View Full Version : Classify Russian girl living in Sweden

09-08-2019, 01:26 PM

09-08-2019, 01:32 PM
Erzya - Aryan people

09-08-2019, 06:18 PM
Baltid+North Pontid

06-20-2022, 02:20 PM
North Atlantid

Can pass as native Brit

06-21-2022, 03:33 AM

06-21-2022, 05:18 AM
North Pontid

06-21-2022, 05:40 AM
looks South Polish, West Ukrainian, Romanian, Serb.

mostly Dinaric

06-21-2022, 07:23 AM
looks South Polish, West Ukrainian, Romanian, Serb.

mostly Dinaric

You ain't no anthropologist dude


06-21-2022, 10:55 AM
Would fit good as a German.

Would not pass as a native Brit on the pic with the red lips f. i., as she has visible east baltid influence. Too "northern" for fitting well in Czechia.

looks South Polish, West Ukrainian, Romanian, Serb. (...)


06-21-2022, 11:42 AM
You ain't no anthropologist dude

you arent either kid, posting a front pic to describe Dinaric- going by this Robert lewandowski is a perfect Dinaric etc. while he is a mesocephlic North Pontid/ North Atlantid if Western- by Bunak, the guy that coined this silly terms anyway.

Would fit good as a German.

Would not pass as a native Brit on the pic with the red lips f. i., as she has visible east baltid influence. Too "northern" for fitting well in Czechia.


Lol, East Baltic because of round cheeks- maybe exactly why people should not use pics from Günther as some kind of reference. She def. could pass as Czech, if you refer about an "average" phentoype its too theoretical, nobody is a walking average. in fact there are real East Baltic types in Czechia occasionally. Op features are more southern for her geographlical position- if you would analyze feautures of Meds and not just go with pigmentation. I wonder however you did not see "sad Dinaric eyes" this time.

06-21-2022, 12:04 PM
Passionate argument about phenotypes. Someone should call upon Septentrion to clear this up.

She doesn't really pass in Czechia, not as a native anyway. I sometimes see crowds of women just like her and they speak Russian, Ukrainian or something like that. If I saw her in here and wanted to ask something or whatever, I'd go with English.

06-21-2022, 12:18 PM
you arent either kid

Sorry, old demented man

posting a front pic to describe Dinaric

It's a prepared Dinaric template, for retards like yourself

going by this Robert lewandowski is a perfect Dinaric etc. while he is a mesocephlic North Pontid/ North Atlantid if Western- by Bunak

I don't know why you like to bring up Robert Lewandoski so much

Do you have a gay love?

She def. could pass as Czech

If rothaer said she is too "northern" for Czechia, but normal for Germany, then she is

I don't see any other reason he could say that

06-21-2022, 12:28 PM
I don't know why you like to bring up Robert Lewandoski so much

pictures do not tell everything, especially from Günther, and especially when maybe other views are more important for some "phenotypes" or even simply metrical data. metrical data can be more valueable than pictures.

and i cant remeber ever talking about Lewandowski before. its again just another arguemnt why posting pics of single indivuduals not really convincing "Dinaric" " North Atlantid", Berberid or whatever.

passing opinions are simply opinions, i hardly care about opinions from other users whom i do not respect. i do not value neither yours nor rothaers anthropological knowledge tbh that much. At least, rothaer seems to be a nice guy, and you are a puppet

06-21-2022, 12:33 PM
At least, rothaer seems to be a nice guy, and you are a puppet


06-21-2022, 12:44 PM

she would be safer in Russia than in Swedistan the capital of rape of white women

07-01-2022, 08:07 PM
she would be safer in Russia than in Swedistan the capital of rape of white women

It's a myth, they just count "harassing" as a rape in Swedish statistics.