View Full Version : About dreams, and feel free to post some of your dreams aswell...

03-14-2009, 11:32 PM
One thing that got me thinking about dreams big time was the video game Assassins Creed where ancestral memories are supposedly encoded into your DNA and you can tap into them with deep sleep(in the game this was induced by a machine) well #1 I'm curious if a concept like that could be a reality and #2 I've been having some reoccurring dreams that I'd like some more information on/interpretation if possible. Feel free to post your own odd dreams and your thoughts on the subject of "ancestral memories"

(I've posted this one before, but it's the most interesting one I've had)First dream Date Feb. 24-25 2009:

"First off I'll start of with late last night/this morning's occurance. I had just began to fall asleep, was still in and out(I have a horrid cold right now), and as I began to doze off I began to see what appeared to be a ship, with a man at the prow with an auburn beard, he spoke in a tongue that I did not fully understand, then as the ship begins to gain some distance it hits a large wave, the man is unbalanced, he regains himself and has a laugh with a nearby commarade, it fades out and I'm in a hall with a stone fragment floor, I take a drink from a vessel and begin to rise, a man with dark hair and beard and crow like eyes appears and caws like a crow, and slits my throat, I fall to the ground and watch the blood trickle away, as a woman flees the scene with a child screaming in arms.

The one thing that caught my attention was the fact that the dark haired man had eyes like a crow's. For a period of nearly 2 years crows all of a sudden began to just flock around me and my grandfather's property, neglecting to go anywhere else, and each time I would witness this there would be one pair of crows that sepparates off and does their own thing, in one instance this pair flew right over my head, I had thought they were going to collide with my skull. Crows are often associated with death, the fact that I've had such encounters with crows and that the fellow that kills me in this daze dream thingy had crowlike traits makes me suspicious.

I get dreamlike things like this all the time, but this is the first time I can remember exactly how I die in it, the other times I just remember dying no other details."

Dream #2:

This is one I've been having off and on for weeks recently, I'll be falling asleep and I'll feel poking, pricking, and a sense of something standing over me looking down, I just see darkness as I lie there, nothingness and the sensations do not fade until I wake. In my sleep I'll tell the thing to f**k off and leave me alone for I am trying to rest, according to my room mates I vocalize this in my sleep and they nickname it my "sleep turrets".

Dream #3:

I'm on a ship heading into a dense fog, the fog grows thicker and thicker until there is little to know visibility, I begin to shout Odin, Vili, Ve and I begin to come to in real life/awake a bit, then I fall back asleep and black out literally just black out no sensation, no life/no sense of life, I'm just there lying on the couch in utter darkness, if any further events took place I do not remember them.

Now feel free to post your interesting dreams and if you think there's anything significant in them, I myself cannot determine if there's any significant message in my dreams for I am uneducated on the matter, any interpretations are welcome, and I look forward to seeing what ya'll dream about.

The Lawspeaker
05-10-2009, 11:33 AM
I had a pretty disturbing and strange dream last night (amongst some other dreams that I can only remember parts off):

First I dreamed something strange about me being a detective or some officer of the Homicide Squad having a fight with some madman in a mall where he wanted to kill some people with a knife or something else that was sharp- a needle ?. I don't anymore how I stopped him though and after that I had some kind of a fight with my superior officer, a woman.

I dreamed that I had visited (with one of my flatties) some museum where I had seen some "video" (perhaps more like a kind of virtual reality) that showed a canal through a port or industrial zone during the 1930's as seen from a boat sailing on it. Oddly enough the video itself was in color and looked like it was shot perhaps 50 years later. Then it became even more strange as I remember that some women in the museum offered me a free jacket (they seemed to have a closet full of jackets ?) and we could also buy cigars. Then I remember that we walked out and stood on some square surrounded by modern pointy buildings ("a museum square) and got into some car and went home but we drove through a pretty strange place (my mind placing it in my hometown but I couldn't place it) and ended up on a quayside next to the ring canal around the old town where some festival was taking place. The strange thing was that the canal looked at least three times as wide as it really is and somehow my flattie lost control of the car and we ended up in the canal and the car was filled with brown, green dirty water and I couldn't make up a door or kick open the window and I remember this sensation of drowning. And then I woke up (in a blind panic).

Lulletje Rozewater
05-10-2009, 11:52 AM
My worst dream was being borne again.I have this dream often.
Here I was struggling to get back into the womb and my mom pushed me out and I was swimming back in and out and in and out and in.
You expect the story to end eventually.
Not on your life.
You suddenly wake up in a sweat and wait for the next episode

Lulletje Rozewater
05-10-2009, 11:56 AM
One thing that got me thinking about dreams big time was the video game Assassins Creed where ancestral memories are supposedly encoded into your DNA and you can tap into them with deep sleep(in the game this was induced by a machine) well #1 I'm curious if a concept like that could be a reality and #2 I've been having some reoccurring dreams that I'd like some more information on/interpretation if possible. Feel free to post your own odd dreams and your thoughts on the subject of "ancestral memories"

(I've posted this one before, but it's the most interesting one I've had)First dream Date Feb. 24-25 2009:

"First off I'll start of with late last night/this morning's occurance. I had just began to fall asleep, was still in and out(I have a horrid cold right now), and as I began to doze off I began to see what appeared to be a ship, with a man at the prow with an auburn beard, he spoke in a tongue that I did not fully understand, then as the ship begins to gain some distance it hits a large wave, the man is unbalanced, he regains himself and has a laugh with a nearby commarade, it fades out and I'm in a hall with a stone fragment floor, I take a drink from a vessel and begin to rise, a man with dark hair and beard and crow like eyes appears and caws like a crow, and slits my throat, I fall to the ground and watch the blood trickle away, as a woman flees the scene with a child screaming in arms.

The one thing that caught my attention was the fact that the dark haired man had eyes like a crow's. For a period of nearly 2 years crows all of a sudden began to just flock around me and my grandfather's property, neglecting to go anywhere else, and each time I would witness this there would be one pair of crows that sepparates off and does their own thing, in one instance this pair flew right over my head, I had thought they were going to collide with my skull. Crows are often associated with death, the fact that I've had such encounters with crows and that the fellow that kills me in this daze dream thingy had crowlike traits makes me suspicious.

I get dreamlike things like this all the time, but this is the first time I can remember exactly how I die in it, the other times I just remember dying no other details."

Dream #2:

This is one I've been having off and on for weeks recently, I'll be falling asleep and I'll feel poking, pricking, and a sense of something standing over me looking down, I just see darkness as I lie there, nothingness and the sensations do not fade until I wake. In my sleep I'll tell the thing to f**k off and leave me alone for I am trying to rest, according to my room mates I vocalize this in my sleep and they nickname it my "sleep turrets".

Dream #3:

I'm on a ship heading into a dense fog, the fog grows thicker and thicker until there is little to know visibility, I begin to shout Odin, Vili, Ve and I begin to come to in real life/awake a bit, then I fall back asleep and black out literally just black out no sensation, no life/no sense of life, I'm just there lying on the couch in utter darkness, if any further events took place I do not remember them.

Now feel free to post your interesting dreams and if you think there's anything significant in them, I myself cannot determine if there's any significant message in my dreams for I am uneducated on the matter, any interpretations are welcome, and I look forward to seeing what ya'll dream about.

Dreams usually come from hypersensitive and extreme pressure.
It is good to dream,it releases your inner pressure.
They come in all shapes and form

05-10-2009, 12:21 PM
"Haven't had a dream... in a long time, see the life I've had... can make a good man turn bad..."

More seriously most of my dreams these days are nightmare thankfully my life isn't so awful, our brains are so complicated.

05-10-2009, 07:13 PM
How that one sounds (I dreamt it before two-three months):
I on a ball, sitting next to Death (the classical skeleton but dressed with pink dress) and talking with him :D
Had many weird dreams, but that was somehing unique...

05-10-2009, 07:25 PM
Currently one of the weirdest dreams I remember is this:

Lots of zombies everywhere, luckily they're slow. I have my phone in my hand. My phone has a camera, like normal new phones. I'm standing on some car wreckage and I press on the button that makes pictures. And guess what!? a 9mm bullet flies out of my camera and hits a zombie in the head. The recoil was strong.

After I discovered that my phone shoots bullets from it's camera, I started killing the zombies in hordes. I killed all of the zombies and there is 1 left. I did somehow lock my phone keys:eek: I did jump off the car wreckage, onto the zombie. I started beating it's head into the asphalt until it didn't move anymore.

Then I see from a distance, that there is this HUGE zombie running towards me. And by huge, I mean 10 stories high. I grab a chair and throw it into the zombie's legs. The zombie trips and falls to death. Then I start walking around, searching for people. I'm in the middle of the road, when a van is driving towards me. It stops next to me, and the van door opens. A horde of zombies attack me and I die. Then I woke up.