View Full Version : Did you ever met a skinhead, kkk or other identitarian type and it was visible he is one?

09-19-2019, 02:09 AM
Visible as in from clothes or like that. Or symbols, tattoos etc.

This is a little survey Im interested in. Also mention where you met him which country and which place and how old are you

09-19-2019, 02:19 AM
I knew one. He never admitted it outright, but he had a shaved head and wore Lonsdale and Thorsteinar clothing, and frequently listened to White Power music. Ironically, he lived in a Black majority city (in Pennsylvania, won't say which) and a large number of his work associates were Black. U.S./33

09-19-2019, 02:27 AM
Never met any open KKK, Nazis, or white nationalists in my entire life to be honest. Obviously you wouldn't be able to tell though as these people, at-least in most parts of the USA, would have to keep their beliefs secret or be completely ostracized from society.

09-19-2019, 02:28 AM
I knew one. He never admitted it outright, but he had a shaved head and wore Lonsdale and Thorsteinar clothing, and frequently listened to White Power music. Ironically, he lived in a Black majority city (in Pennsylvania, won't say which) and a large number of his work associates were Black. U.S./33

Maybe that was the reason he became a Skinhead :lol:

09-19-2019, 02:32 AM
Maybe that was the reason he became a Skinhead :lol:

I think he just had an extreme mindset. He had been a hardcore, violent Communist and Qaddafi supporter in the '80s and then abruptly changed to the other side. Brilliant man. Very highly educated.

09-19-2019, 02:36 AM
Twice. Spoke to one of them. Both were visible skinheads.

09-19-2019, 02:37 AM
I think he just had an extreme mindset. He had been a hardcore, violent Communist and Qaddafi supporter in the '80s and then abruptly changed to the other side. Brilliant man. Very highly educated.


09-19-2019, 02:37 AM
Twice. Spoke to one of them. Both were visible skinheads.

Were did you met them?

09-19-2019, 02:38 AM
Met a few in University in Australia but not your bonafide stereotype skinhead more like Australian White Nationalists. I was dating another ex pat from Ireland at the time and their political party tried to recruit us - I never laughed in someones face so loud.

09-19-2019, 02:42 AM
I met skinheads here in my town in bars and dance clubs. They were like hools with white power ideology and were teenager or in their twenties. Had some minor problems with them. But nothing really serious (physically threatening).

09-19-2019, 02:45 AM
I met skinheads here in my town in bars and dance clubs. They were like hools with white power ideology and were teenager or in their twenties. Had some minor problems with them. But nothing really serious (physically threatening).

So this scene is realy active or present in Austria

What about Serbia?

Are there any Skinheads or just Nationalists and Hools?

09-19-2019, 02:49 AM
So this scene is realy active or present in Austria

What about Serbia?

Are there any Skinheads or just Nationalists and Hools?

When I was a teenager it was very present and one of the present subcultures, the others were raver (with buffallo shoes and listening to rave/techno) or skate punk, riding the skateboard, listening to punk, baggy pants, etc. In serbia I met one serbian nationalist in belgrade, he was a skinhead, he identified himself as serbian nationalist and also anti race mixing, anti nonwhites, anti gypsies etc. We shared a room in a hospital, I dont know if serbian skinheads would have met in a dark alley what then would happen. I think if they think you have gypsy features they might kill you. They did before with a few gypsy kids.

09-19-2019, 02:53 AM
Were did you met them?

In the Northeast.

09-19-2019, 03:10 AM
you would mean far righter boneheads,yes, i have hang around with a few ,just some few weeks in my youth ,not really my cup of tea ,to fucking stubborn in there ideas
but there is different levels,some are more HxC and fucking fucked up ,and some are more "democrats",where around paris, more in paris,when, some nationalist gatherings,when at the end ot the 90's early 2000, i have even had small troubles with them,limit fists fight,they consider me too "leftie",it's also why i have decide quickly to not hang more with them, they are fucked up,and i'am not very good into muscles,and street fighting, like the boneheads against the redskins at midnight in the tube,not my thing,i like my face and the idea to end at the hospital with a broken jaw (yes because docs steel toes,american fist against jaw guess who win)is not enjoying me
but for the more moderate ones,there is some who are a bit more "sociable",after all is question of intellectual level,many stereotype boneheads are fucking stupid
but the hooligans type with adidas/umbro/casual are quite very unfriendly even with ethnic white europeans,they could been seen as social cases if you want,but the naziest ones are the more unbearable
yes because at this period the boneheads "hunters" were very active

well for the panoply you could smell them at two miles,for the tattoos,sometimes some skinheads are ambiguous,but not always boneheads,these political and cultural subgroups are even filed by the cops,not good to hang with them if you like your freedom

09-19-2019, 03:20 AM
skinheads are just involved in the look and the music,most of the time,some are S.H.A.R.P. meaning skinheads against racial prejudices like "the oppressed" oï band and founders of the S.H.A.R.P movement,and boneheads are far right activists,sure they could seen as "skinheads" because they share the look and other similarities but they are racists and sometimes,not always, nazis

09-19-2019, 04:40 AM
I was/am a Skinhead for many years. I am not a Nazi or a Commie but I have hung out with both, I have even brought one of my Mexican homies to chill with a hardcore Neo-Nazi. I was the guy that could hang out with any people from any scene.
