View Full Version : Pass ambiguous looking woman, vote in the poll

10-10-2019, 03:47 PM
where would she pass easiest? vote in the poll

https://scontent-ort2-2.cdninstagram.com/vp/1ef4bc2c0eb25c86d61105a4a7a46f8d/5E2AF38A/t51.2885-15/e35/p1080x1080/67264442_739655679799721_8744806412549138438_n.jpg ?_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-2.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=105

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10-10-2019, 03:51 PM
She's Romanian. Typical.

10-10-2019, 03:52 PM

10-10-2019, 04:07 PM

10-10-2019, 04:14 PM

true eurasian, passes from London to Mumbai :)

10-10-2019, 04:16 PM
true eurasian, passes from London to Mumbai :)

Can't pass as Mari. Too Turkish/Romanian/Central Asian looking.

10-10-2019, 04:17 PM
Can't pass as Mari. Too Turkish/Central Asian looking.

you confusing Turks with Balkanite Turks - genetically they're different.

10-10-2019, 04:18 PM
She looks very exotic. Like European+Indian and/or SE Asian

10-10-2019, 04:21 PM
She can pass on my sofa right now :P

Alpine and Pontid

Passes in Balkans and Turkey

10-10-2019, 04:26 PM
TA has taught me anytime nobody knows where someone is from, they are probably Romanian. Apparently it's the land of people who don't look like anybody else, always.

10-10-2019, 06:53 PM
so where does she pass?

only 4 votes so far

10-10-2019, 07:06 PM
Eastern European

Alpine but dominant pontid

10-10-2019, 07:08 PM
She's Romanian. Typical.
You seem obsessed with Romanians, why's that?

10-10-2019, 07:08 PM
Looks Tatar (or some other Eurasian ethnicity) + Gypsy

10-10-2019, 07:12 PM
Looks Tatar (or some other Eurasian ethnicity) + Gypsy

Tatar is sufficient to get this look, they have plenty of West Asian, some South Asian too.

10-10-2019, 07:16 PM
You seem obsessed with Romanians, why's that?

He is a lost case. Do not take him in serious. He is just a troll.

10-10-2019, 07:24 PM
You seem obsessed with Romanians, why's that?

What do you mean? ixulescu asked, I answered. What's wrong?

10-10-2019, 07:46 PM
What do you mean? ixulescu asked, I answered. What's wrong?

they think you're trolling because you call these rare types "typical".

they're not typical

10-10-2019, 07:54 PM
they think you're trolling because you call these rare types "typical".

they're not typical

She looks typical Romanian to me. I just don't understand why I'm obsessed. Trolling? If my opinion someone doesn't like it, well that's their problem.
As they say in Russia "Your expectations are your problems".

10-10-2019, 07:59 PM
She looks typical Romanian to me. I just don't understand why I'm obsessed. Trolling? If my opinion someone doesn't like it, well that's their problem.
As they say in Russia "Your expectations are your problems".

everyone thinks you're obsessed cose even in your threads about those chukchis u keep asking if they can pass in romania.
and also..how do u know who looks romanain and who doesn't? typical? lol even romanians don't have that so clear

10-10-2019, 08:01 PM
She looks typical Romanian to me. I just don't understand why I'm obsessed. Trolling? If my opinion someone doesn't like it, well that's their problem.
As they say in Russia "Your expectations are your problems".

you haven't seen Romanians outside this forum. if we say they're not typical, stfu and listen.

10-10-2019, 08:04 PM
you haven't seen Romanians outside this forum. if we say they're not typical, stfu and listen.

You've posted a lot of girls like that before. How she can be not typical?

10-10-2019, 08:09 PM
You've posted a lot of girls like that before. How she can be not typical?

I've posted a lot dark and ambiguous looking girls, but similar to this one? no.

you just can't distinguish dark types because you have only light types around you.

10-10-2019, 08:35 PM
Romanian with a medium gipsy touch(in some pictures its obvious, in others not so much),so she cannot be ambiguous by definition, i think except ixulescu(who i assume is romanian), every other romanians can tell instantly...

10-10-2019, 08:43 PM
Romanian with a medium gipsy touch(in some pictures its obvious, in others not so much),so she cannot be ambiguous by definition, i think except ixulescu(who i assume is romanian), every other romanians can tell instantly...

the traits you think point to obvious gypsy admixture are actually present in regular Caucasus people. you're just new to the game.

and by the way, the scythians from whom you seem to derive some pride, had those traits in spades.

10-10-2019, 08:53 PM
the traits you think point to obvious gypsy admixture are actually present in the regular people of the Caucasus. you're just new to the game.

and by the way, the scythians from whom you seem to derive some pride, had those traits in spades.

The second photo is a dead giveaway, but continue thinking she is some super rare romanian of georgian or cechen descend, her and other 8-10% of romanians...
Not that she wouldn't be obviously taken for gipsy there too.

10-10-2019, 08:55 PM
The second photo is a dead giveaway, but continue thinking she is some super rare romanian of georgian or cechen descend, her and other 8-10% of romanians...
Not that she wouldn't be obviously taken for gipsy there too.

No she wouldn't be.

I carefully selected the second pic for guys who think like you.

Daco Celtic
10-10-2019, 08:59 PM

10-10-2019, 09:36 PM
No she wouldn't be.

I carefully selected the second pic for guys who think like you.

Looks to me that you don't know how georgians look like.

She reminds me of another "romanian" singer Lariss, in the same range, alpinish with some gipsy touch, these people are like 'mestizos', in some photos they are passable as romanian, in others show blatant south asian, but i repeat , continue thinking she has some georgian or abkhazian ancestry, whatever that 0.0001% chance may be(as if it even makes sense for those nations to look obvious south asian).

10-10-2019, 09:39 PM
Looks to me that you don't know how georgians look like.

She reminds me of another "romanian" singer Lariss, in the same range, alpinish with some gipsy touch, these people are like 'mestizos', in some photos they are passable as romanian, in others show blatant south asian, but i repeat , continue thinking she has some georgian or abkhazian ancestry, whatever that 0.0001% chance may be(as if it even makes sense for those nations to look obvious south asian).

I was thinking more along the lines of Armenian or Azeri.
Regardless, she passes in the Caucasus.

10-10-2019, 09:48 PM
I was thinking more along the lines of Armenian or Azeri.
Regardless, she passes in the Caucasus.

So you do agree she does not look romanian.

According to eurogenes k13 azeries are 7.13% south asian(georgians are noise level for example) and from what i've seen on google plenty are passable as high caste indians.

Now the question is:how can a normal, ethnic romanian girl look like an azeri?

10-10-2019, 09:55 PM
So you do agree she does not look romanian.

I said 100 times that she's atypical.

According to eurogenes k13 azeries are 7.13% south asian(georgians are noise level for example) and from what i've seen on google plenty are passable as high caste indians.

Now the question is:how can a normal, ethnic romanian girl look like an azeri?

Azeris are West Asians.
Numerically, there are more ethnic Romanians who look West Asian than Romanian gypsies who look West Asian (percentually the situation is reversed).

10-10-2019, 09:58 PM
Southern Europe and the Balkans. Maybe Turkey and the Levant also. Not so sure about the rest.

10-10-2019, 10:01 PM
I said 100 times that she's atypical.

Azeris are West Asians.
Numerically, there are more ethnic Romanians who look West Asian than Romanian gypsies who look West Asian (percentually the situation is reversed).

West asia in any context but geographical one is useless and helds as much meaning as Europe, grouping georgians with azeries is like grouping scandinavians with islander portuguese.And azeries look different from georgians exactly cause of this added south asian blood from the east, nothing else, nothing more, no 'magic' azeri look exists.
So you by saying she looks like an azeri you admit she looks south asian influenced and this influence in romanians is almost always from gipsies.
https://scontent-frt3-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/e35/c0.135.1080.1080a/s320x320/66205129_1612835272185112_1981778193068514449_n.jp g?_nc_ht=scontent-frt3-1.cdninstagram.com&oh=6fdf2589e5dcd52cd357ad84774603cf&oe=5E06C564&ig_cache_key=MjA5MjE4Mzk3ODczMjUxNDc4Mg%3D%3D.2.c

10-10-2019, 10:03 PM
West asia in any context but geographical one is useless and helds as much meaning as Europe, grouping georgians with azeries is like grouping scandinavians with islander portuguese.And azeries look different from georgians exactly cause of this added south asian blood from the east, nothing else, nothing more, no 'magic' azeri look exists.
So you by saying she looks like an azeri you admit she looks south asian influenced and this influence in romanians is almost always from gipsies.

Alright dude, Azeris are gypsies. You won the argument.

10-10-2019, 10:07 PM
Alright dude, Azeris are gypsies. You won the argument.

I never said this, no need to belittle me or change the subject, i just gave my opinion, although a logical one, of why would an ethnic romanian look like an azeri(in your own words).

10-10-2019, 10:09 PM
I never said this, no need to belittle me or change the subject, i just gave my opinion, although a logical one, of why would an ethnic romanian look like an azeri(in your own words).

it was a shitty argument sprinkled with shitty pictures.

10-10-2019, 11:36 PM
can pass as portuguese easy