demands a second referendum on leaving the EU.) They call others these names to deflect and hide what they are.

She belongs to a party called 'Liberal Democrats' (who have anti-democratically voted in parliament this week (against the wishes of the UK government and UK people,) to pass new legislation to block the UK peoples democratic vote to leave the EU in a new law they've put forward, in their authoritarian grab of democracy and their coup and seizure of power from the UK government and UK people.)

The Lib Dem's Scottish leader stated, 'If even more people vote to leave the EU in a second UK referendum, the Lib Dems will still disrespect the votes of the majority of people and will campaign to block it anyway,' and will demand a third referendum. (Telling us again that the majority of peoples votes are irrelevant and don't matter to politicians - as politicians will ignore the votes and behave above the people.)

Her party have stated that females who commit crimes shouldn't be sent to prison. They say they want equall rights... but how is it 'equal' and not sexist for female criminals not to be sent to jail? :icon_ask:

Layla Moran this week... 25:54





Knight Slayer
09-07-2019, 04:49 AM

09-07-2019, 08:10 AM
North Atlantid + Assyroid.

09-07-2019, 08:19 AM
I would be surprised if she supported the British cause as a part-mena. These mutts usually have no loyalty to their nations and thend to be "internationalists"

Her party have stated that females who commit crimes shouldn't be sent to prison. :puke

09-07-2019, 08:42 AM
Their base doesn't support Brexit so its fair that they represent them

09-07-2019, 09:45 AM
Damn that gummy smile...

09-07-2019, 10:25 AM
she's so ugly. her face screams "feminist wacko"

09-07-2019, 10:41 AM
she's so ugly. her face screams "feminist wacko"
How can you say such things about women? All women are superior princesses no matter how they look and how much they weight, they are superior divine creatures supreme to inferior men! Its natural, you should accept it. Look its all men who built the civilization - scientists, construction workers, inventors, coal miners etc - they all do this to serve for a women, to make a comfortable life for female species, while our female princesses would mate with rich capitalists fucks and criminal marginals. Isn’t that a sign of female supremacy?
And you should open your eyes, i bet you just an angry loser incel, look at how beatiful Laylah Moron is:

https://i.ibb.co/Byn3fxv/2-D9-CC774-5-BBB-4-C3-F-ACA2-DEF555-F7-F599.jpg (https://ibb.co/K2Kh5kB)