View Full Version : Arrested as a German Spy - As he spoke Welsh in Scotland

03-16-2009, 11:54 AM
HIS was the remarkable tale of the prisoner of war escapee arrested as a German spy – for speaking Welsh on his return to British soil.

Such was the climate of fear in wartime Scotland that when Welsh-speaker William Roberts landed back in the UK his lack of English placed his life in danger.

His daughter, Assembly Member Joyce Watson, has now spoken of her father’s incredible ordeal and revealed how it ensured she was never taught Welsh as a child.

William Roberts was a farm worker in Llanbrynmair, near Welshpool when, aged 21, he was called up to the Royal Welch Fusiliers in 1940. Despite being a first language Welsh speaker with a poor grasp of English, he received just three weeks of English tuition before being sent to the frontline.

After being captured during the D-Day landings he was made a prisoner of war, during which time he learned a little bit of English, Polish, German and French.

Ms Watson said treatment was harsh but his farming background helped him survive as the Germans needed him as a farm worker to ensure they had enough food.

His prison job gave him some freedom to move around the camp and one night he cut a hole in the fence and escaped. Despite being shot at and losing his big toe as a result of his injuries, he eventually found safe haven on a British ship which was headed to Scotland.

But when the ship docked he was faced with another ordeal when he was arrested as a spy because he responded better to the authorities when they asked him questions in German than in English.

“My father had made his escape with little English but when he arrived in Scotland and was speaking Welsh he was arrested,” said the AM for Mid and West Wales. “It was only by luck that somebody then realised that the language he was speaking was Welsh.”

His war experience convinced him that he didn’t want his children to go through the same thing as – like many of his generation he feared there would be another war – so he refused to speak Welsh at home. But as an adult Mrs Watson has made it her mission to rewrite the past and learn her father’s native tongue.

“I don’t understand why so many young men were sent off to war so ill-prepared,” she said.

“It happened to many people not just my father, so many young Welsh men were sent to the frontline and could barely communicate with the soldiers they were serving alongside.”

Mr Roberts remained in active service as a staff sergeant until 1964.

Having discovered a flair for languages as a prisoner he put this talent to good use working for the British army as a translator.

While on service in Scotland in Camp Hamilton in Stranraer he met his future wife Jean. In 1947 the couple were married and settled in Pembrokeshire to raise their eight children – four daughters and four sons, while he served with the Royal Artillery in Manorbier.

Mrs Watson who is Labour’s Rural Affairs Spokeswoman sent her children to Welsh language schools, and is now learning Welsh.

She said: “I lost out on my heritage because of my father’s experiences. I’m proud of his achievements, but I wish he’d taught me Welsh as a child.

“I’m glad that we all now have the chance to learn Welsh. I had a real desire to learn Welsh as an adult. I am proud of the revival in the language and I think it is important to speak Welsh in terms of understanding our cultural heritage.”


03-16-2009, 12:12 PM
I am proud of the revival in the language and I think it is important to speak Welsh in terms of understanding our cultural heritage.

What a racist! :D

My Uncle is a Welshman. Married an Englishwoman and had all his children in Wales. Holidays in Wales. Maintains good relations with family and friends from his village in Wales, but can't speak Welsh fluently.

It is a shame that cultures and communities have suffered a loss in stride in maintaining and protecting their language and customs, but it seems Wales is doing more than adequately in countering that problem.

I just wish the English and England could/would do the same.