View Full Version : These girls pass much better in Romania or Moldova?

10-17-2019, 05:28 PM

10-17-2019, 05:31 PM

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10-17-2019, 05:33 PM
they pass in both, they might be Romanians from the Moldova region.

10-17-2019, 05:40 PM
moldova (both moldovas)

10-17-2019, 05:54 PM
moldova (both moldovas)

In Romanian Moldova live Romanians or Moldovans?

10-17-2019, 05:58 PM
In Romanian Moldova live Romanians or Moldovans?

Moldovans are Romanians, there's no real difference

10-17-2019, 05:58 PM
In Romanian Moldova live Romanians or Moldovans?

romanian moldovians :lol:

10-17-2019, 06:02 PM
romanian moldovians :lol:

Romanized Moldovans?

10-17-2019, 06:08 PM
Romanized Moldovans?

what is that?

it's like saying Moldovenized Moldovans

10-17-2019, 06:08 PM
Romanized Moldovans?

Moldovians and Romanians are the same, in fact Romanian language is actually Moldovian language.

And the girls pass in Moldova more due to high slavic minority carrying Baltic phenotype.

10-17-2019, 06:10 PM
Romanized Moldovans?


10-17-2019, 06:13 PM
Romanized Moldovans?

what is it a romanized moldovian? romania has 4 big regions, moldova is one of them

10-17-2019, 06:52 PM
what is it a romanized moldovian? romania has 4 big regions, moldova is one of them

Moldovans whom the Romanian chauvinists want to make think that they are Romanians.

10-17-2019, 06:58 PM
Moldovans whom the Romanian chauvinists want to make think that they are Romanians.

who are the romanians according to u? the moldovians, the wallachians or the transylvanians? :)))

10-17-2019, 07:01 PM
5, 7 and 8 don't pass that well in Romania. The rest do, and even 5 does if you consider Transylvania.

10-17-2019, 07:22 PM
who are the romanians according to u? the moldovians, the wallachians or the transylvanians? :)))

Însă Vlahia, acești gheografi și mai toț istoricii câț scriu de aceste țări, zicea și Moldovei, și ceștiia. Apoi o împarte în doauă: una de sus, alta de jos îi zic; le zic și mai mare și mai mică: cea de sus, adecăte și mai mare, Moldova, cea de jos și mai mică, Ţara această Muntenească numeind, cum îi zic mai mulți așa, că Rumânească numai lăcuitorii ei o chiamă, și doar unii den erdeleani, rumâni. Pentru că și aceia și ceștea numai când să întreabă ce iaste, ei răspund: rumâni. Iar moldoveanii să osebesc, de să răspund: moldovan, săvai că și ei sânt de un neam și de un rod cu ceștia, cum mai nainte mai pre larg vom arăta cu mărturiile multora.


10-17-2019, 07:26 PM
Însă Vlahia, acești gheografi și mai toț istoricii câț scriu de aceste țări, zicea și Moldovei, și ceștiia. Apoi o împarte în doauă: una de sus, alta de jos îi zic; le zic și mai mare și mai mică: cea de sus, adecăte și mai mare, Moldova, cea de jos și mai mică, Ţara această Muntenească numeind, cum îi zic mai mulți așa, că Rumânească numai lăcuitorii ei o chiamă, și doar unii den erdeleani, rumâni. Pentru că și aceia și ceștea numai când să întreabă ce iaste, ei răspund: rumâni. Iar moldoveanii să osebesc, de să răspund: moldovan, săvai că și ei sânt de un neam și de un rod cu ceștia, cum mai nainte mai pre larg vom arăta cu mărturiile multora.

You missed the fundamental part, now bolded.

For those who don't read Romanian. This quote si from the work of a Moldovan chronicler confirming in the 1700s that Moldovans are the same people as Wallachians, with the same origin (the bolded part).

10-17-2019, 07:35 PM
fixed the bolded part for you

Absolutely useless, nobody denied what this ethnicities originate from one medieval population. Slavs originate from one population too, but today they are splitted in many different ethnicities with different genetics.

10-17-2019, 07:38 PM
Absolutely useless, nobody denied what this ethnicities originate from one medieval population. Slavs originate from one population too, but today they are splitted in many different ethnicities with different genetics.

Slavs overall are a huge population - of course they have large genetic and cultural diversity.

This is not the case for Romanians. We were the same people in the 1700s as we are now.

10-17-2019, 07:41 PM
You missed the fundamental part, now bolded.

For those who don't read Romanian. This quote si from the work of a Moldovan chronicler confirming in the 1700s that Moldovans are the same people as Wallachians, with the same origin (the bolded part).

Dumbo, this is a Wallachian chronicle, and was written by a Greek. And special for the idiots is written what Moldavians don't call herself Romanians.


10-17-2019, 07:43 PM
We were the same people in the 1700s as we are now.

Maybe heavily Greek admixed boyars from XVIII century, but not the main population of peasants.

10-17-2019, 07:47 PM

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they pass in both, they might be Romanians from the Moldova region.

moldova (both moldovas)

They Moldovans for sure.

10-17-2019, 07:50 PM
Dumbo, this is a Wallachian chronicle, and was written by a Greek. And special for the idiots is written what Moldavians don't call herself Romanians.

How they called themselves is not relevant. The chronicler shows that they are the same people.
We can speculate on why "Romanian" label was not used in Moldova, unlike Wallachia and Transylvania. One explanation could be that Romans never incorporated the territory of Moldova in the empire and so for most people the culture of calling themselves descendants of Roman citizens didn't exist.

10-17-2019, 07:52 PM
They Moldovans for sure.

Seya asked you a good question: if not all Romanians are Romanians, then who are the "real Romanians": Wallachians, Moldovans or Transylvanians? :D

10-17-2019, 07:53 PM
Maybe heavily Greek admixed boyars from XVIII century, but not the main population of peasants.

nonsense, genetically Moldovans from Romania are no different from Wallachians (Transylvanians are a touch different).

10-17-2019, 07:56 PM
Seya asked you a good question: if not all Romanians are Romanians, then who are the "real Romanians": Wallachians, Moldovans or Transylvanians? :D

Maube Romanized Wallachians, Moldovans and Transylvanians?

10-17-2019, 07:57 PM
nonsense, genetically Moldovans from Romania are no different from Wallachians (Transylvanians are a touch different).

Close to Wallachians are most of Transylvanians, not Moldavians.

10-17-2019, 07:59 PM
Maube Romanized Wallachians, Moldovans and Transylvanians?

who Romanized them all??

btw, you probably don't know, but Moldovan intellectuals established the speaking and writing norms in Romanian, and are the main contributors to the classical Romanian culture (of the 19th century).

10-17-2019, 08:00 PM
Moldova, but they would pass well in Romania too.

10-17-2019, 08:03 PM
Close to Wallachians are most of Transylvanians, not Moldavians.

Nope, there is a slight genetic cline between Transylvanians and the rest of Romanians, because of the hard natural border of the Carpathians.

There was no such border between Wallachians and Moldovans. Until the Soviets deliberately modified the ethnic composition in Rep of Moldova, Wallachians and Moldovans were the same (barring small regional variations).

10-17-2019, 08:18 PM
Nope, there is a slight genetic cline between Transylvanians and the rest of Romanians, because of the hard natural border of Carpathians.

There was no such border between Wallachians and Moldovans. Until the Soviets deliberately modified the ethnic composition in Rep of Moldova, Wallachians and Moldovans were the same (barring small regional variations).

The most north shifted Romanians are these from Moldova region, and not in the northern side , but in southern parts like Vaslui and even Galați too.

Depiction of Moldova and Wallachia by a Wallachian painter in the mid XIX century. Indeed, both these countries look the same in terms of phenotype.


10-17-2019, 08:21 PM
The most north shifted Romanians are these from Moldova region, and not in the northern side , but in southern parts like Vaslui and even Galați too.

Depiction of Moldova and Wallachia by a Wallachian painter in the mid XIX century. Indeed, both these countries look the same in terms of phenotype.

you love this picture don't you? :D

it's not an argument though, of course there is gradation from north to south in Romania, just like there is one from east to west.

10-17-2019, 09:48 PM
who Romanized them all??

btw, you probably don't know, but Moldovan intellectuals established the speaking and writing norms in Romanian, and are the main contributors to the classical Romanian culture (of the 19th century).

Genetically Moldovans closer to Slavs than to Romanians.

10-17-2019, 09:53 PM
The set fares better in Moldova on account of it's Slavicisms of aesthetic.