View Full Version : Classify the future Spanish football star, Rodrigo Riquelme

Cristiano viejo
10-16-2019, 10:44 AM
From Madrid


10-16-2019, 10:46 AM
Looks really Iberian to me, but I think he can pass in South and South-Eastern Europe like Greece. I guess Atlantid or something.

10-16-2019, 10:46 AM

10-16-2019, 10:47 AM
Looks mainly Euro, IMO.

Cristiano viejo
10-16-2019, 10:48 AM
Looks mainly Euro, IMO.

Yes, mainly :laugh:

10-16-2019, 10:49 AM
Looks mainly Euro, IMO.

He's 100% European :)

10-16-2019, 10:51 AM
He's 100% European :)

He can pass.

10-16-2019, 12:43 PM
Atlanto Med+Alpinid.

10-21-2019, 02:10 PM
Western Euro type.

Enviado de meu SM-G610M usando o Tapatalk

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2020, 06:33 AM
More opinions, girls?

07-22-2020, 06:40 AM

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2020, 06:42 AM

Sicilians wish.

07-22-2020, 06:43 AM
AtlantoMed. + Alpine

07-22-2020, 06:46 AM
Sicilians wish.

Ok.. Calabrian ..

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2020, 06:47 AM
Ok.. Calabrian ..

Nah, Calabrians look like Venetians, not like this guy


07-22-2020, 07:07 AM
Nah, Calabrians look like Venetians, not like this guy


From this pic..you can see some araboid traits.. Maybe 700 moor occupation means something..

07-22-2020, 07:16 AM
Alpinized Atlantid

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2020, 07:18 AM
From this pic..you can see some araboid traits.. Maybe 700 moor occupation means something..

So do you have also Araboid traits for the 300 years of Moorish occupation of your country?? interesting...

07-22-2020, 07:45 AM
So do you have also Araboid traits for the 300 years of Moorish occupation of your country?? interesting...

Only in Sicily for 200 years..:cool:

07-22-2020, 10:03 AM
He looks Subnordid i think. Like a Nordid + Alpinid, ye

07-22-2020, 11:52 AM
From this pic..you can see some araboid traits.. Maybe 700 moor occupation means something..

Sorry to dissapoint you but it was 2300 years moor occupation. In every single city of Spain. Exactly in every inch of the surface of Iberia. 1 moor in 1 inch. And the moros that came to Spain were black-sudanids. And it is thanks to them that we can drink wáter since they did "acequias" and contributed ALL to our evolution. In fact, it was the moros (after being expelled) the ones that discovered and conquered America for us. They directed us telepatically.

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2020, 12:12 PM
Sorry to dissapoint you but it was 2300 years moor occupation. In every single city of Spain. Exactly in every inch of the surface of Iberia. 1 moor in 1 inch. And the moros that came to Spain were black-sudanids. And it is thanks to them that we can drink wáter since they did "acequias" and contributed ALL to our evolution. In fact, it was the moros (after being expelled) the ones that discovered and conquered America for us. They directed us telepatically.

Funniest thing is that we conquered Italy while supposedly were being governed by moors :laugh:

07-22-2020, 12:28 PM
Sorry to dissapoint you but it was 2300 years moor occupation. In every single city of Spain. Exactly in every inch of the surface of Iberia. 1 moor in 1 inch. And the moros that came to Spain were black-sudanids. And it is thanks to them that we can drink wáter since they did "acequias" and contributed ALL to our evolution. In fact, it was the moros (after being expelled) the ones that discovered and conquered America for us. They directed us telepatically.

It is well known that the Romans enlisted soldiers from every place .. Italian-romans decided to send the Africans troops in Spain .. so for them it seemed to be at home ( phoenicians - Maghreb people - palm tree and camel everywhere .. more than in Sicily)..:cool:

Is your avatar the pic of ancient roman light house ?

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2020, 12:29 PM
It is well known that the Romans enlisted soldiers from every place .. Italian-romans decided to send the Africans troops in Spain .:

You wish.

07-22-2020, 12:33 PM
You wish.

It is a fact.. written in every history books (accademic books ):cool:

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2020, 12:40 PM
It is a fact.. written in every history books (accademic books ):cool:

Yeah, in Terronia :rolleyes:

You should worry for the fact that Arabs and other brownies, from North Africa until Arabia, arrived to Italy, some even as emperors (emperors!) :picard1:

07-22-2020, 12:51 PM
Yeah, in Terronia :rolleyes:

You should worry for the fact that Arabs and other brownies, from North Africa until Arabia, arrived to Italy, some even as emperors (emperors!) :picard1:

Veneto is not terronia.. Veneto is here ( and i live in the center of Triveneto regions )


This is terronia... 700-1500 km from my home.. and they were part of spanish "empire"...


https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/sFNyqU9rOzNcsj-ZsAkcjaQ7M5nFBMEBNzyfjrnfFYcxQeZienZ0FbAmYjmez-VqkEGNbs4sGVQFf6e5KjFPCA2TSXyGy9Q4o4QUwUCbIk_xNTk2 Kvm0UQJ3SZ_wHlzv384

07-22-2020, 12:53 PM
Veneto is not terronia.. Veneto is here ( and i live in the center of Triveneto regions )


This is terronia... 700-1500 km from my home.. and they were part of spanish "empire"...


If he pass In South Italy, he pass also in North Italy.:D

07-22-2020, 12:56 PM
Veneto is not terronia.. Veneto is here ( and i live in the center of Triveneto regions )

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/sFNyqU9rOzNcsj-ZsAkcjaQ7M5nFBMEBNzyfjrnfFYcxQeZienZ0FbAmYjmez-VqkEGNbs4sGVQFf6e5KjFPCA2TSXyGy9Q4o4QUwUCbIk_xNTk2 Kvm0UQJ3SZ_wHlzv384

Don´t forget the Duchy of Milan, it was also Spanish Empire.:rolleyes:

Spanish Habsburg rule (1556–1707)
The emperor Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor held the duchy from 1535, eventually investing it on his son Philip II, King of Spain from 1556. The possession of the duchy by Habsburg Spain was finally recognized by the French in the Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis in 1559.

The Duchy of Milan remained in Habsburg Spain hands until the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714), when the Austrians invaded it (1701) and obtained it with the Convention of Milan in 1707.

07-22-2020, 12:58 PM
Don´t forget the Duchy of Milan, it was also Spanish Empire.:rolleyes:

Do you want terronia as in your glorious old days ? it is for free.. plus some gifts from Veneto..:thumb001:
Lombardia is little bit expensive.. but for you we can make a good discount ( I'm not interested to be associated with Milano.. only Brescia & Bergamo )

We could try to offer terronia to chinese.. They could buy "it" for nothing..

07-22-2020, 01:11 PM
Do you want terronia as in your glorious old days ? it is for free.. plus some gifts from Veneto..:thumb001:
Lombardia is little bit expensive.. but for you we can make a good discount ( I'm not interested to be associated with Milano.. only Brescia & Bergamo )

We could try to offer terronia to chinese.. They could buy "it" for nothing..

That you are not interested in being related to them is clear, but the reality is that you are, whether you like it or not. With South Italy and with Milano.:)

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2020, 01:12 PM
Veneto is not terronia.. Veneto is here ( and i live in the center of Triveneto regions )


This is terronia... 700-1500 km from my home.. and they were part of spanish "empire"...

You can remove the remarks, the Spanish empire was larger than that of Romans. Yes, Romans, these Terrone. Romans, not Venetians.

07-22-2020, 01:15 PM
That you are not interested in being related to them is clear, but the reality is that you are, whether you like it or not. With South Italy and with Milano.:)

It is Napoleon's CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY if we have lost our Independence

Napoleone morto di fame Bonaparte..terrone della Toscana

Venice Repubblic was a repubblic for more than 1000 years..

07-22-2020, 01:17 PM
It is well known that the Romans enlisted soldiers from every place .. Italian-romans decided to send the Africans troops in Spain .. so for them it seemed to be at home ( phoenicians - Maghreb people - palm tree and camel everywhere .. more than in Sicily)..:cool:

Is your avatar the pic of ancient roman light house ?

The oldest working faro (light house?) in the world. 2000 years old. Torre de Hércules. Although it is known that before this one there was an older one and it is the base for many mythological stories.

"Secvndvs angvlvs circivm intendit, ubi Brigantia Gallæciæ civitas sita altissimvm farvm et inter pavca memorandi operis ad specvlam Britanniæ erigit"

07-22-2020, 01:21 PM
[/SIZE]renaissance12;6809785]Do you want terronia as in your glorious old days ? it is for free.. plus some gifts from Veneto..:thumb001:
Lombardia is little bit expensive.. but for you we can make a good discount ( I'm not interested to be associated with Milano.. only Brescia & Bergamo )

We could try to offer terronia to chinese.. They could buy "it" for nothing..

Did you know that while Spain was ruling Italy we financed the Italian Renaissance??

The gold from America was capital to fund the Renaissance (the most important one in the 1500s) in Italy. Many rich Spaniards living in Italy were "mecenas" (patreon) to great italian artists. So, without our Empire maybe you will not have had the Renaissance that gives name to your Nick.

07-22-2020, 01:21 PM
You can remove the remarks, the Spanish empire was larger than that of Romans. Yes, Romans, these Terrone. Romans, not Venetians.

What a feat .. conquering empty lands ....like the english who would not have been able to arrive in North America without the Venetian Giovanni Cabotto .... I forget COLOMBO.. who brought the Spaniards to America...

Under the thumb of the romans there were greeks.. egyptians.. babylonians.. persian.. phoenicians.. celts assyrians .. and ect ect..

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2020, 01:29 PM
What a feat .. conquering empty lands ....like the english who would not have been able to arrive in North America without the Venetian Giovanni Cabotto ....
If Italy, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Greece, Portugal were empty lands... :rolleyes:
If conquering all America with no more than 2.000 Spaniards is not a epic story... :rolleyes:

I forget COLOMBO.. who brought the Spaniards to America...
It is the opposite. It were Spaniards who brought Colón to América.
Colón searched Asia, baby. Such failed "navigator" :laugh:

And stop claiming Colón, he was not Venetian, and you have nothing to do with Genovese... wait, was he really Genovese? :thumb001:

Under the thumb of the romans there were greeks.. egyptians.. babylonians.. persian.. phoenicians.. celts assyrians .. and ect ect..

wow... egyptians, Babilonians, persians... :rolleyes: but if in that time were just as barbaric as Germanic, man, or even more!

07-22-2020, 01:37 PM
What a feat .. conquering empty lands ....like the english who would not have been able to arrive in North America without the Venetian Giovanni Cabotto .... I forget COLOMBO.. who brought the Spaniards to America...

Under the thumb of the romans there were greeks.. egyptians.. babylonians.. persian.. phoenicians.. celts assyrians .. and ect ect..

Sorry, but who brought the Spaniards to America it was the luck and 3 Spanish ships with Spanish crew payed by the Castilian crown. Columbus was trying to arrive To East Asia.

07-22-2020, 01:47 PM
If Italy, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Greece, Portugal were empty lands... :rolleyes:
If conquering all America with no more than 2.000 Spaniards is not a epic story... :rolleyes:

It is the opposite. It were Spaniards who brought Colón to América.
Colón searched Asia, baby. Such failed "navigator" :laugh:

And stop claiming Colón, he was not Venetian, and you have nothing to do with Genovese... wait, was he really Genovese? :thumb001:

wow... egyptians, Babilonians, persians... :rolleyes: but if in that time were just as barbaric as Germanic, man, or even more!

France, Belgium, Netherlands, Greece, Portugal .. all together they had less wealth than the city of Venice....

Don't forget that Venice... a medium size city.. was capable of facing the strongest empire ... the Ottomans..

07-22-2020, 01:53 PM
Sorry, but who brought the Spaniards to America it was the luck and 3 Spanish ships with Spanish crew payed by the Castilian crown. Columbus was trying to arrive To East Asia.

We knew that you needed a conductor....

07-22-2020, 02:04 PM
We knew that you needed a conductor....

An "Italian " conductor that was not able to write a letter in Italian to the "Banco San Giorgio" in Genova asking it for credit and wrote it in Spanish, and to whom his Florentine brother-in-law used to write letters in bad Spanish?

He didn´t speak Italian?

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2020, 02:06 PM
France, Belgium, Netherlands, Greece, Portugal .. all together they had less wealth than the city of Venice....

Don't forget that Venice... a medium size city.. was capable of facing the strongest empire ... the Ottomans..
No, it was not. In fact they conquered a lot of your posessions, you had to ask help to the Pope and Spain and no, Ottoman was not the strongest empire but the Spanish.

And clarify your ideas (rather ocurrences), was Venecia a medium size city... or wealthiest than France, Belgium, Netherlands, Greece, Portugal combined? :laugh:

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2020, 02:07 PM
An "Italian " conductor that was not able to write a letter in Italian to the "Banco San Giorgio" in Genova asking it for credit and wrote it in Spanish, and to whom his Florentine brother-in-law used to write letters in bad Spanish?

He didn´t speak Italian?

There is not a single letter, document or whatever write in Italian by Colón.
Pretty sure he was not Italian.

07-22-2020, 02:37 PM
An "Italian " conductor that was not able to write a letter in Italian to the "Banco San Giorgio" in Genova asking it for credit and wrote it in Spanish, and to whom his Florentine brother-in-law used to write letters in bad Spanish?

He didn´t speak Italian?

Italian/ tuscan dialect became the official Language of Italy in XIX century....

07-22-2020, 02:45 PM
There is not a single letter, document or whatever write in Italian by Colón.
Pretty sure he was not Italian.

Colombo please..

07-22-2020, 03:16 PM
Italian/ tuscan dialect became the official Language of Italy in XIX century....

That does not clarify absolutely anything;)

There are dozens of texts written by Columbus himself, none in Italian, and if he ever wrote a sentence made in Italian, he did it wrong.

In his texts , there are Galician or Portuguese-like words, including some of Majorcan-like dialect, but not Italian or any Italian dialect.

Even when writing in Latin, he makes mistakes typical of someone who speaks in a language of the Iberian Peninsula.

If he were Italian he would not have always avoided revealing his origins as he did, and the last name Colón existed since before he was born in the Iberian Peninsula, from Galicia to the Balearic Islands.

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2020, 03:36 PM
Colombo please..

Yes, whats up with him?

07-22-2020, 03:49 PM
What a feat .. conquering empty lands ....like the english who would not have been able to arrive in North America without the Venetian Giovanni Cabotto .... I forget COLOMBO.. who brought the Spaniards to America...

Under the thumb of the romans there were greeks.. egyptians.. babylonians.. persian.. phoenicians.. celts assyrians .. and ect ect..

The surname COLÓN is very usual in the Aragón Crown (Cataluña, Valencia, Islas Baleares). The mistake is because in the Crown of Castilla when someone was from outside the Crown of Castilla was named a "genovese" as a synonimous for "foreigner" (foreigner of Castilla). The reason for "genovese" was the big amount of genovese people doing commerce all over the Mediterraneo. So, for a Castellano someone born in Barcelona or Mallorca was technically someone from outside, ie a genovese.

There are many reasons to consider him a Spanish (not a castellano but someone from Corona de Aragón) and one of the main is what Gixajo said: how is it posible that someone from any italian región could not write in any italian dialect when writing to the Pope? Why there are no real (some faked) letters wrote in any italian dialect? It is easy to know why: he was not from any italian place. The reason why the genovese theory has been pushed so much is because the big amount of italian-americans in the USA (in America). They prefered that he was considered an italian so they would feel more accepted in America.

No hard feelings with you italians, you are always welcommed in Spain.

07-22-2020, 03:56 PM
Colón was as 23andme used to say "broadly South European".:D

FalangeAngeL JONS
07-22-2020, 04:25 PM
Cuando se me viene a la cabeza la idea de un varón ibérico joven este futbolista es la mayor aproximación. Español 100%

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2020, 04:26 PM
The surname COLÓN is very usual in the Aragón Crown (Cataluña, Valencia, Islas Baleares). The mistake is because in the Crown of Castilla when someone was from outside
I dont give a fucck about his origins. Ones claim Genovense, others from Mallorca, others Portuguese, others Jew (this claim has a lot of supporters).
Not important for me because he was a total loser. First he failed with his nautic-maritime estimations. If not by the absolute luck that America existed in the middle of the ocean, he would have led to death to the hundreds of sailors of the three ships :rolleyes:

Not happy with this, he was a terrible governor. Despotic, cruel, corrupt as fuck. Climbed his brothers, who were as corrupt as himself. Tried to slave all the Indians as possible but the queen Isabel stopped his plans.
To finish, he was accused of all that and sent chained to Spain.

Even many years later he still thought he had reached Asia. SUCH FAILED "NAVIGATOR AND EXPLORER" :picard1:

No hard feelings with you italians, you are always welcommed in Spain.
Not always, not my case.

07-22-2020, 04:37 PM
I just said it to debunk his genovese origins and because worldwide the Conquista de America is given credit to this genovese and not directly to Spain. In fact, the biggest Exchange in the History of Humankind it is named after Colon when it should be named after Spain. It is named "The Columbus Exchange". It should be named "The Spain-America Exchange" or "the most important episode of evolution in human history".

I dont give a fucck about his origins. Ones claim Genovense, others from Mallorca, others Portuguese, others Jew (this claim has a lot of supporters).
Not important for me because he was a total loser. First he failed with his nautic-maritime estimations. If not by the absolute luck that America existed in the middle of the ocean, he would have led to death to the hundreds of sailors of the three ships :rolleyes:

Not happy with this, he was a terrible governor. Despotic, cruel, corrupt as fuck. Climbed his brothers, who were as corrupt as himself. Tried to slave all the Indians as possible but the queen Isabel stopped his plans.
To finish, he was accused of all that and sent chained to Spain.

Even many years later he still thought he had reached Asia. SUCH FAILED "NAVIGATOR AND EXPLORER" :picard1:

Not always, not my case.

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2020, 04:41 PM
In fact, the biggest Exchange in the History of Humankind it is named after Colon when it should be named after Spain. It is named "The Columbus Exchange". It should be named "The Spain-America Exchange" or "the most important episode of evolution in human history".
Very good point.

07-22-2020, 04:45 PM
Origin of a guy who first stumbled upon it doesn't really matter. Spain built the empire and I call it a day. No need to go on the edge over this.

07-22-2020, 05:29 PM
Origin of a guy who first stumbled upon it doesn't really matter. Spain built the empire and I call it a day. No need to go on the edge over this.

In any case, Colon was not the first either. The first to see America was 1 Spaniard (the one that said: "Tierra a la vista"), and the first to set a foot was another Spaniard in his expedition. So, he just wanted to arrive to India, got the funds from Spain, but it was Spaniards the ones that made it posible and the ones that made everything after the first landing during 2 centuries.

And the first europeans were not the vikings either, it was the celtic Spanish culture that gave birth to the Chachapoyas culture 2500 years ago.

Ajeje Brazorf
07-22-2020, 05:34 PM
The reason why the genovese theory has been pushed so much is because the big amount of italian-americans in the USA (in America). They prefered that he was considered an italian so they would feel more accepted in America.

No hard feelings with you italians, you are always welcommed in Spain.

If most historians agree that he was Ligurian, it is not for who knows what conspiracy against you or to favour a minority (the Italian-Americans), but simply because the evidence is on that side. You see, despite all the rivalries that may exist on this forum, I have nothing against the Spanish either. I simply find that some people can't accept that the man who "discovered" the Americas was not Spanish, and here nationalism also plays a fundamental role.


The list is long, it explains in detail why the Genoese theory has more credibility and don't tell me they're all fake, come on. Even his son, the ambassadors and his contemporaries called him Genoese. Columbus, however, preferred to leave others in the dark about his origins and lineage, this is also the reason why there are the most bizarre theories, according to which this man was everything (Catalan, Jewish, Greek, Portuguese, Polish, Sardinian, Corsican, Norwegian, Scottish etc.) except Italian or Genoese.

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2020, 05:36 PM
In any case, Colon was not the first either. The first to see America was 1 Spaniard (the one that said: "Tierra a la vista"), and the first to set a foot was another Spaniard in his expedition. So, he just wanted to arrive to India, got the funds from Spain, but it was Spaniards the ones that made it posible and the ones that made everything after the first landing during 2 centuries.

The sailor who screamed Tierra was Rodrigo de Triana, from Sevilla, also called Rodrigo Bermejo.

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2020, 05:42 PM
some people can't accept that the man who "discovered" the Americas was not Spanish, and here nationalism also plays a fundamental role.

We can not because he was not. What in hell makes you to think he was?? along him went another more than 100 sailors. Why the fuck do you claim he discovered America and not the rest? who the fuck drove the ships?

He was a total useless, his predictions a failure. Only God allowed a continent was front them because if it was by him, all deads. FACT.

Ajeje Brazorf
07-22-2020, 05:51 PM
We can not because he was not. What in hell makes you to think he was?? along him went another more than 100 sailors. Why the fuck do you claim he discovered America and not the rest? who the fuck drove the ships?

He was a total useless, his predictions a failure. Only God allowed a continent was front them because if it was by him, all deads. FACT.

Maybe you don't understand. I don't give a shit who discovered America or what country he belonged to. The post was simply referred to a precise historical figure, which is Christopher Columbus and his origins. Whether he discovered America or not is irrelevant to me.

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2020, 05:54 PM
Maybe you don't understand. I don't give a shit who discovered America or what country he belonged to. The post was simply referred to a precise historical figure, which is Christopher Columbus and his origins. Whether he discovered America or not is irrelevant to me.

Ah, ok. It is exactly the opposite to me, as stated some posts above. His origins dont matter much to me since I consider America was discovered despite him.
Ships arrived to America same than could have arrived to the Southern Pole or South Africa, a total lotery.

07-22-2020, 05:57 PM

I agree maybe some mix of Nordic, Alpine, Med.

07-22-2020, 06:06 PM
In any case, Colon was not the first either. The first to see America was 1 Spaniard (the one that said: "Tierra a la vista"), and the first to set a foot was another Spaniard in his expedition. So, he just wanted to arrive to India, got the funds from Spain, but it was Spaniards the ones that made it posible and the ones that made everything after the first landing during 2 centuries.

And the first europeans were not the vikings either, it was the celtic Spanish culture that gave birth to the Chachapoyas culture 2500 years ago.

Perhaps, I'm not gonna do the research right now. Either way, it's kind of irrelevant what was the ethnicity of the first European who ever set a foot in there. What matters is that it was the long-term effort of the Spanish who connected the two worlds in a systematic manner and united the existing empires in there under its crown. Yet some feel it's legit to credit a single navigator for that. Amusing. ;-)

07-22-2020, 06:29 PM
Chachapoyas origins in Celtic Iberian culture ?:picard1:

Edit:mejor me voy a tomar el aire, hasta luego.

Damião de Góis
07-22-2020, 06:42 PM
Very entertaining thread. The real Damião de Góis, born in 1502, wrote that he was genoese so that's good enough for me. Regarding his writings in a mix of spanish and portuguese (or catalan?) and never in italian, it's possible that he was illiterate and learned to write here and maybe was not a good student.

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2020, 06:44 PM
Very entertaining thread. The real Damião de Góis, born in 1502, wrote that he was genoese so that's good enough for me. Regarding his writings in a mix of spanish and portuguese (or catalan?) and never in italian, it's possible that he was illiterate and learned to write here and maybe was not a good student.
All indicates he was not illiterate.
Or maybe yes and that is why his calculations were so lousy :D

Damião de Góis
07-22-2020, 06:49 PM
All indicates he was not illiterate.
Or maybe yes and that is why his calculations were so lousy :D

You can see on this page more historians writing the same, including the spanish Nicolas Monardes:

https://pt.qwe.wiki/wiki/Origin_theories_of_Christopher_Columbus#Genoese_or igin

07-22-2020, 06:53 PM
Columbus was Portuguese, he told me back in 1491, broke into tears when he had to flee to Spain to undertake his expediction. Real story bro, poor guy never had good health habits died a few centuries ago, I'm on the other hand here, 500 years after I managed to know how to work with internet and with computers and I'm telling you from a first personal experience source, he was Portugueseeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2020, 06:53 PM
You can see on this page more historians writing the same, including the spanish Nicolas Monardes:

https://pt.qwe.wiki/wiki/Origin_theories_of_Christopher_Columbus#Genoese_or igin

Mouth to mouth rules, that proves nothing, they were not his biographers and many even were not contemporaries.

07-23-2020, 09:58 AM
Chachapoyas origins in Celtic Iberian culture ?:picard1:

Edit:mejor me voy a tomar el aire, hasta luego.

There are many other webs in which they have proven that the Chachapoyas are abundant in R1b.


He believes that the Carthaginians did not “simply vanish” after the Carthaginians were defeated by the Romans in 146 BCE, and he refuses to believe Roman accounts that the city’s population was enslaved or killed under Scipio Aemilianus. He wants to know where they went. To find the Carthaginians—and here he is looking for just one boatload—he starts at the Balearic Islands, where Carthage found its fiercest soldiers. Giffhorn feels that the Carthaginians were not enslaved in their entirety, so for him it is only logical that they fled to Kuelap, the Chachapoya fortress in Peru. He believes that in the western Mediterranean the Carthaginian exiles teamed up with Celtic people from Iberia to escape the Romans, who were also taking over the Carthaginian territories of what is today Spain.

Celtic prowess combined with Carthaginian sailing skills to cross the Atlantic.

Griffhorn believes the Diodorus Siculus proves that the Carthaginians reached the Americas. Diodorus (Library of History 5.19-20) first describes an island, not a continent, “over against Libya”—meaning off the African coast—and states that it contains stately towns and fruitful plains when the Phoenicians discovered it:

“ The Phoenicians therefore, upon the account before related, having found out the coasts beyond the pillars, and sailing along by the shore of Africa, were on a sudden driven by a furious storm afar off into the main ocean; and after they had lain under this violent tempest for many days, they at length arrived at this island; and so, coming to the knowledge of the nature and pleasantness of this isle, they caused it to be known to everyone; and therefore the Tyrrhenians, when they were masters at sea, designed to send a colony thither; but the Carthaginians opposed them, both fearing lest most of their own citizens should be allured through the goodness of the island to settle there, and likewise intending to keep it as a place of refuge for themselves, in case of any sudden and unexpected blasts of fortune, which might tend to the utter ruin of their government: for, being then potent at sea, they doubted not but they could easily transport themselves and their families into that island unknown to the conquerors. (trans. G. Booth)