View Full Version : A third more rapes reported this year

The Ripper
07-15-2011, 08:08 PM
The number of rapes reported to the police has grown by a third on the last decade. The cases of sexual abuse of children have doubled compared to the average for the last ten years, according to fresh figures from Statistics Finland.

In the first half of 2011, 438 rapes have been reported. The corresponding figure for 2010 was 458, whereas the average for the first decade of the 2000s stood at 317.

National Police Commissioner Mikko Paatero hopes that the higher figures are at least partially explained by an increase in the rate of reporting the crimes, rather than a spike in the number of crimes themselves.

According to Statistics Finland, this year has also seen a rise in police reports of assault, drug-related crimes, robberies and malicious damage.

YLE (http://yle.fi/uutiset/news/2011/07/a_third_more_rapes_reported_this_year_2727489.html )

As violent crime is sky-rocketing, police resources are being cut. :coffee:

07-15-2011, 08:27 PM
There appears to have been a recent increase of Baltic rapists in Ireland.

The Ripper
07-16-2011, 09:36 AM
There appears to have been a recent increase of Baltic rapists in Ireland.

Please don't troll the Finnish sub forum. ;)

Alas, I'm afraid the lion's share of the rapes are committed by criminals from further away. We can also see Paatero falling back on the traditionally Swedish explanation: the increase in rapes is merely a statistical spike due to more people reporting the crime more willingly, not an actual increase in rapes. :coffee:

One journalist of the Helsingin Sanomat offered the explanation that some of these rape victims are just making shit up because they are racist, or, quote, "due to the current prevalent attitudes."

Now who's belittling rape victims?

07-16-2011, 05:16 PM
Please don't troll the Finnish sub forum. ;)

No, no! I wasn't trolling. I'm being serious. There has been an increase in Lithuanian rapists. I know that Lithuanian people are not rapists and we've simply picked up their criminal elements due to the European Union. I do not hold your average Lithuanian responsible for these things.

Simply saying there's been an increase.