View Full Version : Scientists find a 'super Earth' with WATER 110 light-years away in world-first discovery

09-11-2019, 05:53 PM
Scientists find a 'super Earth' with WATER 110 light-years away in world-first discovery - and say it could have the conditions to support life


Scientists find WATER on a planet 110 light years from Earth
Scientists from University College London have discovered water vapour on the exoplanet K2-18b, which is twice the size of Earth and eight times the mass, and say it's the right temperature for life. The exoplanet was first spotted in 2015 by Nasa's Kepler spacecraft but analysis of data has revealed new details not seen on a super-Earth before. It is about 110 light years away. K2-18b is too far away for astronomers to see, but they can look at how starlight is filtered through the planet's atmosphere as it passes around its own sun, called K2-18. First author Dr Angelos Tsiaras said: 'It's the only planet outside our solar system that we know has the correct temperature, an atmosphere and water.'


09-11-2019, 05:56 PM
Really cool:

'Of course, K2-18b is not a second Earth,' Dr Tsiaras added, 'because it is a planet that is much bigger and has a different atmospheric composition.

I wish we can make major advances in space traveling in about 20 years