View Full Version : Classify Mari girl

10-08-2019, 05:51 PM

10-08-2019, 06:02 PM
East Baltid + Hottoid.

Link to her.

10-08-2019, 06:07 PM
Can pass in Romania?

10-08-2019, 06:09 PM
East Baltid predominantly. Passes best inside her macro-ethnic cluster (Finns). Some Hungarians have this look as well (for obvious reasons), but it is a lot more common among East Slavs...

10-08-2019, 06:16 PM
Can pass in Romania?

Yes, as ethnic Hungarian only...

10-08-2019, 06:38 PM

10-08-2019, 06:38 PM
Yes, as ethnic Hungarian only...

Looks too Aryan or too Mongolid to pass as Romanian?

10-08-2019, 06:54 PM
Looks too Aryan or too Mongolid to pass as Romanian?

Looks too Russian.

10-08-2019, 06:56 PM
Yes, as ethnic Hungarian only...

nah, there are more East Baltids among Romanians than Hungarians.

but this particular look is rare for both ethnicities.

10-08-2019, 07:17 PM
Super-Finnid. Maris have the Finnish look, which is the result of low ENF admixture and high Siberian admixture, but a lot of the time Maris look even more Finnish than Finns.

The other girl in the 5th and 7th pics who has a more round face looks so perfect.

Both of the girls firm skin, so that their skin looks rubbery, so that the soft tissue of their face is distributed evenly, and so that their nasolabial folds and dimples look like sharp lines. It's hard to tell because both of them are wearing makeup, but both also look like they have almost no eyebags. I have found that people who have firm rubbery-looking skin often also don't have prominent eyelids, and vice versa.

I think both of them even have mild epicanthus palpebralis:


Some Hungarians have this look as well (for obvious reasons)

Hungarians have very limited genetic affinity with other Uralics (Tambets et al. 2018 (https://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-018-1522-1)):

Contrary to that, a considerable amount of the chrY lineages of both West Siberian and European Uralic speakers belong to East Eurasian hg N (Fig. 1b, Additional file 6: Table S5). The only exceptions to this pattern among the Uralic speakers are Hungarians and Selkups. Among Hungarians, hg N is virtually absent, while among Selkups, it is much less frequent (< 10%) than in other Samoyeds (Additional file 6: Table S5).


None of the Uralic speakers, including linguistically close Khanty and Mansi, show significantly closer affinities to the Hungarians than any non-FU population from NE Europe (Additional file 3: Figure S4R).


One of the notable observations that stands out in the fineSTRUCTURE analysis is that neither Hungarians nor Estonians or Mordovians form genetic clusters with other Uralic speakers but instead do so with a broad spectrum of geographically adjacent samples. Despite the documented history of the migration of Magyars [63] and their linguistic affinity to Khantys and Mansis, who today live east of the Ural Mountains, there is nothing in the present-day gene pool of the sampled Hungarians that we could tie specifically to other Uralic speakers.


With some exceptions such as Estonians, Hungarians and Mordovians, both IBD sharing and Globetrotter results suggest that there are detectable inter-regional haplotype sharing ties between Uralic speakers from West Siberia and VUR, and between NE European Uralic speakers and VUR. In other words, there is a fragmented pattern of haplotype sharing between populations but no unifying signal of sharing that unite all the studied Uralic speakers.

10-08-2019, 08:17 PM

She wears a cross. So, she's closer to Instamari and definitely not Chimari. "Chimari"(True Mari) that's like call themselves unbaptized Mari who practise only Mari paganism. Other Mari practise paganism and Christianity.

10-08-2019, 08:32 PM
She wears a cross. So, she's closer to Instamari and definitely not Chimari. "Chimari"(True Mari) that's like call themselves unbaptized Mari who practise only Mari paganism. Other Mari practise paganism and Christianity.

The decadence that was introduced by the cross is nothing compared to the decadence that was introduced by the selfie stick, laughing-crying emoji, and Starbucks cup.

10-08-2019, 08:51 PM
The decadence that was introduced by the cross is nothing compared to the decadence that was introduced by the selfie stick, laughing-crying emoji, and Starbucks cup.

You don't like progress I've learned that. :)

10-08-2019, 09:06 PM
Nordo-Baltid, I don't see anything ''East Baltic'' or Uralic about her. Regular non-southern European who passes in variety of places.

10-08-2019, 09:18 PM
The decadence that was introduced by the cross is nothing compared to the decadence that was introduced by the selfie stick, laughing-crying emoji, and Starbucks cup.

I found her very Uralische looking if she's not using "Instamode".


10-08-2019, 09:28 PM

10-08-2019, 09:41 PM
East Baltic

Nordo-Baltid, I don't see anything ''East Baltic'' or Uralic about her. Regular non-southern European who passes in variety of places.

So-called "nordo baltid" is just east baltic or neo-danubian, if you prefer. It doesn't change anything.

10-08-2019, 10:27 PM
I found her very Uralische looking if she's not using "Instamode".


Are they sisters or something? That other girl has the perfect face. That no eyelids look is pretty (sub-)Uralid.

The morph below consists of photos of Finnish girls who I think have a perfect face (which generally means that they look like Maris or Udmurts or Saami or something). It also looks like it has no eyelids:


10-08-2019, 10:44 PM
Are they sisters or something?

Yes, they are sisters.

10-09-2019, 09:27 AM
Cuties, in the vibe of East Baltic, Ladogan and Fenno Nordid.

10-09-2019, 01:19 PM
Savolaxid. Cute!

Davy Jones's Locker
11-04-2019, 06:16 PM
I think Baltic is the dominant element. Also applies to the other woman in some of the pictures.

11-04-2019, 06:27 PM
She has an epicanthus, cheekbones and a small nose. The girl looks east baltid + uraloid.

11-04-2019, 06:47 PM
Mari definitely has some kind of southern admixture of turunids that connects the Maris and Central Asia.
