View Full Version : Classify Nenets girl

11-05-2019, 02:50 PM

11-05-2019, 02:54 PM

11-05-2019, 03:06 PM
Samoyedic + East Nordid.

11-05-2019, 03:09 PM
Samoyedic + East Nordid.

Yeah, she looks like a blend of mongoloid and white caucasian.

11-05-2019, 03:27 PM
She has Nenets name and surname. Most likely she's Forest Nenets.


В антропологическом плане ненцы относятся к уральской контактной малой расе, для представителей которой свойственно сочетание антропологических признаков, присущих как европеоидам, так и монголоидам. В связи с широким расселением, ненцы антропологически делятся на ряд групп, демонстрирующих основную тенденцию понижения доли монголоидности с востока на запад. Небольшая степень выраженности монголоидного комплекса фиксируется у лесных ненцев. Общая картина сопровождается дискретной, очаговой локализацией европеоидных и монголоидных черт, что объясняется, как межэтническими контактами, так и относительной изоляцией отдельных территориальных групп ненцев.

Google translate.

In anthropological terms, the Nenets belong to the Ural contact small race, for the representatives of which is characterized by a combination of anthropological features inherent in both Caucasians and Mongoloids. Due to the wide settlement, the Nenets anthropologically divided into a number of groups, demonstrating the main tendency to reduce the proportion of Mongoloid from East to West. A small degree of severity of the Mongoloid complex is recorded in Forest Nenets. The overall picture is accompanied by a discrete, focal localization of Caucasoid and Mongoloid traits, which is explained both by interethnic contacts and the relative isolation of individual territorial groups of the Nenets.

11-05-2019, 04:45 PM
Lappid+Faelid and Nordid influence

11-05-2019, 07:00 PM
From Coon

Although the mongoloid character of the Samoyed may easily be seen in their flattish, round faces, everted lips, and up-tilted, low-bridged nose, and in their scarcity of beard, one cannot call them purely or completely mongoloid. Photographs of Samoyeds show a considerable number with partially European features. Sommer's data on hair and eye color, again, shows some thirty per cent with mixed or light eyes, and the same number with hair ranging from medium brown to blond. As with the Lapps, the women are notably darker in hair and eye color than the men.

11-05-2019, 07:54 PM
Sub-Samoyedic? (That's a term I just invented as an analogy to sub-Uralid and sub-Lappid.) She could pass in Finland.

Her face is at least 10/10. Girls like that who look like they have no eyelids don't even have to wear any eye makeup. A lot of white girls have pretty bad eyebags, so they look like zombies without eye makeup.

I think the non-prominence of the eyelids is one of the best predictors of overall attractiveness, as in these morphs of players in different sports tournaments and leagues. Each morph consists of around 20-50 persons who I chose as having either the least prominent or the most prominent eyelids out of around 100-400 persons. In each case, the morph of the persons with the least prominent eyelids also ended up having a wider face than the morph of the persons with the most prominent eyelids.


In the image below, I think the Khanty morphs have eyes that look the most clear or alert, because they have the least prominent eyelids and the highest canthal tilt. The Baltic Finnic morphs have eyes that look more sad, because they have more prominent eyelids and lower canthal tilt. (There weren't enough photos of Nenetses to do good morphs.)


11-06-2019, 03:51 PM

11-09-2019, 06:23 PM


11-18-2020, 10:50 PM
we need more Nenets women