View Full Version : What's your favourite cigarette brand?

10-08-2019, 04:05 PM
I'm curious :)

10-08-2019, 04:08 PM
Roll-your-own. I even forgot how much packets cost, when i ask the prices in market they think i recently started smoking (how wrong they are).

10-08-2019, 04:10 PM
Filthy habit.

10-08-2019, 04:11 PM
My mom smoked Salem and Marlboros for most of my life. I must say it was a major point of conflict for us (I hated that she smoked in the house/car). I am generally a very easy going guy, but I don't like cigarettes.

She finally quite smoking 1 year ago, she is 74 years old now.

10-08-2019, 04:12 PM
Stanley Tobacco.

10-08-2019, 04:12 PM
Used to smoke philip morris and dunhill.

10-08-2019, 04:16 PM
Anyone who still smokes cigarettes in 2019 is a garbage person. True facts.

10-08-2019, 04:18 PM

I'm actually an athletic guy that does sports. Can't wait to get back into boxing as soon as possible. Best therapy ever. I feel so mentally calm afterwards, peaceful, Less angry etc.

10-08-2019, 04:20 PM
Used to smoke philip morris and dunhill.

The mine is also blue Philip Morris or red Marlboro :)

10-08-2019, 04:20 PM
Okay if you don't smoke this thread is not for you, thanks.

10-08-2019, 04:22 PM
My father prefers Marlboro and mother prefers Parliament. Both tried to use some kinds of hand-rolled cigarettes (because of those raises on packs) but they couldn’t get used to smoke them.
All of them smell like shit, though.

10-08-2019, 04:24 PM
I used to smoke Dunhill Refined Grey, then I switched back to Marlboros.

Marlboro Southern Cut or L&M Blue.

10-08-2019, 04:26 PM
Okay if you don't smoke this thread is not for you, thanks.

I'm here to stop you from smoking, atleast smoke some green , gets you high, gives some benefits ;)

10-08-2019, 04:28 PM
I do not smoke.
I smoked for 1 month when I was at university, I did not like it so much that it became a habit. Cigarettes were Kent, as I recall.
But it was a very long time, now I am married and I monitor my health.

The mine is also blue Philip Morris or red Marlboro :)
Throw this thing, it causes serious harm to the reproductive system.

The Lawspeaker
10-08-2019, 04:28 PM
I am a pipe smoker.


https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/llDiD8uYnQ_TrnPtohftsRy7ZKCb5YeTiLQbqxTG3pvmN_M5Pc ZzMF6I2kj5dp-diiXIzDtyoSXyRLPfo9VbgUIXMHgu8VTVwBarJXAVAlw72_mLW R7y08wgEUFSEH9O=s412

10-08-2019, 04:31 PM
There are easier ways to kill yourself, without harming the people around you.


The Lawspeaker
10-08-2019, 04:33 PM
^ You're gonna die anyway. Gnawing on a carrot and just having water is boring, I'd rather enjoy myself on my long march to the grave.

10-08-2019, 04:48 PM
Stears smokes cigarillos, and he removes filter before smoking. Stinks horribly.
On top of that he is astmathic.


He promised to stop , but it never happened. One of conditions I gave him if he wants me back in Hungary is that he stops. We will see.

10-08-2019, 04:50 PM
I don’t know anyone my age who smokes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-08-2019, 04:53 PM
smoking is for degenerates and people who don't have self control

10-08-2019, 04:55 PM
^ You're gonna die anyway. Gnawing on a carrot and just having water is boring, I'd rather enjoy myself on my long march to the grave.

If you want to get cancer that's okay, but keep mind that by smoking at public places you're also doing harm to the people around you, a kid being exposed to second-hand smoke is no joke, it can cause permanent damage because their lungs still are developing...


10-08-2019, 04:56 PM
I smoke legal herbs from the old Steppe you know, cigs not my thing personally will kill you accelerated


The Lawspeaker
10-08-2019, 04:58 PM
If you want to get cancer that's okay, but keep mind that by smoking at public places you're also doing harm to the people around you, a kid being exposed to second-hand smoke is no joke, it can cause permanent damage because their lungs still are developing...

I am in a place with the most polluted air in Western Europe and some tobacco is going to give me cancer ? LOL.

10-08-2019, 05:02 PM
smoking is for degenerates and people who don't have self control

Thank you for your autism, i don't understand what are you doing here, this thread is only for smokers. And by your logic don't use car/bus because of smog, don't eat chips, fast food etc, don't eat many normal food what you're buying in the hipermarket because all of them are full with stabilisers, emulsifiers which is also very unhealthy but i bet you eat these things, you use car so congratulations :thumb001:

10-08-2019, 05:04 PM
If you want to get cancer that's okay,

You get cancer very easly if you live in big city, have you heard about smog? A smoker guy who live in countryside is more healty than an other guy who live in a metropolis but don't smoke.

10-08-2019, 05:08 PM
Thank you for your autism, i don't understand what are you doing here, this thread is only for smokers. And by your logic don't use car/bus because of smog, don't eat chips, fast food etc, don't eat many normal food what you're buying in the hipermarket because all of them are full with stabilisers, emulsifiers which is also very unhealthy but i bet you eat these things, you use car so congratulations :thumb001:

Nowhere in the title in this explained. This is a forum so any thread is a discussion piece. Enjoy. (degenerate smoker :p)

10-08-2019, 05:10 PM
Thank you for your autism, i don't understand what are you doing here, this thread is only for smokers. And by your logic don't use car/bus because of smog, don't eat chips, fast food etc, don't eat many normal food what you're buying in the hipermarket because all of them are full with stabilisers, emulsifiers which is also very unhealthy but i bet you eat these things, you use car so congratulations :thumb001:

wow you almost got it but I don't have a car, I only use my bike because I live in a small city and I don't eat fast food, red meat etc etc but i understand what you are trying to say

10-08-2019, 05:13 PM
American Spirit light blue

10-08-2019, 05:13 PM
You get cancer very easly if you live in big city, have you heard about smog? A smoker guy who live in countryside is more healty than an other guy who live in a metropolis but don't smoke.

If you know that you can get cancer easily, then why the hell are you trying to increase your chances of getting cancer?:icon_ask:

10-08-2019, 05:14 PM
I don’t know anyone my age who smokes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That's interesting, in my school every 2. or 3. student are smoking, an average people started it between the ages of 13-19.

10-08-2019, 05:15 PM

10-08-2019, 05:17 PM
Stears smokes cigarillos, and he removes filter before smoking. Stinks horribly.
On top of that he is astmathic.


He promised to stop , but it never happened. One of conditions I gave him if he wants me back in Hungary is that he stops. We will see.

Only if they are Toscanello :)

10-08-2019, 05:19 PM
If you know that you can get cancer easily, then why the hell are you trying to increase your chances of getting cancer?:icon_ask:

Because by this logic don't use many thing in your life: cars, chips, coca cola, fast food, hipermarket foods etc. and i don't wannabe ascetic. And i play sport very often with my friends many people don't do it that's why they get cancer.

10-08-2019, 05:21 PM
If you want to get cancer that's okay, but keep mind that by smoking at public places you're also doing harm to the people around you, a kid being exposed to second-hand smoke is no joke, it can cause permanent damage because their lungs still are developing...


This important, I always check my surroundings before I light my Kush, just incase of exactly that. When I was young, adults around me would always smoke cigs and unfortunate some die early with those complications. If you are exposed to smokers young, you have more chance to pickup some smoke habit than the sheltered kids

10-08-2019, 05:22 PM
I smoke Shermans sometimes when I am feeling fancy


10-08-2019, 05:22 PM
Because by this logic don't use many thing in your life: cars, chips, coca cola, fast food, hipermarket foods etc. and i don't wannabe ascetic. And i play sport very often with my friends many people don't do it that's why they get cancer.

No. smh. Tobacco is PROVEN to cause cancer. Playing sports will not change that.

10-08-2019, 05:25 PM
None, i value the life god gave me.

10-08-2019, 05:30 PM
No. smh. Tobacco is PROVEN to cause cancer. Playing sports will not change that.

You can get cancer without cigarette as well because of smog, unhealty foods, drinks, don't do sports etc. Cigarette is only one factor which to cause cancer and there are many other factor in your life. Most of cancerous peoples have never smoked that's fact.

10-08-2019, 05:31 PM
I used to smoke Camels, or, if I could find them, Lucky Strike... Preferably, Camel unfiltered and Lucky Strike filtered.

10-08-2019, 05:34 PM
You can get cancer without cigarette as well because of smog, unhealty foods, drinks, don't do sports etc. Cigarette is only one factor which to cause cancer and there are many other factor in your life. Most of cancerous peoples have never smoked that's fact.

If people use plastic cups and bottles with BPA they are doing 10x more harm to themselves, you are right most people I know that smoked and got cancer were like 2-3 pack a day smokers. All the smokers in my family died of old age or old age related problems xD

10-08-2019, 05:38 PM
Thank you for your autism, i don't understand what are you doing here, this thread is only for smokers. And by your logic don't use car/bus because of smog, don't eat chips, fast food etc, don't eat many normal food what you're buying in the hipermarket because all of them are full with stabilisers, emulsifiers which is also very unhealthy but i bet you eat these things, you use car so congratulations :thumb001:

Lol, you don't know life

10-08-2019, 05:39 PM
If people use plastic cups and bottles with BPA they are doing 10x more harm to themselves, you are right most people I know that smoked and got cancer were like 2-3 pack a day smokers. All the smokers in my family died or old age or old age related problems xD

Yes same here, but some of my grand parents are still alive. I don't smoke so much only 5-10 cigarette per day it is under the average number by far.

10-08-2019, 05:39 PM
Aren't you underage? You shouldn't be smoking young lady.

10-08-2019, 05:40 PM
If people use plastic cups and bottles with BPA they are doing 10x more harm to themselves, you are right most people I know that smoked and got cancer were like 2-3 pack a day smokers. All the smokers in my family died of old age or old age related problems xD

My Paternal Grandfather died with a cigarette pack in his shirt pocket in mid 70s of old age, woman is more at risk for cig complications

10-08-2019, 05:40 PM
Aren't you underage? You shouldn't be smoking young lady.

You can probably buy cigarettes at 12 in Hungary xD

10-08-2019, 05:41 PM
My Paternal Grandfather died with a cigarette pack in his shirt pocket in mid 70s of old age, woman is more at risk for cig complications

That's mostly because women have a weaker vascular system and their body degenerates more with age.

10-08-2019, 05:43 PM
You can probably buy cigarettes at 12 in Hungary xD

No officially you can't, my sister buy it for me but 3 weeks later i can buy because i will be 18 years old.

10-08-2019, 05:46 PM
As a passive smoker, I have no idea which ones I'm smoking. Probably all kinds of cigarettes.

10-08-2019, 05:48 PM
No officially you can't, my sister buy it for me but 3 weeks later i can buy because i will be 18 years old.

Happy early birthday :party-smiley-007:

10-08-2019, 06:03 PM
You can get cancer without cigarette as well because of smog, unhealty foods, drinks, don't do sports etc. Cigarette is only one factor which to cause cancer and there are many other factor in your life. Most of cancerous peoples have never smoked that's fact.

If you reduce the types of cancer to those affecting lung, throat, mouth, etc, the percentage of smokers increse exponentially. I know you're smarter than this but hey, go right ahead and refuse to acknowledge the evidence. It's your body and your responsibility to look after it. Remember, it adds wrinkles too. Not a problem at 17 but 30 isn't far away :p

10-08-2019, 06:05 PM
As someone who has never smoked, I quite genuinely never imagined there'd be a difference between brands whatsoever. I assumed they'd just all be paper tubes filled with tobacco.

10-08-2019, 06:07 PM
Put the fire to a hater, and smoke a nigga

10-08-2019, 06:22 PM
Yes same here, but some of my grand parents are still alive. I don't smoke so much only 5-10 cigarette per day it is under the average number by far.

there's no safe amount of smoking, especially for women.

you should quit now, before it becomes part of your life.

10-08-2019, 06:42 PM
As someone who has never smoked, I quite genuinely never imagined there'd be a difference between brands whatsoever. I assumed they'd just all be paper tubes filled with tobacco.

Nope! Even though I quite smoking years ago, if I see someone with a cig I like (Camel unfiltered, for instance) I'll try to bum one. It's worth it...

10-08-2019, 06:45 PM
there's no safe amount of smoking, especially for women.

you should quit now, before it becomes part of your life.

Of course there’s no “safe” amount, but the amount you smoke per day is very important in calculating risk. I probably smoke 2-3 per day.

10-08-2019, 07:10 PM
If you want to get cancer that's okay, but keep mind that by smoking at public places you're also doing harm to the people around you, a kid being exposed to second-hand smoke is no joke, it can cause permanent damage because their lungs still are developing...

Peapole that smoke in public are not diffrent to peapole that drive drunk. When i was a child i used to hold my breath when i was in public and peapole smoked. Even as a kid i knew smoking was shit. Smoking is also expansive and the effect of smoking isint even big compared to other drugs.

Black Panther
10-08-2019, 07:17 PM

10-08-2019, 07:34 PM
You can probably buy cigarettes at 12 in Hungary xD

This is not true. In Hungary you can buy tobacco only in specialised shops, not in supermarkets, gas pumps etc. That way it's harder for minors to buy it (unless somebody buys it for them ofc)

Hungary became very anti-smoking under Orban, for example it is not allowed to smoke in public places like railway or bus station anymore (I don't even need to mention restaurants and bars)
One of good things he did.

10-08-2019, 07:44 PM

Put your lighters up, get high with me, fly with me


10-08-2019, 07:48 PM
I used to smoke occasionally just for a short period of time but I don’t smoke anymore.

Edit: I am really glad that I quit smoking.

Black Panther
10-08-2019, 07:56 PM
Put your lighters up, get high with me, fly with me


Uplifting song. Gonna listen to it the next time the clock's at 4:20 and smoking time begins!

10-08-2019, 07:56 PM
none because I'm not a retard

10-08-2019, 07:58 PM
I don't smoke, at all.

10-08-2019, 08:30 PM
Not a fan of ciggarettes.
If I had to smoke on an occasion prefer nagila or a light joint.

10-08-2019, 09:23 PM
This is not true. In Hungary you can buy tobacco only in specialised shops, not in supermarkets, gas pumps etc. That way it's harder for minors to buy it (unless somebody buys it for them ofc)

Hungary became very anti-smoking under Orban, for example it is not allowed to smoke in public places like railway or bus station anymore (I don't even need to mention restaurants and bars)
One of good things he did.

Sure, because Orbán's politicians prefer to inhale cocaine from a naked model's body during orgy in front of cameras:


https://hvg.hu/itthon/20191004_Kokain_korrupcio_es_luxusprostik_kampanyh ajra


♥ Lily ♥
10-08-2019, 09:44 PM
I quit smoking analogues over two years ago now. I used to roll my own (Golden Virginia.) England now has one of the lowest smoking rates in Europe, and it's in decline here.

People here use 21st century electric cigarettes (vaping) and box mod devices as it's so much cleaner, purer, scientifially and medically certified as 95% healthier, doesn't stain your teeth and nails, much less coughing, and you have a lot more control over the airflow, digital inhalation timer, voltage/wattage power, inhalation record count, and a whole range of flavours.

The EU's TPD laws made the sales of flavoured tobaccos illegal a few years ago. I used to like visiting an old tobacco shop in Covent Garden, London... where I could buy cherry, rum, and vanilla flavoured hand-rolling tobaccos. Well that's no longer legal due to the EU.

The prices of tobacco and analogue cigarettes now is ridiculously expensive. I'm a serious nicotine addict... so to go for over 2 years now without smoking is a big achievement for me... and I wouldn't have managed to quit smoking without switching to vaping.

I get my nicotine now from vaping, patches, inhalators, and nicotine gums which I carry around in my 'emergency nicotine craving kit' (as vaping isn't allowed inside public buildings, - but gums and inhalators are.) E-cigs helps with both the nicotine craving... and also with the hand-to-mouth habit. The addiction to nicotine is reduced through vaping as it's not absorbed as much into the bloodstream as smoking analogues (old fashioned cigarettes.)

I experienced unpleasant withdrawal and detox symptoms (as expected) when I first made the switchover from smoking to vaping. I had flu-like symptoms for 2 weeks after quitting smoking. That's the tar and poisons of analogue cigarettes leaving your system during the detox. Vaping made it easier to quit. Eventually I no longer needed an analogue cigarette anymore as I can get my nicotine in other ways - but without the tar, carbon monoxide and the other 6000 chemicals produced in smoking.

If feel much better for it though... food tasted much nicer within a few days of quitting smoking, I can smell things better, and I can breathe much better now too. Now when I pass smokers in the street, the strong cigarette smell from their clothes and hair makes me feel sick (they smell like ashtrays,) although they don't smell it as smokers can't smell much until they quit.... but vaping makes a room delicately smell of fruits, vanilla, etc.

Plus it's cheaper than smoking, makes the room smell nice and does't linger in the air as vapour steam is lighter than smoke.

This ex-smoker from Canada showed the pictures of his lung x-ray as a smoker... and five years later after he switched to vaping.


Old-fashioned analogue cigarettes contain over 6000 chemicals (many of which are carcinogenic,) whereas e-liquids use 4 pharmaceutical grade ingredients. Analogues contain tar and produce carbon monoxide, which you don't get in e-liquids.


Some people say that e-cigs are 'too technical and complicated' - but if people start on the simple devices they get to gradually learn about all the technical terms, and can then start to use the more complicated devices with more power and control. A glossary of vaping terminology: https://vapingdaily.com/what-is-vaping/vaping-glossary-terminology/

I'm currently vaping on Bryn's 'Special Sauce' Té e-liquid (which is reminiscent of the flavour of fresh Earl Grey and Lady Grey teas with base flavours of Citrus candied fruits, Darjeeling and Asaam tea, with top notes of jasmine and a hint of lemon... and the flavour is awesome.) It's made in the UK.... and it's very difficult to get hold of as it's often out of stock due to the popularity of this flavour. I also love Bryns Sour Blue Sorbet with blue raspberries and a hint of menthol, and their Papricot Custard (apricots and custard) flavour. I also love The Milkman's Moonies flavour.

My favourite flavours are vanilla ice-cream, mint choc chip, Kitten's Breath (passionfruit and ice-cream,) strawberry, toffee, and chocolate mixed with caramel... and I like custom mixing my own unique flavours.

The aim of vaping is that it gradually weans people off their nicotine dependance after a few yeas... as it's less stronger than smoking, and you can gradually reduce the nicotine strength down to zero in e-liquids (for those who've conquered their nicotine addiction - but still have the hand-to-mouth habit.... which can also be conquered holding orange sticks in your hand when nervous, sewing, and finding something to do with your hands.)

It's calculated that the average smoker puts their fingers to their mouths each time they puff in their hand-to-mouth habit several thousand times each year... as they like doing something with their hands when they feel nervous or stressed.


I mixed the liquid myself after the JAC Vapour site sent me the mixing ingredients with nicotine salts for a smooth vape and faster and more satisfying absorbtion. I can make a large 75ml bottle from the mixing ingredients, due to the TPD laws in the EU restricting bottle size sales to 10ml. It's cheaper to buy it this way than buying lots of little 10ml bottles.... and a 75ml bottle lasts a long time.

I'm using a ratio of 80VG (for vapour) and 20 PG for throat hit. I'm using my Aspire Nautilus Mini tank with a special Nicotine Salt atomiser with a resistance of over 1.0 Ohm, so I don't need to use low nicotine strength as I'm not sub-ohm vaping at the moment. I'm using the CoolFire IV box mod and a relatively low wattage of 15W so I don't burn-out my coils. I'm using a flat-piece drip-tip mouthpiece with my tank.

I'm not a 'cloud chaser' like these guys below (who like a load of steam production by using specialist coils, high air-flow settings on their devices, very high temperature settings, and 100% VG liquids to create huge clouds of steam.) Too much steam makes me cough a bit... so I like to keep my clouds very small and light. The steam from e-liquids ('juice') evaporates into the air quickly and doesn't linger for long..... unlike smoke which stays in the air for ages.

I save a lot of money from vaping compared to the cost of smoking analogues.



Some vapers are serious cloud chasers who love big clouds... I'm not one of them and prefer to keep my clouds to a minimum and light and small. Sometimes I use 100% PG liquids which are steamless and cloudless for discreet vaping. These liquids help coils last longer, but aren't suited to larger devices... so I can only use them on my tiny V3i batteries.

I frequently see elderly people with box mod kits... as well as a lot of business men in suits outside with vaping and e-cig devices too.


This is how I like my air-flow and clouds... nice and small.
https://mondrian.mashable.com/uploads%252Fcard%252Fimage%252F642569%252F0188ebce-2ebd-4e65-9db9-93ea42dbb1f9.gif%252Foriginal.gif?signature=Vg6Xmj yrhGvk9b9NvPzVM7AmKV0=&source=https%3A%2F%2Fblueprint-api-production.s3.amazonaws.com

There's even cloud chaser 'sport' competitions with prizes of $10,000 for the winner who can create the largest clouds of steam. A lot of these vapers customise their own devices and use specialist vaping tools to hand-build and create their own atomisers using Japanese organic wicking cotton and wires.


https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0882/1942/files/1532034779_1510776948_vape_girl_large.gif?v=153504 8336

10-08-2019, 10:01 PM
Sure, because Orbán's politicians prefer to inhale cocaine from a naked model's body during orgy in front of cameras:


https://hvg.hu/itthon/20191004_Kokain_korrupcio_es_luxusprostik_kampanyh ajra


10-09-2019, 12:02 AM
This is not true. In Hungary you can buy tobacco only in specialised shops, not in supermarkets, gas pumps etc. That way it's harder for minors to buy it (unless somebody buys it for them ofc)

Hungary became very anti-smoking under Orban, for example it is not allowed to smoke in public places like railway or bus station anymore (I don't even need to mention restaurants and bars)
One of good things he did.

i was just kidding, more like Belarus would cell cigs to a kid rather than Hungary

Daco Celtic
10-09-2019, 12:05 AM
I haven't smoked in years but back in college I would occasionally have an American Spirit cig when the bar let out at 2 am.

10-09-2019, 12:17 AM
Cigs are gay. I only smoke grape flavored cigars when drinking. Other than that never smoke. Waste of health and money.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-09-2019, 12:22 AM
The elusive whole cigarette, abandoned somehow to the ground.

♥ Lily ♥
10-09-2019, 12:29 AM
Cigs are gay. I only smoke grape flavored cigars when drinking. Other than that never smoke. Waste of health and money.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Since when have cigarettes had a sexuality attached to them?! :confused:

Mind you, analogue cigarettes have for many decades been commonly called as 'fags' in the UK. :P

U.K. people still often use the informal term of 'fag' for a cigarette when they say, 'I need a fag.' 'Do you have a spare fag?' 'I'm going outside to smoke a fag.' 'Use an ashtray please for your fag ash.' :cool:


(We also call popular and delicious meatballs cooked at home and served in UK cafes, pubs, and restaurants, as faggots. This term was historically used long before the word meaning was later changed in the U.S. to mean a gay man.) Faggots are delicious btw.


A faggot also means a branch or twig, or a bundle of these which are used when making a fire and smoke.... so maybe that's where the UK term of a fag for a cigarette stems from... as ciggies are shaped like sticks and are lit-up to produce smoke.

(People here also commonly call cigarettes as 'ciggies', 'cig/s' and 'cancer sticks'.... and 'coffin (coughing) nails' is another popular term used here for cigs. Vapers who use electric cigarettes call old-fashioned cigarettes as 'analogue cigarettes' or just 'analogues' - or 'analog' spelling in the U.S.)


​1. [countable] (British English, informal) = cigarette

​2. (also faggot) [countable] (North American English, taboo, slang) an offensive word for a male homosexual

10-09-2019, 12:31 AM
For me, a faggot will always be a bundle of sticks.

10-09-2019, 01:54 PM
Lily [emoji813];6263255]Since when have cigarettes had a sexuality attached to them?! :confused:

Mind you, analogue cigarettes have for many decades been commonly called as 'fags' in the UK. :P

U.K. people still often use the informal term of 'fag' for a cigarette when they say, 'I need a fag.' 'Do you have a spare fag?' 'I'm going outside to smoke a fag.' 'Use an ashtray please for your fag ash.' :cool:


(We also call popular and delicious meatballs cooked at home and served in UK cafes, pubs, and restaurants, as faggots. This term was historically used long before the word meaning was later changed in the U.S. to mean a gay man.) Faggots are delicious btw.


A faggot also means a branch or twig, or a bundle of these which are used when making a fire and smoke.... so maybe that's where the UK term of a fag for a cigarette stems from... as ciggies are shaped like sticks and are lit-up to produce smoke.

(People here also commonly call cigarettes as 'ciggies', 'cig/s' and 'cancer sticks'.... and 'coffin (coughing) nails' is another popular term used here for cigs. Vapers who use electric cigarettes call old-fashioned cigarettes as 'analogue cigarettes' or just 'analogues' - or 'analog' spelling in the U.S.)


​1. [countable] (British English, informal) = cigarette

​2. (also faggot) [countable] (North American English, taboo, slang) an offensive word for a male homosexual

People just look gayer smoking them than they do cigars. Like that scene where Arnold is carrying a big machine gun and smoking a cigar wouldn’t have been as bad ass if he was smoking a cig.

10-09-2019, 02:03 PM
Vaping is more dangerous than smoking, by a mile

People who vape look like complete retards

That being said, I like to smoke 2-3 cigs per day, always in open air and with a drink

Rothmans or Capri

My maternal grandfather smoked all his life, 5-10 cigs a day by the end of it and lived to 90 years old.

10-09-2019, 02:04 PM
Perhaps the etymology of Fag is another. I've seen in the dictionary the expression "the fag end of" = residual, remains, ending part, sediment.

In Sardinian language we have a nearly identical word derived from Latin, and with identical meaning.

Sardinian : Feche (pronounce Feke) or Feghe (the G is guttural like in Game) = residual, remains, ending part, sediment.
Latin : Fecem (accusative of Fex = residual, remains, ending part, sediment), with Classical pronunciation must be pronounced "Fekem" hence the Sardinian -> Feke -> Feghe

It's the same etymology of the English "Feces" = excrement, solid waste

If we look at the meaning of "excrement, solid waste" it's a clear synonymous of "residual, remains"

10-09-2019, 03:16 PM
People who vape look like complete retards

This, for sure.

10-09-2019, 04:13 PM
I prefer cigars. if i don't get the chance or have time to smoke a cigar, i smoke camel or marlboro.

The Lawspeaker
10-09-2019, 04:20 PM
My brand is Stanwell. And here is my pipe:


And my poison (depending on the season):


10-09-2019, 05:38 PM
Tobacco poisons and weakens the organism in so fucking many ways... the consequences are inevitable and not fun at all.

10-09-2019, 05:39 PM

10-09-2019, 06:22 PM

In the US, that's how you know a chick dates black dudes.

10-09-2019, 06:24 PM
In the US, that's how you know a chick dates black dudes.

don't men only smoke cigarettes?

♥ Lily ♥
10-09-2019, 07:39 PM
Vaping is more dangerous than smoking, by a mile

People who vape look like complete retards

That being said, I like to smoke 2-3 cigs per day, always in open air and with a drink

Rothmans or Capri

My maternal grandfather smoked all his life, 5-10 cigs a day by the end of it and lived to 90 years old.

What a moronic and retarded comment.

Smokers who bitch about the evergrowing vaping community are normally just backwards and envious as they're too idiotic and lazy to learn how to use the devices.

It takes a few seconds to learn how to light-up and smoke an analogue fag... anyone can do it. Vaping has a lot more to learn. https://vapingdaily.com/what-is-vaping/vaping-glossary-terminology/

The senses of taste and smell are affected whilst smoking, and the detox is bad too. Coughing is a lot worse too.

So smokers not only look backwards - but they smell like ashtrays too.... not to mention having discoloured teeth and bad breath - until they quit and have corrective treatments.

The UK Government's Department of Health has conducted intensive research and found it's 95% safer than smoking. Researchers at England's Royal College of Physicians a Scottish University have also backed this up too in their findings.

6000 chemicals per cigarette (including carbon monoxide and tar) vs 4 pharmaceutical grade ingredients in e-liquids. Fags aren't sold in pharmacies, but e-liquids are allowed to be sold in pharmacies.



Cigarettes aren't allowed to be advertised here nor shown on display in stores. Vaping is advertised here and is legally permitted. Vaping has medical and scientific support from leading universties, along with government support.... as it's helped to save many former smoking addicts lives.

UK politicians and doctors have spoken out against irresponsible people who try to fearmonger against vaping.... because vaping is saving lives. The UK government is also considering allowing doctors to prescribe some basic e-cig devices on prescription to stop the far more dangerous habit of smoking.

I liked the Vaping Saves Lives advert with Arnold Swarzenegger saying 'come vape with me!'


All the cigarette and tobacco packaging in the EU must legally show large warning signs about the health effects on peoples eyesight, infertility risks, teeth, cancers, strokes, etc. They're inhaling tar and carbon monoxide!


When I lit up an analogue cigarette, I'd get an instant sense of nicotine relief and a much heavier feeling on the lungs within the first few inhalations... I miss that instant relief feeling sometimes.... but vaping helps to relieve any craving for a smoke. Vaping feels much lighter on the lungs with less coughing - and the airflow can be adjusted, and the nicotine doesn't absorb as strongly into the bloodstream... so although you don't get that strong relief feeling within the first inhalations like with the much heavier feeling of smoking, vaping gradually weans people off their nicotine addiction.

Food tastes much better within days of quitting smoking and sense of smell returns again within a week of quitting. I had flu-like detox symptoms during the first two weeks of quitting which other ex smokers said they experienced too as the toxins of carbon monoxide and tar leave the bloodstream.

I'd like to quit vaping within the next few years, although I don't feel ready to yet as I still have some nicotine dependence.... and I don't wish to ever return to the far more dangerous habit of smoking... but if I go for several hours without vaping, I don't feel as irritable and depressed as I used to feel as a smoker without a cigarette - as the nicotine from e-liquids isn't as heavily absorbed into the bloodstream as smoking nicotine, so my nicotine addiction level must have reduced as I no longer feel as irritable without it as I used to feel as a smoker... and using nicotine patches and nicotine gums and nicotine cartridge inhalators from pharmacies (no steam or smoke is produced from them,) also helps to reduce my nicotine cravings. I get through a lot of nicotine chewing gums each week as chewing gum reduces my need to vape.


10-09-2019, 07:51 PM
Vaping is considered life threatening in the US and many states are enacting bans on vaping. The damage to the lung is acute, like a physical punch

21 deaths and over 1000 cases of pulmonary diseases

Montana has issued a 2 months statewide ban for all flavored vaping until facts are clear


This girl, a former vaper is campaigning for a ban after falling ill


Massachusetts banned all vapes for 4 months


♥ Lily ♥
10-09-2019, 08:12 PM
Vaping is considered life threatening in the US and many states are enacting bans on vaping. The damage to the lung is acute, like a physical punch

21 deaths and over 1000 cases of pulmonary diseases

Montana has issued a 2 months statewide ban for all flavored vaping until facts are clear


This girl, a former vaper is campaigning for a ban after falling ill


Massachusetts banned all vapes for 4 months


I doubt their deaths were due to vaping... otherwise all the millions of vapers in the US and UK would be dead now! Some people are allergic to PG liquids, but they can easily use 100% VG liquids.



I used to cough a lot as a smoker... and the detox symptoms were bad when I suddenly stopped smoking... but as a vaper I can breathe much better now, taste and smell is much better... and I feel much healthier too. My dentist and doctors have all been supportive of my switch to vaping too, and have praised me that I didn't need to go to the free Stop Smoking clinics here, and have managed to quit the far more dangerous and deadly habit of smoking.

(I still occasionally crave a few puffs on an analogue cigarette/fag sometimes when people talk about cigs or I see someone smoking, but I've not given in for over 2 years now and just use my alternative devices - inhalators, gums, patches, and e-cigs.... they're not as strong as cigs and the effect isn't as instantaneous - but it gives some relief in gradually weaning off the cravings)

I no longer have that heavy feeling on my chest in the morning or immediately after inhaling on a fag - as vapour steam feels much lighter and doesn't absorb into the bloodstream as quickly or intensely as smoking - which contains 6000 chemicals plus tar and carbon monoxide - which damages the brain, eyesight, fertility rates, etc.

Some doctors in the UK have suggested that smokers should pay for their own health treatments, rather than taxpayers funding their national healthcare costs. Smokers are rare here now as they're dying out.

Lung xray pics of a former smoker who quit and switched to vaping. His chest is much clearer now.


Tobacco companies put out fearmongering lies against vaping as they're afraid they're losing customers.


10-09-2019, 08:12 PM

10-09-2019, 08:53 PM
What a moronic and retarded comment.

Smokers who bitch about the evergrowing vaping community are normally just backwards and envious as they're too idiotic and lazy to learn how to use the devices.

Unfortunately, the way science and the world works, it will be about 20-40 years before we actually understand how bad (or not bad) vaping is.

♥ Lily ♥
10-09-2019, 09:14 PM
Unfortunately, the way science and the world works, it will be about 20-40 years before we actually understand how bad (or not bad) vaping is.

A lot of studies have been conducted so far. I think the most harmful of the few pharmaceutical-grade ingredients in e-liquids is nicotine - but there's also nicotine free e-liquids too.

The aim is for ex-smokers to gradually reduce the nictoine strength in e-liquids to help wean people off their nicotine addiction. There's 6000 chemicals, tar, and carbon monoxide produced with smoking. E-cigarettes are seen in the UK as the lesser of two evils between smoking vs vaping. Ideally it would be nice to have no nicotine dependence at all.

I never took up vaping with the aim of wanting to become a big cloud chaser... that doesn't interest me and I wouldn't personally buy the very expensive voice-control box mods with extremely high powers, etc, although other serious and advanced level vapers love all that.

I started using beginners e-cigs and then personal vaping pens (for more satisifaction as the smaller devices need frequent re-charging,) as a final resort to quitting smoking. I'd tried everything in the past to quit smoking and nothing worked. Switching to digital e-cigs was successful as I've not smoked for over two and a half years now.... even though occasionally I still crave an analogue cigarette.

I'm still an intermediate level vaper and prefer to use the more simple box mods and smaller devices... as all I want is a light vape to ease my light nicotine cravings, and I aim to gently wean myself off.

If I wasn't a vaper, I'd still be a smoking addict... which is far worse... and not just for the expense, bad smell, staining of nails, etc.

When I chew nicotine gums or use nicotine patches on my skin or use smoke-free and steam-free nicotine inhalators... there's side effects too... as too much nicotine can make me feel faint and nauseous and can kill people - as nicotine is a poison.

Some people have even tried to commit suicide by overdosing on nicotine. The police found a dangerous and wanted criminal once in his home laying with over 20 nicotine patches stuck all over his body in a botched suicide attempt. He was rushed to hospital and made a recovery.

I think more people die from caffeine and sugar each year though than from nicotine gums and e-cigs. I feel much healthier and can breathe a lot better since switching from smoking to vaping. Luckily I don't drink alcohol and very rarely drink caffeine.

10-14-2019, 01:28 PM
tabacco to roll from the biological agriculture made in belgium,don't kill to much your lungs,have enough nicotine;indeed i smoke tabacco to roll since 20 years and bio one since 15 or more,builded cigarettes from the big companies like philipp morris are full of hard chemical poisons,ok i know smoking is bad but cars pollution is worse i think,vaporing is full of bad chemicals too,indeed smoking tabacco is not great,but smoking builded cigarettes is worse,it's the builded cigarettes who are very dangerous on the long run

10-14-2019, 02:06 PM
Smoking parliament right now.

10-28-2019, 05:24 PM
Anything I get my hands on honestly. Theres alot of great brands out there. I barely ever smoke tho.

10-28-2019, 05:26 PM
Vaping is considered life threatening in the US and many states are enacting bans on vaping. The damage to the lung is acute, like a physical punch

21 deaths and over 1000 cases of pulmonary diseases

Montana has issued a 2 months statewide ban for all flavored vaping until facts are clear


This girl, a former vaper is campaigning for a ban after falling ill


Massachusetts banned all vapes for 4 months


Yeah vaping is worse honestly.

10-28-2019, 05:30 PM
I dont smoke .