View Full Version : Hungarian, Slovak, Austrian and Romanian teams. Compare & contrast

10-17-2019, 12:01 PM

10-17-2019, 12:02 PM

10-17-2019, 12:04 PM

10-17-2019, 12:08 PM

10-17-2019, 12:11 PM

10-17-2019, 12:11 PM
Inspired by Feiichy's new threads about the European athletes.

10-17-2019, 12:17 PM
Lots of individual overlap, but none of these can pass for others in groups.

Hungarians look East-Central Euro, but quite heterogenous. Mix of southern German and Slavic types with minor numbers of Balkan types. They look kind of like Czechs with stronger Med element.
Slovaks look quite Slavic. Men look pretty different to Hungarians and shift towards Poles in my opinion, while women are more classic East-Central European and overlap Hungarians nicely.
Austrians look quite German actually. Clear Germanic types there that sets them apart from other teams. Men look mix of Germanic and Celtic types with minor Balkan and West Slavic traits. Women look more like Hungarians and Slovaks.
Romanians look Balkan in general. Minor occurence of Central Euro types among men, while women have visible presence of Slavic and Med phenotypes. Again women overlap other teams better than do men.
Serbs look like a mix of Slavic and Balkan types. They are closest to Romanians in this set, but there are differences. Serbs men look more Slavic than Romanian men, while Serb women look more Med than Romanian women.

10-17-2019, 12:23 PM
Lots of individual overlap, but none of these can pass for others in groups.

Hungarians look East-Central Euro, but quite heterogenous. Mix of southern German and Slavic types with minor numbers of Balkan types. They look kind of like Czechs with stronger Med element.
Slovaks look quite Slavic. Men look pretty different to Hungarians and shift towards Poles in my opinion, while women are more classic East-Central European and overlap Hungarians nicely.
Austrians look quite German actually. Clear Germanic types there that sets them apart from other teams. Men look mix of Germanic and Celtic types with minor Balkan and West Slavic traits. Women look more like Hungarians and Slovaks.
Romanians look Balkan in general. Minor occurence of Central Euro types among men, while women have visible presence of Slavic and Med phenotypes. Again women overlap other teams better than do men.


10-17-2019, 12:23 PM

I added them :)

Tooting Carmen
10-17-2019, 12:28 PM
Lots of individual overlap, but none of these can pass for others in groups.

Hungarians look East-Central Euro, but quite heterogenous. Mix of southern German and Slavic types with minor numbers of Balkan types. They look kind of like Czechs with stronger Med element.
Slovaks look quite Slavic. Men look pretty different to Hungarians and shift towards Poles in my opinion, while women are more classic East-Central European and overlap Hungarians nicely.
Austrians look quite German actually. Clear Germanic types there that sets them apart from other teams. Men look mix of Germanic and Celtic types with minor Balkan and West Slavic traits. Women look more like Hungarians and Slovaks.
Romanians look Balkan in general. Minor occurence of Central Euro types among men, while women have visible presence of Slavic and Med phenotypes. Again women overlap other teams better than do men.
Serbs look like a mix of Slavic and Balkan types. They are closest to Romanians in this set, but there are differences. Serbs men look more Slavic than Romanian men, while Serb women look more Med than Romanian women.

Something like this.

10-17-2019, 12:49 PM
Feiitchy gave a terrific, detailed answer.

I will simply say, upon a quick overview of the various group's, the thing I notice is more Mediterranean influence in the Romanians and Serbs, when compared to the other groups.

10-17-2019, 03:12 PM
I cannot say more things, Feiichy has already wrote everything :)

10-17-2019, 03:20 PM
Austrian men differ the most.

10-17-2019, 03:41 PM
To me none of them look similar as a group.

Hungarians: they look something between Austrians and East-Slavs to me. Presence of SubNordids, Norids and at same time Baltids. They have a Med-looking(Pontids and North Pontids) minority if compared to Slovaks.

Slovaks: they look more stereotypical Slavic with lots of Baltids and Neo-Danubians influenced people. Also i see some unmixed Nordid as well.

Austrians: they look Central-Western Europeans to me. I don't see anything Slavic in them, they look Germanic. Norid, Subnordid, Alpinid, Tronder is what predominate.

Romanian: they look more Paleo-Balkan and less Med infleunced than Serbs. I see lots of Dinarids and variations like Dinaro-Pontid. Quite Southern shifted if compared to the previous teams.

Serbs: they look like a Med shifted version of the Romanian team with some Baltid admixture. I see lots of Pontids and North Pontids in the team and also some Atlanto-Med, Atlantid, Dinaro-Pontid and Dinarid are present.

10-17-2019, 04:15 PM
Austria has the prettiest girls.

10-17-2019, 04:37 PM
Ria ria Hungaria

The Blade
10-17-2019, 08:19 PM
In these sets and compared to what I've seen:
Hungarians - a mix of Pontid, Nordid, Atlanto-Med, Dinarid, Alpinid and Borreby traits (less Baltid influence than other sets you usually post but since Baltid is not common among athletes, I find it normal)
Slovaks - Pontid, Nordid, Dinarid and Alpinid elements (also less Baltid than in general)
Austrians - Nordid, Pontid, Alpinid and Dinarid types (quite close to my general impression of them)
Romanians - Pontids, Alpinids, Dinarids, Carpathids, Norids (close to some Romanian groups I've seen posted by TA users, less so to others)
Serbs - Pontid, Nordid, Atlanto-Med, Norid, Balto-Nordid types (close to Serbian reality)