View Full Version : Classify Poles Hooligans

07-20-2011, 07:19 PM

Press 05:12.

Motörhead Remember Me
07-20-2011, 07:42 PM

07-20-2011, 07:43 PM

Could pass as Finn ?

07-20-2011, 07:51 PM
They mostly seem to be in a cromangid direction, which seems to be a general rule amongst such types in Eastern and Western Europe.

Nice to see NS ideology for filling its true purpose, as an ideology and not as a historical event. Naturally, the majority of the Polish population do not have any connection to NS, but it seems that the tougher elements of Polish society may gravitate towards NS.

Thus by a process of elimination, all of the weak will be cleansed from Europe, both east and west, thus turning NS from a fringe movement into the mainstream, by the fact that all the liberals, reds, etc will perish due to their own weakness.

I would like to say that I am quite impressed with Poland, they have not been corrupted by decadent values yet. Hopefully now Pole and German can work together to fight our common enemies.

07-20-2011, 07:53 PM
They mostly seem to be in a cromangid direction, which seems to be a general rule amongst such types in Eastern and Western Europe.

Nice to see NS ideology for filling its true purpose, as an ideology and not as a historical event. Naturally, the majority of the Polish population do not have any connection to NS, but it seems that the tougher elements of Polish society may gravitate towards NS.

Thus by a process of elimination, all of the weak will be cleansed from Europe, both east and west, thus turning NS from a fringe movement into the mainstream, by the fact that all the liberals, reds, etc will perish due to their own weakness.

I would like to say that I am quite impressed with Poland, they have not been corrupted by decadent values yet. Hopefully now Pole and German can work together to fight our common enemies.

Interesting comment. :thumb001:

07-20-2011, 07:55 PM
Poland has not immigration problem so why there is skinhead movement?

07-20-2011, 07:55 PM
Most of them are in the West Baltid/Baltid range with Dinarid influences.

07-20-2011, 08:00 PM
Poland has not immigration problem so why there is skinhead movement?

Watch the video, muttski

07-20-2011, 08:03 PM
The more thick set guy seems to be rather Nordo-Cromagnoid of some sort.

07-20-2011, 08:16 PM
Nice to see NS ideology for filling its true purpose, as an ideology and not as a historical event. Naturally, the majority of the Polish population do not have any connection to NS, but it seems that the tougher elements of Polish society may gravitate towards NS.

Thus by a process of elimination, all of the weak will be cleansed from Europe, both east and west, thus turning NS from a fringe movement into the mainstream, by the fact that all the liberals, reds, etc will perish due to their own weakness.

I would like to say that I am quite impressed with Poland, they have not been corrupted by decadent values yet. Hopefully now Pole and German can work together to fight our common enemies.

National Socialist Poles......Now I have seen everything.:confused:

I wonder how your next door neighbors still feel about Danzig?

07-21-2011, 07:38 AM
National Socialist Poles......Now I have seen everything.:confused:

I wonder how your next door neighbors still feel about Danzig?

I think that the issue of language and race is often confused.

Firstly NS was a ideology of race and the progressive races at that, thus for Europeans, both east and west to have NS views is not strange at all.
The men in that video being Nordo-Cromagnoid direction, and cromagnid being generally a progressive European type, means that it no surprise that they would hold NS views. I would be surprise if Alpinids had such views, but generally speaking they do not, as they seem to gravitate towards socialism/communism. But I am sure there are exceptions, and things in reality are never that clear cut!

The issue of Danzig is important as I hope modern Germans and Poles can work together on such issues as I am sure nobody wants to see a return to the past. We now have bigger problems, i.e. the coming racial conflict in Europe.

I feel that most modern NS would care little if Danzig was administered by Poles or Germans, so long as they are progressive racial Poles or Germans. If not, and it is ruled by less progressive or Asian types then we will have a problem, as such regions are naturally going to be much less desirable places to be, than those regions organised by more progressive racial groups i.e Nordid/Atlantid(or Pondid in an eastern context)/Cromangid peoples

I think German would be a useful language of inter-European communication like Latin or French used to be, but really I feel it does not matter what language a person speaks so long as they are progressive.

The Poles are not the enemy of NS or German only less progressive types which naturally are not equals, physically or intellectually, and thus a resentment is created between racial groups between progressive and less progressive types. But this is also an internal problem for Poland and the Poles, as Polish society seems to have more a dichotomy ( as does other Eastern European countries in general ) between the progressive racial groups, which make up a smaller part of the population, and a larger less progressive base. In the west, the division between this racial base/superstructure was far less (historically speaking although things are changing) as we had less racially degenerate types than Eastern European counties, within which, the progressive types made you more of an social élite. Ironically true socialism can only exist when a nation contains an overall progressive basis. That is why Nordic counties, Holland and Germany have historically been more ‘socialist’ without the huge gaps between rich and poor.

But this is not simply a German vs Poland problem as German has its fair share of degenerate types, who would seek an easy life over a life of Honour.

To Sum up; NS is an ideology of race and blood, and the growth of importance of NS within Europe with the more progressive racial types who have not been exposed to the same Zionist propaganda and are to a certain extent not corrupted by degenerate lifestyles, are in my view the heirs of the sprit that brought NS into the world. It is now the turn of Eastern Europe to take up the fight for Europeans as the world’s most progressive racial framework and specially the peak types within that framework. I am happy to see Nordid/Cromangid/Atlantid or Pondid types fighting for their race and for Europe, and it matters not whether they speak Polish, German or Russian.

07-21-2011, 05:24 PM
The more thick set guy seems to be rather Nordo-Cromagnoid of some sort.

What would you guess them if you didn't know their ancestry ?

07-21-2011, 05:25 PM
The one you mentioned could be German, Polish or Baltic primarily.

The others look more typically Polish imo.

07-25-2011, 08:34 AM
Great video.
@1:15 Baltid/ Borreby & Dinarized Pontid
@5:25 West Baltid
@6:00 Borreby Pontid a little Gorid
7:25 Dinarized North Pontid
@7:47 guy in front looks Baltid, Noric & Nordic 2nd guy looks Neo Danubian / Borreby
@8:36 Dinairzed North Pontid
@8:39 Pontid/ Danubian Nordic

07-25-2011, 08:37 AM
Great video.
@1:15 Baltid/ Borreby & Dinarized Pontid
@5:25 West Baltid
@6:00 Borreby Pontid a little Gorid
7:25 Dinarized North Pontid
@7:47 guy in front looks Baltid, Noric & Nordic 2nd guy looks Neo Danubian / Borreby
@8:36 Dinairzed North Pontid
@8:39 Pontid/ Danubian Nordic

I have seen their type almost everyday.