View Full Version : Classify girl who considers herself ugly

10-06-2019, 01:33 PM
She about herself:
"Hello everyone, sweet: s
My name is Tanechka and I am 17 years old.
I have a lot of pens and dissatisfaction with my appearance, and I’ll probably start with huge, damn nostrils. And this despite the fact that the nose is quite small. And sometimes it wildly bothers me, because when I talk, I lower my head down.
And by the way, I have an asymmetrical face. Eyebrows, nostrils, lips, eyes ..
Next comes my wrong bite, which is why the pair of front teeth is uneven (I hate smiling, showing my teeth). The chin is small, the jaw is small, hence the problems with teeth :(
And also my fat folds under the chin, although I quite often take pictures with them, just as a joke or throw close ones)
Then my big eyes (many people like to call me "big-eyed" or "alien"), because of which I can’t look at people normally, immediately a lot of questions "why are you looking like that? Did something happen?"
And, oh yes, my long and thin neck (which I often try to hide). All people, apparently, are simply obliged to point this out to me!
My collarbones are simply covered in skin, and as if they want to tear it to me.
Well, and my weight - with a height of 162-163 I weigh 42 kg, and all the bones stick out, and they are also covered in leather.

I always take pictures in 3/4 :))

Many called me sweet. Others make these words believe in themselves, but I am the opposite. I look at myself and do not understand how people see what is not :(

Heh, thank you for your attention, seals, for me this is a huge step, show your face 💕

10-06-2019, 01:40 PM
Tanechka... И я почему-то вспомнил эту песню.


10-06-2019, 01:42 PM
Of course she is cute and has sense of humor but as long as she finds herself ugly any compliments won't help.

Dinarid and Alpine.

I could tell what she needs but I don't want to get a ban :D

10-06-2019, 01:44 PM

10-06-2019, 01:49 PM
Her face is disproportional due to prominent upper half and underdeveloped lower half. Her jaw also seems to be offcenter, I get the same feeling due to my uneven beard.

Definitely won't win a Miss Apricity award but she's far away from being ugly.

10-06-2019, 02:17 PM
Alpinid-Pontid / Med.

10-06-2019, 02:23 PM

10-06-2019, 02:28 PM
Jaw can be fixed with orthodontics, not a big problem. She’s pretty

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10-06-2019, 02:43 PM
Jaw can be fixed with orthodontics, not a big problem. She’s pretty

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And I think that she is either kidding or trying to attract attention (this is noticeable by the way they ignore the courtship of normal guys, making themselves inaccessible princesses) or she really is simply a victim of the propaganda of modern fashion.

10-06-2019, 02:55 PM
And I think that she is either kidding or trying to attract attention (this is noticeable by the way they ignore the courtship of normal guys, making themselves inaccessible princesses) or she really is simply a victim of the propaganda of modern fashion.

People want to be perfect because they see perfect faces of famous people and models but it is photoshopped.

10-06-2019, 03:01 PM
Reminds me of a praying mantis. She definitely shouldn't be wearing green.

10-06-2019, 03:08 PM
And I think that she is either kidding or trying to attract attention (this is noticeable by the way they ignore the courtship of normal guys, making themselves inaccessible princesses) or she really is simply a victim of the propaganda of modern fashion.

As a girl in this age group I can say that a lot of girls feel truly self conscious regardless of male attention. They see themselves completely different from other people and little “flaws” are huge for them. It’s a complex issue but generally a product of today’s social media and expectations. Attention seeking or validation from other people is common with instagram and other platforms

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10-06-2019, 03:56 PM
As a girl in this age group I can say that a lot of girls feel truly self conscious regardless of male attention. They see themselves completely different from other people and little “flaws” are huge for them. It’s a complex issue but generally a product of today’s social media and expectations. Attention seeking or validation from other people is common with instagram and other platforms
That's really sad honestly. :( Nothing wrong with the way she looks.

10-06-2019, 04:21 PM
Well she is indeed not a princess, but not particularly ugly.
One need to understand women psychology. She simply an attention whore and want to hear compliments to herself from pathetic cucks.

10-06-2019, 11:15 PM
She's lucky she is a woman, if she was a man it would be over for her.

10-07-2019, 12:00 AM