View Full Version : Classify Swedish men from Northern Småland

09-08-2019, 12:51 PM
Ignore the immigrant with black hair

09-08-2019, 02:01 PM
Even without the black haired one, not very Nordic.

09-08-2019, 02:02 PM
Borrebies and Trønder.

09-08-2019, 02:03 PM
Even without the black haired one, not very Nordic.

What do they look like?

09-08-2019, 02:06 PM
What do they look like?
Chubby Irishmen. They don't seem to be the very dolichocephalic ones. I have no idea about regional differences in phenotypes in Sweden.

09-08-2019, 02:11 PM

09-08-2019, 02:21 PM
Chubby Irishmen. They don't seem to be the very dolichocephalic ones. I have no idea about regional differences in phenotypes in Sweden.

I made these morphs of teams in the FIFA World Cup 2018 (https://www.fifa.com/worldcup/teams/). The Scandinavian morph looks like it has the widest and the most round head:


Out of the morphs of the individual teams, the Swedish and Icelandic morphs look like they have the most round head:


Northern Europeans who are more leptoprosopic look more woggy and Southern Europeans who are more euryprosopic look more white. Out of the morphs above, the Polish morph has about as light eye color as the Swedish morph, but it still looks less white because its head is narrower.

09-08-2019, 02:30 PM
I made these morphs of teams in the FIFA World Cup 2018 (https://www.fifa.com/worldcup/teams/). The Scandinavian morph looks like it has the widest and the most round head:

Out of the morphs of the individual teams, the Swedish and Icelandic morphs look like they have the most round head:

Northern Europeans who are more leptoprosopic look more woggy and Southern Europeans who are more euryprosopic look more white. Out of the morphs above, the Polish morph has about as light eye color as the Swedish morph, but it still looks less white because its head is narrower.

You can't tell a round head from the front you fucking moron.

09-08-2019, 03:17 PM
You can't tell a round head from the front you fucking moron.

I was talking about facial index and not cephalic index, even though you can pretty much tell the cephalic index from the front too:


I'm honored to receive your second thumbs down ever. Tack så mycket.

The One
09-08-2019, 03:48 PM
I made these morphs of teams in the FIFA World Cup 2018 (https://www.fifa.com/worldcup/teams/). The Scandinavian morph looks like it has the widest and the most round head:


Out of the morphs of the individual teams, the Swedish and Icelandic morphs look like they have the most round head:


Northern Europeans who are more leptoprosopic look more woggy and Southern Europeans who are more euryprosopic look more white. Out of the morphs above, the Polish morph has about as light eye color as the Swedish morph, but it still looks less white because its head is narrower.

What did you use to create these morphs

09-08-2019, 04:24 PM
What did you use to create these morphs

I used this Python package: https://pypi.org/project/facemorpher/. I originally posted the morphs to ABF: http://www.forumbiodiversity.com/showthread.php?t=51155.

Here's also morphs I made of hockey players who either have a round face (low facial index) or an elongated face (high facial index). I think the morphs with a low facial index looks more Northern European, even if you ignore hair color and eye color. They also have a broader and shorter nose.


The Nordid morphs at humanphenotypes.net have a narrow head, because they have been hand-picked to match classification schemes, but that's not actually what Scandinavians look like.

09-08-2019, 04:32 PM
I used this Python package: https://pypi.org/project/facemorpher/. I originally posted the morphs to ABF: http://www.forumbiodiversity.com/showthread.php?t=51155.

Here's also morphs I made of hockey players who either have a round face (low facial index) or an elongated face (high facial index). I think the morphs with a low facial index looks more Northern European, even if you ignore hair color and eye color. They also have a broader and shorter nose.

The Nordid morphs at humanphenotypes.net have a narrow head, because they have been hand-picked to match classification schemes, but that's not actually what Scandinavians look like.

Do you realize the team is from all over the country and that you even included a finnish player? That's not accurate to describe Scandinavians at all, and we are definitely long-faced, you disgusting Finnish Mongol. You can't make phenotypes from a soccer team.

Finns will never be white, no matter how many lies you spread about other peoples.

The One
09-08-2019, 04:49 PM
Do you realize the team is from all over the country and that you even included a finnish player? That's not accurate to describe Scandinavians at all, and we are definitely long-faced, you disgusting Finnish Mongol. You can't make phenotypes from a soccer team.

Finns will never be white, no matter how many lies you spread about other peoples.

Tbh I gotta agree with one thing football/“soccer team” morphs are useless these days

09-08-2019, 04:55 PM
Do you realize the team is from all over the country and that you even included a finnish player? That's not accurate to describe Scandinavians at all, and we are definitely long-faced, you disgusting Finnish Mongol. You can't make phenotypes from a soccer team.

Finns will never be white, no matter how many lies you spread about other peoples.

I didn't bother trying to exclude immigrants from other white countries, because I made morphs like that of thousands of players.

A bigger problem with those morphs is that their source images aren't taken under standardized conditions, so differences in head shape are caused by differences in the angle, distance, and focal length of the camera.

The genetic distances between Swedish subpopulations are tiny, and even the distance between Swedes and the British or Germans is smaller than the distance between Eastern Finns and Western Finns (https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0016747):


Scandinavians do look more woggy than Finns, because you have narrower heads, and you have about 10 percentage points higher EEF admixture. It still doesn't mean that you would have narrow heads by overall European standards.

I'm a weeb so I'm happy when Finns are called Mongoloid or not white.

09-08-2019, 05:03 PM
I didn't bother trying to exclude immigrants from other white countries, because I made morphs like that of thousands of players.

A bigger problem with those morphs is that their source images aren't taken under standardized conditions, so differences in head shape are caused by differences in the angle, distance, and focal length of the camera.

The genetic variation even between Scandinavians and the British or Germans is smaller than the genetic variation between Eastern Finns and Western Finns (https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0016747):

Scandinavians do look more woggy than Finns, because you have narrower heads, and you have about 10 percentage points higher EEF admixture. It still doesn't mean that you would have narrow heads by overall European standards.

I'm a weeb so I'm happy when Finns are called Mongoloid or not white.

What is the point in morphing together everyone into a huge blob instead of measuring everyone and sort them into categories AND THEN you can actually compare them. Same goes for genetics and small sample sizes.



Yes Scandinavians are more ENF, about the same size you are Siberian Mongoloid admixed.


09-08-2019, 05:34 PM
What is the point in morphing together everyone into a huge blob instead of measuring everyone and sort them into categories AND THEN you can actually compare them. Same goes for genetics and small sample sizes.


Yes Scandinavians are more ENF, about the same size you are Siberian Mongoloid admixed.

The combined population of Norrbotten and Västerbotten is about 5% of the total population of Sweden. It's unlikely that a Swedish sports team is going to have that many players with significant Finnish or Saami ancestry.

Here's morphs of Sweden's and Finland's team in four hockey world championship tournaments from 2019 (men's, women's, men's U18, and women's U18):


In the men's tournament, the Finnish morph looks like it has a more rectangular face, so that it has better definition of the cheekbones and jawbone.

In the men's U18 tournament, the Finnish morph looks like it has a narrower head than the Swedish morph, but I don't know if it's because of the angle, distance, or focal length of the camera.

In both the men's and women's U18 tournament, the Swedish morph looks more like its nose is pointed up, but I think it's because the photos were taken at a lower angle.

09-08-2019, 05:44 PM
The combined population of Norrbotten and Västerbotten is about 5% of the total population of Sweden. It's unlikely that a Swedish sports team is going to have that many players with Finnish or Saami admixture.

Here's morphs of Sweden's and Finland's team in four hockey world championship tournaments from 2019 (men's, women's, men's U18, and women's U18):

In the men's tournament, the Finnish morph looks like it has a taller head, but it also looks like it has better definition of the cheekbones and jawbone.

In the men's U18 tournament, the Finnish morph looks like it has a narrower head than the Swedish morph, but I don't know if it's because of the angle, distance, or focal length of the camera.

In both the men's and women's U18 tournament, the Swedish morph looks more like its nose is pointed up, but I think it's because the photos were taken at a lower angle.

Of course you have to take into account all Mongoloid traits, Finns don't have a frontal lobe, your foreheads are inclined, typically like Slavic people but much more extreme. There's a lot of things you won't see in such a picture. Maybe you should do a morph of profile shots. That Finnish morph could easily pass anywhere in Eastern Europe as a Slav, you can't say the same for the Swede because he has a smooth Western face.

Finn with completely flat face:

Here's some more for your collection.

09-08-2019, 05:59 PM
Finn with completely flat face:

"Completely flat face" = someone who has good bone structure and who doesn't have a weak reduced wog skull.

Here's some more for your collection.

You're really hurting me, because my type is chinky-looking Finnish chicks like this:


Edit: Lol, did you change the "Politics" part of your profile back to "Anti-Mongoloid" from "Anti-Brachycephaly"?

09-09-2019, 05:25 PM
That's not accurate to describe Scandinavians at all, and we are definitely long-faced, you disgusting Finnish Mongol.

I made these morphs of the teams in the 2019 Women's CEV Volleyball European Championship (https://www.cev.eu/Competition-Area/competition.aspx?ID=1053&PID=1578).

The morphs of the Scandinavian countries, Germany, and Netherlands all have a fairly round face. However for example Russia's morph has a more narrow elliptical face.

Out of the morphs for different regions at the end of the image, the Southern European, Balkanese, and non-European morphs have the narrowest head. The Scandinavian morph maybe even has the most round face.


BTW, I think that Sweden had overall the nicest-looking team in the tournament. Many of the Swedish players look chinky, because they have a wide skull, big teeth, or narrow eyes that are slanted inwards. If the Swedish team would have narrow heads like the Southern European or Israeli teams, it would look ugly like wogs and Jews.

Here's all the players of the Swedish team. Not that many narrow-headed hyperleptorrhine Hallstatts. I excluded the one black chick from the morphs. Some of the other players have English, Dutch, German, and Serbian surnames, but I didn't exclude them.
