View Full Version : Math is racist

10-30-2019, 01:40 AM


The Lawspeaker
10-30-2019, 01:56 AM
At this point, the Left has become a shit test and they are beginning to be put down.

10-30-2019, 02:15 AM
That is why Asians are so good at it

10-30-2019, 02:15 AM
It's science


10-30-2019, 02:19 AM
that lady didn't really articulate her position very well. maybe she didn't have enough time or something. I still don't know why she thinks math is racist...

And why did she admit to being racist "occasionally"... I understand that some of these people have a guilt complex but that was very cringeworthy and weird.....

10-30-2019, 02:39 AM
She couldn't give a single reason to support her claims. It seems leftists pick something random every week to declare as racist.

10-30-2019, 02:53 AM
that lady didn't really articulate her position very well. maybe she didn't have enough time or something. I still don't know why she thinks math is racist...

And why did she admit to being racist "occasionally"... I understand that some of these people have a guilt complex but that was very cringeworthy and weird.....

Math isn't racist math is an intellectual tool that can mirror reality that is why it works so good in the sciences like physics because physics is the ultimate reality of the universe. Rather , what she was trying to say is that she thinks that statistics and other parts of math have been used in a racist fashion. However, even if she was able to establish that fact she would have to prove things like that statistics does not prove that blacks have lower IQs or that the G factor is a social construct. So to prove her point she would have had to do two things and she was not even clear minded enough to do the first because she is stupid.

I give you an analogy. Let us take the premise that a gun is a tool and guns also happen to be used by some racists to kill minorities. It does not necessarily follow that guns are racist anymore than axes. She is a complete idiot.

They must be handing out doctorates like candy nowadays. Where the fuck is my PHd motherfuckers ! ?

11-02-2019, 03:06 PM

11-02-2019, 03:29 PM
Leftism is a mental disease, that is indeed the only possible explanation.

11-02-2019, 03:31 PM
It's official, "woke culture" is nearly gone and buried.

Good news, guys!

11-02-2019, 04:49 PM

11-02-2019, 04:51 PM
I agree with the title

11-02-2019, 05:07 PM
I think it's wrong to just focus on math though.......

Chemistry is sexist....
Psychology is anti-semitic...
physics is homophobic.....

And I almost forgot to mention.... Geography is islamophobic...