View Full Version : Post pictures of Atlantids that do not pass in Spain, France or Italy

10-20-2019, 01:56 PM

The Blade
11-11-2019, 08:10 PM
Don't think such exist.

11-14-2019, 02:30 AM
Atlantis exist in these countries so I don't know if you can actually find any that wouldn't pass in them.

11-14-2019, 03:55 AM
Atlantis exist in these countries so I don't know if you can actually find any that wouldn't pass in them.

Ok, but you get his point. He wants Atlantids that look uncharacteristic for those areas.

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11-14-2019, 05:02 AM
That's kinda like asking "post Armenoids that don't pass as Assyrian".

11-14-2019, 05:19 AM
Ok, but you get his point. He wants Atlantids that look uncharacteristic for those areas.

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Sure but not sure if it's easy to find such a look.

11-14-2019, 07:43 AM

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11-14-2019, 07:56 AM
@ OP


11-14-2019, 07:57 AM

Envoyé de mon ALE-L21 en utilisant Tapatalk

Pretty much this. Longbowman is racially Atlanto-Med, and he passes in western Europe and Italy quite well. The Atlantid race is one of the most common races in Iberia, France, Italy(especially north) and etc.

11-14-2019, 11:41 AM
Pretty much this. Longbowman is racially Atlanto-Med, and he passes in western Europe and Italy quite well. The Atlantid race is one of the most common races in Iberia, France, Italy(especially north) and etc.I agree.

I think that such a thing like Atlantid doesn't exist, only Atlanto-Med and N.Atlantid, the first pass well primarily in SW countries, the second more in NW countries, overall they pass well in western Europe.

11-14-2019, 11:44 AM

11-14-2019, 12:06 PM
Pretty much this. Longbowman is racially Atlanto-Med, and he passes in western Europe and Italy quite well. The Atlantid race is one of the most common races in Iberia, France, Italy(especially north) and etc.

It can be met in Greece too, though in less frequency, in parallel to the Atlanto-Med phenotype.

11-15-2019, 02:28 AM
I lack northern/northwestern features, therefore I cannot be an Atlantid aesthetic.

In my humble ramblings, I would formally urge the community to detach notions of, Atlantid, from Mediterranean Europe, entirely.

Kindest regards,


11-15-2019, 02:30 AM
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Dna8, Celestialsayer+

11-15-2019, 02:30 AM
I lack northern/northwestern features, therefore I cannot be an Atlantid aesthetic.

In my humble ramblings, I would formally urge the community to detach notions of, Atlantid, from Mediterranean Europe, entirely.

Kindest regards,


So does Atlanto-Med exist?

Kindest regards,
Someone who was classified as Atlanto-Med.

11-15-2019, 02:44 AM
So does Atlanto-Med exist?

Kindest regards,
Someone who was classified as Atlanto-Med.

I would urge the community that the Atlanto Med exists in so far as our associating Southern (Mediterranean) Europe with certain aesthetical touches, exists.

A fair chunk of the Atlantids I see referenced here pass best as Faelids with dark hair.

11-15-2019, 02:45 AM
I would urge the community that the Atlanto Med exists in so far as our associating Southern (Mediterranean) Europe with certain aesthetical touches, exists.

A fair chunk of the Atlantids I see referenced here pass best as Faelids with dark hair.

Thank you for your wisdom.

11-15-2019, 02:49 AM
Im atlantid

11-15-2019, 05:20 AM
I would urge the community that the Atlanto Med exists in so far as our associating Southern (Mediterranean) Europe with certain aesthetical touches, exists.

A fair chunk of the Atlantids I see referenced here pass best as Faelids with dark hair.It's because Atlantid doesn't exist IMO.

I've been classified as Atlantid + Dinarid here while I'm N.Atlantid + Dinarid.

I think a good proportion of Atlanto-Med are classified as Atlantid as well.

The result is that Atlantid is a blurry phenotype that anybody can have.

11-15-2019, 06:47 AM
None of these categories exist in any objective measurable sense, and 'Atlantid' is one of the most fuzzy ones of the lot, considering it doesn't match up with any identifiable genetic population.