View Full Version : Classify Finnish figure skater

10-31-2019, 12:36 AM
How would you classify this odd looking woman? Some sort of Lappish/East Baltic type?


10-31-2019, 12:39 AM
East Baltid + Uralid. Probably only passes in Finland and parts of Russia.

Not a Cop
10-31-2019, 01:04 AM

10-31-2019, 01:22 AM

10-31-2019, 11:09 AM
Fenno Nordid, Lappid, Uralid.

10-31-2019, 11:26 AM
She is actually from the Western Finnish province of Southern Ostrobothnia that is geographically very near to a region where they speak Swedish. Although their dialect is supposed to have similarities to the historical Kvaen language that was spoken by Savonian Finns who migrated to Northern Norway and Sweden. Of course, all of her ancestors do not have to have been born there either. Regardless, I think that this goes to show that the difference between Western and Eastern Finland is exaggerated.

As for classification, East Baltid.

10-31-2019, 11:39 AM
North Lappid

10-31-2019, 12:19 PM
She's a speed skater and not a figure skater.

She has a fairly elongated face, which makes her look less East Baltid. However Bertil Lundman, who coined the terms Tavastid and Savolaxid, said that compared to Tavastids, Savolaxids have slightly higher faces (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/rastyper-04.htm):

a) tavasttypen, under svensk medellängd (c. 170 cm.) undersätsig särskilt bredaxlad och grov med korta ben och medellånga armar. Huvudet kort (BLI c. 82-83) och högt (HLI c. 76) med platt nacke, f. ö. stort brett och knotigt (A I c. 85). Stort fyrkantigt något platt ansikte med brant profil, hög bred panna samt bred vinklig och plump föga framskjutande haka. Nedtill bred men ofta spetsig uppnäsa. Håret grågult rätt strävt och ögonen gråblacka, glanslösa, ögonspringan smal, men ej sned. Ögonbrynen tunna och skäggväxten svag. Grov, grågulaktig hy, svagt utvecklad örläpp. Utbredning: V. Finland, V. Estland och ehuru sällsyntare väster ut till Elbe.

b) Savolaxtypen. [2] Rätt småvuxen (c. 166 cm.), huvudet svagt kortskalligt (BLI c. 81-82) men dess mer högt (HLI c. 77) (A I 80-85); ansiktet brett men ej stort; näsan kort och bred, mindre spetsig än hos föregående. Mest blond, fast håret väl ofta går i något mörkare cendré än hos föregående typ. Utbredning: öster om föregående inåt Ryssland, och söder ut mot Karpaterna.

She has highly positive canthal tilt, which I think is a very kawaii feature. I have found that canthal tilt is one of the best predictors of overall facial attractiveness, and it is one dimension in which bigger is almost always better. I think the common wisdom that average facial features look better than extreme features is wrong in the case of many facial parameters.

Even among East Asians, better-looking people tend to have high canthal tilt even by Asian standards, like in these morphs of Japanese volleyball players:


The page for the East Baltid type at SNPA says, "As for the shape of the eyes, they are frequently oblique, and more often so than in any other Europid type. This essentially Lappoid feature may be accompanied by partial or full epicanthus." (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/rg-east.htm) (I guess SNPA didn't count Lappid as a Europid type.)

Her mom was also an olympic speed skater, and she also has highly positive canthal tilt:


She doesn't have true epicanthic folds, but she still has clearly visible folds that continue along the eyesockets after the inner corner of the eyes. I don't know if it still counts as "epicanthus palpebralis".


She is actually from the Western Finnish province of Southern Ostrobothnia that is geographically very near to a region where they speak Swedish. Although their dialect is supposed to have similarities to the historical Kvaen language that was spoken by Savonian Finns who migrated to Northern Norway and Sweden. Of course, all of her ancestors do not have to have been born there either. Regardless, I think that this goes to show that the difference between Western and Eastern Finland is exaggerated.

Her surname also comes from Ostrobothnia: https://www.tuomas.salste.net/suku/nimi/risku.html.