View Full Version : Regional leaders urge speedy EU integration

07-18-2011, 03:08 PM

They said that regional countries needed to cooperate fully and support one another in the EU integration process, since this was in the interest of the entire Western Balkans that in that respect no regional country was lagging behind the others.

Croatia and Bosnia backed Serbia's expectation that it will obtain a date for commencement of the accession talks, together with the EU candidate status.

Speeding up of the EU integration process is in the interest of all the Western Balkan countries, since this is an issue of immense importance for this region, said Serbian and Croatian Presidents Boris Tadić and Ivo Josipović respectively, and Chairman of the Bosnia Presidency Željko Komšić.

At a joint press conference following the trilateral meeting, Tadić said that the participants of the meeting are of the opinion that Serbia should get a date for commencement of the EU accession talks as soon as possible.

“We want all the regional countries to join the EU, because Croats, Bosniaks, and Serbs live in our countries,” Tadić said, adding that the states should create a good and stimulating environment in the region.

Josipović said that Croatia wants to help its neighbors on their EU pathways, and added that in the future the countries will hold such trilateral meetings at least once a year.

The Croatian president said that the leaders also discussed prospects for economic cooperation, since the economies of these three countries are rather compatible.

Komšić underlined that the countries should help one another, adding that it is in the interest of the entire Western Balkans that no regional country is lagging behind the others in terms of its EU integration.

“All regional countries would like to join the EU as soon as possible,” Komšić said.

Members of the Bosnia Presidency Nebojsa Radmanović and Bakir Izetbegović also took part in this meeting.
