View Full Version : Does Rose Byrne look exotic for Ireland or Scotland?

10-29-2019, 08:17 PM
https://instagram.fbed1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/be9c5b39a0de965cfc9a5dd129dca923/5E4EAEF7/t51.2885-15/e35/47307698_2096318933815791_4168730962090350305_n.jp g?_nc_ht=instagram.fbed1-2.fna.fbcdn.net&_nc_cat=103

10-29-2019, 08:23 PM
Not really besides her pigmentation

10-29-2019, 08:27 PM
Not really besides her pigmentation

That's what I am saying, she is darker than any Irish or Scottish person I have seen.

10-29-2019, 08:28 PM
No except for the eye color and the skin color.

10-29-2019, 08:31 PM
That's what I am saying, she is darker than any Irish or Scottish person I have seen.

There are some darker ones like Colin Farrell, Sean Connery, etc...

10-29-2019, 08:32 PM
No except for the eye color and the skin color.

She could fit in the Levantine

10-29-2019, 08:36 PM
She could fit in the Levantine


10-29-2019, 08:36 PM
no she's a Scottish human

10-29-2019, 08:37 PM
There are some darker ones like Colin Farrell, Sean Connery, etc...

They are not dark based on French classification (more realistic than anglo-saxon). Looks just Western European in general, i don't know why many of you talk about "dark": they looks very westerned.

10-29-2019, 08:39 PM
They are not dark based on French classification (more realistic than anglo-saxon). Looks just Western European in general, i don't know why many of you talk about "dark": they looks very westerned.

I didn’t say that they are dark but rather darker than average Irish and Scottish

Tooting Carmen
10-29-2019, 08:44 PM
A little bit, though she's hardly in the same league as Alistair Darling, Natalie J Robb, Christine Bleakely or Gillian Norris.

10-29-2019, 08:48 PM
did you know that her husband is a real Human Anglo from Mexico

10-29-2019, 09:13 PM
A little bit, though she's hardly in the same league as Alistair Darling, Natalie J Robb, Christine Bleakely or Gillian Norris.

Bleakley has a fake tan, not sure about the others you've mentioned.

10-04-2023, 12:45 AM
She does, but people will be biased. That said, she looks more like an ethnic Brit than Cheryl:

https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS8vJZZ3r5BrnPweD7PhM6ShMAnwi_jk mi7h5JkD-770YbkCjLi

Rose looks Iberian. Very gorgeous at that.

10-04-2023, 01:32 AM
She does, but people will be biased. That said, she looks more like an ethnic Brit than Cheryl:

https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS8vJZZ3r5BrnPweD7PhM6ShMAnwi_jk mi7h5JkD-770YbkCjLi

Rose looks Iberian. Very gorgeous at that.

She's definitely an attractive Iberian example. This might be why she looks 'off' whenever she plays a White American. Still, she's a type III with a Winter-Autumn skin tone.



It's hardly a surprise that dark hair suits her better than blonde.

10-04-2023, 01:33 AM
Rose looks Belgian to me.

10-04-2023, 01:45 AM
Not exotic. Atlantid + alpine

10-04-2023, 01:45 AM
Not at all.

Grace O'Malley
10-04-2023, 01:56 AM
No she isn't exotic at all. Can fit in both Ireland and Scotland.

10-04-2023, 02:06 AM
She does, but people will be biased. That said, she looks more like an ethnic Brit than Cheryl:

https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS8vJZZ3r5BrnPweD7PhM6ShMAnwi_jk mi7h5JkD-770YbkCjLi

Rose looks Iberian. Very gorgeous at that.

Looks like a classmate I had, who is half Spanish, half Greek

10-04-2023, 02:09 AM
Aprician sees an Irish person with brown hair

"Is this a levantine?"

10-04-2023, 02:52 AM
Aprician sees an Irish person with brown hair

"Is this a levantine?"

No shit, eh. In college we'd call chicks that look like her an Irish goddess

10-04-2023, 05:42 AM
She's definitely an attractive Iberian example. This might be why she looks 'off' whenever she plays a White American. Still, she's a type III with a Winter-Autumn skin tone.



It's hardly a surprise that dark hair suits her better than blonde.
Nah I think she looks like a normal white American. But she doesn't look like that anglo-celtic Australian that we all have in mind.

10-04-2023, 05:43 AM
No she isn't exotic at all. Can fit in both Ireland and Scotland.
Can Natalie Portman fit in these two countries then? The two actresses look like siblings. Very similar looking phenotypically.

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYzU0ZGRhZWItMGJlNy00YzlkLWIzOWYtNDA2NzlhMDg3Yj MwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMDM2NDM2MQ@@._V1_.jpg

If Rose can, then why not Nat?

Aprician sees an Irish person with brown hair

"Is this a levantine?"
Derp. It's the other way round more often.....Aprician sees a light, Med looking Levantine, and someone says "can he pass in Greece?", where they proceed to typically answer:

"No troll!! dis fella cannot pass in Europe lel, he looks levantine asf coz he is levantine duh!"

And that person in subject:


Admit it, both sides can be absurdly biased! :bored:

Grace O'Malley
10-04-2023, 06:12 AM
Can Natalie Portman fit in these two countries then? The two actresses look like siblings. Very similar looking phenotypically.

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYzU0ZGRhZWItMGJlNy00YzlkLWIzOWYtNDA2NzlhMDg3Yj MwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMDM2NDM2MQ@@._V1_.jpg

If Rose can, then why not Nat?

Admit it, both sides can be absurdly biased! :bored:

I don't know why you call it bias. Natalie could be atypical but her and Rose don't look similar. The similarities are that they are both brown eyed brunettes.

Just to use an example Jennifer Connelly when young looked more Irish to me but now she looks more atypical for Ireland. She's still a beautiful woman but as she has got older she looks more on the Ashkenazi side.

Jennifer here passes no problems in Ireland. There are girls in Ireland with similar looks but older not so much.


10-04-2023, 06:30 AM
I don't know why you call it bias. Natalie could be atypical but her and Rose don't look similar. The similarities are that they are both brown eyed brunettes.

Just to use an example Jennifer Connelly when young looked more Irish to me but now she looks more atypical for Ireland. She's still a beautiful woman but as she has got older she looks more on the Ashkenazi side.

Jennifer here passes no problems in Ireland. There are girls in Ireland with similar looks but older not so much.

I call it bias because if Rose were, say, a Greek or even Turkish and somebody asks if she can fit in Ireland I assure you that most would say "never in a million years". People easily judge based on ethnicity and are blinded by that & not saying that you are. I think Rose and Natalie look phenotypically similar, only that Rose has more smaller eyes. In my circle of irish coworkers, Rose would seem atypical as well, but I digress.

About Jennifer, well she has those blinding blue eyes (like Cillian murphy). So she'd easily pass there IMO. Can Sandra Bullock pass as Irish? Shes not a jew, but she does look exotic for german/french descent (or whatever she is).

Btw, to make it clear, I only said Rose looks Iberian, not levantine (somebody else brought up levantine not sure why)

10-04-2023, 06:42 AM
Oh yeah, the two have appeared onscreen together:


Almost like sisters, really.

Grace O'Malley
10-04-2023, 06:52 AM
I call it bias because if Rose were, say, a Greek or even Turkish and somebody asks if she can fit in Ireland I assure you that most would say "never in a million years". People easily judge based on ethnicity and are blinded by that & not saying that you are. I think Rose and Natalie look phenotypically similar, only that Rose has more smaller eyes. In my circle of irish coworkers, Rose would seem atypical as well, but I digress.

About Jennifer, well she has those blinding blue eyes (like Cillian murphy). So she'd easily pass there IMO. Can Sandra Bullock pass as Irish? Shes not a jew, but she does look exotic for german/french descent (or whatever she is).

Btw, to make it clear, I only said Rose looks Iberian, not levantine (somebody else brought up levantine not sure why)

Jennifer doesn't have blue eyes. They are more a hazel or green. She has similar eyes to my daughter. Sandra looks more continental to me. No not everyone can pass as Irish. Most Irish have lighter eye colouring than Rose. Possibly that is what people get distracted by, just guessing because there is nothing about her that would make me question her ancestry. There are people who don't look like their ancestry but she isn't one.

I would have no hesitation saying if an Italian, Turkish or Greek passes in Ireland if they were posted. Most though have something about them that makes them not pass. It's the same type of discussion that people have with Bridget Moynahan. However I look more at features than colouring. They both don't have anything feature wise that puts them "off" for Ireland or Scotland. The same with people like Colin Farrell. They aren't the most common look but they don't look like people that you know they have something else in their background.

I can see how some Irish look quite exotic for their ancestry but Rose doesn't.

Look at her features? Bone structure, nose etc. Absolutely fits as Irish or Scottish. I don't know why people even question this stuff. :confused:

https://people.com/thmb/bIAgiiNEDwmkQBkZw_o56TobNSU=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc() :focal(749x0:751x2)/Rose-Byrne-kristen-wiig-2298dd21f8054a83be6f82255676418e.jpg

10-04-2023, 06:55 AM
I think she looks exactly as I imagine the most typical beautiful Irish or Scottish woman

Grace O'Malley
10-04-2023, 07:10 AM
Natalie doesn't look that exotic and as I said could pass as atypical in Ireland or Britain. She is Ashkenazi so no big deal if she looks European. However she doesn't look like Rose Byrne. Lots of Irish or Scots like Rose as far as features. Natalie doesn't look Irish.

https://behindthechair.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/natalie_portman_oscars_formula_redken_getty_images .pnghttps://i.pinimg.com/474x/99/01/b6/9901b66fc9b5e9f2813eace4ac777f7a.jpg

I don't know what people would think about Irish actress Charlie Murphy? Nothing atypical about her either.


10-04-2023, 07:18 AM
I call it bias because if Rose were, say, a Greek or even Turkish and somebody asks if she can fit in Ireland I assure you that most would say "never in a million years". People easily judge based on ethnicity and are blinded by that & not saying that you are. I think Rose and Natalie look phenotypically similar, only that Rose has more smaller eyes. In my circle of irish coworkers, Rose would seem atypical as well, but I digress.

She is atypical, but the question was if she looks exotic, which she doesn't.

I think she looks exactly as I imagine the most typical beautiful Irish or Scottish woman
More like Catriona Balfe.

Grace O'Malley
10-04-2023, 07:35 AM
Yes Catriona Balfe has more common colouring.



10-05-2023, 04:48 PM
Natalie doesn't look that exotic and as I said could pass as atypical in Ireland or Britain. She is Ashkenazi so no big deal if she looks European. However she doesn't look like Rose Byrne. Lots of Irish or Scots like Rose as far as features. Natalie doesn't look Irish.

https://behindthechair.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/natalie_portman_oscars_formula_redken_getty_images .pnghttps://i.pinimg.com/474x/99/01/b6/9901b66fc9b5e9f2813eace4ac777f7a.jpg

I don't know what people would think about Irish actress Charlie Murphy? Nothing atypical about her either.


Based on my observations, Charlotte Murphy is typical for the Southern Region of Ireland.

10-05-2023, 04:51 PM
She has darker coloration than typical one but I don't see how she can look exotic there.

10-06-2023, 12:41 AM
Yes, she looks like she has some Mongoloid mixture. Quite atypical.

10-06-2023, 02:15 AM
Look at her features? Bone structure, nose etc. Absolutely fits as Irish or Scottish. I don't know why people even question this stuff. :confused:

https://people.com/thmb/bIAgiiNEDwmkQBkZw_o56TobNSU=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc() :focal(749x0:751x2)/Rose-Byrne-kristen-wiig-2298dd21f8054a83be6f82255676418e.jpg
As I'm not Irish I guess it's not in my place to say that she can't pass in Ireland! But I can confidently say that she passes very well in southern Europe, particularly Romania and Bulgaria as her eye shape have a slight eastern tinge to them. She looks like Rachel McAdams in that photo btw. Btw, and as I said before, people can simultaneously look like many ethnic groups at once.

Natalie doesn't look that exotic and as I said could pass as atypical in Ireland or Britain. She is Ashkenazi so no big deal if she looks European. However she doesn't look like Rose Byrne. Lots of Irish or Scots like Rose as far as features. Natalie doesn't look Irish.

https://behindthechair.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/natalie_portman_oscars_formula_redken_getty_images .pnghttps://i.pinimg.com/474x/99/01/b6/9901b66fc9b5e9f2813eace4ac777f7a.jpg
Not knowing their ethnicity, and based on that pic alone, I'd guess Natalie as French or Iberian and Rose as southeastern European (she has a gorid vibe here). Europeans all cluster closely, besides the outlying Med islanders in the far south and those near Siberia, so it's not crazy to place Rose in much of Europe.

I don't know what people would think about Irish actress Charlie Murphy? Nothing atypical about her either.

Nope. Nothing atypical indeed. She is very fair skinned, rosy cheeked, despite her brown eyes (you see it's not always about eye colour) and she wouldn't stand out among my Irish family friends that I have. She looks like a typical Anglo-Celtic American to me from North Carolina or something lmao. Whereas Rose in comparison definitely has something southern/med about her (this doesn't necessarily ''exotic'').

Speaking of eye color here's another dark eyed Irish gal Elaine Cassidy who looks pretty Irish to me:


So it isn't really about being a brunette or dark eyed that gives off a southern flavour. Many brown eyed Irish brunettes look like what they are!

10-06-2023, 07:06 AM
Natalie doesn't look that exotic and as I said could pass as atypical in Ireland or Britain. She is Ashkenazi so no big deal if she looks European. However she doesn't look like Rose Byrne. Lots of Irish or Scots like Rose as far as features. Natalie doesn't look Irish.

https://behindthechair.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/natalie_portman_oscars_formula_redken_getty_images .pnghttps://i.pinimg.com/474x/99/01/b6/9901b66fc9b5e9f2813eace4ac777f7a.jpg

They have similar head structure but it's far as it goes.
Natalie has sharper futures; sharper cheek bones, stronger nose bridge, and dropping nose tip. Her eyes is more almond-like and upturned versus the downturned and more rounded eyes of rose.
The lips are also not the shape. Natalie has more protruding and droopy lower lip.

Generally Natalie has more Jewish traits. She is clearly Levantine in my eyes.
Was she convincing as Ann Bolyen?

Grace O'Malley
10-06-2023, 09:07 AM
Based on my observations, Charlotte Murphy is typical for the Southern Region of Ireland.

No she's not typical. Most typical colouring all over Ireland is blue eyes and brown hair.

10-06-2023, 09:44 AM
She looks SW European to me,can pass in Scotland and Ireland,but not typical.
BTW,I know her from "Troy".

10-06-2023, 09:53 AM
Not knowing their ethnicity, and based on that pic alone, I'd guess Natalie as French or Iberian and Rose as southeastern European (she has a gorid vibe here). Europeans all cluster closely, besides the outlying Med islanders in the far south and those near Siberia, so it's not crazy to place Rose in much of Europe.

I think she seems atypical, but could pass, compare her with this British actress:

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTibJPSqRs9aKkFuwHpO9D2OKLqc01ZY O-6xQ&usqp=CAU
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSnQDD5L97adFmwzLyIgWXG_5SWczf4F ziDbw&usqp=CAU

10-06-2023, 11:53 AM
She looks SW European to me,can pass in Scotland and Ireland,but not typical.
BTW,I know her from "Troy".

Now I recall, she played Briseis, the proud trojan priestess, of noble blood.

10-06-2023, 02:01 PM
I don't know about Scots or Irish, since basically in my life I have seen very few, but English/Welsh I have seen a lot and I can say that it is not exotic at all, neither in features nor in pigmentation, but of course it is also obviously somewhat darker than average

10-07-2023, 05:31 AM
Generally Natalie has more Jewish traits. She is clearly Levantine in my eyes.
Was she convincing as Ann Bolyen?
She is not "clearly Levantine"! Her look is not typically Levantine. remember that she has European ancestry as well, that's why she is ashkenazi, who are partially levantine and European! Btw this is a standard levantine look:


Natalie looks pan southern Europe, passing from southern France, northern Italy, Greece to southern Italy and the islands. But she wouldn't be crazily out of place in Britain when natives there can look like Keira Knightley (as someone has pointed here):


If nat is Levantine looking then I guess Keira and Rose are as well!

Grace O'Malley
10-07-2023, 05:46 AM
She is not "clearly Levantine"! Her look is not typically Levantine. remember that she has European ancestry as well, that's why she is ashkenazi, who are partially levantine and European! Btw this is a standard levantine look:


Natalie looks pan southern Europe, passing from southern France, northern Italy, Greece to southern Italy and the islands. But she wouldn't be crazily out of place in Britain when natives there can look like Keira Knightley (as someone has pointed here):


If nat is Levantine looking then I guess Keira and Rose are as well!

I don't think Natalie is Levantine looking. She looks completely European. A lot of Ashkenazi people are obviously very European leaning. They do after all have a lot of European ancestry. Natalie Portman could be someone who is half British (or Irish) and half Italian. Someone like Keira Knightly doesn't look as Southern to me as Natalie. Both are beautiful but Natalie is more gracile as far as features. Keira has strong jaw and cheekbones. I think people focus too much on colouring instead of features.



They aren't that similar. Different facial structure for example.

Grace O'Malley
10-07-2023, 06:07 AM
Aisling Franciosi is half Irish and half Italian. She is more robust facially than Natalie though. Natalie has very fine features.



10-07-2023, 06:43 AM
I don't think Natalie is Levantine looking. She looks completely European. A lot of Ashkenazi people are obviously very European leaning. They do after all have a lot of European ancestry. Natalie Portman could be someone who is half British (or Irish) and half Italian. Someone like Keira Knightly doesn't look as Southern to me as Natalie. Both are beautiful but Natalie is more gracile as far as features. Keira has strong jaw and cheekbones. I think people focus too much on colouring instead of features.



They aren't that similar. Different facial structure for example.
Yes, true that Keira is robust and Nat is very gracile. I'd place Keira in the Slavic countries. I've seen Serbs who look similar to her. Yet again, the two were onscreen together and one was the other's decoy:


I can definitely see nat passing as an Irish Italian mix.

Grace O'Malley
10-07-2023, 07:09 AM
Yes, true that Keira is robust and Nat is very gracile. I'd place Keira in the Slavic countries. I've seen Serbs who look similar to her. Yet again, the two were onscreen together and one was the other's decoy:


I can definitely see nat passing as an Irish Italian mix.

I don't think Kiara Knightley looks Serbian. Not with that jawline. :)

Lots of Serbs here and I don't think I would ever confuse a Brit with a Serb.


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS_tFwXkjEMDyo6UVh2VjaT1fZ75oqAV Njpg2ML3uLQpOL1eeqOOX2NW2eqLlpFlaxApXY&usqp=CAU


Keira Knightley to me still is quite English looking.


With any population I'm not saying it is impossible that someone would look like a different ethnicity than they are. This can happen but it's not that common. Most people do look like what they are.

10-07-2023, 07:31 AM
I don't think Kiara Knightley looks Serbian. Not with that jawline. :)

Lots of Serbs here and I don't think I would ever confuse a Brit with a Serb.

Keira Knightley to me still is quite English looking.


With any population I'm not saying it is impossible that someone would look like a different ethnicity than they are. This can happen but it's not that common. Most people do look like what they are.
Not sure about the jawline, but her ''wide'' eyes give her a Slavic vibe.


^These are serbs with that sort of 'look'

Serbs and Brits do look very different indeed! But a british looking american here will be someone like Nicole kidman, tilda swinton and cate blanchett imo. Keira has a more pan euro or euromutt look I say.

Oh yeah, can ashkenazi Rachel Weisz pass as an Irish? She sort of looks similar to Katie McGrath, a gorgeous irish actress.

Grace O'Malley
10-07-2023, 07:39 AM
Not sure about the jawline, but her ''wide'' eyes give her a Slavic vibe.


^These are serbs with that sort of 'look'

Serbs and Brits do look very different indeed! But a british looking american here will be someone like Nicole kidman, tilda swinton and cate blanchett imo. Keira has a more pan euro or euromutt look I say.

Oh yeah, can ashkenazi Rachel Weisz pass as an Irish? She sort of looks similar to Katie McGrath, a gorgeous irish actress.

Yes I think Rachel could as atypical. Rachel is absolutely lovely. I would think Rachel more pan European than most Irish though. Generally Irish people just look very Isles. I think they only pass in Britain well. Individuals though pass in some other countries. Although when I post Irish people and think they look like they are Slavic etc other posters don't agree. :)

Feiichy (Jana) did do a thread a while ago and said she thought some Irish have a more Slavic look than British do. That was interesting but when I post people no one ever thinks the ones I do look anything other than Irish. :rolleyes:

The girl you have posted above looks Serbian to me and not like Keira.

Here's Jana's thread if anyone wants to have a gander.


10-07-2023, 12:29 PM
I don't think Natalie is Levantine looking. She looks completely European. A lot of Ashkenazi people are obviously very European leaning. They do after all have a lot of European ancestry. Natalie Portman could be someone who is half British (or Irish) and half Italian. Someone like Keira Knightly doesn't look as Southern to me as Natalie. Both are beautiful but Natalie is more gracile as far as features. Keira has strong jaw and cheekbones. I think people focus too much on colouring instead of features.



They aren't that similar. Different facial structure for example.

Yes, Keira have more robust facial features, probably because of the CM mix which is more common in the British Isles than in Southern Europe, but their features, pigmentation and longer, narrower face shape make them similar.

Grace O'Malley
10-07-2023, 12:41 PM
Yes, Natalie have more robust facial features, probably because of the CM mix which is more common in the British Isles than in Southern Europe, but their features, pigmentation and longer, narrower face shape make them similar.

You mean Keira has more robust features. I think their similarity if very superficial. Keira's face is more broad for example and eyes are different. Well they just aren't that similar looking in my opinion.

10-07-2023, 07:23 PM
You mean Keira has more robust features. I think their similarity if very superficial. Keira's face is more broad for example and eyes are different. Well they just aren't that similar looking in my opinion.

Yes, Keira is more robust, (I confused the names) I think they are a little similar.

10-08-2023, 12:43 AM
You mean Keira has more robust features. I think their similarity if very superficial. Keira's face is more broad for example and eyes are different. Well they just aren't that similar looking in my opinion.
To me, Keira's looks are somewhere between Natalie's and Helena Bonham Carter's:

https://imagesvc.meredithcorp.io/v3/mm/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.onecms.io%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fsites%2F6%2F2020%2F09%2F20%2Fh elena-bonham-carter.jpg&q=60

Helena is Ashkenazi. How well does she pass in the British Isles? She reminds of Julie Walters (who is English-English):

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjAzY2YzNWItZjVhMS00ZmQ4LTliZGQtYjA2ZDkwYzRmND ViXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTI3MDk3MzQ@._V1_.jpg

Funny, two are Jews (Nat, Helena) and the other three are Anglo Celtic stock (Julie, Keira, Rose), and yet they have similarities. As in they can be relatives and part of the same ethnicity. And I still am not convinced that one has more "Jewy" or "British" features than the other honestly! Maybe besides the jawline part, which I admit is a very european/CM characteristic.

10-08-2023, 01:13 AM

10-08-2023, 02:07 AM
I don't know why you call it bias. Natalie could be atypical but her and Rose don't look similar. The similarities are that they are both brown eyed brunettes.

Just to use an example Jennifer Connelly when young looked more Irish to me but now she looks more atypical for Ireland. She's still a beautiful woman but as she has got older she looks more on the Ashkenazi side.

Jennifer here passes no problems in Ireland. There are girls in Ireland with similar looks but older not so much.


Jennifer Connelly looks more German or French than Irish

Grace O'Malley
10-08-2023, 04:26 AM
Jennifer Connelly looks more German or French than Irish

Lots of Irish girls have a similar look to Jennifer Connelly when she was young. Her features were more rounded then so I could see the Irish ancestry quite well.

This Irish girl for example has a similar look to Jennifer when she was young.


Grace O'Malley
10-08-2023, 04:34 AM
To me, Keira's looks are somewhere between Natalie's and Helena Bonham Carter's:

https://imagesvc.meredithcorp.io/v3/mm/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.onecms.io%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fsites%2F6%2F2020%2F09%2F20%2Fh elena-bonham-carter.jpg&q=60

Helena is Ashkenazi. How well does she pass in the British Isles? She reminds of Julie Walters (who is English-English):

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjAzY2YzNWItZjVhMS00ZmQ4LTliZGQtYjA2ZDkwYzRmND ViXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTI3MDk3MzQ@._V1_.jpg

Funny, two are Jews (Nat, Helena) and the other three are Anglo Celtic stock (Julie, Keira, Rose), and yet they have similarities. As in they can be relatives and part of the same ethnicity. And I still am not convinced that one has more "Jewy" or "British" features than the other honestly! Maybe besides the jawline part, which I admit is a very european/CM characteristic.

Helena does pass but she is someone who I would think has non-Isles ancestry. There are people that I think have non-Isles ancestry and they don't such as Simon Bird for example. But then that's because he is very atypical for an Englishman. Helena doesn't look as exotic as Simon Bird to me even though she has Ashkenazi ancestry as well as English.

10-08-2023, 04:42 AM
Lots of Irish girls have a similar look to Jennifer Connelly when she was young. Her features were more rounded then so I could see the Irish ancestry quite well.

This Irish girl for example has a similar look to Jennifer when she was young.


When she was young, yes, she looked more Irish there, but nowadays at her age if you look at her photos, not so much. In the last photos she can look from central Europe.
In any case, she would pass in Ireland, both her young version and her older version.
https://scontent-mia3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/279089090_5835111919838890_5677670759191711078_n.p ng?stp=dst-png_s640x640&_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=49d041&_nc_ohc=JqEQGs8mV2kAX8WWr2T&_nc_ht=scontent-mia3-2.xx&oh=00_AfDlwmfHnKRl7vI6GOcQ6Ev33jaztfjbFUU7G1zhGSqs cg&oe=6526D49F

Grace O'Malley
10-08-2023, 04:54 AM
When she was young, yes, she looked more Irish there, but nowadays at her age if you look at her photos, not so much. In the last photos she can look from central Europe.
In any case, she would pass in Ireland, both her young version and her older version.
https://scontent-mia3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/279089090_5835111919838890_5677670759191711078_n.p ng?stp=dst-png_s640x640&_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=49d041&_nc_ohc=JqEQGs8mV2kAX8WWr2T&_nc_ht=scontent-mia3-2.xx&oh=00_AfDlwmfHnKRl7vI6GOcQ6Ev33jaztfjbFUU7G1zhGSqs cg&oe=6526D49F

I've commented on that earlier. She looked more Irish when young and not so much as she got older.

10-08-2023, 07:37 AM
When she was young, yes, she looked more Irish there, but nowadays at her age if you look at her photos, not so much. In the last photos she can look from central Europe.
In any case, she would pass in Ireland, both her young version and her older version.
https://scontent-mia3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/279089090_5835111919838890_5677670759191711078_n.p ng?stp=dst-png_s640x640&_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=49d041&_nc_ohc=JqEQGs8mV2kAX8WWr2T&_nc_ht=scontent-mia3-2.xx&oh=00_AfDlwmfHnKRl7vI6GOcQ6Ev33jaztfjbFUU7G1zhGSqs cg&oe=6526D49F

She looks more robust now, I think she is more beautiful now than when she was young.

10-08-2023, 10:34 PM
She looks more robust now, I think she is more beautiful now than when she was young.

To me she is just as beautiful now as before, but I preferred her younger version.

10-16-2023, 08:17 PM
Nope, quite typical in Britain and Ireland.

10-16-2023, 08:19 PM
Not really besides her pigmentation

Irish are stereotypically dark. Also look at any Scottish crowd, most have very dark hair. Scotland and Ireland, and Wngland and Wales to a degree, are fairly dark for northern Europe. Not sure why English and Celtic chauvinists don't accept it.

Tooting Carmen
10-16-2023, 09:13 PM
Irish are stereotypically dark. Also look at any Scottish crowd, most have very dark hair. Scotland and Ireland, and Wngland and Wales to a degree, are fairly dark for northern Europe. Not sure why English and Celtic chauvinists don't accept it.

British and Irish are more brunette than other Northern Europeans, but the most common hair colour is still mousy brown, not the very dark brown hair that predominates in Med countries.

10-16-2023, 09:36 PM
British and Irish are more brunette than other Northern Europeans, but the most common hair colour is still mousy brown, not the very dark brown hair that predominates in Med countries.

Yes, but it is not atypical to get very dark brown, which is what Byrne has, rather than the bluish black that can exist in Spain or Italy.

10-17-2023, 02:28 AM
Irish are stereotypically dark. Also look at any Scottish crowd, most have very dark hair. Scotland and Ireland, and Wngland and Wales to a degree, are fairly dark for northern Europe. Not sure why English and Celtic chauvinists don't accept it.
'English and Celtic chauvinists' is funny coming from a Neo-Nazi who won't accept the evidence that British & Irish are lighter eyed and have more Steppe ancestry (in your words Aryan :rolleyes:) than Germans on average - which is apparently all a Jewish conspiracy.

That you say Rose Byrne is typical for British and Irish is another example of your deluded bias.

10-17-2023, 02:37 AM
'English and Celtic chauvinists' is funny coming from a Neo-Nazi who won't accept the evidence that British & Irish are lighter eyed and have more Steppe ancestry (in your words Aryan :rolleyes:) than Germans on average - which is apparently all a Jewish conspiracy.

That you say Rose Byrne is typical for British and Irish is another example of your deluded bias.

Because the same study says that Sami are the most steppe derived, did not have any DNA samples from any continental western Germanic sources(Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, etc). AND made the bold claim, despite having no DNA evidence to back this up, that the Spanish are more steppe derived than Germans. The data came from a Jewish man no less. This was after James Lindsay humiliated the peer review process by showing that he published a lot of literal bullshit in peer reviewed highly esteemed journals, because it fit the narrative those journals wanted to push.

So yeah. I literally don't trust Jewish pseudoscience. Also Britain and Ireland are quite literally dark pigmented for morthern Europe, darker than Germany. You're the same type of people acting as if Sylvester Stallone would be typical in Austria because it is close to Italy, but would be too dark for Venice. Funnily enough a a famous British man of Irish origin probably looks more similar to Stallone than anyone in Germany, Paul McCartney, and he is not out of place for his ethnicity.

10-17-2023, 03:24 AM
Because the same study says that Sami are the most steppe derived, did not have any DNA samples from any continental western Germanic sources(Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, etc). AND made the bold claim, despite having no DNA evidence to back this up, that the Spanish are more steppe derived than Germans. The data came from a Jewish man no less. This was after James Lindsay humiliated the peer review process by showing that he published a lot of literal bullshit in peer reviewed highly esteemed journals, because it fit the narrative those journals wanted to push.
Don't care about David Reich, you have him on the brain. There are countless German (and Dutch, Belgian, Austrian etc) genetic samples to study and make conclusions, but you're too ignorant to bother.

So yeah. I literally don't trust Jewish pseudoscience. Also Britain and Ireland are quite literally dark pigmented for morthern Europe, darker than Germany. You're the same type of people acting as if Sylvester Stallone would be typical in Austria because it is close to Italy, but would be too dark for Venice. Funnily enough a a famous British man of Irish origin probably looks more similar to Stallone than anyone in Germany, Paul McCartney, and he is not out of place for his ethnicity.
You claimed with no justification that English are much darker eyed than Germans, when all evidence is to the contrary. You also seem to believe that no dark types exist in Germany (e.g. Mats Hummels can't be German, he must be Turkish). You say Rose Byrne is typical for British & Irish, when most are light eyed (which you've admitted), brown eyes are under 10%, and dark brown hair in Britain is circa 25%.

You are totally biased, and sound like a typical Yank who gets all his ideas about the world from (Jewish) Hollywood movies and tv shows, hence your constant mention of celebrities to make a point.

10-17-2023, 04:20 PM
Don't care about David Reich, you have him on the brain. There are countless German (and Dutch, Belgian, Austrian etc) genetic samples to study and make conclusions, but you're too ignorant to bother.

You claimed with no justification that English are much darker eyed than Germans, when all evidence is to the contrary. You also seem to believe that no dark types exist in Germany (e.g. Mats Hummels can't be German, he must be Turkish). You say Rose Byrne is typical for British & Irish, when most are light eyed (which you've admitted), brown eyes are under 10%, and dark brown hair in Britain is circa 25%.

You are totally biased, and sound like a typical Yank who gets all his ideas about the world from (Jewish) Hollywood movies and tv shows, hence your constant mention of celebrities to make a point.

It is actually illegal in Germany for DNA to be used in studies(the same is also true for some other western European nations). Anyone claiming to have German DNA samples from a study is lying, including Davidski of Eurogenes(he has also been caught lying about having Pictist DNA samples from a study, and claimed these samples were pure Bell Beaker in ancestral proportions, the study came out and they were the same as other Iron Age British samples, so not the first time he has lied). So no, there are no modern DNA studies which use German data.The map made in the follow up study was based on the DNA data points from David Reich regardless and did not actually have any DNA from a continental west Germanic source. Still did not stop them from "speculating" that Germans are less steppe derived thay the Spanish:rolleyes:

This is especially true for the studies conducted in 2015 on, when David Reich claims to have discovered and isolated the Indo-European ancestral population DNA. However, there is a massive problem with his metric, he found that the people that descend most from the Indo-Europeans are the Siberian derived Sami of northern Scandinavia, who do not even speak an Indo-European language, and who have a very heavily Asian derived phenotype(AND genotype).

Something is off here, and all it takes is a little critical thinking to figure it out. It reminds one when the vaccines came out, you could either listene to what the "experts" and studies said, or you could be skeptical due to a conflict of interests involved and details that do not make sense.

This is just critical thinking. Studies 20 years ago based on Y DNA claimed that the Welsh were Iberians. These were the best studies they had at the time, so I assume had you followed the studies of the time you would have flamed me if I had stated the Welsh were not actually Iberian. You would have told me the experts said this and it was published in a peer reviewed journal, so it had to be true. I hope you understand this Welsh reference is hypothetical and don't do the "but I did eat breakfast" thing.

Additionally, the British and Irish are dark(as in hair and eye color, not skin tone) for a northern European population group. Some estimates put parts of Britain at over 50 percent brown eyed(Southern and Western England, the midlands, and Wales), among the native population. This is darker than any German speaking region. It is not an uncommon phenotype in Britain or Ireland for one to be very pale and freckled but with dark hair and brown eyes. Here is a map based on some estimates(the map you put forth was based on data such as politician eye color which is not representational for a population at large, if it was then Norway could be considered a brown eyed nation because the head of state had brown eyes:picard1:).


This does not mean they are less steppe derived either, because if you want to use the metrics put forward by David Reich, which all studies that have followed since then used, the steppe people did not even carry the blue eye gene, they obtained it after mixing with Western Hunter Gatherers in Europe. In fact, according to his study, all the samples they have found had dark brown to black hair, even in the Corded Ware period(though it is also said they carried the blond hair genes into Europe). Also, if we are to go by the most steppe derived population in the study, the Sami, they are heavily dark pigmented.

If you do not accept some aspects of the study, such as the claim that the steppe people were dark pigmented, then you cannot pick and choose the aspects you want to accept. You either accept the study or you don't.

By the way, it was actually someone on your side who claimed Stallone looked typical for south Germany. That is why I mentioned his Irish-British lookalike Paul McCartney, who looks very typical for Ireland in not only coloring, but also his eye shape and Brunn face shape.

I cannot say the same about you sounding like a typical Brit. You do not sound like a typical Brit, but rather a bit more "Esau"-like, probably explains why you are fascinated by red hair and want to claim it as being fair haired, lot of red haired Jews out there...:thumb001:

10-17-2023, 04:32 PM
It is actually illegal in Germany for DNA to be used in studies(the same is also true for some other western European nations). So no, there are no modern DNA studies which use German data.The map made in the follow up study was based on the DNA data points from David Reich regardless and did not actually have any DNA from a continental west Germanic source. Still did not stop them from "speculating" that Germans are less steppe derived thay the Spanish:rolleyes:

This is especially true for the studies conducted in 2015 on, when David Reich claims to have discovered and isolated the Indo-European ancestral population DNA. However, there is a massive problem with his metric, he found that the people that descend most from the Indo-Europeans are the Siberian derived Sami of northern Scandinavia, who do not even speak an Indo-European language, and who have a very heavily Asian derived phenotype.

Something is off here, and all it takes is a little critical thinking to figure it out. It reminds one when the vaccines came out, you could either listene to what the "experts" and studies said, or you could be skeptical due to a conflict of interests involved and details that do not make sense.

This is just critical thinking. Studies 20 years ago based on Y DNA claimed that the Welsh were Iberians. These were the best studies they had at the time, so I assume had you followed the studies of the time you would have flamed me if I had stated the Welsh were not actually Iberian. You would have told me the experts said this and it was published in a peer reviewed journal, so it had to be true. I hope you understand this Welsh reference is hypothetical and don't do the "but I did eat breakfast" thing.

Additionally, the British and Irish are dark(as in hair and eye color, not skin tone) for a northern European population group. Some estimates put parts of Britain at over 50 percent brown eyed(Southern and Western England and Wales), among the native population. This is darker than any German speaking region. It is not an uncommon phenotype in Britain or Ireland for one to be very pale and freckled but with dark hair and brown eyes. Here is a map based on some estimates(the map you put forth was based on data such as politician eye color which is not representational for a population at large, if it was then Norway could be considered a brown eyed nation because the head of state had brown eyes:picard1:).


This does not mean they are less steppe derived either, because if you want to use the metrics put forward by David Reich, which all studies that have followed since then used, the steppe people did not even carry the blue eye gene, they obtained it after mixing with Western Hunter Gatherers in Europe. In fact, according to his study, all the samples they have found had dark brown to black hair, even in the Corded Ware period(though it is also said they carried the blond hair genes into Europe). Also, if we are to go by the most steppe derived population in the study, the Sami, they are heavily dark pigmented.

If you do not accept some aspects of the study, such as the claim that the steppe people were dark pigmented, then you cannot pick and choose the aspects you want to accept. You either accept the study or you don't.

By the way, it was actually someone on your side who claimed Stallone looked typical for south Germany. That is why I mentioned his Irish-British lookalike Paul McCartney, who looks very typical for Ireland in not only coloring, but also his eye shape and Brunn face shape.

I cannot say the same about you sounding like a typical Brit. You do not sound like a typical Brit, but rather a bit more "Esau"-like, probably explains why you are fascinated by red hair and want to claim it as being fair haired, lot of red haired Jews out there...:thumb001:
Blue eyes is not the same as light eyes. Wikipedia is confusing here.

10-17-2023, 04:46 PM
It is actually illegal in Germany for DNA to be used in studies(the same is also true for some other western European nations). So no, there are no modern DNA studies which use German data.The map made in the follow up study was based on the DNA data points from David Reich regardless and did not actually have any DNA from a continental west Germanic source. Still did not stop them from "speculating" that Germans are less steppe derived thay the Spanish:rolleyes:

This is especially true for the studies conducted in 2015 on, when David Reich claims to have discovered and isolated the Indo-European ancestral population DNA. However, there is a massive problem with his metric, he found that the people that descend most from the Indo-Europeans are the Siberian derived Sami of northern Scandinavia, who do not even speak an Indo-European language, and who have a very heavily Asian derived phenotype.

Something is off here, and all it takes is a little critical thinking to figure it out. It reminds one when the vaccines came out, you could either listene to what the "experts" and studies said, or you could be skeptical due to a conflict of interests involved and details that do not make sense.

This is just critical thinking. Studies 20 years ago based on Y DNA claimed that the Welsh were Iberians. These were the best studies they had at the time, so I assume had you followed the studies of the time you would have flamed me if I had stated the Welsh were not actually Iberian. You would have told me the experts said this and it was published in a peer reviewed journal, so it had to be true. I hope you understand this Welsh reference is hypothetical and don't do the "but I did eat breakfast" thing.

Additionally, the British and Irish are dark(as in hair and eye color, not skin tone) for a northern European population group. Some estimates put parts of Britain at over 50 percent brown eyed(Southern and Western England and Wales), among the native population. This is darker than any German speaking region. It is not an uncommon phenotype in Britain or Ireland for one to be very pale and freckled but with dark hair and brown eyes. Here is a map based on some estimates(the map you put forth was based on data such as politician eye color which is not representational for a population at large, if it was then Norway could be considered a brown eyed nation because the head of state had brown eyes:picard1:).


This does not mean they are less steppe derived either, because if you want to use the metrics put forward by David Reich, which all studies that have followed since then used, the steppe people did not even carry the blue eye gene, they obtained it after mixing with Western Hunter Gatherers in Europe. In fact, according to his study, all the samples they have found had dark brown to black hair, even in the Corded Ware period(though it is also said they carried the blond hair genes into Europe). Also, if we are to go by the most steppe derived population in the study, the Sami, they are heavily dark pigmented.

If you do not accept some aspects of the study, such as the claim that the steppe people were dark pigmented, then you cannot pick and choose the aspects you want to accept. You either accept the study or you don't.

By the way, it was actually someone on your side who claimed Stallone looked typical for south Germany. That is why I mentioned his Irish-British lookalike Paul McCartney, who looks very typical for Ireland in not only coloring, but also his eye shape and Brunn face shape.

I cannot say the same about you sounding like a typical Brit. You do not sound like a typical Brit, but rather a bit more "Esau"-like, probably explains why you are fascinated by red hair and want to claim it as being fair haired, lot of red haired Jews out there...:thumb001:

Why are you so obsessed with David Reich and think everybody here is Jewish? Some European countries like France and Germany for examples have restrictions on direct to consumer DNA testing but not the collection of scientific samples. There is no conspiracy despite what you suggest.

10-17-2023, 04:50 PM
Blue eyes is not the same as light eyes. Wikipedia is confusing here.

Sounds like you are doing pilpul.

10-17-2023, 04:58 PM
Why are you so obsessed with David Reich and think everybody here is Jewish? Some European countries like France and Germany for examples have restrictions on direct to consumer DNA testing but not the collection of scientific samples. There is no conspiracy despite what you suggest.

Germany actually does have a restriction on scientific studies using DNA as well, not just consumers. There are zero modern studies which have used German DNA due to this reason. Additionally, the study which made a map of the percentage of steppe ancestry in Europe, which showed Germany as being less steppethan Spain, used the data from the David Reich study, which did not use any German or continental western Germanic data regardless.

And I think you are Jewish because you act like it. The people in your group who dogpiled on me for claiming south Germans are light pigmented are now posting pictures of "Aryan" Jews. Reminds me of Bronze Age Pervert, who is admittedly half Jewish, he uploaded his 23andme to his personal Twitter Costin Alamariu.

Also not "obsessed" with David Reich, but he started the study that all concurrent studies base their metrics on, and he is Jewish, so I mean yeah. Lol.

Calling me a conspiracy theorist for pointing these things out is unironically a tactic used by Jewish hasbara trolls online.

All of my points are pointing to well thought out criticisms of the study btw, and you have not actually rebutted any of my points or arguments, you have just used pulpil and personal insults.

10-17-2023, 05:00 PM
Sounds like you are doing pilpul.

I am not Jewish.

10-17-2023, 05:13 PM
I am not Jewish.

Regardless, the map shows that all parts of German speaking continental Europe are lighter in eye color pigmentation than Southern and Western England, the English Midlands, and Wales. These regions are over 50 percent brown eyed. Brown and hazel eyes are very common among native Brits, more than anywhere else in northern Europe, and I do not think this means they are less steppe derived either, just that they have a different phenotype. Literally does not make them meds, nor am I implying it does.

01-08-2024, 03:31 AM
I am not Jewish.

How would you classify Rose's brother?
https://i0.wp.com/thelaterals.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/GEORGE_BYRNE_THE_LATERALS_13330030.jpg?fit=1326%2C 2000&ssl=1

01-08-2024, 03:37 AM
She's Gaelic? I thought that she was Nigerian.

01-08-2024, 08:42 AM
I thought that she was Nigerian.


01-08-2024, 11:56 AM

All Gaelic women have red hair and green eyes. Rose is a Plastic Patty.

01-09-2024, 02:06 AM
All Gaelic women have red hair and green eyes. Rose is a Plastic Patty.

That's a stereotype.

01-09-2024, 02:16 AM
That's a stereotype.

Come on now. Did you actually take me as serious? ;)

01-10-2024, 03:34 AM
Come on now. Did you actually take me as serious? ;)

I recognised you're trolling now.

01-10-2024, 04:16 AM
I recognised you're trolling now.

You know what they say. Better late than never.